Alternative Cancer Treatments

Why chemotherapy and radiation
patients should take vitamins
You may have heard that cancer patients shouldn't take vitamins. This is the conventional way of thinking in cancer treatment today. But is it the right way to think?

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Most doctors would say yes. In fact, I recently had a patient who developed breast cancer. Her oncologist not only did not discuss diet, stress, nutritional therapies, or detoxification with her, but he actually cautioned her against taking "any vitamins of any kind." His reasoning was that anything that helps healthy cells must also be helping cancers cells. This thinking not only makes no sense, it also has no scientific basis. Cancer cells are abnormal cells. What helps normal cells is unlikely to help cancer cells.

Plus, if you follow this line of thinking, then you should avoid all nutrition to kill cancer cells. Eating anything could help the cancer cells grow. And, taking this a step further, we would all die of cancer because nutrition feeds cancer — and we all get some level of nutrition every day. We know this isn't true. So the thinking is completely off.
And yet it persists. One recent article by an oncologist issued a warning against the use of antioxidants with either chemotherapy or radiation therapy. The article was typical in that it made only theoretical arguments. The oncologist presented no actual hard clinical data to support her conclusions. Ironically, the author was willing to accept her theoretical reasoning but not the theoretical reasoning of those who disagree.
Worse yet, the author selectively omitted all of the major studies that contradicted her conclusions. For example, the article grossly overstated how antioxidant therapy supposedly interferes with anti-cancer therapy. In fact, the majority of studies published demonstrate the opposite. Clinical studies show that taking high-dose antioxidants during either chemotherapy or radiation therapy usually improves the effects of these treatments.

If oncologists would just be familiar with the natural medicine literature and trust nature just a little bit, maybe the outcome of cancer would be better. Why not maximize their immune systems at the same time they are receiving such toxic treatment? It surely won't hurt, and it just might help. Why not aggressively detoxify them during and after the treatments? Why not follow them for years, continually reminding them that they are at risk and need to be paying much more attention to their lifestyle habits than the average person? Why not offer them programs of super nutrition? Why not?

One such mainstream group is doing exactly this. Cancer Treatment Centers of America is offering nutrition and herbs, along with the traditional chemo and radiation. A recent study shows that the nutrition is improving their results. They recently released survival scores for various lengths of time after treatment. Listed below is the Cancer Treatment Centers of America versus the conventional survival score for breast cancer:

Years After TreatmentCancer Treatment Centers of AmericaConventional Survival Score
0.5 years93%71%
1 year88%60%
1.5 years76%51%
2 years63%44%
2.5 years56%37%
3 years46%32%
3.5 years42%29%

I don't think Cancer Treatment Centers goes far enough. They put a face of holistic medicine on their approach, but it's not enough. However, these results show you how much nutrition can improve your chances if you have cancer. If a little nutrition treatment helps this much, why not use real nutritional approaches that can really make a difference. I see how well it can work all the time.
If you have cancer, find an integrative physician who has had success treating cancer with vitamins and other holistic treatments. Your life depends on it. And a 29% survival rate after three years from conventional medicine isn't good enough when your life is on the line.
Finding your Real Cures,
Frank Shallenberger, MD
D'Andrea GM. Use of antioxidants during chemotherapy and radiotherapy should be avoided. CA Cancer J Clin. 2005 Sep-Oct;55(5):319-21.
Moss RW. Should patients undergoing chemotherapy and radiotherapy be prescribed antioxidants? Integr Cancer Ther. 2006 Mar;5(1):63-82.

5 Surprising Things That Cause Cancer

By Nick Tate
Smoking, obesity, and unhealthy diets are the biggest risk factors for cancer. But a range of other little-known factors you may not know about can also lead to deadly cancer.
“The best cancer weapon is prevention — equal parts awareness and action. While smoking and obesity are known cancer risks, there are lesser-known conditions and lifestyle choices that can make you more susceptible to a cancer diagnosis,” said Dr. Mehmet Oz.
“Additionally, while exercise and a balanced diet are known to improve your health, there are other activities and practices you can incorporate into your life to decrease your risk.”
Here’s a look at five surprising things that many people are unaware can raise their risk of cancer, based on research compiled and cited by the American Cancer Society, Environmental Protection Agency, and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
1. Night shift work: Women who work a night shift at least three nights a month — for example, nurses or 911 dispatchers — face an increased risk of colorectal and breast cancer, according to several studies cited by the American Cancer Society. Recent research, published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, has also concluded that men who work the night shift face a three times greater risk of prostate cancer than those who maintain more traditional work hours.
That study, conducted by scientists at the University of Quebec and the Centre INRS-Institut Armand-Frappier, found night-shift workers face greater risks for cancers of the lung, colon, rectum, bladder, and pancreas, as well. The researchers suggested this might be due to changes in levels of melatonin — a naturally occurring hormone that responds to changes in light — in the body. Sleep loss may be another factor.
What you can do: If you can’t cut back on your night-shift hours, health experts recommend taking melatonin supplements and making sure to get sufficient sleep during the day — in a darkened room — to boost your immune system. Some companies are also experimenting with different kinds of artificial lighting that don't affect melatonin production, so it might be worth asking your employer about those possibilities.
2. Birth control pills: Women using birth control pills have been found to have a slightly greater risk of breast cancer than women who have never used them, the American Cancer Society notes. The risk seems to go back to normal over time once the pills are stopped. Women who stopped using oral contraceptives more than 10 years ago do not appear to have any increased breast cancer risk.
Hormones are likely the culprit, experts say. Other factors related to female hormones — including early menstruation, late menopause, and estrogen therapy — have also been implicated in breast cancer risk.
What you can do: If you’re considering using oral contraceptives, experts recommend discussing other potential risk factors for breast cancer with your doctor. You may also want to consider alternate forms of contraception or try to balance other cancer risks by engaging in healthy lifestyle behaviors you can control. For instance, exercise, eating a healthy diet, and having children before the age of 30 (and breastfeeding) have all be shown to reduce the risk of breast cancer.
3. Too little sunlight: Too much exposure to ultraviolet rays from the sun is a well-known risk factor for deadly melanoma and other skin cancers. But what you may not know is that sunlight also activates a chemical in the skin that produces vitamin D, an essential vitamin necessary for many bodily functions, with potential proactive properties against some cancers — including those of the colon, rectum, and pancreas, according to the American Cancer Society. The key is making sure to get some sun exposure, but not overdoing it.
What you can do: Realize that ultraviolet radiation (UVA and UVB rays) can cause melanoma and other types of skin cancer. And not enough sunlight can cause vitamin D deficiency, a recently proposed suspect in cancer of the colon, rectum and pancreas. You can also get vitamin D from supplements and some fortified foods, such as milk.
4. Risky sex: Viruses and bacteria don't cause many cancers, but there are a few noteworthy sexually transmitted infections that play a major role. Human papillomavirus (HPV) is the cause of almost all cervical cancers and some cancers of the anus, vagina, vulva, penis, mouth, and throat, according to the CDC. Hepatitis B and C infections can also cause liver cancer. People infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) are at greater risk of lymphoma and Kaposi's sarcoma.
What you can do: The CDC recommends young girls and boys receive HPV vaccination at age 11 or 12 years. HPV vaccines are also recommended for teens who did not get the vaccine when they were younger, young women through age 26 and young men through age 21. There are two vaccines, Gardasil and Cervarix. The vaccines are given as a series of three shots over 6 months to protect against HPV infection and the health problems that HPV infection can cause. Health experts also recommend adults be tested for HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases to know their status, get appropriate treatment, and reduce the risk of spreading the infection to other partners.
5. Age: The leading cancer risk factor is the one we rarely even think about: growing older. Although cancer can occur at any age, most cancers are diagnosed in people older than 65, when cells begin to deteriorate and the body's natural protective mechanisms begin to fail, the American Cancer Society notes.
What you can do: Although you can’t control advancing age, health experts note that you can mitigate the impacts of aging and reduce your cancer risks by making lifestyle changes you can control. Among them:
  • Maintain a healthy weight.
  • Get moving with regular physical activity.
  • Eat a healthy diet, including plenty of fruits and vegetables.
  • Limit how much alcohol you drink (if you drink at all).
  • Avoid tobacco.
  • Protect your skin.
  • Know yourself, your family history, and your risks.
  • Have regular check-ups and cancer screening tests.

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Рецепт для тех кто болеет неподдающимся ORTHODOX лечению видом рака.

Вещества ингридиентов этого рецепта бьют по раковым клеткам изнутри и изо всех сторон, автор рецепта утверждает что близкая родственница польностью избавилась от неизлечимого официальными методами вида рака.В рецепт входят :
1 Парное молоко 
2 Местный чистый мед
3 Цедра цитруса
4 Папая
5 Сок Алое
6 Масло семян Льна холодного отжима, органическое
7 Лесные ягоды
8 Порошок из пророщенных зеленых отростков пшеницы
9 Сердцевина абрикосовых косточек
10 Трифала порошок ,сода , гравиола
Если каких то ингридиентов не достает , надо использовать то что имеется в наличии.
Насчет пропорций надо уточнить, просмотрев еще раз видео.
Если будут вопросы , пишите в форуме на
Bозможно рецепт может пригодиться тем от кого уже успела отказаться официальная медицина и у кого она уже успела отнять много денег. Автору доверяю, потому что он имеет огромный авторитет благодаря своим очень актуальным и правдивым публикациям, этот человек не станет портить свой авторитет, завоеванный книгой, продавая ложный рецепт.

Копия письма - ответа знакомой на ее запрос выслать ей информацию о методах восстановления организма , применяемых в ведущих альтернативных клиниках мира. Информацию я собираю несколько лет и покупая литературу и подписавшись на нескольких Американских докторов, которые применяют альтернативные методы, потому что заинтересованы не в притуплении симптом а в исцелении пациента. Эти методы не практикуются официальной медициной по причине бизнеса на болезнях. Эти методы ни коем образом не повредят ортодоксальному лечению, т.к они В ОТЛИЧИИ ОТ ОРТ. МЕТОДОВ НАПРАВЛЕНЫ НА УСТРАНЕНИЕ ПРИЧИН КОРНЕЙ БОЛЕЗНИ.

Муж сыроедки Виктории Бутенко (о ней и ее муже Игоре Бутенко, i ee sestre полно инфо в гугле и ютюбе) вылечил последнюю стадию рака щитовидки, после многих операций врачи списали его а он перешел на сыроедение и не только он вся семья вылечились и от Астмы, и от Диабета и от проблем с сердцем.
Я разыскала все ссылки: B первых двух я веду ветвь  там много мной описано, на основании моих поисков.

В Третьей ссылке женщина которую я не знаю очень рекомендует Протосель.
В Четвертой ссылке VVVVV из Киева не только пишет о пройденных этапах лечения рака у отца, она и обо мне упоминает( чересчур меня расхваливая). Отец VVVVV стал принимать курс Кэнтрона CANTRON ( та же формула что и протосель) WWW.CANTRON.COMпосле того как моя мама закончила принимать курс. Мне VVVVV сказала что опухоли в брюшине значительно уменьшились, не растут вообще , но и не исчезли полностью. Отец мог бы принимать второй курс , но решили подождать. В итоге Кентроном они довольны. Мама принимала Кентрон 4 месяца. На ютюбе имеется несколько очень убедительных отзывов о препарате Кентрон CANTRON и потом уже 10 лет на яху существует группа людей вылечившихся Kентроном.
Зато о пророселе есть Сайт Американки Элайн, на ее сайте размещены отзывы 40 человек, которые как и Элайн избавились от рака употребляя Протосель.
Ссылку на сайт Элайн вы найдете по первых двух ссылках. Не пропустите ссылки и о Паупау, он работает вместе с протоселем и Кентроном так же как и Лапачо кора Северноамериканского дерева, которой лечились от рака индейцы Америки на протяжении веков. Мама принимала все 3 и приобрела с одного сайта
Вот очень важная ссылка для тех кто интересуется протоселем
Здесь речь на английском языке о протоселе ведет не пациент... а доктор (не натуропат) представитель официальной медицины, который клеймит Химиотерапию и очень рекомендует Кэнтрон,  здесь же он предупреждает что вместе с Кэнтроном ili PROTOCEL нельзя принимать препараты предназначенные для щитовидки, сведет к нулю весь эффект.

Теперь от себя С Кентроном или Протоселем очень желательно принимать ПауПау и лапачо, по ссылкам узнаете подробнее, и категорически нельзя пропускать дозу, строго каждые 4 часа, и днем и ночью. Мама через все это прошла, только после 4 месяцев курса она стала принимать фитопланктоны, оксигенативную диету бадвиг, которую потом заменила на Хомозон и YES PARENT OIL, грибы i VITAMIN C раньше начала принимать. Мне известно и то (с книги на англ языке) , что были случаи когда человеку требуется двойной и даже тройной курс, потому что во время 4х месячного приема Протоселя опухоли уменьшались и прекращали расти , а после окончания курса снова начинали расти. У каждого своя степень запущенности организма, МЕТАБОЛИЗМ И ДНК от коррекции которого в отдельных случаях многое зависит.
Об этом почти не пишут, а я об этом узнала из видео о методах борьбы с раком : 
ссылки на те бесценные воркшопы о лечении рака в которых делятся методами мировых экспертов- онкологов ( к сожалению на английском)

Вот поэтому моя мама проходила определенные процедуры, а именно кофеиновые клизмы - (внедренные Доктором Максом Герсоном) , ощелачивающая диета - много зеленых коктеклей ( включающих лебеду, сныть , амарант......)  и сухофруктов  ( VIKTORIA BUTENKO). Я научилась сама сочинять вкусные рецепты, правда не много, потому что сама уже несколько месяцев на сыроедении, сначала трудновато,  но потом на варенную еду смотреть не хочется.
Без соблюдения кислотно- щелочного балланса рак трудно победить. Протосель или Кэнтрон нельзя принимать с большим количеством витамина С или лимонного сока, а при приеме экстрактов грибов, требуется некоторое количество лим сока или настоящего С , не синтетического.
 Очень важен детокс для того что бы повысить иммунитет.
Ни Кэнтрон ни Протосель не имеют ни малейшего побочного эффекта, даже если выпить лошадинную дозу. Эти препараты считаются сильнейшими антиоксидантами.
Вот что еще... изучая англоязычые материалы и русскоязычные, я усвоила то что одним помогает какое бы то ни было лечение а другим нет. Причина в разности метаболизма и ДНК.

От знакомого, который знаком с Изобретателем противораковой  вакцины Лейкозав, тоже слыхала что в измененном ДНК кроется причина невыживаемости.
Недавно узнала о том что один человек в России лечит путем возвращения ДНК на прежний уровень (если можно так выразиться). Поэтому на всякой случас высылаю вам координаты этого человека, которых многих вылечил с помощью коррекции ДНК    Богдан Кристов  
 ЗВОНИТЬ +7919 995 9005!
О нем я знаю столько же сколько знаете вы, поэтому рекомендую вам поискать о нем отзывы.
Я полагаю что если человек не в состоянии осилить те или иные методы лечения все сразу,
то лечение путем коррекции ДНК необходимо планировать на крайний случай.
Здесь ссылка (англ язык) о людях победивших рак щитовидки - thyroid cancer

Еще обратите внимание на методику Алфей, Сергея Алфеевича, видео его лекций на ютюбе есть.

А книги можно приобрести на его сайте, кое что бесплатно есть
Мама в начале болезни сильно упала духом, т.к родственники избегали разговоров с ней на тему онкологии, а по тв пропагандировали Х/Т и радиацию. Я с ней договорилась так  Мам, давай представим что ты в настоящем, то есть на этом берегу, а перед тобой мост - это твое альтернативное лечение и процедуры и что после преодоление пути через мост ты окажешься на ТОМ берегу, где о болезни ты больше вспоминать не будешь, т.к будешь счастлива и здорова. 
 А теперь , мам несмотря что в физическом плане ты только вошла на мост, в ментально- эмоциональном представь что ты прямо сейчас переносишься на тот берег и с этого момента 
ты всегда представляешь себя там, и мост навсегда исчез, никогда больше не оглядываешься назад, и тебя больше нет страха. Мама поступила так. Оказывается Луиза Хей написала книгу, и в этой книге она рекомендует примерно такой же переход в будущее, обьясняя это тем что  наши мысли выбрируя притягивают именно те события, которые мы утверждаем мысленно.
Некоторые из ее читателей вылечили рак используя рекомендации Луизы Хэй. 
Возможно что подобное поведение влияет на ДНК, корректируя  и потому люди выздоравливают.
Kогда в жизни были трудности я использовала этот метод.
Наберите в ютюбе слово Луиза Хэй, и просмотрите о ней видео, к счастью, переведенные на русский язык. 

Луиза Хей
американская писательница, основательница издательского дома Hay Hause
8 октября 1926
87 лет назад Луиза Хей
Луиза Хей
Луиза Хей родилась 8 октября 1926 года в Лос-Анджелесе, в бедной неблагополучной семье. Воспитывали девочку мать, которая практически все время проводила на работе прачкой, и отчим, страдающий от алкоголизма. Девочка росла в атмосфере, где слова «мораль», «нравственность» и «этикет» были пустыми звуками.
К оскорблениям и сексуальному унижению девочка подверглась уже с пяти лет, быть может, поэтому она с четырнадцати лет вела абсолютно аморальный и распущенный образ жизни. И в пятнадцать лет от одной из таких половых связей она родила ребенка, которого вскоре усыновила другая семья.
Попав в модельный бизнес, она очень быстро нашла себе богатого покровителя, который баловал Луизу, к тому же вскоре взял ее в жены.
Образцовой жены из нее не получилось, поэтому брак распался через два года.
Хэй снова вернулась в модельный бизнес и к привычному для себя развязному образу жизни. Из этого порочного круга ей помогли выбраться психологические лекции, на которые она попала случайно.

Идеи «позитивного мышления» так глубоко тронули Луизу, что она очень быстро начала менять свое отношение к жизни и себе самой, за короткий срок, превратившись из «патологической жертвы и ничтожества» в достойную женщину и сильную личность. 
Научилась любить себя и радоваться жизни. Она нашла в себе силы побороть страшную болезнь.
Сейчас она издает книги, являясь автором более 15 бестселлеров, ее статьи печатаются в разных журналах, только с одной целью – помогать людям научиться жить и получать от этого удовольствие.,or.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.45645796,d.aGc&fp=8d48ad50e27c32fb&biw=910&bih=370

 ссылки на те бесценные воркшопы о лечении рака в которых делятся методами мировых экспертов- онкологов ( к сожалению на английском)
Они не вечны, если есть знакомые , владеющие английским, просмотрите с ними, они вам будут благодарны за эти видео,так же как благодарны зрители этих видео из разных стран, оставившие отзывы под этими видео. Эти видео воркшопы очень нужны даже здоровым людям, что бы избежать болезней в старости, не быстро стареть. Лекции не легко воспринимаются даже медиками, надо пересматривать по второму разу что бы усвоить.
Но есть легкоусвояемые примеры оказывается сырое яйцо, добавленное в коктейль из фруктов овощей и зелени еще больше усилит детокс, а из зелени лучше выбрать кориандр для скорейшего выделения токсинов из крови. 
И вместо рыбьего жира лучше принимать масла из зерен нескольких растений Y.E.S essential parent oil ,потому что в нашей диете находится больше омеги 6 чем омеги 3 а в этой капсуле правильное соотношение Омеги 3 к Омеге 6. Пропорция парентал ойл разрабона ученым, доктором , профессором Brian Peskin, состоит из высококачественных растений , выращенных органическим методом. Почему Профессор Пескин считает рыбьий жир вредным можно узнать здесь
По этой ссылке не только самая реальная цена Y.E.S масла, но ДАЖЕ ДОСТАВКА БЕСПЛАТНО, если заказать сразу 5 .

Tакже в лекциях Маркуса говорится о том что популярная на Западе гормонозаменяющая терапия (из мочи беременной лошади) способствовала развитию рака молочной железы у многих поколений тех женщин, которые прошли эту терапию, потому что им настоятельно рекомендовала официальная медицина. Доктора на которых я подписалась утверждают что это правда и доказано. Вместо гормонозаменяющей терапии лучше почитать эту книгу   : PM Phytogen Complex от фирмы Солгар содержит пуэрарию , тем у кого онкологии нет очень рекомендуется, считается что не только заменяет гормоны , но и предотвращает онкологию, но тем у кого есть подозрения на онкологию то соглассно одному русскоязычному источнику лучше воздержаться, а в англоязычных источниках подтверждения нет. Пуэрария столетиями используется в Таиланде это считалось секретом древних Таиландких монахов.
 На других сайтах за то же самое масло той же самой фирмы запрашивают вплоть до двойной стоимости плюс пересылка. Благо из Америки в СНГ доставляют, а ведь есть сайты где доставка ограничена. Статью о Профессоре Браяне Пескине и о том что он пишет о рыбьем жире надо перевести, рыбжир не рекомендуется диабетикам, он пишет о том насколько важно наличие EFAs в организме для метаболизма, а Маркус Freudeman в своих воркшопах ( ссылки на которые я разместила выше повествует о том что одна из причин того почему одни вылечиваются от онкологии а другие нет заключается в метаболизме.
Некоторые мои родственники и семья, даже мои подростки принимают эти капсулы вместо рыбьего жира, потому что в рыбьем жире может быть и ртуть..... и что угодно, после Японской трагедии. Омегу организм не вырабатывает, а что бы клетка приняла молекулу кислорода у гемоглобина необходима дневная доза двух омег в строго соблюденной пропорции Профессором Пескиным.Если эту дозу не получаем, кислород выдыхаем, а клетка недополучившая кислород на 50 процентов...... превращается в раковую. Оксигенация важна для предотвращения всех болезней. И еще Y.E.S. масло очень рекомендуется при катаракте, есть один сайт - там подробней. Но в мире существует единственное средство которое способно развернуть вспять катаракт, при условии если катаракт в начальной стадии. Эти капли и капсулы были разработаны в России, но денег не хватало, подхвалили за рубежом, провели испытания на людях ( капли из натурального сырья, никакой химии , фармацевтики) чем раньше обнаружен катаракт , тем скорее он вылечивался. 
Что бы просмотреть еще несколько воркшопов и Маркуса из Австралии и других докторов экспертов, которых он пригласил в Австралию для участия в лекциях для простых онкологов и пациентов надо по этой ссылкеввести имя и имэйл, затем пройти в имэйл акаунт и утвердить подписку, и затем вам откроются 4 очень информативные лекции. Это лучшее из всего что мне удалось найти о природе рака и его лечении, даже мировой саммит по раку не содержит столько полезной информации от дипломированных специалистов , а не шарлатанов.
Сразу после проведения воркшопа эти лекции были не бесплатны, т.к почти год прошел их предоставляют для бесплатного просмотра.

Еще обратите внимание на Ст. Петербургскую компанию, выпускащую ПЕПТИДЫ ХАВИНСОНА.

У них есть и пептиды рекомендованные при ОНКОЛОГИИ. Я бы не советовала тратить деньги ни на какие бады, в них все равно нет полного списка всех аминокислот, минералов и витамин, которые находятся в морских фитопланктонах, которые нельзя принимать вместе с протоселем , только после курса.
В итоге 
САМОЕ ГЛАВНОЕ вам необходим 
1. ДЕТОКС, кофеиновые клизмы (Маркус очень рекомендует их) этот метод Др герсона вылечил многих онкобольных.
2 ОЩЕЛАЧИВАНИЕ организма (метод Др.Ревичи), что бы достичь кислотно щелочного балланса, при котором рак не развивается,  овощные соки , коктейли из зелени, нет сахару и мясу, на переваривание которого уходит энергия.
3 ОКСИГЕНАЦИЯ ( метод лечения рака Др Бадвиг) НО ТОЛЬКО ЭТОТ МЕТОД НЕ СОВМЕСТИМ С ПРИЕМОМ ПРОТОСЕЛЯ, только после курса. 
Эти методы и процедуры нужны для того чтобы после курса любого лечения, ВОССТАНОВИТЬ ИММУНИТЕТ. Для восстановления метаболизма парент ес ойл Омега масло, для восстановления ДНК, если в этом есть необходимость я написала выше к кому обращаться

Surprising discovery could help scientists refine treatment for advanced melanoma

Monday 1 February 2010  Cancer Research UK Press Release

A team of UK scientists has made the unexpected discovery that drugs which target a well known fault in a protein called BRAF could actually fuel the progression of cancer in some cases. The findings of this study, which was jointly funded by Cancer Research UK, The Institute of Cancer Research (ICR) and the Wellcome Trust are published in Cell.

Malignant melanoma is the most deadly form of skin cancer and is difficult to treat successfully once it has spread to other organs. The BRAF gene is faulty in about half of malignant melanomas and many other cancers, making it a suitable drug target. Drugs that block BRAF function in cells are already showing positive results in early clinical trials in melanoma patients in the US.
About half of the melanomas that do not have faults in BRAF have errors in a different protein called RAS. In this study, scientists examined the effect of drugs that block BRAF function on the melanomas with faulty RAS. They found that the drugs caused an unexpected activation of the processes that drive cancer cell growth. So one of the consequences of giving these drugs to patients with a faulty RAS gene is that the drug could encourage the melanoma to grow, rather than slow down.
Lead author Professor Richard Marais, a Cancer Research UK-funded scientist from The Institute of Cancer Research, said: “These unexpected findings give us much more insight into how BRAF drugs will behave in humans. These are preliminary laboratory findings, but they strongly suggest that BRAF drugs should not be given to patients who have faults in the RAS gene, because long-term use could accelerate tumour growth.
“This study highlights the importance of understanding the genetics of cancer to achieve therapeutic benefit. It will enable clinicians to select which patients they administer these drugs to, allowing them to personalise treatment for each patient. This research also provides the springboard for developing drugs that will work in patients whose tumours carry a faulty RAS gene.”
Dr Lesley Walker, director of cancer information at Cancer Research UK, said: “These findings provide an important insight into the genetic mechanisms of human cancer. They show how basic scientific research is vital to clinical care and emphasise the importance of understanding the makeup of individual cancers when using new targeted treatments of this type.
“The impact of this research will enable doctors’ testing BRAF inhibitors in the clinic to target the treatments more precisely to patients who will definitely benefit, and avoid treating those who won’t.”

Сегодня из Яху группы  всем пришло письмо с аудиофайлом известнейшего в мире Др. Гонзалеса, который успешно лечит рак используя протокол Др.Келли, который  направлен на то что бы гомеостаз исправить, ибо при правильном гомеостазе организм починит себя сам. Кратко о Др Келли :
Др. William Kelley- В 35лет рак поджелудочной железы, "врачи" - оперировать поздно. От X/T и R отказался сам. Резко перешел на вегосыроедение. Рост опухоли затормозил.
Начал принимать энзимы - опухоль начала уменьшаться, но  тошнота и рвота появились. Начал делать кофейные клизмы (на 2 литра воды 3-4 столовых ложек органического нерастворимого кофе, доводим до кипения и на маленьком огне кипятим еще 15 минут. Остужем, фильтруем, наливаем в кружку Эсмарха. Вводим, пытаемся удержать от 5-15 мин, выводим. И так 3-4 раза в день. ) Через год нету рака. Это и есть его протокол. Конечно его преследовали, лишали лайсенса (право вести практику) сажали, сжигали  его книги, но за 42 года он вылечил около 33000 человек. Прожив 42 года после диагностирования умер в 83 года от инфаркта.
Настоящую формулу энзимов Др Келли с соблюденными пропорциями можно приобрести исключительно на этом официальном сайте Dr. Kelley’s enzyme formula is proprietary and has never been duplicated and can only be purchased at
Dr. Kelley’s enzyme formula is proprietary and has never been duplicated and can only be purchased at

The Original Metabolic Medicine’s Cancer Cure

Dr. Kelley’s

Do-it-Yourself Book

one answer

to cancer

Reviewed after 32 years
1967 — 1999


Dr. William Donald Kelley, D.D.S., M.S.

by R. Webster Kehr

Independent Cancer Research Foundation, Inc.
This cancer protocol had a 93% cure rate on newly diagnosed cancer patients, even including pancreatic cancer and liver cancer. How could it be that successful? The core is the use of Dr. Kelley’s proprietary formula of enzymes, which are available through:
Kelley Metabolic
His son is still making them in the same way as his father. Dr. Kelley talked of the pancreas as being one of the main organs in defense of cancer. Why would he say that? The pancreas works with the liver to regulate insulin (a hormone) and it produces many enzymes (over 30) and some of them dissolve protein, like that of cancer cells.
Dr. Kelley learned this perspective from the famous embryologist John Beard. The Scottish embryologist, John Beard, who worked at the University of Edinburgh at the turn of the century, first proposed in 1906 that pancreatic proteolytic enzymes, in addition to their well-known digestive function, represent the body’s main defense against cancer.
Dr. Kelley, and John Beard before him, believed to defeat cancer you don’t create some new method of defense that does not mimic the human body, you create a method of defense that acts LIKE the human body, and the body uses pancreatic proteolytic enzymes in the natural fight against cancer.
What makes enzymes function well in the body are trace minerals and hormone balance, so Dr. Kelley provided support for both in his program? Dr. Kelley always said you have to bring the body back to homeostasis; that does not entail large dosages of strange items being put into the body. What does he mean by that?
High dose vitamin C can disrupt enzyme function. That is why Dr. Kelley did not use high dose vitamin C. He did believe the body needed plant enzyme function, so he endorsed and recommended high dose juicing of specific vegetable combinations, and he worked to rebuild the glandular function of the body with glandular supplements, until the body could provide its own glandular support.
Dr. Kelley saw a close correlation between diabetes and cancer and treated both in a similar fashion. Anyone who came to Dr. Kelley with cancer often had diabetes, and both were cure with his program. Dr. Kelley believed you had to detox very aggressively. He believed you could not aggressively kill cancer cells in a body already full of toxins or you contributed to a state of cachexia.
So part of his program was an aggressive detox program, done in sequence, very carefully. He said you should wait six months before doing a gallbladder flush or you may put a patient into a healing crisis they cannot handle. More about his program to handle and reverse cachexia later. (Cachexia is a condition that defeats 67% of all cancer patients so it is a force with which to be reckoned.)

Important Warning

The Kelley Protocol should only be a major part of a cancer protocol if the cancer patient is working with an expert in the Kelley Protocol, such as Mike Vrentas, Michael Rankin or John Kelley (the son of Dr. Kelley).
Why would this be important? It should be clearly understood that the 93% cure rate of Dr. Kelley was on newly diagnosed cancer patients. Typically, the cure rate on cancer patients who have had significant chemotherapy, radiation and surgery is only half of the cure rate for newly diagnosed cancer patients!!
That is why the Kelley Protocol must be part of a complete protocol or as a minimum the patient should work with an expert in the Kelley Protocol.
For example, the Kelly protocol is an integral part of the Cellect-Budwig Protocol, which is supported by Mike Vrentas, a cancer researcher since 2002 or before (that is how long I have known him). Because the Cellect-Budwig Protocol was designed for advanced cancer patients and includes several powerful protocols, in addition to the Kelly Protocol, the Cellect-Budwig is far more powerful than the Kelley Protocol by itself, especially for advanced cancer patients. See the Cellect-Budwig Protocol:
Cellect-Budwig Protocol
This is not to say that the Kelley Protocol, by itself, is not a powerful protocol, only that most of the experts will add things to it for specific reasons. Most natural cancer treatments designed by experts include multiple cancer treatments that are synergistic, but any one of the protocols can cure cancer by itself.

Metabolic Therapy

The body is a complicated metabolic complex of actions that cannot be ignored when choosinga program for healing. Dr. Kelley found that a person’s metabolic type and cancer type affected how he would treat them. In other words, should the body be kept acidic or if they should be made more alkaline.
So Dr. Kelley made the core of the Kelley program metabolic typing combined with the use of very powerful enzymes with proprietary ingredients. He supplied elements that boosted the immune system, added ingredients that supported proper digestion, healing of the gut, juicing to support the immune and body function, and managed the glandular and hormone system, while detoxing of the key organs and the body in general.
Dr. Kelley knew, based on John Beard’s work, the enzymes used for cancer must mimic the enzymes the body was originally designed to use to defeat cancer, and that is not plant-based based enzymes.
There are no stronger enzymes than the enzymes made with the same, proprietary formula as made by Dr. Kelley, found at . There are many enzymes made to mimic or just take advantage of the word “enzyme therapy” that are too weak to be effective, or enzymes from cows that are the same type of enzymes. The lay public can be easily fooled if they don’t know how to measure or obtain the assay of the enzymes they are buying. It is best to trust those designed by and made by the Kelley family.
The body is saturated with pancreatic proteolytic enzymes that work to dissolve the cancer cells; these enzymes cannot come from a cow, or a sheep, or a goat, but must come from an animal that can break down protein like that covering the cancer cell. The cheaper food grade or low assay enzymes that come from cows, etc. are inexpensive and help to break down a salad, but are not good for cancer.
If you used them the price of the enzyme appears to be low but you have to use 100 times the number of capsules to have any affect on the body, and it still does not affect cancer cells. They cannot be enteric coated or they do not work at the correct time. Neither Dr. Gonzales today, nor Dr. Kelley before him, used enteric coated enzymes.
They found the enteric coating was not only unnecessary, but negatively affected their use and timing of use in the human body. Pancreatic proteolytic enzymes, made properly, do not get damaged by stomach acid; this is a false assumption has been disproven by research where the same Kelley enzymes were boiled in stomach acid with no affect.
No program, but the Kelley Program, is based on the high dosages of Kelley proteolytic enzymes developed and still manufactured by Dr. Kelley’s formula. Dr. Kelley believed these “Kelley original enzymes” added to any protocol would make any program more effective if the use of them was supported like Dr. Kelley did with other enzyme support, immune support and hormone management. Remember, Dr. Kelley taught us that estrogen hormones promote cancer and is elevated in most cancer patients.
To defeat cancer is a tricky and complicated process. It helps a great deal to get advice from those familiar with the program and who have used the program. The professionals at have had 28 years of work with Dr. Kelley’s program, and have staff members who were trained by Dr. Kelley.
Dr. Nick Gonzalez learned of the success of the program by reviewing thousands of Dr. Kelley’s patient records. After working with and studying with Dr. Kelley for 5 years, he returned to New York and created his own program designed like Dr. Kelley. Dr. Gonzalez uses the Dr. Kelley program to cure cancer to this day including stage four cancers of all kinds, including pancreatic and liver cancer.
Dr. Nick Gonzalez wrote about his review of Dr. Kelley’s work and thousands of Dr. Kelley’s patients in his book “One Man Alone”. They were also in Dr. Kelley’s book “Curing the Incurable”. If these programs can help people heal from these “incurable” cancers, you can imagine what it will do for any other forms of cancer. Talk to Michael J. Rankin about this book and Dr. Kelley’s program.
DETOX WARNING: If you are an advanced cancer patient who has had a lot of chemotherapy, radiation or surgery it is essential that you work with a practitioner who knows how to heal the body with a safe detox, especially healing the gut, and who knows how to work WITH your metabolic type, and uses the combinations found in the “Kelley” program.
You cannot just take high dosages of some healing product without knowing the devastating implications of dumping more toxins into the clogged cleansing system of the body. If the cleansing system of the body were functioning well you would not have a problem, and you would not have pain. Pain in any patient must be dealt with using some system other than drugs, which further toxifies the body and feeds cancer cells. A link for a non-toxic program for pain will be found in the links at the bottom of the article.
Why is the metabolic part of Dr. Kelley’s program so important? Dr. Kelley believed a body brought back to homeostasis is a body that would heal. What does this mean?
Measuring pH: It is NOT sufficient to know the pH of the saliva and urine. Measurement of these numbers can be a deadly and misleading if you try to use this benchmark to monitor the effectiveness of any program, without knowing the pH of the blood, and you must know how to the pH of the blood to monitor a program correctly.
Many cancers should be managed with the pH more acidic, and some with the pH more alkaline. If your body is metabolically acid and your try a program like the Gerson program, you may become depressed and loose a great deal of weight and risk cachexia because you are an acid type.
If you have a soft tumor like leukemia, lymphoma, squamous cell carcinoma, sarcoma, and multiple myeloma, for example, and keep the body too alkaline, you will not thrive or survive. Remember, It is not urine or saliva pH alone that is important, but the addition of blood pH. Measuring only urine or saliva is very misleading and only tells you about your urine or saliva pH not your blood.
The Kelley Metabolic office can help arrange an inexpensive blood test for your pH. The Kelley program tests with ratios and blood pH. They also test with the CaProfile test at to monitor the patient progress. They do not recommend the Navarro test. It has not proved accurate or reliable.

Healing The Digestive System

The Kelley program works to heal the digestive system. If you don’t heal the digestive system the Gerson juicing, the Budwig program, etc. will not be broken down and become available to the body. If you add the “Kelley” original enzymes to any program, that program will become more effective, but you must heal the gut, the digestive system, in a very organized and methodical way as an integral part of your program. You can get more information on this at:
Dr. Kelley also formulated a powerful cachexia formula to help reverse late stage patients from cachexia, back to a normal digestion, so they could heal. It was very effective. Knowing how to heal the gut is the core of the program is to prevent cachexia from happening. Remember, cachexia happens when the practitioner or patients does not know how to heal or maintain a healthy digestive system, or the patient does not first detox the body adequately, and keep the toxins down, and begins some aggressive program to kill cancer cells in a body already overloaded with toxins. If you don’t heal the digestive system no program will work and it will only lead to cachexia.

How It Works

Metabolic therapy is similar to laetrile therapy, except that the focus is not on the laetrile molecule, but rather on 30 enzymes secreted by the pancreas. Trypsin and especially chymotrypsin, are among the 30 enzymes excreted by the pancreas, but not the only ones, and not in low dosages.
A close review was made of all other enzymes but the enzymes NOT created by Dr. Kelley and were found wanting. Metabolic therapy also focuses heavily on building the immune system, but it adds a liver, gallbladder, small intestine, lung and colon cleanse. These cleanses have to be guided by a trained practitioner or you can become very sick in a weakened state. There are many ways to detox safely; see guidance.
The professionals at are very helpful with detox and rebuilding the digestive system.

Metabolic Therapy

This is the treatment plan that had a well-documented 93% cure rate for about 33,000 patients newly diagnosed patients. Dr. Kelley said that if all of his patients did his protocol exactly as told, his cure rate would have been 97%.
I am not going to say much about this diet because it is somewhat complex. You will have to visit his website (link below) or read his book for the details. (
You can get a free copy of Dr. Kelley’s book at this web site.
The coffee enema is claimed to be critical to this diet, however, many people will not want to have the coffee enema. There are herb supplements to cleanse the liver that will help to cleanse the liver, but you must also cleanse the kidney, gallbladder and spleen, and they can be effective if done properly, in the right order, and carefully. If not done in proper order you overload an already clogged system.
Coffee enemas have been around for hundreds of years and are also part of the well-known Gerson Therapy. The Kelley Metabolic clinic has enema therapists who can help guide you in this process.
Dr. Gonzalez, working under an NIH grant, is doing research on the coffee enema. Dr. Gonzalez is using the full Dr. Kelley protocol including metabolic typing.
The developer of metabolic therapy, Dr. William Donald Kelley, a dentist by training, was severely persecuted by the medical establishment for his curing of cancer patients. The fact that he received so many referrals from his patients (as opposed to using advertising) is testimony of the effectiveness of his treatment protocol. Fortunately it is still available today. It is one of the least expensive therapies.
His first book: One Answer To Cancer,can be obtained from It is not a self-help book but provides an outline of the program. Dr. Kelley’s book “Curing the Incurable” will soon be rereleased. Register for it at Kelley Metabolic.
Dr. Nick Gonzalez book, “One Man Alone” covers many of the worst stage 4 cancer patients Dr. Kelley helped cure with his program. The five years of study of the Dr. Kelley program convinced Dr. Gonzalez to follow the lead of Dr. Kelley which he does to this day.
There are many attempts to sell enzymes and call them “Kelley” enzymes because the “Kelley” program is so successful and remains so today. Not all enzymes are the same. When your life is at risk, why take the chance of getting an inferior enzyme. Dr. Kelley’s enzyme formula is proprietary and has never been duplicated and can only be purchased at
Note: Dr. William D. Kelley died on January 30, 2005. His Metabolic Nutrition Group is still active, however.

Summary Comments

Dr. Kelley, and the current Dr. Kelley trained doctors are fond of saying, “if you have the will to live, the faith to survive, and the intelligence to think on your own, you have a good chance of survival with the Kelley program. Healing is not for the weak of heart or those with a lack of faith”.
Dr. Kelley did not like people to mix other treatments with his if it conflicted with his metabolic typing and for good reason. No other program has documented as many cures as Dr. Kelley. However, it must be kept in mind that the average cancer patient today, who seeks out natural medicine, has had significantly more orthodox cancer treatments than the cancer patients in Dr. Kelley's generation.
An alternative cancer treatment should be a complete treatment protocol.
Dr. Kelley's protocol appears to be a very effective Stage IV cancer protocol. The Kelley protocol includes a protocol to reverse and prevent cachexia.

Paw Paw is a little less expensive than Protocel ($35 as opposed to $50 per month) and has been shown effective against multiple drug resistance cells which Protocel has not been able to accomplish.

Ученые выяснили основную причину раковых заболеваний

Об этом пишут авторы исследования Рауль Мендес из Института биомедицины в Барселоне (Institute for Research in Biomedicine) и Пилар Наварро из Института больницы дель Мар в Барселоне (Hospital del Mar in Barcelona) в статье, опубликованной в журнале Nature Medicine.
По словам специалистов, нарушения в молекулярных  механизмах клетки приводят к развитию рака. Они уверены, что виновником подобных сбоев в генетике  клетки является белок CPEB4. «Для роста опухоли вовсе не обязательно снабдить клетки сотнями мутаций в разных генах. Если активировать матричную РНК (мРНК), то множество разных белков будут синтезироваться в больших количествах не в то время и не в том месте», — комментирует Мендес.

Ученые сравнили опухоли мозга, поджелудочной железы с нормальными тканями и выявили, что в клетках, пораженных раком, присутствует белок CPEB4, который является активатором многих мРНК. Соответственно, для роста опухоли достаточно, чтобы ген СРЕВ4 мутировал, а его активность, в свою очередь, негативно отразится на других белках.
«Ингибирование белка СРЕВ4 обеспечит эффективную антиопухолевую защиту с незначительными побочными реакциями, которые, к сожалению, трудно избежать», — говорит П. Наварро. При клинических исследованиях на мышах подавление СРЕВ4 позволило уменьшить опухоль на 80%. Хотя специалисты изучали опухоли только двух видов, они уверены, что другие виды рака развиваются по подобной схеме, ведь белок СРЕВ4 обладает универсальностью и воздействует на разные клетки.
Исследование испанских ученых вызвало интерес у их коллег, которые считают, что результаты работы будут полезны в разработке новых методов лечения рака. «Клинические испытания на животных продемонстрировали многообещающие результаты. Однако требуется проведение дополнительного исследования прежде, чем начать опыты на людях», — цитирует ученых РБК.

Why You Should Stay Away from
Insulin Potentiation Therapy

Robert Baratz, M.D., D.D.S., Ph.D.

Insulin Potentiation Therapy (IPT) is one of several unproven, dangerous treatments that is promoted by a small group of practitioners without trustworthy evidence that it works. It is claimed to be effective against cancer, infectious diseases, arthritis, and many other conditions. Several patents have been issued, but patents are based on whether or not something appears to be original. Proof of effectiveness is not required.

Background History

IPT is based on the notion that intravenous insulin increases the effect of medications so that lower doses can be used. Its promoters suggest that somehow the insulin "opens the pores" of cells throughout the body so that certain drugs enter more easily. It is used mainly for treating cancer. The leading proponent is Stephen B. Ayre, M.D., of Burr Ridge, Illinois, who coined the treatment's name in 1986 [1]. In 2003, his Web site stated:
The treatment . . . features an innovative low-dose chemotherapy protocol called Insulin Potentiation Therapy (IPT) that uses 75-90% less chemotherapy than the traditional treatment to destroy cancer cells. This low dose treatment causes little to none of the negative side effects such as loss of appetite, nausea, hair loss and fatigue.
IPT was developed in Mexico City in 1932 by Dr. Donato Perez Garcia, Sr. and was used by him for decades to treat a wide variety of cancers, including cancers of the breast, lung and prostate. His son, Donato Perez Garcia Bellon, M.D., and his grandson, Donato Perez Garcia, Jr., M.D, followed Dr. Garcia in this work. Collaborating with these two physicians over the last 25 years, Dr. Ayre studied and researched IPT, resulting in their publication of scientific articles on the therapy in medical journals.
Cancer cells have 20 times more insulin sensitive receptors than normal healthy cells. By introducing insulin into the body before the chemotherapy drugs, the insulin highlights the cancer cells due to their higher insulin receptor content, and selectively enhances their absorption of the chemotherapy. Less chemotherapy is needed to kill the cancer cells, with less dose related side effects. Glucose is given to counter insulin's other effect of lowering blood sugar [2].
IPT is performed by injecting insulin into the patient's vein. After the blood sugar falls, the practitioners rapidly inject chemotherapy drugs in doses that are below the amounts that have been proven effective. Immediately thereafter, a strong sugar solution is injected to arouse the patient. In some cases, several chemotherapy agents are mixed together even though one or more may not have been validated in full doses for the patient's tumor. This procedure is typically performed in medical offices where resuscitation equipment and training are minimal to nonexistent. The practitioners who perform this are "trained" in two-day coursesand "licensed" to perform IPT. In 2003, about 100 were listed in the directory on and one practitioner's Web site quoted a cost of $15,500 to 17,500 for 3 to 4 weeks of "intensive" IPT therapy plus $2,000 to $3,000 per week additional for up to 4 weeks of "home maintenance" therapy." [3] About half of the 69 listed doctors who practiced in the United States also offered chelation therapy, which is equally disreputable.
Proponents claims that IPT is free of side effects, However, a rapidly falling blood sugar level can produce coma, shock, stroke, and even death, and I also know of at least one case where the patient got side effects from the chemotherapy. In 2003, Ayre's Web site further stated:
Steven G. Ayre, M.D., has spent twenty-seven years single-handedly researching, publishing, and speaking at meetings on the science of Insulin Potentiation Therapy. He began practicing IPT in the United States in 1997, after he had become convinced, due to his lengthy study, that this therapy was a much improved way of using chemotherapy. In September of 2000, Dr. Ayre and his colleagues made a presentation before the Cancer Advisory Panel of the National Center for Cancer Complementary and Alternative Medicine at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland. This meeting has led to a collaborative effort with cancer researchers at the Comprehensive Cancer Center at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, to design and perform clinical trials on IPT. The funding is provided by the National Cancer Institute. Because of the perceived patient need, and because all drugs used in the therapy are already FDA approved, IPT treatments are now being made available to persons here in the USA. Good patient reimbursement by health insurers is the rule [4].
This statement is very misleading. Ayre's "researching" and "lengthy study" did not include any appropriate study to test whether IPT worked. Nor has the clinical trial to which the passage refers been carried out. To maintain FDA approval for a clinical study it is necessary to have approval from an Institutional Review Board. The "review board" that approved the study was composed of dubious practitioners (most of whom promote chelation therapy) and was ordered to shut down in January 2001 after the FDA concluded that it was run improperly. In retrospect, it appears to me that the board and the proposed study were part of an scheme to make patients think they were part of a legitimate study. It is also curious that the study is still mentioned on Ayer's Web site even though it was canceled more than a year ago. Ayre did attend a meeting of an NIH advisory panel at which possible preliminary investigation was discussed [5]. However, there has been no visible evidence that the suggested data collection has taken place. As far as insurance coverage is concerned, I do not believe that insurance companies knowingly pay for IPT therapy. One IPT provider's Web site states that "some insurance companies . . . will cover IPT treatments the same way they would cover standard chemotherapy." However, coding IPT as standard chemotherapy on a claim form would constitute insurance fraud. BlueCross of California classifies IPT as "investigational/not medically necessary" and does not cover it [6].
IPT is often described as an "off label" use of insulin, with a claim that this is "allowed." This description is not quite accurate. The FDA only regulates the sale of products that cross state lines, and approves labeling of drug products for particular uses. Violation of those uses can result in seizure of products and stoppage of further sales. However, under some circumstances a physician can take a drug licensed for one use and use it for another or may use dosages higher than those on the label. This concept is not a wide open door to illicit use; nor can it be used to justify unapprroved "research" that lacks a rational basis. Licensed physicians are expected to conform to a standard of care and do what is clinically acceptable and safe. IPT does not fit this description. No major medical school, hospital, or other institution has embarked on a clinical trial, largely because the "therapy" is dangerous, potentially lethal if too much insulin is administered, and does not a have a sound biological basis.

Lack of Evidence

IPT's promoters use vague and misleading language to make it seem legitimate. It is not. When examined even casually, the claimed "cures" are bogus. Besides the danger of insulin shock and death, using the wrong chemotherapeutic agent(s) or doses that are too low can foster the development of resistant cancer cell strains. Thus, IPT can prevent appropriate chemotherapy from working later and make an otherwise curable cancer incurable.
Ayre's home page states that, "while individual anecdotal case reports over forty years suggest that this treatment may be effective, there is at present no collection of scientific data to validate Insulin Potentiation Therapy as a treatment for malignant neoplastic diseases, or cancer."
The Web site is operated by Chris Duffield, Ph.D., a man who says he became "entranced by the IPT story" Dr,. Ayre told him and helped form a company that tried unsuccessfully to attract investors to fund IPT research [7]. Duffield discusses 19 "mechanisms proposed for how IPT works," but he notes that "no one knows really for sure" whether the explanations are valid [8]. He also states:
Many doctors and patients are looking for statistics, and we simply have to tell people that we do not have them. If they insist on having statistics, IPT is not yet for them. However, a lot of people have heard about IPT from friends, or have talked with doctors who have had excellent results with IPT. For some people, the IPT concept makes sense, and the reported benefits are so attractive, that they decide to give it a try.
Here is the closest thing we have to statistics. It is an estimate from Dr. Donato Perez Garcia 3, based on his many years of IPT experience, and from experienced passed down from his father. While stated as facts, these are just his personal opinions, and are not agreed on by all other IPT doctors. This text is from an email he sent to a patient on June 6, 2002. . . .
The email describes "response rates for a full remission" of 25% to 95% for various situations [9], but it provides no details that would enable independent assessment of the claims.
In 2003, a scientific journal reported that women with breast cancer received methotrexate plus insulin did better than women treated with methotrexate alone [10]. Although the report suggests that insulin may have a short-term effect, it did not any data on long-term effects or health outcomes. Moreover, in 2007, two of its five authors were charged with fraud in connection with another cancer scam [11], which may mean that their 2003 data are not trustworthy.

Dubious Theories

Duffield's mechanism list mixes a few truths with a lot of speculation to reach unjustified conclusions. Item #7, for example, states:
More insulin receptors on tumor cells increase drug uptake. Proposed. Uncontrolled proliferation of cancer cells is stimulated by a number of growth factors, including insulin (which stimulates energy uptake) and insulin-like growth factors (IGF) I and II (which stimulate cell division and growth). There are many more receptors for these hormones on the cell membranes of cancer cells than there are in normal cells. And some cancer cells actually secrete these hormones themselves, resulting in still faster growth. More insulin receptors means more insulin effect, so more drug will enter cancer cells due to the various mechanisms already outlined. This allows the drug to be given in a smaller dose, far less toxic to normal cells, while building up lethally toxic concentrations in cancer cells. Thus the growth mechanism of the cancer cell is used against it in IPT.
  • There is no such thing as a "cancer cell." There are many types of cancer, and even within each "type," cells can be very close to normal in look and behavior, or, at the opposite end of the spectrum, can be embryonic and undifferentiated. Even within a single tumor mass, there can be groups of different types of cells. All cancers involve uncontrolled growth, but one cannot legitimately characterize "cancer cells" as being identical in look, behavior, biochemistry, growth control, or any other feature.
  • Cell proliferation is stimulated by a number of growth factors, but this is not unique to "cancer cells." Moreover, growth factors alone don't cause uncontrolled proliferation. It is the presence and activity of certain genes and the lack of others that causes loss of growth control. In some settings IGF may stimulate growth of certain cells, but there is no particular relationship between IGF and cancer cells. Ira Goldfine's group at UCLA has studied breast cancer cells and found that tumor cells with a normal amount of insulin receptors may be more similar to normal cells and more subject to normal controls on cell growth, and therefore less likely to grow back aggressively [12,13].
  • Hormone-secreting cancers (insulinomas) are very rare, and their secretion of insulin is irrelevant to their own growth. The more insulin that is secreted, the more "normal" they are. More insulin receptors does not automatically mean there is more insulin effect—the receptors have to work, and the insulin levels must be adequate.
  • There is no published evidence that insulin causes more drug to enter the cancer cells or that giving insulin enables chemotherapy drugs to build up within these cells while sparing normal cells.

Dubious Device

The Web site states that during the 1950s and 1960s, Dr. Garcia and his son developed a device that could detect cancer and other diseases [14]. Called the "OncoDiagnosticator," it consisted of a glass container that held a neutral solution into which two copper wires connected to a 32-volt power source are placed. The site states that the device was "extremely simple" and that "any high school student could make one for a science project." Testing was conducted by placing a few milliliters of a patient's serum (the clear fluid that remains after cells and clot are removed from a blood sample) into the solution and seeing what happens after two hours. According to the story:
The Drs. Perez Garcia found that the serum would often change to a violet color, readily visible when the serum was poured into a test tube at the end of the reaction. Based on their experience, they believed that absence of violet would mean absence of cancer, pale violet would mean susceptibility to cancer, darker violet would indicate early-stage still-hidden cancer, and very dark violet would indicate the presence of later-stage cancer discoverable by standard methods. Later work found other colors, again seeming to correlate with the type and severity of disease.
Although for them the color was the primary indicator, they also found that the pH of the electrolyte solution in the beaker would change depending on the patient's condition. In healthy people the pH would be below 8.5. And in cancer patients the pH would be higher: 8.5-9.5 or more in males, and 9.5 to 10.5 in females. They also found that the temperature of the electrolyte solution would become higher in cancer patients than in normal people, and would be higher in female cancer patients than in male cancer patients. I assume that higher temperature means higher current flow, and indeed the doctors also measured current (milliamps). . . .
Dr. Perez Garcia y Bellon 2 told me that the color, pH, and temperature would move closer to normal as a patient underwent weeks of IPT treatments. So apparently their method could be used to monitor the progress of a patient's condition [14].
If these claims were valid, this would have been one of the greatest medical discoveries of all time. Unfortunately, there isn't the slightest theoretical reason or scientific evidence that the device works as claimed.

The Bottom Line

Although IPT's proponents have been treating patients for decades, they have no tested theory and have produced at most only one properly designed clinical study of one cancer. If you would like to bet your money and your life on their general impressions, they'll be happy to do business. However, the lack of evidence should serve as a powerful warning to stay away.


  1. Nationally recognized innovative cancer care physician now serving Chicagoland area. Press release, July 14, 2000.
  2. Local physician to present findings on innovative cancer treatment to the Cancer Advisory Panel at the National Institutes of health. Contemporary Medicine Web site, accessed Oct 12, 2003.
  3. Therapy costs. Integrated Medical Specialists Web site, accessed Oct 12, 2003.
  4. Dr. Ayre. Contemporary Medicine Web site, accessed Oct 12, 2003.
  5. Minutes of the Third Meeting of the Cancer Advisory Panel for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAPCAM), Sept 18, 2000.
  6. Insulin Potentiation Therapy. BlueCross of California medical policy #DRUG00034, Feb 5, 2007.
  7. Duffield C. My IPT story. (A 5-part series of articles.) Web site, accessed Oct 13, 2003.
  8. Duffield C. How IPT works. Web site, accessed Oct 12, 2003.
  9. Duffield C. Cancer and IPT. Web site, accessed Oct 13, 2003.
  10. Insulin-induced enhancement of antitumoral response to methotrexate in breast cancer patients. Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology 53:220-224, 2004.
  11. Barrett S. Seven indicted for PharmaBlood cancer fraud. Casewatch, March 9, 2007.
  12. Papa V and others. Insulin-like growth factor-I receptors are overexpressed and predict a low risk in human breast cancer. Cancer Research 53:3736-3740, 1993.
  13. Mathieu MC and others. Insulin receptor expression and clinical outcome in node-negative breast cancer. Proceedings of the Association of American Physicians 109:565-571, 1997.
  14. Onco. Web site, accessed Oct 17, 2003.

Dr. Baratz is president of the National Council Against Health Fraud. He has extensive training and practical experience in internal medicine, emergency medicine, oral medicine, dentistry, material science, and research methodology. In addition to practicing medicine and dentistry, he serves as a medical and dental consultant to many state licensing boards, federal agencies, insurance companies, and the legal profession.

Раковые клетки гибнут от всем известного дешевого лекарства!
Метформин, использующийся для лечения сахарного диабета, предотвращает появление рака поджелудочной железы и в комплексе с химиотерапией показывает хорошие результаты у уже заболевших. В скором будущем онкологи намерены выяснить, с чем связан такой эффект. Популярный препарат для лечения диабета – метформин – разрушает клетки, приводящие к раку поджелудочной железы. Это выяснили испанские ученые из Национального центра исследований рака в Мадриде, сообщает Foxnews. Они провели эксперименты на мышах, в ходе которых установили, что низкие дозы метформина губительно воздействуют на стволовые клетки, участвующие в зарождении злокачественной опухоли. Объединив прием препарата с традиционным способом лечения онкобольных – химиотерапией – можно добиться хороших результатов: уничтожить и сами раковые клетки, и те клетки, которые провоцируют их появление. «Сейчас метформин в ряде случаев используется в качестве второй фазы лечения рака поджелудочной железы, но я считаю, он должен применяться уже на первой фазе в сочетании с химиотерапией», - отметил автор исследования, преподаватель экспериментальной медицины Кристофер Хишен. Еще более эффективен препарат для предотвращения повторных случаев рака, добавил он. Ученые пока не могут объяснить механизм воздействия метформина на злокачественные клетки. Этому будут посвящены следующие исследования…
По материалам сайта


29.04.2013 / 19:41

Эти знания помогут ученым создать новые методики борьбы с метастазами и предотвращать их распространение.

Большое количество морфологических, физиологических и поведенческих отличий метастатических клеток рака груди от клеток здорового эпителия выявила междисциплинарная группа американских ученых, сообщил Медпортал.ру со ссылкой наScience Daily. Результаты работы 20 научных коллективов, в числе которых физики и биологи, опубликованы в журналеScientific Reports.

Пытаясь лучше понять механизм появления метастазов, исследователи из Физических научно-онкологических центров (Physical Sciences-Oncology Centers) сравнили метастатические клетки рака груди с клетками здорового эпителия. Для этого они изучили морфологию, физические свойства, комплекс продуцируемых белков и поведение двух клеточных линий.

«Мы считаем, что появление метастазов – регулируемый, многоступенчатый процесс, который начинается с потери адгезионной способности клетки. Это происходит благодаря уменьшению выработки соответствующих белков, таких как Е-кадгерин. За этим следует деградация внеклеточного матрикса, превращение клетки в подвижный фенотип и только после этого она достигает нового органа, который начинает колонизировать», – говорится в публикации.

Как удалось выяснить в ходе экспериментов, опухолевые клетки практически во всем отличаются от здоровых, а также лучше выживают при низком количестве кислорода в окружающей среде. Также, изучая поведение метастатических клеток в трехмерном пространстве (ранее их поведение изучалось только в 2D), ученые выяснили, что опухолевые клетки движутся медленнее здоровых. Несмотря на это, метастатические клетки движутся по более прямой траектории и могут пройти через внеклеточный матрикс, на что не способны здоровые клетки.

«Подвижность метастатических клеток – существенное свойство, позволяющее им проникать через плотную мембрану внеклеточного матрикса, которую организм использует, чтобы отгородить опухоль от остального тела. Эти клетки – как бежавшие из тюрьмы заключенные», – пояснил один из ведущих авторов работы Роберт Остин (Robert Austin).

Исследователи смогли определить и вырабатываемые метастатическими клетками белки, ответственные за такие физические свойства, как подвижность и адгезия. Ученые считают, что подобная база знаний поможет им создать новые методики борьбы с метастазами и предотвращения их распространения.

Состояние ногтей поможет в ранней диагностике рака легких

09 марта 2011 г.

Современная медицина в состоянии успешно бороться с большинством онкологических заболеваний и даже излечивать их, однако рак продолжает оставаться одной из главных причин смертности на планете из-за его коварной способности длительное время протекать бессимптомно, что приводит к поздним диагнозам. Новая методика созданная учеными из США позволяет предсказывать риск возникновения рака легкого (одного из самых распространенных видов онкологических недугов) по состоянию ногтей на пальцах ног. Первые опыты дали многообещающие результаты.

Исследователи из университета города Сан-Диего в штате Калифорния (University of San Diego in California) установили, что количество никотина в ногтях пальцев ног может служить достаточно надежным средством предсказания риска развития рака легкого. 

Ногти на пальцах ног растут гораздо медленнее, чем на пальцах рук – в среднем один ноготь вырастает за год на 1 см. Исследуя количество никотина, который успевает отложиться в «роговых выростах», специалисты пришли к выводу, что у мужчин с максимальными значениями количества никотина в ногтях на пальцах ног риск развития рака легкого в 3 раза превышает такой риск у мужчин с самыми низкими значениями. 

В эксперименте участвовало более 800 мужчин, у некоторых из которых уже был диагностирован этот тяжелый недуг. Кроме того, методика, предложенная исследователями из университета Сан-Диего, дает возможность без труда выявить, является ли человек курильщиком или нет. 

Ученые также обнаружили один тревожный факт: некоторые из участников эксперимента обладали очень высоким уровнем содержания никотина в ногтях, хотя достоверно не были курильщиками. Никотин поступал в их организмы вследствие пассивного курения, которому они подвергались дома и/или на работе.

5 признаков рака

Пять указаний на рак Есть ряд признаков, присущих всем разновидностям рака. Доктора советуют обращать особое внимание на эти симптомы, чтобы выявить  рак на ранних стадиях развития и успешно его побороть. 
  1. Боль в определенных частях тела. В начальной стадии это просто может быть состояние дискомфорта. 
  2. Быстрое похудение. Раковые опухоли нарушают процессы метаболизма в организме, и происходит потеря веса в течение месяца-двух. 
  3. Ощущение слабости. Рак производит интоксикацию организма. 
  4. Высокая температура. Опухоль нарушает иммунитет человека и он так на нее реагирует. 
  5. Меняется вид кожных и волосяных покровов. Рак нарушает обменные процессы и это видно по внешности человека. 

Знаете ли вы ваш уровень сахара крови? Если он выше нормы, то у вас вдвое больше риск рака!

10.04.13 | Здоровье Info
Рак у больных с сахарным диабетом встречается чаще, чем у людей с нормальным уровнем глюкозы в крови. Это связано с тем, что высокий уровень сахара может привести к возникновению опухоли.
Избыточная масса тела, как известно, может привести к развитию диабета. Для этого заболевания характерна гипергликемия или постоянно высокий сахар в крови. Избыток сахара агрессивно воздействует на все сосуды и клетки вашего организма, создавая тем самым идеальные условия для роста опухоли.
Задумайтесь, у 16% детей, больных диабетом, диагностирован ракподжелудочной железы или толстой кишки. Испанские ученые под руководством Гарсия-Хименеса выявили причину такого высокого онкориска: сахар повышает активность определенных генов, контролирующих рост раковых клеток. При повышении глюкозы в крови в норме включаются сложные механизмы выработки инсулина для ее утилизации. В частности, в клетках кишечника повышается концентрация особого белка β-катенина, который также отвечает за размножение многих раковых клеток. То есть при постоянно высоких цифрах глюкозы, уровень белка также высокий и, соответственно, раковых клеток становится слишком много – появляется опухоль. Такое открытие позволит разработать в будущем лекарственный препарат для подавления роста злокачественных клеток.
Но, на сегодняшний день первостепенной задачей остается поддержание нормальной массы тела и контроль уровня гликемии, что зависит не только от своевременного назначения сахароснижающих препаратов, но и самоконтроля пациента.
Более подробную информацию о таком заболевании, как сахарный диабет, вы можете узнать из специального проекта «Сахарный диабет».

Мартин Брофман "Улучшите ваше зрение". Книга рассказывает не только о том, как улучшить зрение; ее тематика гораздо шире. Она поможет обрести внутреннюю ясность сознания, которая обязательно приведет к ясности физического зрения. Я берусь это утверждать, поскольку сам прошел через весь процесс и видел, как то же самое происходило со многими другими людьми. Собственный путь к чистоте сознания я начал с громкого «звонка», и мне хотелось бы рассказать вам свою историю в качестве преамбулы к тому, что последует дальше.
В 1975 году врачи обнаружили у меня неизлечимую форму рака и сказали, что жить мне осталось всего лишь пару месяцев. Опухоль появилась в спинном мозге — в области шеи — и по мере роста все сильнее прижимала его к стенке спинномозгового канала. Правую руку парализовало, а ноги постоянно сводило судорогами. Операция по удалению опухоли прошла неудачно, а лучевую и химиотерапию по различным причинам проводить было бесполезно.
Врачи предупредили меня, что смерть может наступить внезапно, в любой момент. Я столкнулся с реальностью, в которой каждый день или час мог стать для меня последним. Одно я знал совершенно точно: все оставшееся время мне хотелось быть счастливым, просто быть самим собой. По этой причине призывы врачей соблюдать специальные диетыказались мне бессмысленными, несмотря на то что они могли в чем-то помочь. Каждый прием пищи мог оказаться для меня последним, и мне хотелось есть то, что мне действительно нравилось. Я хотел быть самим собой, быть настоящим во всем, что делал.
Шкала ценностей сместилась. Я жил настоящим моментом и занимался только тем, чем мне действительно хотелось заниматься. Некоторые вещи, которые казались важными раньше, внезапно потеряли свое значение. Мне хотелось только одного — быть счастливым, а значит, делать только то, что мне нравилось, и не делать того, что не нравилось.
Два месяца спустя я был все еще жив, несмотря на то что мое время истекло. Затем прошел еще месяц, но я продолжал жить. Мне стало интересно, как долго это может продолжаться. До Нового года оставалось пять месяцев, и я решил, что если каким-то чудом до него дотяну, то отпраздную это событие поездкой в тропический рай. Тогда я не знал, что эта поездка спасет мне жизнь.
Пять месяцев спустя я праздновал Новый год на острове Мартиника, в компании с мудрым собеседником, мастером дзэн, который приехал туда обучать людей медитации. Вот что он мне сказал:
«Рак — порождение твоего разума, и только с помощью разума ты сможешь от него избавиться».
В тот же миг у меня в голове как будто зажглась электрическая лампочка — мне все стало ясно. Я понял, что он имел в виду, и смог осознать, что рак — это всего лишь метафорическое выражение тех вещей, которые удерживаются внутри меня и не находят выхода. Я увидел, как прежний стиль жизни и способ бытия вели меня к самоуничтожению. Именно там и тогда я осознал, что если смогу изменить свой способ бытия, то каким-то образом сумею избавиться от симптомов болезни. Я мог использовать разум как инструмент для изменения способа бытия и состояния тела.
Впервые с момента постановки диагноза я увидел возможность вернуть себе здоровье и избавиться от рака. Я мог спасти свою жизнь!
Несколькими неделями позже я услышал разговор о методе управления разумом (теперь его называют методом Сильва), который позволяет людям использовать свой разум как инструмент. Метод основан на утверждении, что реальность строится на наших восприятиях, а поскольку мы сами их выбираем, то можем по собственной воле изменить любой аспект реальности.
Результаты деятельности моего сознания зависели от заложенной в него программы, так же как результаты работы компьютера зависели от программного обеспечения. Я сам мог перепрограммировать свое сознание.
До этого момента я воспринимал себя неизлечимо больным, поэтому теперь мне нужно было перепрограммировать сознание так, чтобы воспринимать себя совершенно здоровым. К такому резкому сдвигу я был не готов. Слишком долго я считал, что мое состояние ухудшается и вот-вот настанет конец. Изменение ситуации требовало радикальной перемены образа мыслей. Я осознал, что будет гораздо легче сформировать восприятие того, что мне становится все лучше и лучше, и довести этот процесс до момента, когда я действительно стану здоровым.
Я знал, что переломный момент может наступить когда угодно. Для этого требовалось только переключить разум в соответствующий режим работы и убедить себя в том, что он работает так, как следует. Я решил, что если поворотный момент в сознании может произойти в любое время, тогда пусть это произойдет сейчас.
Сдвиг в сознании произошел немедленно, я это сразу же почувствовал и понял, что нахожусь в состоянии улучшения. Кроме того, я ощутил, насколько важно поддерживать безоговорочность моего решения. Я знал, что с этого момента восприятия должны будут вселять уверенность в том, что мне на самом деле становится все лучше и лучше, чтобы в конечном итоге наступило выздоровление.
Употребляя в пищу все, что мне нравилось, я говорил себе: это именно то, что нужно моему телу; оно просит этой пищи, чтобы ускорить процесс исцеления. Прежде у меня возникали похожие на электрические разряды физические ощущения, подтверждающие рост опухоли. Они продолжали появляться, но теперь я решил воспринимать их как свидетельство уменьшения опухоли.
Разум принялся искать все новые и новые свидетельства того, что мое состояние улучшается.
Я знал, что нужно держаться подальше от людей, которые упорно продолжали смотреть на меня как на безнадежно больного, но не потому, что я не испытывал к ним любви, а, скорее, для того, чтобы поддержать собственное позитивное отношение к процессу исцеления. Мне нужно было находиться рядом с теми, кто был готов поддержать меня в осуществлении, казалось бы, невыполнимой задачи.
Каждый раз, когда кто-нибудь спрашивал, как мое здоровье, я неизменно отвечал: «Все лучше и лучше, спасибо». И это было правдой.
Я занялся изучением технологий ментального программирования и узнал, что если буду вводить себя в состояние релаксации и вести с собой позитивные беседы в течение 15 минут три раза в день, то за 66 дней смогу заставить себя поверить во что угодно. И то, во что я поверю, действительно окажется истиной.
Я знал, что постоянное позитивное программирование имеет для меня жизненно важное значение и что релаксация разума и позитивные беседы по 15 минут три раза в день были той частью процесса программирования, которую я в любом случае должен выполнять. Не скрою, что порой возникал соблазн пропустить сеанс релаксации, но тогда я напоминал себе, что на карту поставлена моя жизнь. Любые подобные искушения следовало рассматривать как барьер между мной и жизнью, как преграду, которую нужно было убрать, чтобы я мог жить дальше.
Все эти действия могут показаться очень простыми, но следовать им было не всегда легко. Временами — особенно в самом начале — приходилось очень трудно. Иногда в мыслях или на словах я сомневался в идее улучшения состояния своего здоровья. В таких случаях мне приходилось быть честным с самим собой и признаваться, что я «все испортил». Начиная все сначала, я успокаивал себя тем, что все произошедшее было лишь репетицией и что настоящий переломный момент наступил только сейчас.
С каждым разом мне было все легче и легче. Поначалу мне удавалось удерживать позитивный настрой и отгонять сомнения в течение нескольких часов, затем в течение дня, двух дней, и наконец я почувствовал, что мое намерение несокрушимо. Программа заработала.
Голос сомнения периодически делал попытки сбить меня с избранного пути, но я уже знал, что к нему не стоит прислушиваться. Моим проводником стал подбадривающий внутренний голос, который вел меня к крепкому здоровью и позволял сохранять непоколебимую уверенность в том, что процесс позитивных изменений не останавливается ни на секунду. Когда я не ощущал какого-либо симптома, то говорил себе, что, возможно, никогда больше его не почувствую. Если после этого симптом все же появлялся, я говорил себе, что процесс еще не завершен, но нужно признать, что симптом проявляется не так часто и не так остро, как раньше. Все шло как нельзя лучше.
Мне нужно было точно знать, что позитивные изменения продолжаются даже тогда, когда их невозможно заметить. Я говорил себе, что они, скорее всего, находятся где-то на пороге чувствительности восприятия и мне остается только дождаться свидетельств, подтверждающих данный факт. Мне всегда удавалось отыскать что-нибудь позитивное и убедить себя в том, что это не просто игра воображения.
Неоценимая помощь была оказана моими дочерьми Хизер и Джеки. Хизер было всего четыре года, но она уже знала, что любовь — великий целитель, и поэтому дарила мне исцеляющие поцелуи — каждый день, утром и вечером. Кроме того, я ощущал, что шестилетняя Джеки верит в мою способность преодолеть кризис. Любые другие варианты были для нее неприемлемы. В ее глазах я всегда мог прочесть, как сильно она меня любит.
Во время сеансов релаксации я визуализировал опухоль и представлял, как слой за слоем умирают раковые клетки и как они покидают мое тело. Я знал, что процесс изменений продолжается даже тогда, когда это невозможно заметить. Каждый раз, выводя из организма отходы жизнедеятельности, я знал, что вместе с ними выводятся раковые клетки. Я упорно убеждал себя в том, что это правда.
Я знал, что рак представляет собой не что иное, как удержанные внутри и не нашедшие выражения мысли, чувства, переживания и прочие вещи. Поскольку опухоль была расположена рядом с горловой чакрой (энергетическим центром), я понимал, что в данном случае это было связано с подавлением потребности выразить собственную сущность. Но так как я не мог предположить, что именно это означает, то решил выражать все — каждую мысль и каждое чувство. Я стал отыскивать в сознании все, что требовало выхода, и выражать это, хорошо осознавая, что это жизненно важно для моего здоровья. Прежде я считал, что подобное выражение может привести к конфликтам, но теперь убедился, что оно воспринималось окружающими с благодарностью и приводило к гармонии.
Раньше я думал, что выражение всех мыслей и эмоций действительно приведет к чему-нибудь плохому. Мне пришлось перепрограммировать это убеждение и поверить в то, что если я стану выражать все, что мне действительно хочется выразить, тогда обязательно произойдет что-нибудь замечательное. Я принял это решение, и оно реализовалось в жизни.
Постепенно я стал замечать, что у меня все меньше и меньше общего со старыми друзьями. Это выглядело так, словно раньше у нас была общая вибрационная частота, скажем, 547 циклов (цифра произвольная), как вдруг я перешел на частоту 872 цикла, и у меня почти не осталось тем для разговоров с людьми, функционирующими на частоте 547. Появилась необходимость в поиске новых друзей, чья вибрационная частота была равна моей и с которыми было о чем поговорить.
Я почувствовал тягу к людям с частотой 872 цикла, а их, в свою очередь, влекло ко мне, словно я обладал даром «выборочного» магнетизма. Я освободился от некоторых элементов реальности, больше не соответствующих новому существу, в которое я превращался. Глубоко во мне жила уверенность, что этот процесс неизбежен — ему не следует мешать. У меня появились способности к сочувствию и пониманию. Я осознал, что необходимо как можно скорее избавиться от всех элементов, не способных резонировать с новой частотой вибрации. Суть процесса была проста, хотя протекал он не всегда легко.
Каждый день я изучал себя, без какого-либо предвзятого мнения о том, кем я был, но с желанием узнать как можно больше о собственной перерожденной личности. Каждое новое открытие приносило ощущение наслаждения.
Часто я рисовал в воображении сцену в кабинете врача после того, как завершу работу над собой. Я представлял, как врач осматривает меня с недоуменным выражением лица, так как не может обнаружить никакой опухоли, а потом произносит: «По всей видимости, мы ошиблись». Я проигрывал эту сцену в своем воображении каждый день во время сеансов релаксации.
Примерно через два месяца я отправился на обследование к тому врачу, который объявил меня неизлечимо больным. Он обследовал меня самым тщательным образом и ничего не нашел. Угадайте, что он сказал? «По всей видимости, мы ошиблись». Я от души смеялся всю дорогу до дома.
Я трансформировал свой способ бытия. Мой образ жизни в корне изменился. До этого я работал на Уоллстрит — занимался разработкой компьютерных систем и борьбой с компьютерными мошенниками. Несмотря на то что работа была интересной, она не занимала значительного места в картине моей жизни. В день у меня уходило 90 минут на дорогу до работы и обратно, я был обладателем «американской мечты» — дом в пригороде, жена и двое детей, две машины в гараже, большая собака… но я не чувствовал себя счастливым.
Работая с сознанием, я ощутил, что работаю с компьютером более высокого класса. То, чем я занимаюсь сейчас, имеет значение для меня и для других людей — для всего человечества. Исцеляя и обучая людей, я получаю ни с чем не сравнимое удовольствие и знаю, что это дело всей моей жизни.
Процесс трансформации — неотъемлемая часть исцеления, которое может быть связано не только с восстановлением зрения, избавлением от какой-нибудь серьезной болезни, но и с дисбалансом на ментальном и эмоциональном уровнях.
Неожиданным, но замечательным побочным эффектом процесса исцеления стало то, что я перестал нуждаться в очках, которые носил на протяжении двадцати лет. Я страдал близорукостью и астигматизмом, но после того, как изменил способ видения, мое зрение было признано «нормальным».
После исцеления я стал видеть мир иначе — как в прямом, так и в переносном смысле. Вместе с внутренним зрением трансформировалось и внешнее. Заинтересовавшись этим «побочным эффектом» процесса исцеления, я решил провести исследование трудов по улучшению зрения.
Я прочитал все книги на данную тему, которые только смог найти, но не для того, чтобы узнать, «как это делается», а для того, чтобы понять, «как это сделал я». Мне удалось отыскать восемь книг, и оказалось, что семь из них отсылают меня к восьмой — книге доктора Уильяма Бейтса «Улучшение зрения без очков» («Better Eyesight Without Glasses»). Бейтс был пионером в этой области, и его идеи поразили традиционное медицинское сообщество еще в 1920-х годах.
Доктор Бейтс выдвинул много замечательных идеи, но его книга была перегружена специальными терминами, не совсем понятными для обычного читателя, и поэтому другие специалисты, такие как Маргарет Дарст Корбетт и Олдос Хаксли, предложили собственные книги, упростив идеи Бейтса, тем самым сделав их доступными для широкой публики.
Доктор Чарльз Келли из Института радикса, штат Калифорния, стал первым, кто обогатил эту теорию новыми идеями, касающимися корреляции (взаимосвязи) типов личности с конкретными видами нарушений зрения. Совсем недавно оптик-бихевиорист, доктор Ричард Кавнер опубликовал свежую информацию о корреляциях между мозгом и разумом, а также добился значительных успехов в работе с детьми.
Неизменным фактором во всех методиках восстановления зрения был процесс трансформации личности — как и в моем случае. Опираясь на знания, полученные в результате изучения работ упомянутых выше специалистов, я сумел развить их идеи, сделав выводы на основе личного опыта.
Я начал обсуждать эти идеи с людьми, помогая им анализировать связи между проблемами со зрением и способом бытия. Через какое-то время те, с кем я вел беседы, признавались, что очки им больше не нужны.
С 1975 года я успел провести работу с десятками тысяч людей и увидеть, как многие из них смогли улучшить зрение, перестроив сознание и изменив жизнь в процессе этой перестройки. Собственно говоря, изменения в жизни многих людей были настолько значительными, что они относились к улучшению зрения как к одному из аспектов процесса улучшения в целом.
Книга, которую вы держите в руках, стала результатом многолетних исследований и опыта, накопленного за время работы с людьми, которые трансформировали зрительное восприятие. Вместо того чтобы, подобно другим методикам по улучшению зрения, сфокусироваться на «внешних» процессах (диете, физических упражнениях, витаминах и т. д.), я обратил свой взор на «внутренние».
В этой книге рассказывается о том, что происходит в нашем сознании — субстанции, с которой все начинается. После того как мы снимаем напряжение в сознании и принимаем новые идеи, напряжение во всем теле тоже снимается, и мы возвращаемся в состояние равновесия на всех уровнях.
Доктор Бейтс утверждал, что проблемы со зрением являются результатом стресса. Исследуя причины плохого зрения, следует обратить внимание не только на его органическую механику, но и на функции — тот опыт, который мы получаем визуальным способом. По словам доктора Бейтса, если мы «забудем» о механике зрения и сконцентрируем внимание только на его функции (получении опыта нашим сознанием), то после восстановления функции зрения органические «причины» нарушения также исчезнут.
Книга ориентирована главным образом на исправление аномалий рефракции (близорукости, дальнозоркости и астигматизма). Однако люди, страдающие так называемыми органическими проблемами (такими, как катаракта, глаукома и т. д.), сообщают, что они также добивались улучшения после сознательного применения содержащихся в книге идей и других концепций самоисцеления.
В число этих концепций входит идея о том, что человек несет полную ответственность за свои недуги, которые являются результатом выбранных им конкретных восприятий, и поэтому каждый может изменить свое состояние, изменив жизненную позицию.
Желаю вам, уважаемые читатели, чтобы содержание этой книги оказалось для вас полезным и ценным. Надеюсь, что она поможет вернуться в то состояние бытия, которое позволит вам в полной мере ощутить целостность и естественное состояние ясности.

B этом Видео   Марина эмигрантка из Прибалтики делится информацией о том как с Помощью Kентрона ( CANTRON) победила неоперабельный уже рак груди 4 стадии с метастазами в кости.
В этом транскрипте аудио , который мы получаем вместе с приобретением книги эксперта по альтернативным методам лечения онко Госпожи Т. Пиерс, Протосель представлен как один из самых эффективнейших методов на Западе. Ее книгу наряду с другой литературой я приобрела за 50 долларов тогда, когда у моей родственницы был рак легких (считающийся одним из самых смертельных, особенно по сравнению с раком молочной железы) Кроме Кэнтрона ( Protocel formula) она принимала Паупау экстракт и Лапачо. Спустя месяцы я узнала что Лапачо также считается одним из самых лучших альтернативных средств. Доктор Винсент Гаммилл эксперт по альтернативному лечению рака дает лапачо большой кредит. Vincent Gammill лидер CANCECURED YAHOO группы по лечению рака, как правило к нему обращаются все в группе за советами на протяжении многих лет из за его многолетнего опыта в успешном лечении рака и высокой репутации.
Узнать об опыте Винсента можно здесь и обратиться за советом :
Презентация книги Т. Пиерс здесь
Полагаю что зеленый коктейль не повредит меню с салом. На счет сыроедения, хочу поделиться рецептом шоколадных трюфелей из полезнейших ингридиентов. Мне приходится делать трюфели потому что из за орехов в них большеое содержание белков  и потому что детей не заставишь есть просто сухофрукты , да и семена льна отдельно не попробуешь, кунжут намного лучше. Сушеный инжир предотвращает развитие рака кишечника, китайские финики (отличающиеся по вкусу от обычных фиников) не уступают инжиру по полезности.
Короче кроме инжира и китайских фиников, перемолотых в блендере, бросаю перемолотые грецкие орехи и миндаль,чистый какао с его флавоноидами ( , семена льна, кунжута и кунжутное масло. Почему грецкие и миндаль (и фисташки, богатые калием, что очень важно при раке, т.к. нельзя допустить чтобы в организме натрия было больше чем калия ( согласно Др. Герсону) здесь можно узнать
Все мы любим кашу из гречи, но можно пойти на компромисс, в варенную кашу добавить немного живых пророщенных зерен овса или пшеницы, гречи или ячменя, люцерны, которые в салаты обычно добавляют а затем пропорцию понемногу увеличивать. Oчень важны зеленые коктейли, потому что употр
ебляемый нами хлорофил в зеленом коктейле помогает выводу из организма, вернее из крови токсинов, что немаловажно для поднятия иммунитета, а поднятие иммунитета для предотвращения роста рака.
Раковые клетки вырабатываются и у здоровых людей, но предотвращение развития рака здоровым иммунитетом не считается ремиссией а здоровой функцией организма как у всех здоровых людей если человек прожил более 5 лет после рака, продолжая чистку. Может в СНГ это не признают, но так считается во всем мире. Если человек не чистит кровь и кишечник, то вероятность возвращения рака более высока и после 5 лет.
Все это можно более подробно узнать здесь из 3 лекций экспертов по альтернативному лечению рака ( лекции занимают 4 часа)

Что я кидаю в зеленый коктейль? ... прежде всего полпучка кориандра (силантро по итальянски) помогает выводу токсинов, листья капусты Кале, 
АМАРАНТ или ЩИРИЦЯ, именуемый в Украине - культурный сорт сорнякa с рынка, брокколи, листья винограда с ресвератролом с сада, фитопланктоны и немного алое. Что мне бы хотелось достать ? : лебеду, сныть, другие сорняки с большим чем у овощей содержанием полезных веществ. Подорожник, одуванчик, клевер, брами у меня с рынка в малом пока количестве.
Но это не все, дети например да и не все взрослые в таком виде смузи пить не будут, для вкуса нужно добавить обычные фрукты ягоды , цитрусовые, манго, ананас, яблоки, виноград, короче все что под руку подвернется в зависимости от сезона.

Quote from book "Don`t eat cancer" Never, ever mix vitamin C with pickles, peppers, salad dressings, jams, most condiments, vinegar, fruit juices, salsa, dips, shredded cheese, ketchup, or diet or regular soda, and you should be fine. Oh wait, don‟t forget about mouthwashes, toothpastes, children‟s cough syrups, creams, lotions, and hundreds of cosmetic products.
So now why is it put in food? It‟s the cheapest mold inhibiter on the market, so it‟s all about the money. Acidic foods tend to grow bacteria, mold and yeast more easily than non-acidic foods, so the sodium benzoate extends the shelf life, while it shortens human life.
Бензоа́т на́трия C6H5COONa (Е211) — пищевая добавка, относится к группе консервантов - КАНЦЕРОГЕН - ЧРЕЗВЫЧАЙНО ОПАСНО УПОТРЕБЛЯТЬ  ПРОДУКТЫ С ЭТИМ КОНЦЕРВАНТОМ 
Бензоат натрия — натриевая соль бензойной кислоты. Белый порошок без запаха или с незначительным запахом бензальдегида.
Открыт Флеком (Hugo Fleck) в 1875 году в качестве замены салициловой кислоты[1]. В 1908 в США разрешен к употр***ению.
Консервирующее действие
Оказывает сильное угнетающее действие на дрожжи и плесневые грибы, включая афлатоксинообразующие, подавляет в клетках активность ферментов, ответственных за окислительно-восстановительные реакции, а также ферментов, расщепляющих жиры и крахмал.
В натуральных продуктах в небольших дозах он содержится в яблоках, изюме и клюкве, корице, гвоздике и горчице.
Пищевая добавка
Разрешён в России и странах Европы. В европейских странах обсуждают негативное влияние комбинации бензоата натрия и искусственных красителей на поведение и интеллект детей, и рекомендовано постепенно вывести красители E110, E104, E122, E129, E102, E124 из употр***ения[2].
Применяется для консервирования мясных и рыбных изделий, маргарина, майонеза, кетчупа, плодово-ягодных продуктов, сладких газированных напитков. При использовании в продуктах, содержащих витамин С, возможно образование канцерогенного бензола в концентрациях, превышающих предельно-допустимые[3].
Медицина и косметика
Как консервант используется в косметической и фармацевтической промышленности. Применяется в медицине как отхаркивающее средство, обычно в составе комбинированных препаратов.
Также применяется в авиации как основной компонент ингибированной бумаги марки А (защита деталей из алюминия и гальванических покрытий). Применяется в пиротехнике для создания визга ракеты при взлете (whistle mix)
мясопродукты — 1000—4000 мг/кг;
повидло, меланж, кондитерские изделия — 700 мг/кг;
плодово-ягодные полуфабрикаты и маргарин — 1000 мг/кг;
рыбная икра и рыбные консервы — 1000—2000 мг/кг;
килька — 2600 мг/кг;
безалкогольные напитки — 150 мг/л;
алкогольные напитки с уровнем алкоголя менее 15 % — 200 мг/л;
джемы с малым содержанием сахара, желе, мармелады, фруктовые пасты — 500 мг/кг;
безалкогольное пиво — 200 мг/л.
Влияние на здоровье
В 1999 году молекулярный биолог проф. П. Пайпер (Peter W. Piper) опубликовал работу[4], в которой показал, что бензоат, действуя на клетки аэробных дрожжей, выступает в роли сильного прооксиданта (вызывает окислительный стресс), а также обладает мутагенной активностью в отношении митохондриальной ДНК. Пайпер выразил опасение, что употр***ение человеком пищи со значительным количеством консервантов способно вызвать окислительный стресс в клетках эпителия желудочно-кишечного тракта. Следует отметить, что Пайпер изучал влияние не только бензойной кислоты, но и других так называемых «слабых органических кислот», используемых в качестве консервантов (сорбиновой, пропионовой), показавших аналогичное воздействие на клетки дрожжей, а также салициловой кислоты, чье воздействие на клетки оказалось менее выраженным.
В позднем (2007 г.) интервью Пайпера газете Independent опасения сформулированы более явно[5]: утверждается, что вред, наносимый митохондриям, может оказаться связанным с болезнью Паркинсона и другими нейродегенеративными заболеваниями.
Согласно документу (CICAD26, 2000 г.) Всемирной организации здравоохранения, многочисленные исследования воздействия бензоата натрия на млекопитающих, включая изучение его воздействия на людей и длительное исследование влияния на крыс, показали относительную безвредность бензоата натрия, однако встречаются аллергии (дерматит) и незначительные побочные эффекты, такие как обострение симптомов при астме и крапивнице. Однако признается, что нельзя исключать возможную генототоксическую активность ввиду недостаточных исследований

Sodium benzoate chokes out your body‟s nutrients
at the DNA cellular level by depriving mitochondria cells of oxygen, sometimes completely shutting them down. Just as humans need oxygen to breathe, cells need oxygen to function properly and to fight off infection, including cancer.
The FDA says it‟s safe because the amount used to preserve foods is very low, but don‟t ever combine it with vitamin C or E, or benzene is formed. Danger! Benzene is a known carcinogen, which means it causes cancer. Okay, so this should be easy. Never, ever mix vitamin C with pickles, peppers, salad dressings, jams, most condiments, vinegar, fruit juices, salsa, dips, shredded cheese, ketchup, or diet or regular soda, and you should be fine. Oh wait, don‟t forget about mouthwashes, toothpastes, children‟s cough syrups, creams, lotions, and hundreds of cosmetic products.
So now why is it put in food? It‟s the cheapest mold inhibiter on the market, so it‟s all about the money. Acidic foods tend to grow bacteria, mold and yeast more easily than non-acidic foods, so the sodium benzoate extends the shelf life, while it shortens human life.
Cancer is all about the cumulative effect. When the human body is exposed repeatedly to any level of this carcinogen, which now rears its ugly head in thousands of products, the immune system, over time, is depleted to the point that one acquires an immune deficiency. Then the body does not have enough essential nutrients to detoxify, and this occurs at the cellular level. Parkinson‟s, neuro-degenerative diseases, and premature aging have all been attributed to this infamous preservative. Also watch out for BHA, BHT and EDTA!

How to Prevent and Reverse Prostate Cancer

THE Cure FOR ALL Advanced Cancers

Support for People With Cancer
National Cancer Institute
Eating Hints Before, During, and After Cancer Treatment

How to CURE Almost Any CANCER at Home for $5.15 a Day

Beating Cancer with natural medicine

Nutrition for Children With Cancer

20 New Anticancer Rules
By Dr. David Servan-Schreiber, M.D., Ph.D.

William Li: Can we eat to starve cancer?

Miracle Drink - drink that destroys cancer
Miracle Drink is a beverage consumed by the Chinese for a long time to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
  • fresh cure cancer
    Photo Source:
His Seto, a lung cancer patient, a famous nutritionist in China and recommended to consume for 3 months and the results were immediate.Seto healed of cancer! It is a wonderful drink and it is so easy to prepare!juice To do this, you need a beetroot, carrot and apple, all raw. Wash thoroughly, cut into cubes, place in blender (with the shell) with some plain water and juice drink immediately. This juice helps in following conditions: 1.Prevents growth of cancer cells.
2. Prevent diseases of liver, kidney, pancreas and can cure ulcers. 
3. Strengthens the lungs, prevents heart attacks and high blood pressure. 
4. Strengthens the immune system. 
5. Beneficial view, treat red eyes, tired and dry. 
6. Help reduce muscle pain. 
7. Detoxifies, helps bowel, treats constipation. Treats acne and beautifies the skin. 
8. Eliminate bad breath due to indigestion or throat infections. 
9. Reduces pain of any kind. 
10. Cure hay fever (allergic rhinitis). Additional benefits: - There is absolutely no side effect - Highly nutritious and easily absorbed - very effective if you want to pierziîn weight - You will notice your immune system will be improved after just 2 weeks So what are you waiting for? Running the juicer! Reads andfeed Who healthy!
Sursa: Miracle Drink - băutura care distruge cancerul Miracle Drink este o băutură consumată de chinezi de foarte mult timp, pentru menținerea unui stil de viață sănătos. Lui Seto, un bolnav de cancer pulmonar, un celebru nutriționist din China i-a rec - Sănătate |

Links (CANCER CURE VIDEO WORKSHOPS)  Priceless info about detox  and other important procedures .
Cсылки на те бесценные воркшопы о лечении рака в которых делятся методами мировых экспертов- онкологов (  на английском)

Eсли есть знакомые , владеющие английским, просмотрите с ними, они вам будут благодарны за эти видео,так же как благодарны зрители этих видео из разных стран, оставившие отзывы под этими видео. Эти видео воркшопы очень нужны даже здоровым людям, что бы избежать болезней в старости, не быстро стареть. 
Что бы просмотреть еще несколько воркшопов  Маркуса из Австралии и других докторов экспертов, которых он пригласил в Австралию для участия в лекциях для простых онкологов и пациентов надо по этой ссылке ввести имя и имэйл, затем пройти в имэйл акаунт и утвердить подписку, и затем вам откроются 4 очень информативные лекции. Это лучшее из всего что мне удалось найти о природе рака и его лечении, даже мировой саммит по раку не содержит столько полезной информации от дипломированных специалистов , а не шарлатанов.
Сразу после проведения воркшопа эти лекции были не бесплатны, т.к почти год прошел их предоставляют для бесплатного просмотра.

Добавлю от себя :  Эти видео воркшопы очень нужны даже здоровым людям, что бы избежать болезней в старости, не быстро стареть. Лекции не легко воспринимаются даже медиками, надо пересматривать по второму разу что бы усвоить.Но есть легкоусвояемые примеры оказывается сырое яйцо, добавленное в коктейль из фруктов овощей и зелени еще больше усилит детокс, а из зелени лучше выбрать кориандр для скорейшего выделения токсинов из крови. И вместо рыбьего жира лучше принимать масла из зерен нескольких растений Y.E.S essential parent oil ,потому что в нашей диете находится больше омеги 6 чем омеги 3 а в этой капсуле правильное соотношение Омеги 3 к Омеге 6. Пропорция парентал ойл разрабона ученым, доктором , профессором Brian Peskin, состоит из высококачественных растений , выращенных органическим методом. Почему Профессор Пескин считает рыбьий жир вредным можно узнать здесь
По этой ссылке не только самая реальная цена Y.E.S масла, но ДАЖЕ ДОСТАВКА БЕСПЛАТНО, если заказать сразу 5 .

Tакже в лекциях Маркуса говорится о том что популярная на Западе гормонозаменяющая терапия (из мочи беременной лошади) способствовала развитию рака молочной железы у многих поколений тех женщин, которые прошли эту терапию, потому что им настоятельно рекомендовала официальная медицина. Доктора на которых я подписалась утверждают что это правда и доказано. Вместо гормонозаменяющей терапии лучше почитать эту книгу

PM Phytogen Complex от фирмы Солгар содержит пуэрарию , тем у кого онкологии нет очень рекомендуется, считается что не только заменяет гормоны , но и предотвращает онкологию, но тем у кого есть подозрения на онкологию то соглассно одному русскоязычному источнику лучше воздержаться, а в англоязычных источниках подтверждения нет. Пуэрария столетиями используется в Таиланде это считалось секретом древних Таиландких монахов.
На других сайтах за то же самое масло той же самой фирмы запрашивают вплоть до двойной стоимости плюс пересылка. Благо из Америки в СНГ доставляют, а ведь есть сайты где доставка ограничена. Статью о Профессоре Браяне Пескине и о том что он пишет о рыбьем жире надо перевести, рыбжир не рекомендуется диабетикам, он пишет о том насколько важно наличие EFAs в организме для метаболизма, а Маркус Freudeman в своих воркшопах ( ссылки на которые я разместила выше повествует о том что одна из причин того почему одни вылечиваются от онкологии а другие нет заключается в метаболизме.
Некоторые мои родственники и семья, даже мои подростки принимают эти капсулы вместо рыбьего жира, потому что в рыбьем жире может быть и ртуть..... и что угодно, после Японской трагедии. Омегу организм не вырабатывает, а что бы клетка приняла молекулу кислорода у гемоглобина необходима дневная доза двух омег в строго соблюденной пропорции Профессором Пескиным.Если эту дозу не получаем, кислород выдыхаем, а клетка недополучившая кислород на 50 процентов...... превращается в раковую. Оксигенация важна для предотвращения всех болезней. И еще Y.E.S. масло очень рекомендуется при катаракте, есть один сайт - там подробней. Но в мире существует единственное средство которое способно развернуть вспять катаракт, при условии если катаракт в начальной стадии. Эти капли и капсулы были разработаны в России, но денег не хватало, подхвалили за рубежом, провели испытания на людях ( капли из натурального сырья, никакой химии , фармацевтики) чем раньше обнаружен катаракт , тем скорее он вылечивался. 

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This special report shows you how you can win the fight against cancer...
Diagnosed With Cancer?
Here Are 11 Effective, Natural Strategies To Kill Your Cancer
A diagnosis of cancer, or even a suspicion of cancer is darn fearful. You reflect on friends or family who died of cancer. Of all the celebrities who got cancer, gradually deteriorated and died. (Other than Suzanne Somers who went alternative, thrived, survived, and wrote a book about it.) Even every TV show or movie featuring someone with cancer has them dying at the end.
So it’s no wonder research shows that cancer is the most feared disease in the world along with being the most feared word too. How could it not be - given these circumstances?
It may not be so fearful to you if you've been told to come here to read this information by someone who beat a stage 4 cancer by using the cancer fighting strategies covered on this website. Otherwise, it’s no wonder that you’re afraid and skeptical. How could you not be?
In fact, the knowledge in this report is at such odds with what your doctor tells you about cancer, most people reading this page will not go on to read this entire report. It sounds too good to be true.
So one of the biggest issues that you have to wrap your mind around is the obvious thought, “If the information in this report, and the supplements recommended, are so good, why isn’t everyone using them.”
It’s a good question. The answer at its most fundamental level is money and secondarily, that it takes a great deal of time for new ways to fight disease to be accepted. Dr. Samuel S. Epstein writes about this in several books which you may want to read. He is an internationally recognized authority on the causes of cancer, particularly carcinogen exposure from food, air, water, household products, cosmetics, prescription drugs or industrial carcinogens in the workplace.
It may take quite a bit to get to the point where you realize that just doing what your doctors put you through is not adequate. Unfortunately, for many people this point comes at the end, when it is clear that medicine has failed and they are dying a painful and slow death.
It doesn’t have to be this way. One reason we make this report as long as we do is that the more you understand, the more ways you learn to beat cancer, the more testimonials you read, the more this will sink into you.
So the first thing I want to communicate to you is that there is hope. In fact, there is a whole lot of hope. The overwhelming feedback from our research is that when the right actions are taken, even aggressive, tough cancers can be defeated.
This information has been compiled over the course of ten years. It is continually being updated as we find better supplements or learn about new effective cancer fighting procedures.
This report will tell you about the most effective cancer fighting supplements we have found in our research. Supplements that work on their own, or in conjunction with chemotherapy or radiation therapy, to defeat cancer.
And because we believe everyone should have access to this information, we’re offering it at no charge.
We’ve compiled the overwhelming amount of information on the causes of cancer and natural cancer treatments, and condensed it into this report. Well, actually, it's the size of a book.
Better still, we've tested most of the cancer fighting supplements and rated them for you on their cancer fighting ability. This will prevent the mistake of using supplements that sound good but aren't good enough in all too many cases, to beat a tough cancer. So you won't waste money or, your life, on supplements that are marginally effective.
Many readers have told us this report is the best information they have found on cancer. It is written in an easy-to-read style a lay-person can understand.
Much of this is information your doctor can't tell you, or doesn't know. For example, you'll learn about a 14-month informal study of one type of supplement where 51 out of 65 patients with stage 4 cancer became cancer-free when they added it on to their regime.
You'll learn what the underlying causes of cancer really are (each section covers a different cause). You'll learn what to do to counteract those causes. This report will prioritize the most effective actions you can take to defeat cancer. Finally, you'll learn what to do to keep the cancer from coming back.
This information applies to all types of cancer—because the fundamental causes of cancers are the same. It is not that all cancers have the same cause. They don't. But your cancer is caused by at least a few of the 11 causes we cover in this report. Click on the Protocols link and you'll be able get to a specific protocol for your particular cancer. You will learn which are the best supplements to use for that cancer. The top supplements are usually the same, but we optimize them for you.
Literally thousands of people have walked this path before you, and have used the recommendations in this report to beat their cancer and live happy normal lives.  Take a look at a couple of stories to give you an idea of how well the strategies covered in this report have worked.
"End of June, 2011, my mom, an active 73 year old, was diagnosed with Stage IV colon cancer.  The doctor told us that she had a cantaloupe size tumor on her bowel, a grapefruit size tumor on her liver, and an orange size tumor on her pancreas.   The tumor on her bowel was obstructing but they didn’t remove it because they did not want to wait for her to heal from major surgery before they could start the chemo.  They only did a surgical intervention by giving her a colostomy which she absolutely hates!  The doctor told us that the median survival for stage IV colon cancer is two years.
Now that you know the history, I will tell you the rest of the story… bla, bla, BLA!!!
We found the BLA through the internet.  My dad has been giving it to my mom religiously as instructed, 8 squeezes in the morning held under her tongue for a minute before swallowing it, then 7 in the evening taken the same way.
I was very skeptical at first but thought, well, does it matter, mom has end stage cancer, what has she got to lose? They have not told the oncologist about the BLA.   Maybe they are afraid the doctor will refuse to treat mom, or try to convince her not to take it, I just don’t know.  It is not that they are looking for some alternative to the chemo because they know she must take the chemo, but they also know (from the death of friends) that chemo sometimes fails indicating (in their minds) that maybe it is not enough.
Per mom’s doctor, a series of 12 chemo treatments is the minimum protocol for a patient who’s colon cancer has been surgically removed.  My mom’s had not been removed.  Now the doctor seems amazed at my mom’s rapid response.  After the 5th chemo her PET scan showed no cancer cell activity in the three tumor sites and her blood test for CEA went from 126 to 2.3
Could it be the BLA?  As far as we are concerned, it is working.  It obviously did NOT hurt her or interfere with the chemo drugs.   She now has three of the 12 chemo treatments left and continues to supplement with the BLA.  Her response has been so good that they are scheduling her for surgery after Christmas to reverse the colostomy and remove the obstructing mass (now just scar tissue) from her bowel.
"Hi- I will never be able thank you enough. 8 months ago my boyfriend, Pete, was given a few months to live- melanoma was spreading rapidly through his body and was proclaimed to have settled in the lymph nodes and liver. "Doctors" wanted to strip his lymph nodes and cut out a section of his liver, and then chemo him, again. I found your website, printed out all the info on cancer, and presented it to Pete. He agreed to follow the advice- he refused conventional treatment, [We are not advising that you refuse conventional treatments.] and immediately began a regiment of supplements to detoxify, cleanse, oxygenate, alkalinize, and support the immune system. He also made changes in diet and in mind-set. 8 months later he is free of cancer, as indicated in the recent PET scan! He has energy abound, no longer sleeps half the day, and is looking forward to living instead of preparing to die. Your information is well-presented, logical, factual, and in language a person can understand, AND, it saved a man's life." Leslie R.
A note:
In the first half of 2010, we discovered cancer fighting supplements that were the highest rated we had ever tested. By far. And the results we have seen from their use have been outstanding. And in 2011 we have continued to find even more powerful cancer fighters.
These newer supplements greatly improve your odds of beating cancer - especially when it is very advanced.
We have never seen anything that even comes close to the effectiveness of these supplements. They change the cancer fighting ball game significantly.
This report is chock full of many products that are valuable to use. As you will see as you read this report. Our previous top suggestions have helped many beat cancer. In fact, they comprised what we had found to be the top cancer fighting supplements available anywhere. But these new products are even stronger.
By the way, cancer blood marker tests, PSA tests, and even scans are inaccurate when you are killing cancer cells rapidly with these or other supplements. PSA and cancer blood marker tests mistakenly count dead cancer cells as part of their score. So the faster you are killing cancer, the higher the score will be. And as we explain several times in this report, when you take supplements like Corvix, Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ and StressDefense, which kill cancer rapidly, but have no anti-inflammatory action, your tumors will become larger. This is because the tumors end up with a lot of dead cancer cells in them, thanks to these products, and your immune system uses inflammation to get rid of those dead cancer cells. This causes the tumors to inflame, and they get larger. They may be mostly dead, but still will appear larger in scans for a while until they start to collapse.
Not everyone can use all of these products. As will be explained several times in this report, if there are tumors in the brain, near the spine, close to nerves or arteries, in the bones, or anywhere where an enlarged, inflamed tumor could cause problems such as in the neck or throat, you can't use strong cancer killers that are not anti-inflammatory. The immune system gets rid of dead cancer cells in an inflammatory process and the tumor or bone swells. Causing pain or dysfunction or both. Later on in the Immune Section and the Review, we cover which are the best products to use in either situation.
Another issue is that you can't kill off cancer quickly when someone is in very bad shape. Their liver and immune system wouldn't be able to handle the large number of dead cancer cells. In this case you should consider products that primarily support the body for several months so that it becomes strong enough to hit the cancer hard. We have an end stage combo suggested for extreme versions of this. Use a systemic enzyme product like PapayaPro in high doses to digest the dead cancer cells so that your body doesn't have to do so. You'll read more about PapayaPro in the Enzyme section of this report.
On a similar note, we are finding that people get pretty tired using these products. This is good. Your body is working hard handling all the dead cancer cells these products are killing. It could last a month or more. As long as it's not too much, be happy knowing that your cancer is being killed so effectively and rapidly. Your body is making the choice to focus its energy on fighting the cancer and not on day to day activities. If you become too tired, just reduce the dosage and give yourself a bit of a break. At some point there will be enough cancer gone that your body is not working so hard and the energy comes back.
Whenever there are tumors in the lungs, some of the dead cancer cells and associated fluids are coughed up to get rid of them. These new supplements are so powerful that a few users with a lot of cancer in their lungs started to cough pretty much continuously. While it is normally great to kill cancer fast, in this case the continuous coughing that resulted was way too much. So if dealing with a lung cancer where you have a lot of tumors in the lungs, start with smaller doses, and monitor the coughing. If it becomes too much, reduce amounts even more. If the coughing is not bad, work up on the dosages. Using PapayaPro in high doses is also important to do for this.
Read this entire report. You will learn a lot about the causes cancer, the many ways you can fight it, and how to keep it from coming back. It will also give you hope - because when you do the right thing, cancer can be beaten.
Cancerous cells are always being created in the body. It's an ongoing process that has gone on for eons. Consequently, there are parts of your immune system are designed to seek out and destroy cancer cells.
Cancer has been around as long as mankind, but only in the second half of the 20th century did the number of cancer cases explode. Contributing to this explosion are the excessive amounts of toxins and pollutants we are exposed to, high stress lifestyles that zap the immune system, poor quality junk food that's full of pesticides, irradiated and now genetically modified, pathogens, electromagnetic stress, lights, and just about everything that wasn't here 200 years ago.
All these weaken the immune system, and alter the internal environment in the body to an environment that promotes the growth of cancer.
Cancer is not a mysterious disease that suddenly attacks you out of the blue, something that you can't do anything about. It has definite causes that you can correct if your body has enough time, and if you take action to change the internal environment to one that creates health, not cancer, while at the same time attacking cancerous cells and tumors by exploiting their weaknesses.
Cancer tumors begin when more cancerous cells are being created than an overworked, depleted immune system can destroy.
Constant exposure to tens of thousands of manmade chemicals from birth onward, chlorinated and fluoridated water, electromagnetic radiation, pesticides and other toxins, leads to the creation of too manyfree radicals and excessive numbers of cancerous cells.
Alone this would be enough to raise cancer levels, but combined with an immune system weakened by a diet of refined and over processed food, mineral depleted soils, and too much exposure to artificial light at night, the immune system at some point no longer is able to keep cancer in check, and it starts to grow in your body.
DID YOU KNOW?  Research shows that the immune system needs 9 1/2 hours of sleep in total darkness to recharge completely -- the authors of the book Lights Out explain. When was the last time you had this much sleep?
Because of this stress and the overload of toxins, you end up with a malfunctioning immune system, and a body that is not capable of destroying the excessive numbers of cancerous cells that develop. Some, sooner or later, survive and multiply. And then you have cancer. Of course, our diets loaded with sugar and refined carbohydrates don't help. Refined carbohydrates digest so fast they act like sugar, and cancer cells love sugar. They have about 15 times more receptor cells for capturing sugar than healthy cells.
Overcoming cancer is a process of reversing the conditions that allowed the cancer to develop, and going after and killing cancerous cells.
The exact causes don't have to be known, though certainly the more varied the approaches taken to correct those conditions, the more likely you are going to hit on what works best in a particular case. What you need to do is to strongly and dramatically interrupt and reverse the cancer-causing conditions in your body so that it becomes healthier, and stops breeding cancer.
The more cancer there is, the more serious the condition, meaning much more has to be done -- fast. It may be too late, or it may not. No one knows where that cutoff point is as some people given only a few days to live have pulled through and conquered cancer when they applied these strategies.

What The Medical Industry Won't Tell You
About Treating Cancer

There was a woman whose daughter was in the advanced stages of brain cancer.  She asked her oncologist if it was ok to give her daughter a superfood called blue green algae. Her doctor told her that it was no problem, that in fact a number of his patients had used that supplement with success in fighting cancer. Naturally she wondered why he didn't tell her about this product a year before when they came to him.
Unfortunately, he couldn't tell her about this or any "natural or alternative health therapies" and stay employed.  Insurance regulations would preclude such suggestions.  And he could get into administrative trouble by recommending natural, non-drug treatments for cancer. His advice is controlled by a large medical industry that makes mega money off expensive cancer fighting drugs and treatments.  An industry that doesn't look favorably on natural supplements or other cancer treatments as they cannot patent them to make high profits.
Fifty years from now, the current conventional cancer treatments used by doctors will on the whole be viewed in the same light that we view the old medical practice of using leeches to cure illnesses. Chemotherapy and other treatments damage cells and tear down and weaken the immune system. But the problem in the first place is that your immune system is already weak, and that your cells are already damaged.
Even if tumors do go into remission, these treatments will have damaged other cells, which are more likely to turn cancerous. The immune system, unless it is supported by supplements and diet to help it recover, will be in worse shape then ever. While it may have taken decades for cancer to develop the first time around, the second time usually takes a year or two.
Another reason why doctors ignore sensible, safe and healthy treatments for cancer, and recommend costly and illogical treatments instead -- is human nature. They advise and prescribe what they know. Just what we all do.
You go to them and you get what they have been taught. You assume they will do the best they can for you, while in fact they only do what the system teaches them, promotes, and allows them to do.
A Doctor's Shocking Closed-Door Confession  ...
In a survey of 79 oncologists from McGill University Cancer Center in Canada, 64 said they would not consent to treatment with Cisplatin, a common chemotherapy drug, while 58 oncologists said they would reject all the current trials being carried out by their establishment. Why? "The ineffectiveness of chemotherapy and its unacceptable degree of toxicity." Philip Day, Cancer: Why We're Still Dying to Know the Truth
This information is shocking to say the least.  But consider this ...
Doctors today are not very different than they were 150 or 200 years ago. Back then the common practice was for interns and doctors working on cadavers to walk down the hall to deliver a baby withoutwashing their hands. Many women died from the subsequent infections. Finally a doctor in charge of a clinic figured out what was happening, and had them wash their hands. The infections stopped. When he published his results, the medical profession was outraged. Good doctors could not be the cause of something like this. The doctor was ostracized and fired. He went elsewhere and repeated the experiment. Again, deaths dropped. Again he announced the results, and again the medical profession rose up against him. The end of the story was, he lost everything, went insane from the tragedy of it all, and eventually, so the story goes, killed himself.
Bottom line:  Don't expect a doctor working inside the system to buck the system. The risks are too great.
According to the National Cancer Institute, about 500,000 people will be diagnosed with some form of cancer this year. You may not know it, but cancer -- NOT heart disease -- is the number one risk of death for most everyone.
Chemotherapy works by killing all cells -- throughout your body -- that multiply and divide rapidly. This would include cancer cells, and other rapidly multiplying and dividing cells, that we need, such as:
Bone marrow, which produces blood
Digestive system
Reproductive system
Hair follicles
This overkill approach is one of the causes of an astounding overall failure rate of chemotherapy, as you'll see below.
In 2004, the Journal of Clinical Oncology published a study about chemotherapy’s success rates when looking at how many cancer patients were still alive after 5 years. It states:
RESULTS: The overall contribution of curative and adjuvant cytotoxic chemotherapy to 5-year survival in adults was estimated to be 2.3% in Australia and 2.1% in the USA.
CONCLUSION: As the 5-year relative survival rate for cancer in Australia is now over 60%, it is clear that cytotoxic chemotherapy only makes a minor contribution to cancer survival. To justify the continued funding and availability of drugs used in cytotoxic chemotherapy, a rigorous evaluation of the cost-effectiveness and impact on quality of life is urgently required.
You’d be hard pressed to find anything still being touted as your best shot at a cure with an average success rate of just over 2 percent, which chemotherapy has, if it wasn’t for the fact that big profits were driving the recommendation. For stage 4 cancers the rate is less than half of one percent.
Fundamentally, chemotherapy rarely works. Worse, some drug treatments also promote the spread of cancer. But somehow the rationale to avoid these agents because they might promote cancer does not apply when it comes to drugs.
– A Cancer Journal for the Clinician article concludes by stating:
“Pending the publication of suitable trials, clinicians must be guided by existing data in the context of a fundamental principle of medicine, "Primum non nocere." (First do no harm.) "
And yet, conventional cancer treatments can in no way, shape or form ever be considered harmless.
" a chemist trained to interpret data, it is incomprehensible to me that physicians can ignore the clear evidence that chemotherapy does much, much more harm than good."
Alan C Nixon, PhD, former president of the American Chemical Society
It is not all gloom and doom with chemotherapy. For two decades Dr. Perez Garcia has been using a treatment he calls Insulin Potentiation Therapy (IPT). It consists of giving a patient a dose of insulin followed by a tiny dose of chemotherapy.
Cancer cells have 15 times more insulin receptors than normal cells. The insulin dose helps to target chemotherapy into cancer cells because they have so many more insulin receptors. So small doses of chemotherapy can be used that cause little harm to normal cells. With Stage 1 or 2 cancer, IPT is, I read, about 80% successful, mixed results for more serious cancers. So after two decades of use, how many doctors were using IPT in the USA? 29. Hard to believe isn't it. By the way, in our energetic testing on the usefulness of IPT, we find that it is only around 150. Certainly much better than traditional chemotherapy which tests at around 30. But as some of the top cancer fighting products test as high as the millions, 150 is not that good. (The bigger the number the better it is.)
Many oncologists make much of their income from the markup they make on chemotherapy drugs, and small doses don't make big money.
You don't have to avoid chemotherapy or radiation therapy to receive benefits from natural products and supplements. In fact, nutritional supplements are quite useful when used in conjunction with chemotherapy, radiation therapy and surgery. The best ones work to support the body so that radiation and chemo will actually work better. In addition, the immune system will be stronger, and better able to keep cancer from developing again.
It makes sense, doesn't it, to supplement your chemotherapy or radiation treatments with other options that support your body and actually help it be much more effective in fighting cancer.
Many people only do chemotherapy and radiation therapy, and do not also support their body's fight against cancer in other ways. All too often, the cancer is not destroyed, or comes back a short while later. And no wonder...
If the immune system has been wiped out by chemotherapy or radiation, cancer is bound to overrun the body even faster than before.
Seeking other options after the doctors throw in the towel and say there is nothing else they can do, is necessary. It makes more sense to correct the underlying causes of cancer early on when the odds are much better. Especially with natural supplements that can do no harm.
Natural supplements won't hurt you. They can only help. They won't make chemotherapy or radiation therapy less effective.  Instead they amplify the power of whatever cancer treatments you may be doing by attacking cancer in other ways, or supporting the health of the body and immune system.  For example, research studies have shown that when you oxygenate cancer cells, radiation therapy is more effective at killing those cells. And beta glucan, when used in conjunction with some types of chemotherapy, produced marked improvement over chemotherapy alone.
Certainly some people beat cancer using chemotherapy or radiation therapy. But look at the number of deaths from cancer, and you see that too many people don't. Not using natural supplements to fight cancer is like being in a life and death struggle, and choosing to fight with one hand tied behind your back.
Hit cancer hard. This is one fight you don't want to lose.
The more support you give your body, the better you will be at handling any possible side effects of chemotherapy and radiation therapy, and the better your body will be at fighting cancer.
A natural approach to cancer is based on making your body healthier. To strengthen a depleted, worn out, under energized immune system that is not capable of killing cancer cells as fast as they are multiplying.
Use safe, natural supplements to change the body's internal environment to one that does not support the growth of cancer, and to directly kill cancer cells.
There are so many supplements that have anti-cancer properties, the choice of deciding what are the best to use can be overwhelming. This report will help you filter out the good and the not so good supplements from the best supplements you should be using to give yourself the best chance at beating cancer. Besides taking into account feedback from users, speaking with manufacturers and industry insiders, we use energetic testing to help determine which supplements are important to use, and which may be a waste of time and money.
The testing is subjective so we check and re-check the results to make it as accurate as possible. Periodically we re-evaluate the supplements, energetically testing them to see how effective they have proven to be for the people who have used them. Some scores improve, some go down. This constant checking of the ability of the supplements covered here to fight cancer means the very best products to filter to the top. Our suggestions improve all the time because of this evaluation process.
According to quantum physics, there is a unified energy field with no time and space that underlies physical reality. Everything is connected to that field. By learning to access that field intuitively, it is possible to research how effective a supplement may be for fighting cancer. Our experience is that over the years our testing has become better and better and is usually right on the nose. For example the energetic testing on Quanzor, Matrix Factor, Genista, Omni Elixirs, Blue Tonic and a few other top supplements have been among the highest ratings ever. And they have been producing great feedback. The testing had been right on the mark.
The energetic testing scores will give you a very good idea of what supplements are not so valuable to use, and which are the most important to use. A relatively small number of "hard" supplements are over 1000, with a few of the very best being in the millions. The higher the number the more healing power the supplement or procedure has. The numbers don't mean anything in and of themselves. They just enable a comparison of various supplements. The zeolite that energetically tests over 900 is going to be significantly better than the rest that come in a bit over 300 or less. The supplements that test in the millions are going to be stronger than any that test in the hundreds.
The best know cancer fighting supplements you read about on other websites almost all test energetically in the range of 200 to 300, sometimes lower, rarely higher, occasionally a procedure may hit 500 or so. (As we mentioned, chemotherapies tend to come in around 30.) It is no wonder their success is only moderately good and that many people using them still die of cancer. These are good enough to help some folks knock out cancer, but many times they are not enough. The vast majority of nutritional supplements and medications are in the range of 40 to 100; it is no wonder they are not as successful as you would like them to be. Poor quality products, with some toxicity in them, will be in the 30s or less. Products that may sound like they should be great, but are just okay, will be in the 100s. In the 200s products are starting to get good, but they are not very good.
We give you the energetic testing numbers throughout this report to better enable you to decide what are the most effective supplements or courses of action to take to beat cancer.
What you will be reading in this report isn't about a cure for cancer. It isn't medical advice. It is sort of like information from the National Cancer Society that one of the most important things you can do for your health is to eat five servings of fruits and vegetables a day. Only it is telling you about food supplements and minerals that are much more potent. You'll understand as you read on.

11 Strategies to focus on when fighting cancer...

Cancer Strategy #1: Kill Cancer Cells...
Without Harming Your Body

When chemotherapy and radiation therapy are used to kill the cancerous cells, they harm healthy cells in the process. In fact, they sometimes kill people faster than the cancer would have done. This report focuses on natural supplements that do a good job of killing cancerous cells, but don't cause harm to your body. A few natural supplements suggested for fighting cancer do have the potential to be toxic to the body, and should probably just be used in conjunction with a naturopath or alternative doctor. These include cesium, artemisia, and B17. In this report you will learn only about completely safe cancer supplements that can be used with no supervision.
You may well ask why , if a safe and natural product is able to kill cancer, doesn't your doctor recommend it. Of course, he probably doesn't know about it, but even if he did, he's not likely to use it.
It's the nature of the medical/drug industry. Doctors use and recommend drugs that are approved in a process that costs hundreds of millions of dollars. The drug companies only make drugs that can be patented. That way they can sell them for huge mark-ups and have no competition. Unfortunately, anything that has been altered from nature, which is must be to be patented, becomes a toxic substance in your body. Your body can handle natural foods and herbs, the altered ones have toxic side-effects and just don't work well in your body. It's why the biggest cause of deaths in the US is from medical drugs.
No company would ever take an unpatentable natural product through the drug approval process, so the healthy natural supplements aren't approved to be used for cancer or whatever other health condition they may help. As they are not approved, doctors, or at least most doctors, won't use them, and most don't even know about them.
If a doctor is not tied in and blinded by the medical/drug industry, he or she finds that a comprehensive approach to fighting cancer using powerful supplements that deal with the many different issues in cancer, works much better than only using drugs and other treatments that harm the body. But for now you have to turn to other resources to find safe cancer killers.
Cancer Strategy #2:  Low Levels Of Cellular Oxygen Breed Cancer...
Increasing Oxygen Levels Kills Cancerous Cells
An underlying cause of cancer is low cellular oxygenation levels. In newly formed cells, low levels of oxygen damage respiration enzymes so that they cells cannot produce energy using oxygen. These cells can then turn cancerous.
In 1931 Dr. Warburg won his first Nobel Prize for proving cancer is caused by a lack of oxygen respiration in cells. He stated in an article titled The Prime Cause and Prevention of Cancer that "the cause of cancer is no longer a mystery, we know it occurs whenever any cell is denied 60% of its oxygen requirements."
"Cancer, above all other diseases, has countless secondary causes. But, even for cancer, there is only one prime cause. Summarized in a few words, the prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in normal body cells by a fermentation of sugar. All normal body cells meet their energy needs by respiration of oxygen, whereas cancer cells meet their energy needs in great part by fermentation. All normal body cells are thus obligate aerobes, whereas all cancer cells are partial anaerobes."
Poor oxygenation comes from a buildup of carcinogens and other toxins within and around cells, which blocks and then damages the cellular oxygen respiration mechanism. Clumping up of red blood cells slows down the bloodstream, and restricts flow into capillaries. This also causes poor oxygenation. Even lack of the proper building blocks for cell walls, Omega-3 and Omega-6 essential fatty acids, restricts oxygen exchange.
What Warburg and other scientists found was that respiratory enzymes in cells, which make energy aerobically using oxygen, die when cellular oxygen levels drop.
When they die, that cell can no longer produce all its energy using oxygen. So, if the cell is to live, it must, at least partially, ferment sugar to produce energy with the need for the respiratory enzymes. For a short period of time, like when running a race, this anaerobic fermentation of sugar is okay. Your legs build up lactic acid from this fermentation process and burn, and you stop running. Then your cells recover and produce energy using oxygen. However the problem comes when your cells cannot produce energy using oxygen because of this damage to the respiratory enzymes. Then they must produce energy primarily by fermentation most of the time. This is what can cause a cell to turn cancerous.
According to Warburg, cells that primarily produce energy by fermenting sugars may turn cancerous. Warburg's contention is this...
The cells that cannot produce energy aerobically, cannot produce enough energy to maintain their ability to function properly. So they lose their ability to do whatever they need to do in the body.
Fermentation allows these cells to survive, but they can no longer perform any functions in the body or communicate effectively with the body. Consequently, these cells can only multiply and grow. And may become cancerous. Or perhaps it would be more accurate to say, they degrade into cancer cells that no longer serve your body, but live to survive..
Decades ago, two researchers at the National Cancer Institute, Dean Burn and Mark Woods, (Dean translated some of Warburg's speeches) conducted a series of experiments where they measured the fermentation rate of cancers that grew at different speeds. What they found supported Dr. Warburg's theory. The cancers with the highest growth rates had the highest fermentation rates. The slower a cancer grew, the less it used fermentation to produce energy.
Naturally Warburg's contention was challenged and tested by other scientists.
Some researchers claimed his theory was not valid after they had measured a particularly slow growing cancer, and found no fermentation at all. And if cancer could grow with no fermentation, then fermentation, or lack of oxygen respiration, was not the cause of cancer. Dean Burn and Mark Woods checked those results.
Using more sophisticated equipment, they determined that the equipment these researchers used to measure fermentation levels was not accurate enough to detect fermentation at low levels. Their testing, using newer and more accurate equipment, showed that even in those very slow growing cancer cells, fermentation was still taking place, at very low levels.
Pietro Gullino, also at the National Cancer Institute, devised a test which showed that this slow growing cancer always produced fermentation lactic acid. Silvio Fiala, a biochemist from the University of Southern California, also confirmed that this slow growing cancer produced lactic acid, and that it's oxygen respiration was reduced.
Further research into Warburg's theory showed that when oxygen levels were turned down, cells began to produce energy anaerobically. They ultimately became cancerous when levels went low enough. It took a reduction of 35% in oxygen levels for this to happen.
J. B. Kizer, a biochemist and physicist at Gungnir Research in Portsmith, Ohio explains, "Since Warburg's discovery, this difference in respiration has remained the most fundamental (and some say, only) physiological difference consistently found between normal and cancer cells. Using cell culture studies, I decided to examine the differential responses of normal and cancer cells to changes in the oxygen environment.
"The results that I found were rather remarkable. I found that... "High 02 tensions were lethal to cancer tissue, 95 percent being very toxic, whereas in general, normal tissues were not harmed by high oxygen tensions. Indeed, some normal tissues were found to require high 02 tensions. It does seem to demonstrate the possibility that if the 02 tensions in cancer tissues can be elevated, then the cancer tissue may be able to be killed selectively, as it seems that the cancer cells are incapable of handling the 02 in a high 02 environment."
Low oxygen levels in cells may be a fundamental cause of cancer. There are several reasons cells become poorly oxygenated. An overload of toxins clogging up the cells, poor quality cell walls that don't allow nutrients into the cells, the lack of nutrients needed for respiration, poor circulation and perhaps even low levels of oxygen in the air we breathe.
Cancer cells produce excess lactic acid as they ferment energy. Lactic acid is toxic, and tends to prevent the transport of oxygen into neighboring normal cells. Over time as these cells replicate, the cancer may spread if not destroyed by the immune system.
Chemotherapy and radiation are used because cancer cells are weaker than normal cells and therefore may die first.
However, chemo and radiation damage respiratory enzymes in healthy cells, and overload them with toxins, so they become more likely to develop into cancer. The underlying cancer causing conditions are worsened, not improved. And the cancer usually returns quickly a second time unless you make changes to support the health of your body.
The implication of this research is that an effective way to support the body's fight against cancer would be to get as much oxygen as you can into healthy cells, and improving their ability to utilize oxygen. Raising the oxygen levels of normal cells would help prevent them from becoming cancerous.
And increasing oxygen levels in cancer cells to high levels could help kill those cancer cells.
A nurse who works in medical research said, "It's so simple. I don't know why I never thought of it before. When we're working with cell cultures in the lab, if we want the cells to mutate, we turn down the oxygen. To stop them, we turn the oxygen back up."
Ma Lan, MD and Joel Wallach DVD, point out that one type of white blood cells kills cancer cells by injecting oxygen creating hydrogen peroxide into the cells.
It is not easy to get additional oxygen into cells. Most approaches don't work well. Breathing oxygen is still limited by the amount of hemoglobin available, and pH levels. Dr. Whittaker points out, quite rightly, that liquid oxygen supplements that release oxygen into the blood, which most of them only do, can't get oxygen into the cells.
He explains that a delivery mechanism is needed to transport oxygen into cells. And though the typical oxygen supplement gets oxygen into the blood, that doesn't mean it gets into the cells.
There is a bit more to this oxygenation story.
If you remember, according to Warburg, it is increased amounts of carcinogens, toxicity and pollution that cause cells to be unable to uptake oxygen efficiently. This is connected with over-acidity.
Cancer Strategy #3:  Acidic pH Levels Lead To Cancer...
Normalizing pH Levels Can Stop Cancer In Its Tracks

There is plenty of research showing that cancer thrives in an acidic environment, and doesn't survive in an normal, more alkaline environment. Cancer cells make your body even more acidic as they produce lactic acid. So if you have cancer, your pH levels are low and your body is too acidic.
Taking action to make your body more alkaline is vital in the battle against cancer. Unfortunately...
The majority of the foods and drinks we consume are acidic, such as meat, grains and sugar, with colas and other soft drinks being highly acidic. So unless you have been eating a very healthy diet, full of fresh fruit and vegetables, your body is way too acidic. Creating a very good environment for cancer to grow in.
Actually, a too much acidity is an underlying factor in many degenerative diseases -- diabetes, arthritis, fibromyalgia and more. A basic maxim of natural physicians is: Balance the bio terrain. Do this first, then everything can come back to normal.
Taking medicines or supplements while your body is highly acidic is a bit like washing dishes in a sink of dirty water, even when you put in plenty of soap, you can't get the dishes clean.
According to Keiichi Morishita in his book, Hidden Truth of Cancer, when your blood starts to become acidic, your body deposits acidic substances in the blood (usually toxins) into cells to allow the blood to remain slightly alkaline. However, this causes your cells to become more acidic and toxic, which results in a decrease of their oxygen levels, and harms their DNA and respiratory enzymes.
Over time, he theorizes, these cells increase in acidity and some die. These dead cells themselves turn into acids. However, some of these acidified cells may adapt in that environment. In other words, instead of dying - as normal cells do in an acid environment - some cells survive by becoming abnormal cells.
These abnormal cells are called malignant cells. Malignant cells do not correspond with brain function nor with our own DNA memory code. Therefore, malignant cells grow indefinitely and without order. This is cancer.
As you can see, he is describing, from a different point of view, the process by which low oxygen levels turn some cells cancerous. Alkaline water (including the water in cells) holds a lot of oxygen. Acidic water holds very little oxygen. So the more acidic your cells are, the less oxygenated they will be. To make matters worse, the fermentation process cancer cells use to produce energy creates lactic acid, further increasing acidity and reducing oxygen levels.
Sang Whang, in his book Reverse Aging, points out that toxins are acidic. If your blood is too acidic, toxins will not be released from your cells into the blood. So your cells can't be detoxified. This buildup of toxins in your cells results in acidic, poorly oxygenated cells, which can turn cancerous. He explains,
"In general, degenerative diseases are the result of acid waste buildups within us. When we are born, we have the highest alkaline mineral concentration and also the highest body pH. From that point on, the normal process of life is to gradually acidify. That is why these degenerative diseases do not occur when you are young. Reverse aging requires two separate steps: chemical and physical. The first step is to lower the acidity of the body so that it can dispose of acidic wastes in the blood and cellular fluids safely and easily. The second step is to physically pull out old stored wastes into the blood stream so that they can be discharged from the body."
There is a long history of reversing cancer simply by alkalinizing the body. It is one of the basic strategies in the battle against cancer and for improving your health in general.
Cancer Strategy #4: Lack Of Methylglyoxal Causes Cancer...
Increasing Methylglyoxal Levels In Cells Puts The Brakes On Cancer

Over half a century ago one of the most promising approaches to fighting cancer revolved around the Carbonyl group - Glyoxal and Methylglyoxal. These molecules, when they are in cells as they are supposed to be, arrest cell division and make cells return to a resting state. If they are lacking, uncontrolled proliferation goes on which leads to cancer. Glyoxal & Methylglyoxal are supposed to be in your cells. Stimulating your cells to produce them has significant anti-cancer activity.
Nobel Prize winner, Dr. William Koch, focused on this approach. He achieved many cancer cures with an energetic approach to stimulating production of glyoxal and methylglyoxal. We will tell you about the best version of this approach to fighting cancer a bit later in this report.
Cancer Strategy #5:  A Weakened Immune System Leads To Cancer...
A Strong Immune System Seeks Out And Destroys Cancer Cells

For most of your life, the immune system has successfully dealt with cancer cells, killing them off as they developed. That's its job. For cancer to have developed in you, your immune system must have become worn out, ineffective and unable to deal with the cancer cells.
Thus it is vital to strengthen the immune system so that it can better fight cancer. Especially if you are getting medical treatments that wipe out the immune system, and make the body more acidic to boot.
Many natural supplements support the immune system. The trick is the find and use the ones that work the best, as it is easy to squander resources on products that won't get the job done. The other concern is to make sure you take enoughCancer is not something to pussyfoot around with. Taking 5 to 10 times the normal supplemental amount seems to work best when using natural supplements.
Cancer Strategy #6:  Candida And Fungal Infections May Cause Cancer...
Eliminating These Fungal Infections Is Vital For Getting Rid Of Cancer
Some doctors theorize that candida or other systemic fungal infections cause or at the very least contribute to the development of cancer. This makes sense. A body wide candida infection plays havoc on the immune system. Not only does the immune system become overwhelmed and worn out from fighting the infection, but candida (or other fungus) excrete toxins that further weaken and harm the body.
The major waste product of candida is acetaldehyde, which produces ethanol. Ethanol may be great in cars, but in your body it causes excessive fatigue, and reduces strength and stamina. In addition, it destroys enzymes needed for cell energy, and causes the release of free radicals that can damage DNA.
Ethanol also inhibits the absorption of iron. Because iron is one of the most important oxygen supports in the blood, ethanol in your body creates low oxygen levels. And you know what happens when your body can't oxygenate well. Deal with candida if you want to beat cancer.
There is a simple test to tell if you have candida overgrowth.
First thing in the morning, before you put ANYTHING in your mouth, get a clear glass of water. Better still; leave it by your bed the night before. Work up a bit of saliva, and then spit it into the glass of water.
Check the water every 15 minutes or so for up to one hour. If you have a candida yeast infection, strings (like legs) will travel down into the water from the saliva floating on top, or "cloudy" saliva will sink to the bottom of the glass, or cloudy specks will seem to be suspended in the water. If nothing develops in 30 to 45 minutes, you are probably candida free.
Some doctors implicate fungi as a cause of leukemia. In 1999 Meinolf Karthaus, MD, watched three different children with leukemia suddenly go into remission upon receiving a triple antifungal drug cocktail for their "secondary" fungal infections.
In 1997 Mark Bielski stated that leukemia, whether acute or chronic, is intimately associated with the yeast, Candida albicans, which mutates into a fungal form when it overgrows.
Milton White, MD. believed that cancer is a chronic, infectious, fungus disease. He was able to find fungal spores in every sample of cancer tissue he studied. Other doctors feel the same. The cancer fighting strategy one Italian MD uses is to attack the candida by alkalinizing the digestive tract. He has his patients drink a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda, baking soda, in a glass of water 30 minutes before breakfast. Some of his patients eliminate their cancer just doing this.
Author Doug Kaufmann asserts that fungi in foods may play a role in cancer. He has seen children become free of their documented leukemia once the child's parents simply changed the child's diet. Kaufmann's diet is base on the widely published problem of mycotoxin contamination of our grain foods.
Grains such as corn, wheat, barley, sorghum, and other foods such as peanuts, are commonly contaminated with cancer-causing fungal poisons called mycotoxins. One of them, called aflatoxin, just happens to be the most carcinogenic substance on earth.
He says we consume, on average, from 0.15mg to 0.5mg of aflatoxin per day. So it is not sugar alone that is the problem in our western diet, but fungal toxins that are found in the sugary grains. More than once has Kaufmann interviewed a caller (on his health talk show) who absolutely craved peanut butter and popcorn just prior to their diagnosis of cancer.
Kaufmann feels that antibiotics may play a role in this. Antibiotics destroy the normal, protective gut bacteria, allowing intestinal yeast and fungi to grow unchecked. Resulting in Candida overgrowth. This can lead to immune suppression, symptoms of autoimmune diseases, or even cancer.
"If the onset of any symptom or disease, cancer included, was preceded by a course of antibiotics," he says, "then look for a fungus to be at the root of your problem."
Cancer Strategy #7:  Toxins (Including Genetically Modified Foods & Chlorine) Cause Cancer...
Reducing Toxic Overload Vital For Eliminating Cancer

An eminent German oncologist says that cancer is caused by environmental toxins. Others agree. While there are obviously other issues, fungus, viruses, genetics, etc., the major change in the world that could have lead to the explosion of cancer over the last 100 years has been the introduction of tens of thousands of chemicals into the environment. Chemicals that we had never been exposed to before. Ones that our bodies don't know how to handle.
They overwhelm the defenses of your body and cancer develops. Unfortunately, if industry and the government they control have their way, it may even become worse.
Biotech companies have been aggressively promoting the use of genetically modified food. It's a financial goldmine for them. Unfortunately, there are several problems with genetically modified food. Even the scientists at the FDA resisted them till political pressure from the top approved it. Every independent study has shown problems with the eating of genetically modified food. Abnormal cell growth being high on the list. And no wonder.
Jeffrey Smith, author of Seeds of Deception writes on
"More worrisome is that the "promoter" used inside GM foods could get transferred to bacteria or internal organs. Promoters act like a light switches, permanently turning on genes that might otherwise be switched off. Scientists believe that this might create unpredictable health effects, including the potentially pre-cancerous cell growth found in the animal feeding studies mentioned above.
"Milk from rbGH-treated cows contains an increased amount of the hormone IGF-1, which is one of the highest risk factors associated with breast and prostate cancer, among others. Soy allergies skyrocketed by 50% in the UK, coinciding with the introduction of GM soy imports from the U.S."
Foods are not required to be labeled as GM foods.The only way to make sure you are not eating food that has been genetically modified is to eat organic food or food labeled non-gmo. Eating organic food will also reduce the amount of chemicals you are ingesting.
Types of toxins in your body
There are several types of toxic buildups in the body that need to be dealt with when fighting cancer. First there is cellular toxicity caused by the shunting of toxins into cells due to excess acidity in the blood, and the inability to release toxins in the cells for that very same reason.
Next is heavy metal and chemical toxicity coming from years of exposure to highly toxic heavy metals and chemicals. While many come from the environment, silver amalgam fillings, many vaccines and some other drugs put mercury and other toxins into our body. Most large fish have elevated mercury levels. Elevated levels of heavy metals disrupt the immune system, and must be dealt with when fighting cancer.
And then there is the toxic buildup in the colon of undigested foods and hardened fecal matter. Nutrient absorption is disrupted, and toxins sitting in that decaying mess are reabsorbed back into the body. This creates a constant stress on the immune system, and a further load on the body's detoxification systems. Colon cleaning needs to happen on the journey to good health.
The Chlorinated Water and Cancer Connection
Pathogens in water have led to many diseases. But did you know that what's put in your water to purify it may be causing your cancer (and heart disease)?
The French, with their lower cancer rates from consuming OPC's and resveratrol in red wine, have made red wine famous for its health benefits. There is another side to their lower cancer rates that most people don't know...
The French do not drink chlorinated water. They ozonate their water to purify it.
Does this make a difference? Absolutely.
"We are quite convinced... that there is an association between cancer and chlorinated water."Medical College Of Wisconsin research team
We don't use chlorine because it's safe, we use it because it is cheap. We essentially still pour bleach in our water before we drink it. The long-term effects of chlorinated drinking water are disastrous.
According to the U.S. Council Of Environmental Quality, "Cancer risk among people drinking chlorinated water is 93% higher than among those whose water does not contain chlorine."
It may cause much heart disease too. Dr. Joseph Price wrote a highly controversial book in the late sixties titled Coronaries/Cholesterol/Chlorine, and concluded that nothing can negate the incontrovertible fact, that the basic cause of arteriosclerosis, heart attacks and stroke, is chlorine.
Dr. Price later headed up a study using chickens as test subjects, where two groups of several hundred birds were observed throughout their span to maturity.
One group was given water with chlorine and the other without. The group raised with chlorine, when autopsied, showed some level of heart or circulatory disease in every specimen, the group without had noincidence of disease. The group without chlorine grew faster, larger and displayed vigorous health.
This study was well received in the poultry industry, and is still used as a reference today. As a result, most large poultry producers use dechlorinated water.
When chlorine is added to our water, it combines with other natural compounds to form Trihalomethanes (chlorination byproducts), or THMs. These chlorine byproducts trigger the production of free radicalsin the body, causing cell damage, and are highly carcinogenic.
"Although concentrations of these carcinogens (THMs) are low, it is precisely these low levels that cancer scientists believe are responsible for the majority of human cancers in the United States".The Environmental Defense Fund
Dr. Robert Carlson, a highly respected University of Minnesota researcher, sums it up by claiming, "Chlorine is the greatest crippler and killer of modern times!"
Breast cancer, which now affects one in every eight women in North America, has recently been linked to the accumulation of chlorine compounds in the breast tissue. A study carried out in Hartford Connecticut, the first of it's kind in North America, found that:
"Women with breast cancer have 50% to 60% higher levels of organochlorines (chlorination byproducts) in their breast tissue than women without breast cancer."
It is not just drinking chlorinated water that is the problem.
Up to two thirds of our exposure to chlorine is due to inhalation of steam and skin absorption while showering. A warm shower opens up the pores of the skin and allows for accelerated absorption of chlorine and other chemicals in water.
The steam we inhale while showering can contain up to 50 times the level of chemicals than tap water due to the fact that chlorine and most other contaminants vaporize much faster and at a lower temperature than water. Inhalation is a much more harmful means of exposure since the chlorine gas (chloroform) we inhale goes directly into our blood stream.
"Showering is suspected as the primary cause of elevated levels of chloroform in nearly every home because of chlorine in the water."
Dr Lance Wallace, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
If you take showers using chlorinated water and are dealing with cancer, clearly installing a shower filter to dechlorinate your shower water makes good sense.
Other Toxin Sources
In the process of eliminating as much toxic exposure as possible, you need to limit exposure from the chemicals in your carpets and walls of your home. Unless you've already taken special efforts to have a chemical free house, formaldehyde and many other chemicals have been outgassing toxic fumes in yours for years. Hulda Clark, in her books on fighting cancer and other diseases, recommends that all carpeting be pulled up, paneling and walls taken out and replaced, and so on - if you want to beat cancer. Pretty drastic stuff. A less overwhelming solution would be to get a photo catalysis air cleaner. Using technology developed by NASA, it puts out molecules that interact with VOC's, the chemicals put out by carpets, etc. and changes them into harmless carbon and water molecules.
Personal care items like shampoo, conditioner, or skin lotion often contain ingredients that add to the overburden of chemicals your immune system must get rid of. Try to use as natural and pure personal care items with as few chemical listed in the ingredients as possible to reduce that overload. The less overwhelmed your immune system is, the better it can fight the cancer.
The buildup of toxins in your body reduces cell oxygenation and toxins will damage DNA, causing cell mutation. The key is to protect your cells by making sure you are taking plenty of antioxidants, stop drinking chlorinated water or taking showers in it, and get rid of the buildup of toxins in your body using safe and natural detoxifiers.
There are three types of detoxification to be done, cellular detoxification, intestinal detoxification and a more general body detoxification in which we will include heavy metal detoxification. There is some crossover here, any detoxifier will work in more than one way. And remember, it is very important to alkalinize the body as that must happen before a great deal of detoxification can be done.
Cancer Strategy #8:  Free Radicals Promote Cancer By Damaging DNA...
Free Radical Scavengers Protect Cells From Damage

One of the causes of cancer is excessive free radical damage in your cells that harms your DNA and results in some cells mutating into cancerous cells. Every chemical and toxin in you body causes free radical damage. The carcinogenic ones cause even more. Combined with high acidity and low oxygenation, you've got a prescription for cancer.
Another reason we have too much free radical damage and too much cancer is that processed foods generate more free radicals than whole foods, and have fewer nutrients to act as free radical scavengers to help protect you from those free radicals. On top of this, you are exposed to 70,000 chemicals -- 20,000 of which are known cancer-causing agents. These all cause free radical damage.
Cancer Strategy #9:  Low Levels Of Enzymes Always Found In Cancer...
Use The Right Enzymes To Kill Cancer Cells

Researchers have noted for years a correspondence between low enzyme levels and cancer. In fact enzyme therapy has been used with good results against cancers in Europe, and by some doctors in the United States. To literally digest cancerous cells.
In the early 1900's a doctor in Wales, John Beard discovered that pancreatic enzymes destroyed cancer cells. Making some brilliant observations, he deduced that cancer cells come from stem cells that become uncontrolled stem cells. He noticed that the fetal pancreas starts working and secreting enzymes at the 56th day of gestation. Fetuses don't digest anything till they are born. Beard wondered why did the pancreas in the fetus start working so early? He noticed that the day the pancreas started producing enzymes was the day the placenta stopped growing. The enzymes stopped this rapid growth.
His theory was that many placental cells remain in our body. When these misplaced placental cells get lost and can start growing, turning cancerous, if you don't have enough pancreatic enzymes. (By the way the medical community thought he was crazy. Now a hundred years later, technology has confirmed there are these cells.)
In 1911 he tested pancreatic enzymes for stopping cancer in mice and it worked. Naturally and unfortunately, he was blackballed and died in obscurity. Decades later Dr. Kelly read about his work, and cured himself of cancer using pancreatic enzymes and started treating and curing many cancer patients using pancreatic enzymes. Dr. Gonzales, sent to investigate Dr. Kelly, liked what he saw so much that he also treats cancer using pancreatic enzymes.
The major reason enzymes levels become depleted is that we eat mostly processed, irradiated and cooked food.
The digestive system was designed to process raw food. Raw food, when it is picked ripe, has enzymes in it that help break down that food in the upper stomach where it sits for 30 to 45 minutes. The enzymes in the food predigest that food. Then in the lower stomach the pancreas excretes more enzymes.
When you eat cooked, irradiated and processed foods, the enzymes have been killed; the food does not predigest in the upper stomach. So when it reaches the lower stomach two things happen. The pancreas must make extra enzymes to try and break down the food.
And often the food is only partially digested.
The pancreas, after decades of overworking, eventually is no longer able to produce an adequate supply of enzymes. So you develop low enzyme levels of all types of enzymes, and your body cannotnaturally kill cancerous cells using enzymes.
In addition, food that is not completely digested all too often makes its way into the bloodstream. Especially if you have leaky gut syndrome from candida overgrowth. This partially digest food is treated as a toxin, and the immune system has to get rid of it. This puts an additional strain on the already overworked immune system.
Studies have found that the immune system treats the ingestion of cooked food as a toxic poison, causing a jump in white blood cells in an attempt to get rid of it as fast as possible.
Taking a good quality enzyme supplement with meals, one that has high levels of protease to digest protein, lipase to digest fat, and amylase to digest carbohydrates helps break down food in the upper stomach. So that the pancreas doesn't have to produce extra enzymes. Food is better digested. You also need to take Betaine HCL and the HCL Activator to help break down protein.
Also, it is important to take enzymes on an empty stomach. A stack of research shows that enzymes, when taken in this manner, will go into the bloodstream and clean it up. And in the process digest and kill cancer cells. Take both a plant based digestive enzyme along with pancreatic enzymes high in Trypsin and Chymotrypsin for the best results. Take both with meals for improved digestion, and on an empty stomach to get into the body.
This will also unstick clumpy red blood cells. Sticky, clumped up red blood cell clusters clog up capillaries and reduce circulation. So that cells cannot oxygenate properly. Which as you have gathered by now, contributes to cancer.
Cancer tumors produce a thick fibrin protein to help protect them from the immune system. This also helps to stick the cancer tumor to wherever it is.
Enzymes in the bloodstream can digest and dissolve the fibrin coating. Large amounts of enzymes would need to be taken, and they would need to be enzymes high in protease.
Cancer Strategy #10:  Cancer Cells Have Low Subtle Energy Vibrations...
Raising The Vibratory Level In The Body Disrupts Cancer Growth

Conditions that lead to cancer can also be viewed energetically. In fact, low energetic vibrations may well set the stage for the development of cancer. Cancer cells have much lower levels of vibratory subtle energy. For a cell to turn cancerous, its vibratory energy must be low. Raising the energetic level of the body alone has helped some people conquer cancer.
You can raise the vibratory levels of your cells. One way is to drink fluids that have been energized. Liquids vibrate at the rate fluids near them are vibrating. Drinking high-energy water will raise the energetic level of cellular fluids. The higher they are raised, the harder you make it on cancer.
Electromagnetic Fields (EMF's) are another possible cause of cancer. You are exposed to them by electronic appliances. Cell phones, computer screens and microwaves are among the biggest offenders, but even the clock radio by the side of your bed is putting out unhealthy levels of EMF's for a foot or two. Your car puts out quite a bit of it.
Radiation from cell phones can literally eat holes in your blood brain barrier, which functions to prevent toxins from entering the brain. When it is full of holes, toxins get into brain, causing much damage. A Swedish study has found that heavy users of cell phones had a 240 percent increase in brain tumors on the side of their head that the phone was used on. The study defined 'heavy' use as more than 2,000 total hours, or approximately one hour of use per workday for 10 years.
There are two ways you can deal with EMF's You can try to avoid exposure to them, or you can wear or use an energized product that counters the effect of that radiation to your body's energy field. For example, you can choose to not use a cell phone or any portable phone, or you can put a good cell phone energy neutralizer on the phone to neutralize the radiation.
Geopathic stress has been implicated by many alternative health practitioners in Europe as a cause of cancer. Simply put, geopathic stress is unhealthy energy coming from the earth. One cause is underground streams that creates friction that produces the wrong type of energy.
Two developers of energized products both had cancer that would not resolve until they were told to check and see if they slept over geopathic stress. They did, changed their sleeping arrangements, and then were able to get well. A study in England noted that gypsies, even though their diets and smoking habits were poor, were not near as likely to get cancer because they were always moving so were not likely to have been sleeping in an area of geopathic stress for years at a time.
Cancer Strategy #11:  Psychological Stress Leads To Cancer...
Resolving Stressful Issues Vital For Success Against Cancer

Dr. Hamer, a German oncologist, developed cancer in the late 70s, shortly after his son's untimely death. Theorizing there was a connection between the stress of his son's death and his development of cancer, he began to investigate his cancer patients' histories, and found that they too had experienced an unexpected shock or trauma shortly before their cancer.
Next, he analyzed his patients’ brain scans and compared them with the corresponding medical and psychological records. Amazingly, he found a clear correlation between shocks, specific areas of the brain damaged by certain types of shocks, and particular organs where cancer developed depending on the type of trauma.

Based on over 40,000 case studies, over a number of years he developed a theory that every disease originates from a shock or trauma that catches us by surprise. The moment the unexpected conflict occurs, the shock strikes a specific area in the brain causing a lesion (called Hamer Focus), visible on a brain scan as a set of sharp concentric rings in MRI's. The brain cells that receive the impact send a biochemical signal to the corresponding body cells causing the growth of a tumor, a meltdown of tissue or functional loss, depending on which brain layer receives the shock.
He theorized that specific conflicts are tied to specific areas in the brain because, during evolution, brain areas are programmed to respond instantly to conflicts that could threaten survival. For example, let's say that a woman is walking with her child. Suddenly the child runs into the street, and is struck by a car. The moment a mother sees her child injured she suffers a mother-child-worry-conflict, and in a split second the special biological program for this particular type of conflict is switched on.
This always impacts in the brain area that controls the function of the breast glands. This is because, in biological terms, an injured offspring recovers faster when it receives more milk, extra milk production is immediately stimulated by increasing the number of breast gland cells. Even if the woman is not breast feeding, this event is still triggered. As long as the child is in the hospital, the breast cells will keep dividing and multiplying, forming what is commonly called a glandular breast tumor. When the child recovers, the mother will start to heal.
So you correct the problem that is causing the stress, like getting a new job if you have been fired, or a new spouse if there has been a divorce. Or you psychologically learn to deal with the issue so that it no longer is causing stress. Either is vital for healing from cancer. Done in conjunction with conventional treatments, the results have been exceptional.
Dr. Hamer suffered over the years for his controversial theories. One prosecutor pulled his records, and went through patient after patient. Out of 6500 patients with terminal cancer, 6000 were alive. Pretty impressive.
Cancer has many more causes than only being initiated by stressful events. But it does look like they are much more important in initiating cancer than anyone had previously thought. What is undoubtedly true is that stress knocks down the immune system significantly, which could certainly translate into accelerated growth of cancer cells. Continued stress from unresolved traumatic events must inhibit your body's ability to fight cancer.
Fortunately, there are now ways of dealing with, and releasing, events and problems that cause stress which work much faster and more effectively than traditional psychotherapy as you will read later in this report. Let's get started by covering each strategy in detail, giving you some solutions as to the best ways to implement each strategy.
Cancer Strategy #1 - Fight Cancer By Increasing Cellular Oxygen Levels
There are several ways to significantly increase oxygen levels in your cells so that you can kill cancer cells and also prevent them from spreading. The most effective way is to take an oxygen supplement that will literally produce much more oxygen in your cells. We will first cover these supplements in the section below. You can also increase the efficiency of the mitochondria, enabling it to utilize the oxygen to create energy aerobically. The mitochondria that become damaged by lack of oxygen cannot produce energy using oxygen, leading to the development of cancerous cells. And finally, you can enhance circulation so that more oxygen and vital nutrients get to your cells. By increasing oxygen in your cells, and its utilization, you will go a long way towards eliminating cancer. In fact our new top suggestion in this field may be the best cancer fighting supplement there is. Let's start by talking about oxygenating supplements. They are not all created equal.
There is a miracle cure ebook selling like hotcakes talking about all the ways increasing oxygen levels in your body is valuable to you. It's good information. Unfortunately, their low cost solution is a bit dangerous and not all that effective for cancer. This is drinking diluted food grade hydrogen peroxide. I first became aware of a problem with this therapy years ago when a naturopath said that he was tired of patching up holes in the stomach of people drinking food grade hydrogen peroxide. Another drawback is that oxygen released by hydrogen peroxide treatment and also oxygen salt supplements that release oxygen when they are ingested, tend to cause free radical damage. In addition, only a small portion of the oxygen they release gets into cells as there is not a delivery system that naturally takes oxygen from the blood and gets it into cells. Our natural deliver system picks up oxygen in the lungs and carries it to the cells.
Energetic testing for drinking hydrogen peroxide comes in very low, about 25, making it a poor solution to oxygenating your cells. The aerobic oxygen salts, at least the good ones, test much better at 165. However the best oxygenating supplements make use of deuterium or heavy water to split water molecules into oxygen and hydrogen. The most heavily marketed one, found in most health food stores, energetically is much stronger than the aerobic oxygen salts at 214. However a different oxygen supplement from an mlm company is even higher, coming in at 320. Better still though is the supplement we have recommended for years, Oxy E. Energetic testing puts this at 432 when used in high therapeutic doses.
Below we will tell you more about it and how it works. And then tell you a similar but improved oxygenation supplement, OxyDHQ. Used in the same high doses, this supplement energetically tests at 1080. And then you'll learn about a completely unique and different type of oxygenation supplement, Ronuv, that is testing as one of the best cancer fighters,12,200. (OxyDHQ and Custom Elixir OXY work synergistically with Ronuv. The combination of all three tests at 17,800.)
First, though, let's finish up by covering the energetic testing on some oxygenation treatments that are commonly used or recommended by some alternative practitioners. Unfortunately, they are not that good.
Hydrogen peroxide baths, check online on how to do them, come in much stronger than drinking hydrogen peroxide, at 233 for cancer. Hydrogen peroxide IV's if you can find a practitioner to give you them, are just a hair better, at 246. Two standard therapies suggested by top oxygenation doctors come in a bit better. Hyperbaric chamber treatments where high pressure drives oxygen into cells, comes in at 312. And the oxygen therapy where you breath oxygen while exercising on a treadmill, where the increased circulation from exercising carries the oxygen to more parts of your body, comes in at 314.
Our first strong recommendation for an oxygenation supplement was Oxy E.
Oxy E - Cellular Oxygen Enhancer
Oxy E creates oxygen in your cells. Plus it acts as a free radical scavenger, and produces extra hydrogen to increase pH levels and combat free radicals.
This one ounce bottle of liquid contains an acid based formulation of sea water minerals, dissolved oxygen, plant based amino acids and plant based enzymes. It interacts with deuterium, a trace mineral naturally found in water. And ends up creating hydrogen and oxygen as it splits the chemical bonds in water molecules.
What sets Oxy E apart from your typical oxygen supplement is that this oxygen producing reaction can take place inside the cells. Where you need to get the oxygen. Many oxygen producing products like hydrogen peroxide, vitamin O (energetic testing a 30), or Aerobic 7- there's a whole slew of them - get oxygen into the blood. As Dr. Whittaker points out, what they can't do though, is to actually get the oxygen into the cells.
The typical oxygen supplements always cause free radical or oxidative damage in the body. Oxy E does the opposite. In its process of creating stable oxygen molecules, it actually eliminates free radicals.
The oxygen transportation problem is solved by Oxy E in a unique way. The ionic trace mineral blend in Oxy E carries it into your cells, where it then makes oxygen. As maximum oxygen creation from Oxy E occurs 6 to 8 hours after ingesting, there is plenty of time to be taken into cells. It forms an O- molecule with a negative ionic charge, which eliminates an O+ free radical by combining with it. This produces a stable oxygen molecule.
Oxy E is able to supply the body with a steady diet of free oxygen, hydrogen, full spectrum minerals, amino acids, and enzymes ­ all the while cleansing cells of toxins and lactic acid. In addition it will enhance absorption of nutrients taken with it into the cells. And pull toxins out of your cells.
It works on two other fundamental causes of cancer, over-toxicity of the cells and pH. You can't take too much, your body only uses as much as it needs. Because it is a powerful detoxifier, increase the dosages slowly.
"I am contacting you for a friend of mine as she does not have a computer to ask a few questions. Her husband has Adenocarcinoma (lung cancer). He has been on Oxy E for approx. 3 weeks. The results have been remarkable to his well being. He is sleeping very well, eating great and has boundless energy, looks and feels better. The improvement started after three days, he is on the maximum dose." Pat G.
Ed McCabe, a noted oxygen researcher, in an article in Well Being Journal gives some examples of how supplements like Oxy E helped some people with cancer.
"Dallas TV 11 had to repeat the Francis Guido story because there was so much demand for it by viewers. Francis loves to garden. One day she "No longer felt good." Pancreatic Cancer. Blood work and CAT scans every 4 months confirmed its continuing growth for a year and a half. Finally her doctor told her there was "nothing more they could do," and sent her home to die. She had no energy, couldn't get out of bed, or brush her teeth. Food would stick in her throat. She prayed over her dilemma, and the name of a local Naturopath popped into her mind. By this time her throat was so closed off she stopped drinking water. Dr. Revis helped her to drink an 8-ounce glass of water with drops of this supplement in it. Over a month she worked up to 72 drops per day. She started eating and drinking again. When she returned to her medical doctors they scanned all of her organs and bones, from head to toe, and couldn't find any trace of Cancer! A year and one half later, she looks so much younger, alive and vital, no one recognizes her at the supermarket. She reports: "I'm not dying! The stuff works, but you have to want to live, and continue doing it."
Ed continues, "Let's take the case of Joe Ritter, 66, from Fallbrook, California. Throat Cancer and surgery combined with 40 radiation treatments left him burnt and scarred inside. He heard about and started taking the supplement, and when I interviewed him he was working out at the gym 4 hours a day, and considers himself way ahead of others who had the same surgery and radiation a year ago. He has the blood pressure of a 20 year old, the lowest his has ever been.
"For a variety of reasons not everyone gets the same results with any supplement, but it's hard to pass by another of my interviews, this one was with William Lee. He's 69, he loves fishing, hunting, yardwork, and working with flowers in South Dakota. He had 4 heart attacks, and after a stressful period his Cancer of 6 years ago flared up in his colon, stomach, blood, and prostate. His Naturopath guided him, working him up to taking high dosages of it, several times a day for the past 7 months. He had the usual classic cleansing reactions as the body finally had the building block raw materials needed to purgeitself of unwanted diseased tissue. He reported lumps of foul smelling substances that looked like "rotten hamburger" flushing out of his colon, his urine was strong and dark, and he had occasional headaches. As he said, "It is doing its job!" His doctor reports he's free from the Cancer, his heart is improving tremendously, and all previous heart pains have disappeared. William concludes: "It's a fantastic product."
Suggested Use: Add drops to eight ounces of purified water or juice and take with or after meals. It will improve assimilation of supplements you take with it. For a therapeutic dosage, increase slowly to about 10 to 15 drops 6 to 10 times a day. Or you can drink up to 50 drops in a quart of water three times a day. Just remember, Oxy E is a detoxifier so you may experience detoxification symptoms like headaches, fatigue, nausea and diarrhea if you increase the amounts rapidly, and thus detoxify faster than your body can comfortably handle.
Until recently, the highest testing oxygenation product was OxyDHQ. It uses at its foundation the same type of oxygen producing formulation as Oxy E, a deuterium fortified water with 84 minerals, 39 enzymes, 19 amino acids. Well, that is a bit more enzymes and amino acids than usual. Quite a few improvements have been made to it to make it a much better product.
First and foremost, it contains therapeutic levels of DHQ which on its own is a powerful free radical scavenger that also conditions red blood cells so that they are more flexible and work better. Increasing circulation. Next a special Vitamin C, ascorbo-phoshpate, is added. This makes the DHQ work even better - and is about 16 times more potent than regular vitamin C. These two additions alone up the anti-cancer levels significantly, and may be able to extend healthy cell life up to 240% in test tubes.
It also has 15% sea ormus - which brings in that healing force of energetic frequencies to OxyDHQ. Over the next few years you’ll be hearing a lot more about ormus.
It’s creation of free oxygen and hydrogen helps to stabilize toxic elements in the body by polar bonding and electrical charge, to create new unharmful elements and leaves the harmful compounds inert or soluble. In other words, to detoxify the body. The hydrogen ions release by OxyDHQ work with the oxygen ions to normalize pH levels. Bringing them up if too acidic, down if too alkaline.
OxyDHQ, as an electrolyte, has the ability to stimulate healthy cell growth by adding the proper amounts of voltage to the cell. In addition, this increases cellular energy, just what you want to prevent cancer growth.. It also kills parasites, bacteria, viruses, mold and fungi. But does not harm beneficial microorganisms.
OxyDHQ comes in a convenient 4 ounce bottle as higher doses always work best. Equivalent to 4 bottles of Oxy E. For early stage cancers, consider using 3 bottles a month. Advanced cancers are handled better by using 4 bottles monthly. An adult would use 5 bottles a month for very advanced cancers. OxyDHQ tests energetically at 1080, making it easily the second best oxygenation supplement to use after Ronuv, covered below.
OxyDHQ makes and acidic drink, like lemon juice or orange juice. While it is acidic in the stomach, just like lemon juice, it works to increase pH levels in your body.
Ronuv -- A Unique, Powerful Oxygenation Supplement
Ronuv works in just about the opposite way that OxyDHQ works. Yet they work synergistically. The base of this elixir is a special low deuterium water made in Europe. The amount of deuterium in this water has been reduced to 25 parts per million of deuterium. This low deuterium water has small amounts of a number of frequency enhanced elixirs added to it to greatly enhance its actions. Then to make these actions even more powerful, it is frequency enhanced with numerous subtle vibrational energies -- again all working to make Ronuv work more powerfully.
While Oxy E and OxyDHQ work by putting small amounts of deuterium in your body, where it interacts with water molecules and produces oxygen and hydrogen ions, Ronuv works in the opposite way, introducing a water with extremely low levels of deuterium into your body. The mechanism that causes Ronuv to be one of the most powerful cancer fighters there is, is the following.
Because cancer cells produce most of their energy by fermenting sugar, not with oxygen, they tend to accumulate more deuterium in their cells. The low deuterium water in Ronuv is attracted to these higher deuterium cancer cells. Like iron to a magnet, Ronuv is pulled to cancer cells. The vibrational frequencies it is energized with enable it to better enter cancer cells. In fact, any cells with damaged mitochondrial function, such as cells infected by viruses and other pathogens which damage their ability to produce energy aerobically, will have more deuterium in them, and thus will act as a magnet, attracting deuterium to them. Making Ronuv the best virus fighter we know of.
Once Ronuv has entered these cells, the excess deuterium in them moves to the low deuterium water. In the process it interacts with water molecules and releases oxygen inside the cells. Enough oxygen is released that the cancer cells are killed, or the viruses in the cells are destroyed. What makes Ronuv such a powerful cancer fighter is this targeting of cancer cells caused by the attraction of its energized low deuterium water to those cells. For its ability to fight cancer, Ronuv energetically tests at 7000.
Ronuv comes in a 4 ounce dropper bottle. Use 3 bottles a month for early stage cancers, 4 per month for advanced cancers, and 6 bottles a month for very advanced cancers. There have been reports of people beating cancer drinking about a liter a day of plain plain low deuterium water for months and months. The use of the specific elixirs and energetic vibrational frequencies in Ronuv makes a huge improvement in effectiveness. Much less can be used, it works much faster, and it is much more powerful. Plain low deuterium water tests energetically at 360, which is good compared to some of the common cancer fighting supplements and oxygenators, but not nearly as good as Ronuv testing at 7000.
OxyDHQ and Custom Elixir OXY supercharge the effectiveness of Ronuv
The deuterium in OxyDHQ or Oxy E is attracted to the low deuterium water in Ronuv. Because the low deuterium water in Ronuv is attracted to cancer cells, OxyDHQ is also attracted to cancer cells when Ronuv is used because OxyDHQ is attracted to Ronuv. This makes OxyDHQ even more effective because it is producing more oxygen near to cancer cells as Ronuv is able to target these cancer cells for OxyDHQ.
The effectives of Ronuv and OxyDHQ becomes much stronger when you add Custom Elixir OXY to the mix. Reported on below, Custom Elixir OXY will increase the amount of Ronuv and oxygen from OxyDHQ that will get into cancer cells. The amount of increase is very significant. The combination of using equal amount of bottles of Ronuv, OxyDHQ, and Custom Elixir OXY, 3 of each for early stages, 4 of each for advanced stage cancers, and 5 of each for very advanced cancers tests energetically at 8100.
Custom Elixir Oxy
Custom Elixir OXY (and Ronuv) are part of a whole range of energetic elixirs this report will cover. These comprise the highest rated supplements we have tested for fighting cancer. They are all frequency enhanced water, water that has been imbued with particular vibrational energy messages that stimulate or instruct your cells to act or respond in specific ways. As the one of a kind technologies used to make these elixirs have improved, their effectiveness has become increasing powerful.
Use of energetics to influence the body has been around for a long time. For over 200 years homeopathy has used water in this fashion to store and transmit particular energetic frequencies that act in and on the body in a variety of ways. The energies in the elixirs covered in this report are much stronger than homeopathic remedies as they tell the body what to do. Homeopathy merely stimulates the body to react.
Custom Elixir OXY has two main functions. First it signals cells to uptake more oxygen. So that they are more receptive to allowing the oxygen that is available to it to be taken into the cells. If you remember, one of the issues with lack of oxygen in cells is that the cells are not taking it in efficiently. Usually because of too many toxins and also cells walls constructed of the wrong kinds of fats that are not as permeable as properly constructed cell walls are. Custom Elixir OXY turns on your cells hunger for oxygen so that they will uptake more of them, even if there are more toxins than ideal, and even if the cell walls still are not made of the right Omega 3 fatty acids.
Secondly, Custom Elixir OXY influences your red blood cells; improving their ability to carry more oxygen to your cells. It stimulates the efficiency of the red blood cells ability to pick up oxygen in the lungs, and helps more of it get delivered to your cells.
Support Your Cell's Ability To Use Oxygen To Make Energy
It is also important to repair the mitochondria in cells, which is the part of the cell that uses oxygen to make energy. Cancer, at the most fundamental level, develops in cells that cannot produce energy using oxygen because their mitochondria is not working properly.
There are two types of supplements we know of that help specifically with improving mitochondrial function. The first one will be covered fully in the following section on Methlyglyoxal. Koch Energy. One of its functions is to stimulate repair of the mitochondria that have been damaged by free radicals and lack of oxygen in the cells.
DCA or Dichloroacetate is often touted as a very good cancer fighter. It works to reactivate mitochondria function and has been the subject of a bit of research. Energetic testing puts it at 230 for fighting cancer so it is not that good compared to the supplements we recommend here.
A nutrient vital for the production of energy in the mitochondria is CoEnzymeQ10. CoQ10 is used in the mitochondria to transport oxygen. If a cell doesn't have CoQ10, it can't produce energy using oxygen because that oxygen molecule won't get moved to where it needs to be moved to. CoQ10 must be there for your cells to produce energy using oxygen. This is especially important in elderly patients whose levels are usually quite low. In fact, after about age 35, people start using more CoQ10 than they make. As you will read below, Coq10 has a history of use and success with cancer.
(It is also vital for congestive heart failure which is often primarily Co-Q10 deficiency. If you take statin drugs, you need CoQ10. Those drugs block the production of CoQ10 and cause tens of thousands of deaths yearly from congestive heart failure.)
There are several types of CoQ10 on the market. Cheap stuff from China. Energetic testing puts its healing power at 30. Good quality CoQ10 from Japan comes in at 100. There is a new increased absorptionubiquinol form that comes in higher still at 238. Much more effective. The most effective is the ester delivery system Q10 suggested below. Part of its increased benefit is due to the oxygen enhancinggermanium in it.
Our energetic testing re-evaluation of how well these supplements actually fight cancer finds that Ge-ProCoQ10 Max works much better than the highly touted ubiquinol. It tests at 830 when therapeutic doses of 6 bottles a month are used to fight early stage cancer and 7 bottles a month are used for advanced stage cancer.
Ge-ProCoQ10 Max
Interest in coenzyme Q10 as a potential treatment for cancer began in 1961 when a deficiency of the enzyme was noted in the blood of cancer patients. Low blood levels of coenzyme Q10 have been found in patients with myeloma, lymphoma, and cancers of the breast, lung, prostate, pancreas, colon, kidney, head and neck.
Most of the original research on CoQ10 centered on the treatment of heart failure, but two older journal articles highlight it's potential in combating cancer and maintaining a cancer free life. A Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications paper (April 15, 1993;192:241-5 - Folkers), presents anecdotal results of 10 cancer patients given CoQ10 for heart failure. One example is a 48-year-old man started taking daily CoQ10 17 years before after a diagnosis of inoperable lung cancer. He has been symptom free of heart failure and cancer since then.
A European cancer specialist Knud Lockwood, M.D., also presented his treatment of 32 "high-risk" breast cancer patients in Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications (March 30, 1994;199:1504-8). Employing antioxidant vitamins, essential fatty acids, and CoQ10, he reported "No patient died and all expressed a feeling of well-being" and "These results are remarkable since about 4 deaths would have been expected. Now, after 24 months, all still survive; about 6 deaths would have been expected."
New CoQ10 research in 2005 performed at the University of Miami Medical School is even more impressive, Researchers reported that in laboratory and animal studies where CoQ10 was delivered to cancer cells and tissues, it induced apoptosis, which is the normal programmed cell death that goes awry in the disease process.
"The most amazing part is that we've been able to restore a cancer cell's ability to kill itself, while not impacting normal cells," said Niven Narain, research associate in the Department of Dermatology and Cutaneous Surgery at the Miller School of Medicine.
Scientists made two presentations at the annual meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research in Anaheim, Ca. The first presentation involved the most common prostate cancer cell line, PC3. The researchers showed that adding CoQ10 to the cells in vitro, or in the laboratory, there was a 70 percent inhibition of cell growth over 48 hours.
"We saw evidence that the remarkable reduction in cell growth was due to apoptosis, showing that CoQ10 restored the ability of the cancer cells to kill themselves," said Narain.
In the second presentation, the researchers showed that CoQ10 greatly inhibited the proliferation of breast cancer cells, while providing a stabilizing effect on the normal mammary cells.
"This suggests to us that CoQ10 could be an effective adjuvant anti-tumor agent in breast carcinomas," said Indushekhar Persaud, research associate in the Department of Dermatology and Cutaneous Surgery at the Miller School of Medicine."
Ge-ProCoQ10 Max is the new standard in CoQ10 supplementation. The solubility and absorbability of CoQ10 in Ge-ProCoQ10 has been increased by using esters to make it more bioavailable. Human trials show that taking it results in 18 times higher serum levels of CoQ10 than the same amount of standard CoQ10.
Human Trials show that at just 30 mg per day, ProCoQ10 reduced daily DNA damage in humans by 51%. It was also shown to shrink human skin wrinkles in 6 weeks. Now 30 mgs is a small dosage. The amount of ProCoQ10 in this product is 200 mg per capsule. At 18 times better absorption, this is equivalent to the amount absorbed in 3600 mg of the old style, normal CoQ10. Therapeutic usage of the old style CoQ10 is 300 mg a day, so you get much much more with Ge-ProCoQ10.
Ge-ProCoQ10 contains another powerful oxygenation promoting ingredient, Organic Germanium 132.
Germanium132 improves cellular oxygen levels. It is an oxygen-rich organic form of germanium which has been studied for its antiviral, immuno-stimulative and free-radical scavenging actions, and for supporting improved oxygen utilization. Studies have shown Germanium 132 protects cells against radiation damage. Since radiation damage is oxidative, this protection suggests it has strong antioxidative activity. Germanium 132 also increases the production of interferon, which helps activate immune system macrophages and T-suppressor cells, and enhances Natural Killer Cell activity. Each capsules supplies 50 mg of this organic germanium. When taken in the high dosages suggested in this report, GeProCoQ10 Max supplies the therapeutic amount of germanium needed to be effective against cancer. Which certainly is a major contributing factor to GeProCoQ10 having one of the highest cancer fighting ratings of any "hard" nutritional supplement we have every tested.
Each Ge-ProCoQ10-Max capsule provides 350mg Soluble Rice Bran Complex (SRBC) which is 100% usable and absorbable... with a full spectrum of health-restoring nutrients that man-made supplements can never provide. It is completely digestible because only the soluble part of the stabilized rice germ and bran is used. When taking just one capsule you receive the equivalent nutrition of a pound of ordinary brown rice, without all the starch.This nutritious Rice Complex strongly supports maximum absorption of ProCoQ10 - and further enhances its far ranging benefits.
It provides a broad range of antioxidants including tocotrienols, which have been found to be six thousand times more effective than vitamin E. Also natural B-Vitamins that boost energy, stamina and help stabilize blood sugar. (Including natural B-Vitamins that cannot be synthesized such as Pangamic Acid.) It is a natural source of Alpha Lipoic Acid, Squalene and IP6.
For best results, and the dosage that gives the high energetic testing of 830, with early stage cancers use 6 bottles of GeProCoQ10 Max a month, 6 capsules a day. Increase to 7 bottles a month for advanced cancers and 8 bottles per month for very advanced cancers.
Q RME is one of the more powerful supplements that can be used for fighting cancer when you need to avoid swelling. Especially when used with Ge-ProCoQ10. We also cover Q RME in the immune system section where the reason for avoiding swelling is explained. Q RME is an elixir that works with GeProCoQ10 to improve aerobic cellular production of energy (using oxygen). The energies in Q RME tell the body to repair the mitochondrial, respiratory enzymes in cancer cells, and works best when taken with GeProCoQ10.
If you remember, according to Dr. Warburg's Nobel Prize winning research, cells fundamentally turn cancerous when their mitochondria, the energy factory of the cell, becomes damaged. Usually this damage results from lack of oxygen caused by toxins, or by lack of CoQ10 in the cell. Once the mitochondrial enzymes have been damaged, the cell principally produces energy anaerobically by fermenting glucose or sugar. (This produces lactic acid which we take advantage of with one of our top cancer fighting elixirs, BLA.)
Anaerobic glucose fermentation does not produce much energy compared to aerobic energy production, burning oxygen for fuel. In fact the cells using glucose fermentation to produce energy do not function well enough to do their work. They are able to stay alive, but not to do whatever their function is. At some point they can turn cancerous.
The mitochondria is the energy factory of each cell. It produces energy using oxygen in what is known as the Krebs cycle. Co Enzyme Q10 is responsible for transporting oxygen from one of the steps in the Krebs cycle to the next step. If your cell lacks CoQ10, the Krebs cycle breaks down as the oxygen molecule can't be transferred from one step to another step, and the cell can only produce energy anaerobically.
CoQ10 has been shown in the studies mentioned above to normalize cancer cell function. Q RME greatly accelerates this process of mitochondrial repair. Once a cancer cell is able to produce energy normally again, with oxygen, it produces enough energy to begin to function again. And its internal clock starts to function.
Because it has lived longer than its normal life span as a renegade cancer cell, the now functioning cell's internal clock tells it that it has lived too long. That is a big no no in the body. So just about the first thing it does is to tell itself to die. This process is called apoptosis.
Q RME greatly increases the body's ability to repair the damaged mitochondria in cancer cells so that cancer cells can start to function normally again, and thus realize they must die. Use 3 bottles a month for early stage cancers and 4 bottles a month for advanced or very advanced cancers.
On its own, Q RME tests at 4600 for fighting cancer. And when you partner it with therapeutic usage of GE-Pro CoQ10 and the Life Force Elixir below, you get another jump in cancer fighting ability.
Energetic testing for this combination of Q RME, Ge-ProCoQ10 and Life Force Elixir puts their healing power at 8500.This combination supplies the hard nutrients that your cells need, a bioavailable CoQ10, germanium and support nutrients, and instructions from each elixir prompting mitochondrial repair in different ways.
Life Force Elixir
Life Force Elixir is a frequency enhanced energized water elixir that focuses its energies on influencing the physical body. Its energies focus on improving the utilization of oxygen in the cells. You may even experience a sense of better breathing when using Life Force Elixir.
The energies it transfers to your body stimulate repair of cellular mitochondrial function. The mitochondria are the energy producing factories in your cells, converting oxygen to energy when working properly. Damage to the mitochondria caused by low oxygen levels, stops the cell's ability to produce energy aerobically using oxygen. This can cause the cell to turn cancerous. Life Force Elixir works in conjunction with GeProCoQ10 and Q RME to improve the ability of cells to produce energy aerobically. Its frequencies also work to increase efficiency of oxygen exchange, helping move oxygen to enter cells. Both of these actions are fundamental to reversing the conditions that cause cancer. Use 3 bottles a month for early stage cancer and 4 bottles a month for advanced or very advanced cancers.
Super PEO -- Increase Cellular Oxygen Uptake With The Best Essential Fatty Acid Oils in the Correct Ratio
The idea behind this is that when your cell walls are not made with the right fats, they are not able to absorb oxygen efficiently. For decades the Budwig diet, focusing on a blend of flax oil and cottage cheese has been used to fight cancer and cardiovascular disease in this way. With good success. Energetic testing on this comes in at 320 for fighting cancer. Good enough to help many people, but not great. And lately fish oil is the rage. However research is showing that use of fish oil is not as good as many health practitioners think. Our energetic testing agrees with this. Use of fish oil to fight cancer tests at a low 140.
There is one main reason that the Budwig diet and fish oil don't work as well as you might like. Lack of the proper ratio of high quality Omega 6 oils to the Omega 3 oils supplied by flax and fish oil. The additional reason fish oils perform poorly is that they are comprised almost entirely of derivative Omega 3 oils, and your body mostly uses the parent essential oils, not the derivatives. More on this below.
What are PEO's? These are essential fatty acids, or EFA's, and include omega-6 and Omega-3. Omega-6 is also known as linoleic acid (LA), and Omega-3 is known as alpha-linoleic acid (ALA). These oils must be eaten every day, because your body can’t manufacture them on its own.
Three issues that have to be right...
  1. The source of these Fatty Acids is extremely important.
  2. Even more crucial is their stability and freshness.
  3. Benefits depend on the ratio of Omega 6 to Omega-3 you use.
The Problem: Obtaining functional fatty acids from our diet today is challenging. Grazing animals are fed poor quality grains they cannot digest leading to poor quality meat full of poor quality omega 6 oils from grains. Our depleted soils and polluted water cannot produce the nutrient rich food they once did. And worse, most foods today are heated, pasteurized, preserved or irradiated. This damages these heat sensitive omega 3 and 6 oils, which when consumed, causes harm in the body and leads to cancer and cardiovascular disease.
As a result of these issues, the functional Omega 6 and Omega 3 content in our foods is low or absent while the consumption of damaged oils is high. Thus, it is essential to supplement our diets with high quality fresh omega oils to recover optimal health.
One of the leaders in the emerging field of PEO research is Professor Brian Peskin, chief research scientist at the Cambridge International Institute for Medical Science. Peskin invented the term Parent Essential Oils (PEO's).
Parent Essential Oil.  A PEO is a natural cold pressed organic oil that has NOT been heated, NOT been chemically processed AND retains enough naturally occurring antioxidants to remain fresh and physiologically active.
Quality: Peskin contends that although our modern diet is over-loaded with “Omega-6 oils”, these oils and fats have been damaged to the degree that they no longer function as oxygen carriers –and in fact do the opposite, actually diminish oxygen levels. Current “bad Omega-6 oils” should not be counted as food, and need to be replaced with active healthy oils that have not been damaged by heat and chemicals. The best source of these is unadulterated plant seed oils which are the Parent Essential Oils (PEO's).
Ratio: The ratio of Omega-6 to Omega-3 fatty acids required to function optimally has been subject to much debate. Today’s western diet provides far more Omega-6 fatty acids than necessary, but the vast majority of these are damaged to such a degree that they no longer work correctly in the body. So in reality, we do not get enough good quality omega 6 oils in our diet.
Peskin and his colleagues hold that the body needs a supply of GOOD Omega-6 to regain health. Using functional, un-denatured Omega-6 oils is needed to undo much of the damage already caused by the poor quality, heated Omega-6 oils. This is where Peskin differs from the industry standard. You’ll find that most oil companies recommend the exact opposite Omega 6 to 3 ratio. They do so because they count the Omega-6 you are currently eating as useful. Unfortunately, it is not, and actually causes damage in the body.

The Answer: Peskin’s experimental results led him to use an Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratio of 2.5 to 1 to enable the best wellness recovery. His suggested use range is 725mg per 40 lb. of body weight -- thus a 160-lb person requires 3 g of this blend on a daily basis. (For fighting cancer use about 14 grams a day.)
9 year decrease in biological arterial age: In a study of 35 subjects, 13 male and 22 female, aged 35-75, all were supplemented with the “plant-based Parent Essential Oils” for between 3 months and 4 years. The average improvement was a 9 year decrease in biological arterial age, a clear marker for cardiovascular health.
Cancer, Oxygenation and Omega-6 Oils: Research shows that parent Omega-6 oils increases oxygen transfer into cells. They effectively increase the permeability of cell membranes to molecular oxygen by up to 50%. This is vital to cancer prevention when you consider that reducing cellular oxygen levels by just 35% causes cancer in most every case according to Otto Warburg's Nobel Prize winning research.
Regardless of where the cancer occurs, the prime cause is always the same – the cancerous tissue is the most oxygen impaired. Thus adding unadulterated PEO’s in the correct ratio to the diet is critical in all cancers. (*Dr. Otto Warburg discovered that the prime cause of cancer is sustaining a 35% inhibition of cellular respiration. By experiments conducted in 1953 & 1955, and undisputed since.)
So the Budwig diet, which focuses on Omega-3 essential fatty acids is missing a crucial component. High quality Omega-6 oils. Again, it is not that we do not get enough Omega-6 in our diet. We consume much higher levels than Omega-3. But the Omega-6 has been damaged by heat, solvents, exposed to sunlight, contaminated -- all of which destroy its benefits. This damage turns Omega-6 into health destroying EFA's that cause inflammation in your body, decrease the ability of your cells to absorb oxygen, thus the oxygenation and cancer connection, and greatly increase cardiovascular damage.
The Good News: Fortunately, consuming relatively small amounts of high quality Omega-6 can reverse this issue. Your body will utilize high quality oil before using the damaged oils. It knows what is best for itself and uses the high quality nutrients first. The ratio of Omega-6 to Omega-3 supplementation that Brian Peskin has determined to be most effective, 2.5 to 1, does take into account that we do get some healthy Omega-6 EFA's in our diet. Adding this to your diet provides a host of health benefits in addition to cancer and cardiovascular protection. These include:
  1. Weight Loss: Another major benefit from consuming these oils, in just the right ratio, is weight normalization. Relieved users consistently report dropping pounds and pounds effortlessly – and keeping them off as their overall health comes into balance.
  2. Headache Relief: Simultaneously, fatigue, chronic weakness and pain levels fade away as oxygen gets to work again sparking the cells and organs back to better function.
  3. Natural Inflammation Relief: Providing the body with the highest quality plant oils and a correct ratio of omega-6 to Omega-3 fatty acids brings the body back to balance, supporting the elimination of free-radicals, decreasing inflammation and encouraging healthy metabolism.
Fish Oil Overdose: The Budwig diet is correct in recommending use of Flax Oil as an Omega-3 Parent Essential Oil instead of fish oil. Fish, especially farmed fish, contain almost entirely the Omega-3 derivatives, Eicosapentaenioc acid (EPA) and Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) which are crucial to every body function, from skin health to cancer resistance.. But there are two problems with this.
First, research shows that your body mostly needs and uses Parent Essential OIls and not it's derivatives, EPA and DHA. The truth is that the body requires very little of these compounds – and can produce the amounts needed from fresh parent oils. Fish oil, on the other hand, dramatically overloads the system with EPA and DHA, at 20 to 100 times our body’s requirements per dose. This throws the body out of whack. Parent Essential Oils provide the body with fatty acids in their whole, parent form, so the body can utilize exactly the nutrients it needs.
Second, EPA and DHA are notoriously fragile and oxygen sensitive. Because of this, fish oil supplements originally thought to help prevent cancer have been called into question. Under its Evidence-based Practice Program, the U.S. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) performed an exhaustive search and analysis of the Omega-3 related research papers in 3 of the top medical databases over 30 years. They came to the conclusion that “Omega-3 fatty acids do not appear to decrease overall cancer risk.” This calls into question the effectiveness of the Omega-3 supplements most popularly used – which are distilled fish-oil based – not fats from fresh fish or fresh pressed seed oils. And a major issue would be the rancidity of fish oils given the sensitivity of EPA and DHA.
Omega-3 and Omega-6 EFA Supplements in the right ratio...
Brian Peskin popularized these formulations using the 2.5 to 1 ratio. Not only to they have a history of being vital for cancer prevention, but they improve a host of other health issues too. Using this ratio with unadulterated oils tests stronger than the Budwig diet, coming in at 620 -- a big jump up from the flax seed and cottage cheese regime testing at 320.
However, the best testing 2.5 to 1 formulation by far makes use of 15 or more different specialty oils and essential oils that provide a host of health benefits in addition to the correct ratio of Omega-6 to Omega-3 essential fatty acids. Plus it has been frequency enhanced to make it even more useful and bio-available in the body. It is called Super PEO and it energetically tests at a much higher level, 1900. Here is the story on it.
Super PEO is a proprietary, nutrient dense, organically crafted, Parent Essential Oil blend. It comes in a 8oz bottle which provides a month’s supply (6 grams daily) of the most biologically active PEO's that you could find anywhere.
Each bottle represents the healing force of literally hundreds of pounds of organic and wild crafted fruits and vegetables. No heat, No chemicals – just experience, skill and care applied to beautiful seeds. Included are therapeutic levels of the following PEO’s, combined to provide you with the perfect Peskin PEO 2.5 to 1 ratio. In addition, essential oils are added to protect the oils from oxidation damage. And then it is energy infused with frequency vibrations to tell the body to improve cellular respiration. Super PEO contains the following oils:
  1. Cold pressed Blackberry seed oil contains high levels of antioxidants including multiple forms of vitamin E and a variety of carotinoids. Blackberry seed oil contains both lutein and zeaxanthin, carotinoids believed to support eye health. This oil is a good source of polyunsaturated fatty acids including omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.
  2. Cold pressed Black Raspberry seed oil is rich in antioxidants, including both tocopherols and tocotrienols. The tocopherols are primarily the alpha and gamma type, and are superior free radical scavengers. This oil, which is also low in saturated fat, is a rich source of polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids. Research has demonstrated that black raspberry seed oil supports a healthy immune system and has anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties.
  3. Cold Pressed Red Raspberry seed oil is a rich source of polyunsaturated fats including omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants, including tocopherols and tocotrienols. Tocopherols are primarily gamma and alpha-tocopherol which contribute to the oil’s superior free radical ion scavenging capability and lipid protection. It is very low in saturated fat. Red raspberry seed oil has very potent activity in inhibiting Cox-2 enzymes and can be used both topically and taken internally for inhibition of inflammation.
  4. Chia seed is an ancient food source known for providing sustained energy over a prolonged period of time. It has been recognized as a super-food for thousands of years, AND is best absorbed by the body in oil form. Cold Pressed Chia seed oil has one of the highest (quality) omega-3 contents of any plant, which is converted into DHA (as needed) in the body and is essential in brain and nervous system functions.
  5. Evening primrose oil, coined the “King’s cure-all” in the 1700’s, has remarkable anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties and is especially crucial to women’s reproductive health. (Used as per Peskin recommendations.)
  6. Cold Pressed Black cumin seed has been used for centuries to promote health and fight disease. Hundreds of medical studies have been published in the Middle East, Asia and Europe focusing on its immune strengthening, anti-histamine, anti-tumor, anti-microbial, and anti-inflammatory activity. This cold pressed oil is exceptionally high in antioxidants and contains thymoquinone, nigellone and beta-sitosterol, a plant sterol known to lower serum cholesterol.
  7. Cold Pressed Pumpkin seed oil is a highly nutritious food. The health benefits of pumpkin seed oil have been recognized in Europe for hundreds of years. In 1773 an Austrian court ruled that it could only be used as a medicine and was too valuable to be used as a culinary delicacy. It contains omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids, vitamin E, carotinoids, and phytosterols. May prevent and alleviate prostate enlargement and bladder irritation. Researchers believe that the phytosterols help reduce hormonally induced damage to prostate cells. It is believed to contribute to cardiovascular health, smooth skin and increase energy.
  8. Cold Pressed Hemp seed oil also provides an ample supply of carotene, phytosterols, and phospholipids, in addition to a large number of minerals including: calcium, sulfur, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium.  It is also a good source of chlorophyll. Using Hemp seed oil alone can also improve energy levels, blood pressure, regularity, cholesterol levels, hair, finger nails, and help ease joint and arthritic pains. 
  9. Cold Pressed Pomegranate Seed Oil is a unique plant oil as it is one of only a few plant sources for conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). CLA inhibits the synthesis of prostaglandins, making it an effective anti-inflammatory agent. Research has shown that the CLA in pomegranate possesses more potent anti-cancer activity than other versions. Pomegranate seed oil is a rich source of bioactive estrogenic compounds that are considered to stabilize bone integrity.
  10. Cold Pressed Cranberry seed oil is a rich source of antioxidants and proanthrocyanidins with anti-bacterial adhesion properties that promote urinary tract health. Cranberry seed oil is also a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, cartinoids and Vitamin E. The oil has anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, broad-spectrum UV protection properties.
  11. Cold Pressed Ruby Red Grape seed oil is a polyunsaturated fatty acid oil rich in plant sterols, which are effective at reducing blood cholesterol levels. Grape seed oil is also a good source of natural forms of Vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant which helps prevent heart disease and promotes healthy skin and muscle function.
  12. Cold Pressed Milk Thistle seed is well known for its use as a both a general health supporter and a liver protector. The liver detoxifies blood, and milk thistle seed has been shown to help support liver function. Milk thistle seed oil has a fatty acid profile similar to that of sunflower oil.
  13. Cold Pressed Sunflower seed oil differs from mass produced sunflower oils which are extracted using damaging heat and chemicals. Cold pressing preserves natural antioxidants and nutrients. Sunflower oil has a higher vitamin E content than most other vegetable oils and a high level of unsaturated fat.
  14. The addition of organic essential oils from Orange, Lime, and Lemon further enhance the benefits of this blend. These oils derived from the fruit peel are antiseptic, anti-depressant, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory and add delicious flavor and protect the blend’s freshness and stability.
  15. Essential oil from organic Peppermint is excellent for mental fatigue and depression, refreshing the spirit and stimulating mental agility and improving concentration. For the digestive system, peppermint oil is effective for a range of ailments, as it stimulates the gall bladder and the secretion of bile.
  16. Essential oil of organic Cinnamon tones and calms the respiratory tract, the nervous system, and in the eases pain associated with rheumatism and arthritis. It also provides antioxidant properties to protect freshness and effectiveness, and to broaden the wide spectrum of healing properties of the oils in Super PEO.
Use 2 bottles a month of Super PEO when fighting cancer. For cancer prevention use 2 bottles a month for three months to load up the body. Then 1 bottle a month is adequate.
Improve Oxygenation Of Cells (and Nutrient Absorption) By Increasing Circulation
One cause of poor oxygenation is poor circulation. If oxygen cannot be transported to cells because of reduced circulation, then they become oxygen starved, and are more likely to become cancerous. When circulation increases, oxygenation improves. In addition, more nutrients will be carried into the cells. So one of the advantages of adding on one of the following two circulation increasing products is that using either or both would increase the effectiveness of the other supplements you are taking.
Life Support
Life Support is a herbal formula designed to increase circulation. It contains some of the most powerful herbal circulation enhancers known. Cayenne, Wasabi Japonica, Cinnamon Bark, Ashwagandha Root, and the B vitamin Niacin - in a base of Beet Root Powder. Use of these herbs increases the ability of the body to oxygenate the cells, and enables more cancer killing nutrients to get into cancer cells. Thus helping to increase the efficiency of all the other supplements and medications you take.
Not only can it increase circulation so significantly that you may notice an increase in energy, but the wasabi that Life Support contains is a strong cancer killer on it's own, containing compounds, including isothiocynates, effective against cancer. In six different studies, extracts from wasabi have been shown repeatedly to be effective against stomach cancer cells. One compound from wasabi inhibited the growth of colon, lung and stomach cancer cells by as much as 44 percent (Weil 2005). When combined with the other circulation enhancing herbs in Life Support, the wasabi phytonutrients are better able to get into cancerous cells.
Because Life Support increases circulation, it is able to increase the amount of nutrients that can get into your cells to support your body. Including of course, oxygen. And it is able to increase the amount of cancer cell killers that can get into cancer cells.
For best results, use bottles of Life Support monthly. It helps all the other supplements and elixirs work better by improving the circulation in your body. Energetic testing on Life Support puts it at remarkably750 in healing power when used at the 8 bottle a month dosage. It is well worth Each bottle has 120 small capsules, so while it sounds like a lot, it is easy to take.
There are three main benefits FlamOxide will give to you as part of a protocol to beat cancer. It improves circulation, kills cancer cells and is a strong anti-inflammatory supplement. The basis of FlamOxide is an array of minerals, herbs, vitamins and amino acids that when taken together, stimulate the production of nitric oxide in the body. Nitric Oxide serves many functions in the body. Your immune system uses it to kill pathogens like candida and viruses, and to kill cancer cells.
Nitric Oxide also signals blood vessels to dilate or expand, thus improving circulation throughout the body. FlamOxide if very good at producing additional nitric oxide, and thus is excellent for improving circulation. And finally, while most anti-inflammatory supplements and medicines interfere with the production of nitric oxide, FlamOxide contains two anti-inflammatory herbs that do not interfere with nitiric oxide production. Making it an excellent anti-inflammatory supplement.
One of the issues when fighting cancer, especially if the tumor is in the brain, or against the spine, or anywhere else that you don't want it to get any larger, is that when you start to kill off cancer cells in a tumor, the immune system gets rid of the dead cancer cells in an inflamatory process. Thus even though you are killing off the cancer cells, the tumor may inflame and get even bigger temporarily. This can put pressure on the brain or spine if the tumor is located in these locations, causing problems. FlamOxide is especially valuable and important to take in this case.
Overall, for fighting cancer, with its ability to increase circulation, kill cancer cells, and reduce inflammation, FlamOxide tests energetically at a high 846 as an anti-cancer supplement. As with OxyDHQ, our energetic re-evaluation of how well FlamOxide functions in the body for fighting cancer found that is more powerful than we had anticipated.
It is especially important for brain or spinal tumors where you need a powerful anti-inflammatory supplement to help prevent the cancer tumor from becoming inflamed and enlarging when you kill the cancer cells inside it.
It has a couple of potential drawbacks. You must take it at least an hour away from food, drugs or poor quality supplements. And you cannot be taking anti-inflamatory drugs or supplements like Tylenol, Aleve, Motrin, Ibuprofin, or supplements like glucosamine and MSM. They inhibit the production of nitric oxide and thus it doesn't work as well. But of course, FlamOxide itself will deal with the inflammation. If Flamoxide won't work for you , but you wish to increase circulation so that more oxygen and nutrients can get to your cells, get the following herbal formula.
Finally, a supplement to oxygenate the colon.
O3Right Releases Oxygen In The Colon
Its special formulation of magnesium dioxide and citric acid interact with the acids in the intestinal tract to release oxygen. This oxygen becomes a powerful colon cleanser as it softens and loosens the hardened matter in the colon. And of course, as you have read, the oxygen will kill cancer cells and other pathogens. So for colon and rectal cancer it energetically tests at 327. It is also useful for other cancer near the colon where the oxygen released by O3Right will easily travel to. Cleaning the colon is also quite valuable in the fight against cancer as it will enable your body to better detoxify. You only need to use one bottle a month of this product. Start out taking just 1 capsule at bedtime and gradually work up to taking 6 capsules nightly.
The next strategy is also intimately tied up with oxygen levels in your body. When your pH level is low, your blood and cellular fluids can hold very little oxygen.
Cancer Strategy #2 - Raise pH Levels to Reduce Body Acidity
Virtually everyone with cancer has low pH levels. This is because cancer is created, and thrives, in a body that has low pH levels, a body that is acidic. Low pH causes your body to store more toxins in cells, and reduces oxygen levels, both of which are fundamental to the development of cancer. When cancer cells grow, they produce even more acid. Making it very difficult to raise pH levels, especially when cancer is present.
When you take something to increase pH levels, your cells notice the difference and start to dump some of the toxins they are holding back into the bloodstream now that they have a chance to get rid of them. (Toxins are acidic and the cells won't release them if the blood is too acidic. The blood must be kept in a narrow range around neutral pH.) Because the cells are releasing some of their stored toxins, your pH levels drop again. This detoxification process can take months to complete. In addition, because cancer cells pump out lactic acid as a byproduct of how they produce energy, they create even more acidity. You need to work a long time at normalizing pH because of these factors, but as you do, you will make your body, in a sense, cancer proof.
Because of the fundamentalness of cancer thriving in too acidic conditions, there are many sites and books or ebooks promoting various ways to beat cancer by alkalizing the body with their particular product suggestions. Coral calcium and alkaline water machines are a couple that have been pretty popular. Also a combination of oxygen catalyst drops and a high quality green drink. So it can get a bit confusing as to what the best thing to do would be. For a while, as some of the more important cancer fighting suggestions like Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ did work to increase pH levels, our primary suggestion was to drink 3 teaspoons of baking soda in water every day. Its virtue being that it is inexpensive to do so why not do it. But as pH is so fundamental to fighting cancer, we did some energetic testing to get some idea as to which ways to increase pH levels in your body were best for fighting cancer. The results were pretty interesting.
Alkaline drops, where you put a couple in everything you drink, tested at a low 35. Not very good, perhaps because they are not that healthy a thing to be doing. Getting a machine that makes alkaline water, and drinking the water tested at 135. A machine that vortex's water, oxygenates it and adds minerals to increase pH is a bit better at 195. They are certainly fine to do, but not what you'd call really good. The 3 teaspoons of baking soda in water every day was a 142. Taking Coral Calcium was better, a 235 for fighting cancer. A high quality green drink marketed for alkalizing the body came in at a 214. For adjusting pH only, Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ is a 235 when used in the quantities suggested for cancer.
OxyDHQ tests energetically, for its pH adjusting ability, at 345, virtually tied with the Oxygen Catalyst used for adjusting pH, which comes in at 346. (OxyDHQ tests much higher for fighting cancer, 674, because the oxygen it creates also does an especially good job of killing cancer cells. Overall for fighting cancer, the Oxygen Catalyst comes in at 200, it doesn't do as good a job at fighting cancer as at adjusting pH levels.)
OCMP is a new, proprietary formula of minerals with some other nutrients, that is so effective at alkalizing cells, it is a very strong cancer killer. Better still, it works to correct the main underlying cause of cancer, the buildup of toxins in cells which prevents nutrients like oxygen to enter cells. OCM{P works by adjusting the ionic charge gradients inside and outside the cell wall, allowing toxins to be better eliminated, and for nutrients to be better absorbed. This makes it one of the best preventive/maintenance products to use. It's healing power for fighting cancer is 1280 when using 1 to 3 bottles a month.
A frequency enhanced elixir, Custom Elixir pH, is second most effective pH supplement we have tested. When using 2 or 3 bottles a month, Custom Elixir pH energetically tests at820 for adjusting pH and fighting cancer. The strongest combination is to use both OCMP and Custom Elixir pH. Together they have a synergistic effect and come in at 2920 for fighting cancer.
The next best pH adjuster we have found is an herbal formula originally designed to reduce inflammation and support the heart and lungs. But when the developer of this product checked to see how well it adjusted pH levels, he discovered it did a remarkably good job of increasing pH levels in the body. So good, in fact, he renamed the supplement pH Balancer 8.0. Energetic testing validated his conclusions. It comes in at 499 when taken in the suggested quantities. It has the ability to potentize - making other products more effective. Most particularly, OxyDHQ and Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ. When using these three supplements in the appropriate quantities for the amount of cancer you have, energetic testing puts their healing power at 3340 for fighting cancer. 

BLA is the best cancer fighter we found that adjusts pH. It works in a unique way that increases pH in your body if you have cancer.
BLA instructs cancer cells to stop pumping the lactic acid they produce (as part of the fermentation process) into the body. And they produce a lot of lactic acid. This lactic acid, when it is pumped out, makes your body even more acidic than it already is. Using BLA will stop this lactic acid from pumped out so it works to prevent this lactic acid from making you more acidic. Thus, BLA helps to alkalize your body by stopping the output of lactic acid from cancer cells.
Many times, if a significant amount of cancer is in the liver, lungs or stomach, the cancer may produce so much lactic acid in a relatively confined space that the body produces fluid to dilute the acidic buildup. Causing ascites, a build up of fluid in these organs. The liver also plays a role in the development of ascites in the abdominal area. When the liver is not doing its job of eliminating toxins, they build up. And can build up to such an extent that fluid is produced to dilute the toxic overload -- which is also acidic.
BLA and top liver support supplements, Liver Balance Plus and Fulvitea -- are important supplements to be using when the liver is also involved in causing ascites.
BLA and BLA Enhancer -- Blocks Lactic Acid Release From Cancer Cells And Raises pH Levels
BLA is a frequency enhanced water elixir made with the unique technology used in PrugX and many other top cancer fighters. These energies deliver an information message to your body. The instructions BLA carries to your body tell it to block the effluxion or elimination of lactic acid from all cancer cells.
What users are finding is that it takes four days for BLA to stop the lactic acid pumps in cancer cells. At this point lactic acid is still being made by the cancer cells as they primarily ferment sugars to make their energy, but it can no longer be moved out of the cancer cells. Once this happens, the lactic acid starts to build up in the cancer cell.
Cancer cells produce a good deal of lactic acid as it is a byproduct of the sugar fermentation they use to make energy. As this lactic acid produced by the cancer cell accumulates in the cancer cells, it makes the cancer cells too acidic. Over time, the lactic acid builds up to such a level that the cancer cells becomes so acidic they die a natural death.
This process is the opposite of trying to kill cancer cells by increasing pH levels. It is much more effective because it uses what the cancer cells produce, lactic acid, to kill the cells, as opposed to trying to make cancer cell pH more alkaline, with alkaline minerals, alkaline water and so on. This process of alkalizing cancer cells is slower and less effective because cancer cells naturally neutralize pH buildup with their lactic acid production. All cells, including cancer cells, die if they either get too alkaline or too acidic.
So to explain again, cancer cells produce energy almost entirely by fermentation, breaking down sugars, as opposed to aerobically producing energy with oxygen. This fermentation process produces lactic acid as a byproduct. When you stop the elimination of lactic acid with BLA, lactic acid builds up in the cancer cell. At some point the lactic acid builds up to an amount that the cancer cells become so acidic they can no longer function, and die a natural death.
The buildup of lactic acid works amazingly well for causing cancer cells to die a natural death -- fast.
One researcher, Dr. Rosenberg, MD, a leading cancer doctor, using a different process to block the lactic acid pumps in cancer cells, fed a patient a huge amount of sugar by giving him glucose IVs -- once the lactic acid pumps were blocked.
Feeding cancer cells sugar caused them to produce much more lactic acid then they normally would. In fact, the more sugar he gave his patient, the faster the cancer cells died because the lactic acid built up faster in the cells. He brought the tumor markers in one advanced cancer patient down to 0 in 30 days. A second patient's markers dropped 40% in 2 weeks. Truly amazing results.
In use since early 2011, BLA is proving to be one of the top cancer fighting supplements we have researched. Especially when used with PrugX, a sister elixir that causes a build up of hydrogen peroxide in cancer cells. They work synergistically together, creating a toxic soup of lactic acid and hydrogen peroxide in cancer cells.
You can read more about PrugX and the new PrugX Enhancer in the Antioxidants and Cancer section of this site. The hydrogen peroxide buildup causes free radical damage to cancer cells. PrugX was developed to tell the body to stop the release of hydrogen peroxide by cancer cells because researchers discovered that cancer cells were continually producing hydrogen peroxide and releasing it to damage nearby healthy cells.
When using BLA you can more rapidly increase the build up of lactic acid in the cancer cells by doing what Dr. Rosenberg did, increase consumption of sugars so that the cancer cells eat more and thus make more lactic acid. Any sugar will work, but as refined sugars tend to wipe out the immune system response, natural sugars are better. Early on the recommendation with BLA was to do just this. However, with the addition of PrugX and now the BLA Enhancer and PrugX Enhancer, additional sugar is not needed or even wanted. The combination causes cancer cells to die quickly without consuming extra sugar. And feeding cancer cells sugar will increase their energy. This combination is now focused on shutting down the energy production of cancer cells so that they are starving for energy along with suffering an overload of lactic acid and hydrogen peroxide.
Even from the first, without PrugX, BLA was producing impressive results.
Dean Edmonds reported that his PSA had been rising every month, from 940.6 in February of 2011 to 3778.7 on May 11, 2011. This was when he stated using BLA, a couple of other supplements, and honey. On June 7, 2011, less than a month later, his PSA test came in at 77.
Another user writes:
"You will know that I started taking [BLA, Custom Elixir pH and Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ] some 7 weeks ago. My local doctor is fully aware of what I am doing and is being very supportive. I had my blood tested at that time ( 7 weeks ago). At that time all my liver functions were normal apart from the tumor marker which showed a level of over 11.000 (eleven thousand) My blood was re-checked last week and yesterday my doctor advised me  of the results. The tumor marker had reduced dramatically to 1400 ( fourteen hundred ) back down to the level when the cancer was diagnosed some 12 months ago....

"You should be aware that I have undertaken three separate chemo treatments already none of which showed any improvement in the tumor marker, as I said above it actually increased!

"I should probably add that my doctor was totally astounded by the results!!"
Len S.
If you are not using BLA, it is best to avoid consuming carbohydrates like sugar that feed the cancer. But when you are using BLA, once the lactic acid pumps have been shut down, the additional lactic acid that is produced by the cancer cells when you feed them sugar stays in the cancer cells. The faster you increase levels of lactic acid, by feeding them sugars, the faster the cancer cells die a natural death.
BLA raises overall body pH levels too.
When the cancer cells have stopped pumping out the lactic acid they produce, your pH levels naturally will start to increase. One Naturopath tested BLA on 10 of her patients with advanced cancer. At the end of two months every one had increased their overall pH levels significantly, most by at least .75, some by a full point some by half a point.
In addition, the CA markers all went down, most by around 20%, one was 10% and another by 25%.
BLA Enhancer is designed to reduce the ability of cancer cells to neutralize the buildup of lactic acid in them. The major minerals, calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium would do just this if taken in high quantities. (The amount in ESME would not be a problem.) While cancer cells contain low amounts of calcium, magnesium and potassium, they contain a great deal of sodium along with the extra water that sodium attracts.
BLA Enhancer is also a frequency enhanced water elixir. Among the instructions it carries into the body are instructions to reduce as much as possible the amount of minerals entering cancer cells. This keeps to a minimum the absorption of any acid neutralizing minerals.
Additional instructions tell the cancer cells to eliminate sodium and the extra water they contain. Potassium too, as sodium and potassium work together and we don't want extra potassium being brought into cancer cells to replace the sodium being eliminated. The decrease in sodium and water means that less lactic acid will be neutralized -- and that it will be more concentrated as there will be less water to neutralize it. So they will die faster. Significantly faster.
The energetic testing on BLA's ability to fight cancer is about as good as it gets for a single product, using our current scale: 11,600. Using both BLA and BLA Enhancer increases the energetic testing to23,700.
OCMP, Baking Soda, alkaline water, MSM, and other mineral alkalizing supplements like coral calcium or cesium, interfere with the action of BLA. These alkalize cancer cells. This would neutralize the acid buildup in the cancer cells that BLA causes, and thus would be protecting the cancer cells from the acidosis BLA causes. BLA and BLA Enhancer have a much stronger anti-cancer action, especially with used with PrugX and PrugX Enhancer.

  CSE - Cell Support Elixir
CSE is a frequency enhanced water elixir that uses the same technology that BLA and PrugX use. It delivers a different set of instructions to your body, working in an entirely different way to fight cancer. CSE significantly enhances the ability of a couple of the top cancer fighters covered on this site, ESME which is written up on the Immune System section, and BLA. As such, it is one of the more important cancer fighters to use.
The fundamental set of instructions CSE has interacts with the water in the body, causing a reduction in the size of the clusters of the water. This reduction in size has several benefits for overall health and for fighting cancer. Circulation would improve slightly and fluids can travel further along tiny capillaries. Even the lymph system should flow a little better. This is all good, however it is at the cellular level that CSE shines.
CSE improves the ability of toxins to be removed from cells, as those toxins would be carried out in the smaller sized clusters of water that CSE creates. This will enable more toxins to be carried through the cell wall. As the underlying cause of most cancers is excess toxicity in cells, this action of CSE is significant for its ability to prevent the development of cancer and to fight cancer also.
Because toxins are acidic, the improved cellular detoxification action of CSE also improves cellular pH levels. This improved pH also translates into better oxygenation of cells. Both are actions that make it harder for cells to turn cancerous.
Along with improving transport of oxygen into cancer cells, the reduced size of water clusters caused by CSE increases absorption of nutrients into cells. This actions plays a small by significant part in preventing and fighting cancer.
Your cells are more than just a nucleus, mitochondria, enzymes, intercellular fluid and a cellular membrane. They are also electric. They are energetic in nature. Both in how the communicate with other cells in your body, and in how well they may function based on their energy. The energies in CSE optimize the energetic functioning of your normal cells. And more importantly when you have cancer, they disrupt the functioning of cancerous cells to such an extent that they can cause cancer cells to die. It is this action that is most valuable for improving the ability of ESME and BLA to fight cancer.
On its own, CSE tests at 8600 for fighting cancer. Use 3 bottles a month for early stage cancers and 4 bottles a month for advanced cancers. Use 5 bottles a month for very advanced cancers when you need to be more vigorous.
Like OCMP below, CSE is one of the most important supplements to use or to continue using once your cancer is gone. By adjusting the cellular environment to one that does not lead to the creation of cancer, it is a powerful cancer prevention agent.
OCMP - Optimize Cell Membrane Potential To Prevent Cancer
Boosting the Cell Membrane Potential (helping the walls of the cells work better) optimizes cellular chemistry and increases cell efficiency. This improves:
Cellular protection and fortification by preventing toxins and pathogens from entering cells.
Cell repair and recovery by increasing nutrient flow and access into cells.
Cell hygiene and detoxification by speeding waste transfer and elimination of toxins from cells.
The key factors influencing the ability of cell walls to uptake oxygen and other nutrients, and to eliminate toxins, are positive and negative ion concentrations inside and outside the cell walls. These ions work together creating “electrical gradients” within our tissues. These gradients are what keep cell membranes strong and determine how well our cells and nerves function.
The key elements or ions involved are sodium (Na+), potassium (K+), chloride (Cl–), and calcium (Ca2+). These four elements are found in abundance in almost every diet but are often severely imbalanced at a cellular level. Increasing their intake does not automatically improve Cell Membrane Potential. Indeed in many cases, CMP may actually decrease with mineral supplementation.
The proprietary OCMP formulation is doctor designed to provide therapeutic levels of what we call the ionic gatekeeper nutrients. Among these; high levels of bio-available magnesium is key. Zinc, chromium, manganese, lithium and germanium also contribute. These elements help spark the production and release of calcium and chloride ions, processes essential to continued robust health because they insure that toxins will be better eliminated from your cells, and that nutrients including oxygen will be better absorbed.
This process is fundamental to the prevention of cancer, in addition to being vital for overall health. As far as pH and cancer go, what makes OCMP such a powerful cancer fighter is that it is able to literally alkalize cancer cells, killing them much more effectively than even alkalizers like Cesium Chloride can do because it is able to drive more minerals into the cancer cells. Thus its healing power of 1300 in our energetic testing. Better still, when compared to Cesium, it contributes to the health and well being of every cell in your body.
 However, like Cesium and other alkalizers, it would interfere with the action of BLA. And as BLA has a much stronger action against cancer, use it rather than OCMP. OCMP can be used to adjust the cellular environment once your cancer is gone -- along with CSE. To keep it from coming back.
Further, OCMP enhances the cells methylation capacity and nutritionally supports mood elevation. Daily use will positively contribute to the detoxification process and help protect the cells and brain from mercury and other neuro toxins. It augments the body’s natural pain-relief and stress recovery processes. OCMP is also a premium anti-aging nutraceutical which, through the individual and synergistic action of its ingredients, may strongly assist in the recovery of youthful function in organs, joints and skin.
Do not take is using BLA as it will interfere with the action of BLA.
Includes therapeutic levels of: Magnesium (chelated, ionic and soluble), TriMethylGlycine (cellular repair and protection), N-Acetyl Glucosamine (intestinal, joint and skin repair and protection), Germanium 132 (cellular oxygen utilization), with supporting levels of organic lithium, selenium, zinc, iodide, vitamins and a full range of trace minerals and absorption assisting cofactors.
Custom Elixir pH -- Vibrational Frequencies That Improve pH Levels
This powerful but unique pH and cancer energetic elixir uses a different approach to helping the body adjust pH levels. It contains vibrational frequencies that have been captured by the water in it, and stabilized to remain in the water. These energetic frequencies fundamentally communicate instructions to the cells in your body when you take it. In the case of Custom Elixir pH, the message communicated gives instructions that optimize the kidneys' ability to eliminate acidic waste. Even more significant in helping to adjust the pH levels in the body, the kidneys are also instructed to neutralize excess acidity by adjusting the balance of salts inside and outside cells. Salts neutralize acids, and by adjusting these salts, more acids can be neutralized, and pH increased. 820.
pH Balancer 8.0 - A Blend Of Herbs, Minerals And Amino Acids To Alkalize pH In Cancer Cells
As mentioned above for pH and cancer, this is the next best body alkalizer we have found coming in at 499 in the energetic testing. The proprietary formulation of herbs, minerals and amino acids in pH Balancer 8.0 include: L-Taurine, Hawthorne Berry, Safflower, Wasabi Japonica, Wild Cherry, Allium Cepa, Barberry, Bilberry, Cinnamon, L-Carnitine, L-Arginine, Turmeric, Cayenne, Wood Betony, Dioscorea, Pleurisy, Potassium, Fritillaria, and Magnesium. There is no one particular ingredient that is the key to its effectiveness. It is the particular combination in the right quantities that makes it work so well. In addition, as it is often important to reduce inflammation when fighting cancer, you get its ability to do so as an additional benefit.
There are 90 tablets per bottle. As with most supplements you take more for an advanced cancer than for an early stage cancer because you have more cancer to deal with so you need to be more vigorous in your approach to dealing with it.
For an early stage cancer, consider using 3 bottles a month, for advanced cancer get 4 bottles for a month's supply, and if trying to reverse an end stage cancer, go up to 5 bottles for a months supply. They can be taken with meals or on an empty stomach.
How to Reduce or Perhaps Even Stop Ascites and other Fluid Build-up
Ascites is a buildup of water and fluid in the stomach or lungs caused by cancer. It is one of the tougher issues to deal with if you've got cancer. And there hasn't been a whole lot you can do about it other than getting the fluid drawn when the stomach or lungs get too full. Or of course, knocking out that cancer.
The fundamental reason this accumulation of fluid occurs has to do with acidity. Thus, we discuss it here in the pH section. There is so much lactic acid being produced by the cancer, or by the killing of the cancer cells which produces acidic waste, that the body dilutes this acid buildup with fluid. The build up is so acidic, it would be harmful if it was not diluted.
So your body produces fluid to dilute the acid in an attempt to protect itself. Sometimes it is a poorly functioning liver that is the reason the body can't get rid of the acids -- which can include chemo toxins. Sometimes a poorly functioning kidney. Sometimes there is just too much acid for a poorly functioning detox system to handle.
What To Do
There are two fundamental actions to take that are vital to stop this production of fluid. It has to do with you preventing the acidic buildup.
First: Take 6 bottles a month of BLA. It will tell the cancer cells to stop pumping out the lactic acid.
Next use Liver Balance Plus and Fulvitea to support and improve the function of the liver so that it can handle the toxins better. These will work with BLA to reduce the overall acid buildup. Use 4 bottles a month of Liver Balance Plus and 2 containers a month of Fulvitea.
Several other supplements would be very good to also use, though not near as important as these first two are. They are:
CSE. Use 6 bottles for a month’s supply in dealing with ascites.
pH Balancer: Use 5 bottles a month for helping reduce and eventually stop ascites.
Custom Elixir pH. This is another frequency enhanced water elixir that will better enable your body to control the removal of these acids. Use high doses in this case, 8 bottles a month.
OxyDHQ would speed up the process. Use 5 bottles monthly. OxyDHQ is a powerful cancer killer, so if you have bone cancer or tumors anywhere where the swelling of the tumor would cause pain or dysfunction, don't use. The immune system uses inflammation to get rid of killed cancer cells, and this swells up tumors.
The connection between high levels of acidic pH and cancer is thankfully something you have the power to change.

Cancer Strategy #3 - Supercharging Chemotherapy
Over the last year, there have been a few cases where people using chemotherapy along with some of the top elixirs mentioned in this report had spectacular results of tumors decreasing quite rapidly. Looking into this, we came to the conclusion that one of the best ways to increase the likelihood of beating cancer is to use the appropriate elixir that supports and enhances the action of the particular type of chemotherapy that is being used.
As you will have read elsewhere in this report, chemotherapy is all too often ineffective. In fact studies that researched the effectiveness of chemotherapies in metastasized cancers concluded that chemotherapy is effective only 1 to 2% of the time. (While there are some drugs in the pipeline that are proving to be considerably more effective than what is currently available, these drugs are not here yet.)
Even with early stage cancers that have not spread out of the organ it was found in, chemotherapies in general are viewed as being so ineffective by oncologists that they often recommend surgery to remove the cancer rather than chemotherapy. And recommend chemotherapy as a follow up to surgery. They have seen all too often that chemotherapies do not get the job done.
Chemotherapy Poisons Your Body
Chemotherapies cause harm to the healthy cells in your body as well as cancerous cells. One area of research in the development of chemotherapy drugs lies in the attempt to focus the chemotherapy action on cancer cells and to avoid damaging healthy cells. Most of the time, currently, chemotherapy drugs cause much harm to healthy cells as they kill the cancer cells.
There is another way chemotherapies cause damage to users. They are toxic, poisoning your body. Some are much harsher than others, but all are toxic to one degree or another. Usually more than less. The resultant buildup of poisons and toxicity in your body causes the nausea, vomiting, hair loss, fatigue and illness that many experience as with chemotherapy.
If you are getting chemotherapy, you can reduce or prevent many of these side effects by supporting your liver and kidneys. Primarily the liver. Many people often experience that the first round of two of chemotherapy was a breeze. No bad problems. But as chemotherapy continues, the nausea, vomiting, hair loss, fatigue and illness develop.
What happened was that the liver started out being strong enough to handle the chemo toxins. The body sent the toxins to the liver to be removed as it cleaned the blood. Which it is supposed to do. And the liver, as it was decently healthy, was able to remove them. However, the liver is not able to handle the overload of toxins that a round of chemotherapy puts into the body. At some point it can no longer effectively get rid of the chemotherapy toxins.
The kidneys also attempt to get rid of chemotherapy toxins, but they are not capable of detoxing nasty toxins like chemotherapy toxins, and become damaged by these toxins. Some chemotherapies do cause renal failure. Too much chemotherapy can kill you faster than the cancer would.
The chemotherapy toxins that the liver is not able to eliminate stay in the bloodstream as they leave the liver. The blood must be kept clean and in a narrow range of pH or the body will die. At this point, the body may not send all the chemo toxins to the liver for eliminating. The blood is already too toxic. Rather, it immediately shunts chemo toxins into cells to get them out of circulation as soon as possible. If this happens in the stomach cells, the walls of the stomach are irritated and inflamed, and nausea and vomiting develop.
So there they are, sitting in your cells, poisoning the body, making you feel sick and lousy. Eventually if the liver is not in too bad a shape, it will gradually recover and start to do a better job of detoxifying the blood of chemo toxins. When this happens, the cells gradually release those toxins that were put in them, which do get eliminated, and after a few weeks, maybe you are feeling better again.
Supporting the liver is essential when you get chemotherapy. The better it can handle those toxins, as it is supposed to do, the fewer side effects you will have. And the more likely you will survive.
Liver support is always important when you have cancer as at a fundamental level cancer is caused by over toxicity of the cells in your body. These toxins reduce oxygenation of cells and cause the body and cells to be more acidic. If your liver was working really well, you likely wouldn’t have developed cancer in the first place.
So alternative health practitioners and clinics always focus on detoxification and liver support as being necessary to beat cancer, even if no chemotherapy has been given. Often they have their patients do organic coffee enemas which pull toxins out of the body and help to increase the liver’s production of glutathione which the liver uses to neutralize toxins.
When getting chemotherapy, you should always give the liver extra support with herbal formulas if possible. Like the highly rated, in our testing, UltraLiver12. And by getting those organic coffee enemas. If you do so, the side effects from the chemotherapy drugs will be much less, and they will be much less likely to take on a course leading to death by chemo poisoning.
Supercharging The Benefits Of Chemotherapy
What if you could dramatically speed up the ability of the chemotherapy you are taking to knock out your cancer? While at the same time reduce the effects the chemotherapy has on your healthy cells? And reducing the amount of chemotherapy you may need because the cancer is being eliminated fast. From what we have seen, this may be possible with the elixirs that will be covered below.
Use of these elixirs when taking the appropriate chemotherapy has produced remarkable results. The first story this author heard was from a woman whose husband had a large, aggressively growing tumor in his stomach. Colon cancer spread to the stomach. He was being given some palliative chemotherapy not expected to do anything. A month after he started using BLA at a low dose that would not reduce tumor size quickly, he had another scan. The tumor was gone. BLA is an elixir that instructs the body to block elimination of lactic acid from cancer cells. This causes a buildup of acid in the cancer cells and they gradually die when the acid builds up significantly. This takes a while and does not reduce tumor size quickly. This man’s wife says that the oncologists are still trying to figure out why the tumor disappeared.
Mark wrote about his son’s experience. “My son has a Soft Tissue Sarcoma. He has been on a chemotherapy regimen; but half way through he starting taking PrugX/BLA/MC2 and PapayaPro about a week before progress scans. The scans showed a slight general improvement. We did 2 more rounds of chemo AND 6 weeks with the elixirs; the next scans showed a huge reduction in tumor mass, which they said appeared dead.
Brent reported how his wife’s aggressive thymus gland cancer reduced 80% in a month when using PrugX, BLA, and several other cancer fighters. Again, the doctors were not expecting to see improvement like this.
And Dena reported how her husband had an aggressive very rare cancer that is so tough nobody every gets better -- especially so when they have a large number of tumors as her husband did. Yet, in a month using all the elixirs that worked synergistically with the chemotherapy drugs her husband was using, plus other top rated products to fight the cancer, his tumors reduced 50% in a month. She said the doctors were flabbergasted.
What these people were experiencing was the power of combining chemotherapy, which on its own is not particularly effective, at best, with specific frequency enhanced water elixirs that deliver commands to the body that tell it to take actions that support and boost the actions the chemotherapy uses to attack cancer cells.
For example, PrugX causes free radical damage in the cancer cells as it tells the body not to allow cancer cells to release hydrogen peroxide. Cancer cells produce hydrogen peroxide on a continual basis, so when they are not able to release that hydrogen peroxide they produce, it builds up in the cancer cells to such an extent that the cancer cells eventually die. PrugX works synergistically with chemotherapy drugs that try to kill cancer cells by causing free radical damage in them. This was the type of chemotherapy Brent’s wife was using. (BLA helps both work better because it causes another toxic element to build up in cancer cells.)
Rinubo is a frequency enhanced water elixir that carries instructions to the body telling it to interfere with and damage the DNA in cancer cells so that they cannot reproduce. It works synergistically with a large group of chemotherapies that are designed to damage DNA or cause a similar type action.
Better still, Rinubo and the other elixirs that work synergistically with chemotherapies also contain instructions telling the body to try and minimize damage to healthy cells that the particular type of chemotherapy usually causes. While certainly all damage cannot be stopped, any little bit can help. In fact, when Dena’s husband ran out of Rinubo, the typical side effects of the chemotherapy he was using developed. When he got back on the Rinubo, they went away again. So it appears that this protection of the healthy cells could be significant.
M-Inhibitor delivers instructions to the body telling it to inhibit reproduction in cancer cells. It works synergistically with mitotic inhibitor chemotherapies that try to stop mitosis or cellular replication in cancer cells, or to inhibit enzymes that make proteins needed for cancer cell replication.
Sayunt is the name of a frequency enhanced water elixir that tells the body to decrease production of the aromatase enzyme that converts other hormones to estrogen. It works synergistically with chemotherapy drugs that act as aromatase inhibitors and with any other chemotherapy that is attempting to reduce estrogen levels in other ways.
Monoclant works synergistically with monoclonal antibody therapy drugs to increase their effectiveness.
These elixirs are effective on their own. Some of them are among the top cancer fighters we have tested, even without the chemotherapy. But they are far better if they happen to support the particular type of chemotherapy you are using. In fact the combination of chemotherapy when used with an elixir that supports its actions, rates, in our energetic testing, as having by far the highest scores of anything we have tested. In some cases astoundingly higher.
Types of Chemotherapy and The Elixirs That Enhance Their Effectiveness
These elixirs are made using a remarkable (and proprietary) technology that was designed to be able to concentrate the subtle energies of specific instructions to the body. The bottles are put into the technology along with a set of instructions. Then it is turned on. The subtle energy vibrations of the instructions are picked by the water in the bottles, and held there because of waters ability to pick up and subtly vibrate at the frequencies it is exposed to. The unit makes the frequencies concentrated and amplified so that the cells in the body will understand these instructions, as they pick up the energies when small amounts of this water are consumed..
Primarily, these instructions tell the body to take a similar type of action to what the chemotherapy does. But only on the cancerous cells. For example, to damage DNA in cancerous cells, or to stop replication of cancerous cells.
In addition each of them carries additional instructions to help prevent damage to healthy cells.
So there is no negative interference possible with regard to the action of the chemotherapy.
The only actions it can take are actions that help the chemotherapy work better -- or actions that help to protect healthy cells from some of the damage that particular chemotherapy may cause.
There is no downside using these elixirs with your chemotherapy. They can only help, not harm.
Unless mentioned otherwise, these elixirs should be taken at the 4 bottles a month dosage. And these chemotherapies and elixirs can be used when you need to avoid swelling as well as when some swelling is okay.
Chemotherapies That Produce Free Radicals To Damage Cancer Cells
Anthracyclines such as
Doxorubicin (Adriamycin®, Doxil®)
Daunorubicin (Cerubidine®)
Epirubicin (Ellence®)
Mitomycin (Mutamycin®)
Bleomycin (Bleoxane®)
Podophyllum agents such as
Etoposide (VP-I6, Vespid®)
Teniposide (Vumon®)
The elixir that works most effectively with these free radical damaging chemotherapies is PrugX as PrugX causes free radical damage in cancer cells.
In our energetic testing, using any of these chemotherapies with PrugX tests at 80,000 in healing power. Great on its own, but adding on other elixirs significantly increases healing power.
Add on PrugX Immune Boost to prevent cancer cells from hiding from the immune system. This increases healing power to 120,000.
Add on ESME version C (use version NS if you need to avoid any possible swelling) and the energetic testing increases to 150,000.
Add on PrugX Enhancer in the correct quantities and the energetic testing of overall cancer fighting power increases to 180,000.
Add on BLA and the energetic testing of overall healing power is 190,000.
Add on BLA Enhancer and the energetic testing increases to 200,000.
Add on CSE (Cell Support Elixir) which disrupts cancer cells while supporting healthy functioning of normal cells and the healing power of using all these elixirs with any of the above chemotherapies increases to 220,000.
DNA Damaging Chemotherapies
There are several types of chemotherapy drugs that damage DNA in various ways. The same elixirs support the action of any or all of these drugs. In no particular order, the types of chemotherapy and the actual drugs are the following.
Alkylating Chemotherapy Drugs
Nitrogen mustards: such as
Mechlorethamine, Chlorambucil, Cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan®), Ifosfamide, and Melphalan
Nitrosoureas: which include
Streptozocin, Carmustine (BCNU), and Lomustine
Alkyl Sulfonates: such as
Triazines: such as
Dacarbazine (DTIC) and Temozolomide (Temodar®)
Ethylenimines: such as
Thiotepa and Altretamine (hexamethylmelamine)
Platinum based drugs: such as
Cisplatin, Carboplatin, and Oxalaplatin. These are not technically alkylating agents, but are grouped with them because they kill cells in a similar way.
Examples include:
5-fluorouracil (5-FU)
6-mercaptopurine (6-MP)
Capecitabine (Xeloda®)
Cytarabine (Ara-C®)
Gemcitabine (Gemzar®)
Pemetrexed (Alimta®)
Anthracyclines which are anti tumor antibiotics
Examples include:
Doxorubicin (Adriamycin®)
Other anti-tumor antibiotics
Topoisomerase inhibitors
Irinotecan (CPT-11).
Etoposide (VP-16)
Mitoxantrone also inhibits topoisomerase II.
Rinubo is the frequency enhanced water elixir that works synergistically with all the above DNA Damaging Chemotherapies as it transfers instructions into your body telling it to damage the DNA of cancer cells. In our energetic testing Rinubo when used with any of these chemotherapy drugs tests at 70,000.
Add on PrugX Immune Boost to prevent cancer cells from hiding from the immune system. This increases healing power to 90,000.
Add on PrugX next if you can. Doing so increases the healing power of these elixirs and a chemotherapy from above to 130,000.
Add on PrugX Enhancer in the correct quantities and the energetic testing of overall cancer fighting power increases to 160,000.
Add on BLA and the energetic testing of overall healing power is 170,000.
Add on BLA Enhancer and the energetic testing increases to 180,000.
Add on ESME version C (use version NS if you need to avoid any possible swelling) and the energetic testing increases to 200,000.
Add on CSE (Cell Support Elixir) which disrupts cancer cells while supporting healthy functioning of normal cells -- and the healing power of using all these elixirs with any of the above chemotherapies increases to 220,000.

Mitotic Inhibitor Chemotherapies (inhibiting replication of cancer cells)
Examples of mitotic inhibitors include:
Taxanes: paclitaxel (Taxol®) and docetaxel (Taxotere®)
Epothilones: ixabepilone (Ixempra®)
Vinca alkaloids: vinblastine (Velban®), vincristine (Oncovin®), and vinorelbine (Navelbine®)
Estramustine (Emcyt®)
M-Inhibitor is the elixir that works with the Mitotic Inhibitor chemotherapies above as it tell the body to inhibit cancer cell replication. And to prevent, as much as possible, damage to healthy cell replication caused by these chemotherapies. When used in conjunction with mitotic inhibitor chemotherapy drugs, M-Inhibitor energetically tests at 60,000 in healing power.
YewImmune5 is a herbal formula supply an extract from the Pacific Yew tree. This yew tree is a natural source of taxanes and is used to make chemotherapies such as pacitaxel. Taking YewImmune5 then, adds a very strong synergy to the use of the mitotic inhibitor chemotherapies and M-Inhibitor elixir. It is very powerful even without the chemo, when used with M-Inhibitor. Using a mitotic inhibitor chemotherapy with M-Inhibitor and YewImmune5 tests at 90,000 in healing power.
Add on PrugX Immune Boost to prevent cancer cells from hiding from the immune system. This increases healing power to 120,000.
Add on PrugX next if you can. Doing so increases the healing power of these elixirs and a chemotherapy from above to 150,000.
Add on PrugX Enhancer in the correct quantities and the energetic testing of overall cancer fighting power increases to 180,000.
Add on BLA and the energetic testing of overall healing power is 190,000.
Add on BLA Enhancer and the energetic testing increases to 210,000.
Add on ESME version C (use version NS if you need to avoid any possible swelling) and the energetic testing increases to 230,000.
Add on CSE (Cell Support Elixir) which disrupts cancer cells while supporting healthy functioning of normal cells -- and the healing power of using all these elixirs with any of the above chemotherapies increases to 250,000.

Monoclonal Antibody Chemotherapy Drugs
Campath® (alemtuzumab)
Erbitux® (cetuximab)
Rituxan® (rituximab)
Herceptin® (trastuzumab)
Avastin® (bevacizumab)
Monoclant is the elixir that helps to make these Monoclonal antibody drugs much more effective as it tells the body to enhance the action of these chemotherapies.
Monoclant, when used with monoclonal antibody therapies, energetically tests at 70,000 in healing power.
Add on PrugX Immune Boost to prevent cancer cells from hiding from the immune system. This increases healing power to 90,000.
Add on PrugX next if you can. Doing so increases the healing power of these elixirs and a chemotherapy from above to 110,000.
Add on PrugX Enhancer in the correct quantities and the energetic testing of overall cancer fighting power increases to 130,000.
Add on BLA and the energetic testing of overall healing power is 140,000.
Add on BLA Enhancer and the energetic testing increases to 160,000.
Add on ESME version C (use version NS if you need to avoid any possible swelling) and the energetic testing increases to 180,000.
Add on CSE (Cell Support Elixir) which disrupts cancer cells while supporting healthy functioning of normal cells -- and the healing power of using all these elixirs with any of the above chemotherapies increases to 200,000.

Anti-Estrogen or Anti-Androgen Hormone Therapy Drugs 
(used with hormonal based cancers)
Examples include:
Anti-estrogens: fulvestrant (Faslodex®), tamoxifen, and toremifene (Fareston®)
Aromatase inhibitors: anastrozole (Arimidex®), exemestane (Aromasin®), and letrozole (Femara®)
Progestins: megestrol acetate (Megace®)
Anti-Androgens:bicalutamide (Casodex®), flutamide (Eulexin®), and nilutamde (Nilandron®)
Sayunt is the elixir that works with the anti-estrogen, aromatase inhibitors, and Progestins. ESME Prostate is the elixir that works best with the anti-androgens. Use 2 bottles a month of either one, not the 4 per month suggested for the other elixirs.
Sayunt or ESME Prostate, when combined with a hormone therapy drug, energetically tests at 20,000 in healing power.
Add on PrugX Immune Boost to prevent cancer cells from hiding from the immune system. This increases healing power to 40,000.
Add on PrugX next if you can. Doing so increases the healing power of these elixirs and a chemotherapy from above to 60,000.
Add on PrugX Enhancer in the correct quantities and the energetic testing of overall cancer fighting power increases to 80,000.
Add on BLA and the energetic testing of overall healing power is 90,000.
Add on BLA Enhancer and the energetic testing increases to 110,000.
Add on ESME version C (use version NS if you need to avoid any possible swelling) and the energetic testing increases to 130,000.
Add on CSE (Cell Support Elixir) which disrupts cancer cells while supporting healthy functioning of normal cells -- and the healing power of using all these elixirs with any of the above chemotherapies increases to 150,000.

What to do if you are using several types of these chemotherapies.
Most important is to get the main elixirs that work with each particular chemotherapy. Such as Rinubo and Sayunt, for example.
Then if you can do more, start adding on the other elixirs that make these even more effective -- in the order given.
Of course, other products to support the body and to fight the cancer are fine to use, and may be of great benefit. The elixirs covered on this page are the ones that work most effectively with the various chemotherapies covered.
Especially focus on including additional support of the liver so that it can better handle the chemo toxins. Liver Balance Plus is the best liver support supplement. If the liver is in bad shape, especially if there is cancer in the liver, use 4 bottles a month of Liver Balance Plus.
In most cases, even without using chemotherapy, the group of elixirs covered on this page makes up the most important cancer fighters to be used. You should be using the 4 bottle a month dosage of these elixirs, (3 bottles a month for small adults or very early stage cancers) except for Sayunt and ESME Prostate where the 2 bottle a month dosage is adequate.
Again, chemotherapies on their own do not test high, and work poorly too much of the time. But.... the particular chemotherapies which have elixirs that work synergistically with them, covered on this page, test, as you have read, extremely powerful when used with the elixirs. And would be well worth doing.
Next up: Supplements that are powerful cancer killers.
Cancer Strategy #4: Kill Cancerous Cells
This strategy covers some of the strongest cancer cell killers that are completely safe to healthy cells. They are new and unique, so neither your doctor or your alternative health professional is likely to have heard of them. By the way, while the feedback from users of Zeolite Enhanced now with DHQ has been superb, with many people saying that it alone got rid of the cancer in their body after they had been sent home to die, it is not the best supplement covered in this report. Though we have heard many reports of people recovering from cancer using it alone, it is always best to use at least several different supplements to beat cancer.
When chemotherapy and radiation therapy are used to kill the cancerous cells, they harm healthy cells in the process. In fact, they can kill people faster than the cancer would have done. This report focuses on natural supplements that do a good job of killing cancerous cells, but don't cause harm to your body. A few natural supplements suggested for fighting cancer may have the potential to be toxic to the body, and should probably just be used in conjunction with a naturopath or alternative doctor. These include cesium, artemisia, and B17. In this report you will learn only about completely safe cancer supplements that can be used with no supervision.
You may well ask why, if a safe and natural product is able to kill cancer, your doctor doesn’t recommend it. The answer is simple. Your doctor probably doesn't know about it, but even if he or she did, they are not likely to use it.
This is because of the nature of the medical/drug industry. Doctors use and recommend drugs that are approved in a process that costs hundreds of millions of dollars. Because of this high cost, the drug companies will only make drugs that can be patented. That way they can sell them for huge mark-ups and have no competition. Unfortunately, because these drugs have been altered from nature, which they must be to be patented, they become toxic in your body, with harmful side effects. Your body can handle natural foods and herbs, the altered ones have toxic side-effects because your body can’t handle them. This is the reason why the biggest cause of deaths in the US is from medical drugs.
Because of the cost of getting approval for drugs, no company would ever take an unpatentable natural product through the drug approval process. Consequently natural supplements aren't tested in multi-million dollars trials so can't be approved by the FDA to be used for cancer or whatever other health condition they may help. (Not that the FDA would approve a natural supplement that threatened the drug companies they are in bed with.) As they are not approved, doctors, or at least most doctors, won't use them, and most don't even know about them.
Alternative doctors not blinded by the medical/drug industry, find that a comprehensive approach to fighting cancer using powerful supplements along with chemotherapy, works much better than only using drugs and other treatments that harm the body. But for now you have to turn to other resources to find safe cancer killers. One of the best has proven, through anecdotal use, to be a special liquid zeolite.
When fighting a cancer, you are always more likely to succeed if you fight it in several different ways. Many many people have got rid of cancer using one or two products only, but some people have a tougher cancer or are in poorer health and must do much more to be successful. If you have time on your side, you can always try one or two of the best supplements to see if they can get the job done on their own. If you find this is not working for you, giving you good improvement in a month or two, take it as a warning that your body needs more support than you have been giving it. And use more anti-cancer, health promoting supplements to more vigorously go after the cancer.The top rated cancer killer in this section is...
Zormus is a frequency enhanced water supplying homeopathic beryllium energies designed to reduce pain, inflammation, fatigue, and as stated in homeopathic literature -- to reduce cancer tumors. Homeopathy has been around for about two hundred years. When homeopathic literature states that a particular formulation does something, like reducing the size of cancer tumors, it states this because that is what has been observed in its use over those 200 years.
What sets Zormus apart from an ordinary homeopathic beryllium remedy is the fact that it has been supercharged, making it considerably more potent. It is energized with several different energizing technologies which makes it much more effective than ordinary homeopathic remedies.It is a powerful cancer killer to use -- especially when you need to avoid inflammation. Many users have reported pain reducing and tumor size reducing quickly when using Zormus.
Zormus is also put through the most advanced and powerful energizing technology we have tested, using a laser and gems in conjunction with other aspects of this technology. Potentizing Zormus with instructions to kill cancer cells, to reduce inflammation and pain, and a variety of other healing energies. It works synergistically with CSE, one of our other top cancer fighters mentioned on the pH page.
While any supplement that kills cancer cells, or gets the immune system to kill cancer cells, causes the immune system to use inflammation to get rid of those killed cells, Zormus causes less inflammation than other cancer killers. This is because it is a powerful anti-inflammatory in its own right. This doesn't eliminate all the inflammation, but using Zormus reduces the inflammation and swelling greatly. It is the only cancer killer we suggest using when the tumor is in a place where you need to avoid swelling and inflammation, but there is no current pain or dysfunction. (There are many powerful cancer fighters that cause the cancer cells to die a natural death, which doesn't result in inflammation and swelling. These include PrugX, BLA, CSE, and Honokare.)
For killing cancer Zormus comes in at 7800 in our energetic testing when used in the amounts of 3, 4 or 6 bottles a month. Zormus comes in a one fluid ounce spray bottle.
It is also used for arthritis pain, general joint and muscle pain, headaches, flu, sore throat, deficient digestion and elimination, killing pathogens, and helps with depression or anxiety.
A long time top cancer fighter has been...
Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ
For years Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ has been is one of the best cancer killers we have seen. It even works better now when you use it with BLA. In fact, I've seen it work well so consistently for so many years, with no problems or safety issues, I shake my head in wonderment when I come across an article questioning its safety or effectiveness. They just don't know.
True, none of the other zeolites test near as strong as Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ does. Not by a long shot. And there is a liquid zeolite company making an enhanced zeolite with dhq that tests worse than most. So it is possible to get fooled into using a zeolite that doesn't work near as well as what I'm recommending here.
We've seen many testimonials where someone only took Zeolite Enhanced, or Zeolite Enhanced and another product or two, and got over a tough cancer.
For example, Theresa was giving Zeolite Enhanced only to her sister with advanced small cell lung cancer that had spread to the liver. Small cell lung cancer, if you are not aware of this, is one of the most aggressive and deadly cancer. And spreading to a major organ like the liver didn't make likelihood of survival any better. Yet after several months of only using Zeolite Enhanced, the cancer was completely gone. She said, "The doctors call it a miracle, but we call it Zeolite Enhanced!"
In July 08 I was told that my PSA was 28. A Biopsy was performed which confirmed that I had a most aggressive prostrate cancer (4+5=9) on the Gleason score, bone scan plus MRI followed. My scan and MFI showed that my bones were clear but the cancer had progressed into my lymph glands. The doctor recommended that I start hormone therapy before starting chemotherapy, after 3 months of the hormone therapy. On looking on the internet I came across Zeolite Enhance, this I have been taking since the beginning of August at a dose of 120 drops per day. Yesterday the 29th Oct. 3 months after starting to take zeolite I had an appointment with my doctor, only to be told that my PSA was now 4.1 and that I didn't need any further treatment except to continue with the 3 monthly hormone injections with a revisit to the doctors in 6 months. If you wish to use my name and address, please fill free to do so! Yours, Mike Player
Zeolite works exceptionally well at fighting cancer as an informal 14 month study a number of years ago showed.
65 people with mostly stage 4 cancer, who had a prognosis of about 2 months to live, were given a type of liquid zeolite. At the end of the study, 51 people were cancer free and six more were alive, but still fighting cancer. This is a 78% cure rate for terminal cancer, an incredible 89% survival rate.
This study was actually similar to what happens in the real world. There was no control as to what drugs people were taking, or what other protocols they were on. Every person in the study basically answered an ad in a newspaper that said, "If your doctor has given up on you, call us." So they were mostly people who had late stage cancer, whose doctors had sent them home to get their affairs in order.
Throughout the study, many patients used some sort of adjunctive treatment. For example, a lung cancer patient was told to go home and get his affairs in order. After three months on this liquid zeolite, he was feeling much better. He went back to his oncologist, who suggested that he was strong enough to undergo more chemotherapy and radiation. So he stayed on the zeolite, but he also went on chemo and radiation at that point.
Not bad for a bunch of folks sent home to die.
Testimonies for the liquid Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ that we recommend have been impressive.
Great Great news my mum has had confirmation that her lung cancer has gone. Thanks to everyone a miracle has happened.  I will now cut the supplements down, and the remaining supplements I will cut the dosage.
Kind Regards,
Margaret P
(She was using Zeolite Enhanced and about 20 other products suggested in this report for just a few months.)
“My dog was diagnosed in August as having a malignant tumour. He had accidentally bumped his head about two weeks earlier, & a large lump had quickly developed. The vet more or less wrote him off, as his insurance would not have covered the large sums of money involved in providing treatment. Also, he's about ten years old, a large dog, & I really didn't want him to have to endure the upset of receiving scans, radiotherapy, etc. In my desperation to help him I searched the internet for something that would treat cancer. I soon found a site which pointed me in your direction. So, I started to treat him with Liquid Zeolite with DHQ on 3rd September. For a few weeks it was difficult to see any difference in the tumour. Although his arthritic condition improved, as well as his chest problems.[ He had begun to cough & splutter during the summer.]
Within the last few weeks however, it has become obvious that the tumour has started to shrink. Although it's difficult to be accurate, I would say that it has shrunk by as much as half. So hopefully, it will be gone by Christmas. I have been giving him 25 drops four times a day.... Perhaps you think that I'm overdosing, but the cancer is so virulent that I thought that a high dosage was best. I have been telling everyone I meet about liquid zeolite, because I can see that it really works. Hopefully, by making people aware of it lives will be saved. I just wanted to let you know what has happened, & to thank you for all your help. I will let you know of any further progress.”
   John H
I am delighted to tell you that I have received my order in the post this morning. I am so relieved as I realize that Christmas post could have caused the delay! My father is taking the medication following a course of radiotherapy for inoperable throat cancer. Over the last few days we have noticed that the huge lump on the side of his neck has almost disappeared and yesterday he was able to eat solid food for the first time in a few weeks. We are continuing to give my father the treatment and will update you on his condition. Thank you for your kind  and attentive service.
Janice P.
Janice's father was using Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ and the Koch energy formulas.
(While Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ can do wonders on its own, you are best off to use a comprehensive approach that involves numerous ways to correct the underlying conditions that caused the cancer.)
More remarkable results....
"Jeff and I went to Emory yesterday, the 29th for his follow up visit. He had gone from a 12,000 tumor marker down to a 10.2 and they scheduled him to come back in three months for his check up, not every six weeks.
He and I would like to thank you so very much for all your help and recommendations. You have been an answer to many, many prayers. God has blessed you with information that needs to be shared with so many other people around the world. Thanks for all you do and the very much needed help you have provided.... Thanks again, our lives will never be the same !!"     Jennifer J.
(He had used for about one month Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ and a couple of other supplements recommended here.)
How zeolite works to fight cancer.
According to information in United States Patent 6,288,045, zeolite can, when pulled into cancer cells, activate the P21 gene which tells a cancer cell to die, or literally, according to this patent, destroy the nucleus of cancerous cells.
Zeolite is a negatively charged volcanic mineral that naturally attracts positively charged toxins to it. (All toxins are positively charged.) It traps them in its cage-like structure. In other words, it absorbs toxins. Zeolite's negative ionic charge turns slightly positive after it is full of the positively charged toxins it has absorbed. Normal cells have a neutral charge while cancer cells have a slightly negative electrical charge. So the now slightly positively charged zeolite molecule is attracted to cancer cells.
The energetic frequencies in Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ increase the ability of the zeolite to find cancer cells.
Once inside the cancer cells, zeolite kills them two ways, according to the Zeolite Patent.
  1. Zeolite activates the p21 gene. The function of the p21 gene is to tell the cancer cell to die. P21 acts as a tumor suppressor as it controls cell cycle progression. The activation of P21 appears to halt the growth of tumors by directly suppressing growth signals. In in-vitro studies, all cancer cells tested were destroyed in 72 hour. There are no side effects because it specifically targets cancer cells as it is not attracted to normal healthy cells.
  2. Even more important, the tri metallic part of the zeolite destroys the nucleus of the cancer cells it enters. Some cancer cells are destroyed in an outward burst of the cytoplasm. In other cases cells are destroyed when their wall and membrane collapse after the nucleus is destroyed.

    Most often, after the nucleus and the cytoplasm are destroyed, the entire cellular contents dissipate into the surrounding environment. The membranes of these now dead cancer cells remain intact, but no cellular structures are left.
Because zeolite's ionic charge, when full of toxins, pulls it to cancer cells only, it does not kill healthy cells.
Zeolite improves health in several other ways.
It chelates and removes heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides, and other toxins from your body. It does this in a hierarchical manner. Studies show that it is most attracted to lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic and other heavy metals. Once the amount of heavy metals are depleted, it starts to work on getting rid of pesticides, herbicides, plastics, and so forth. It also acts as a natural trap of viral particles which stops production of the viruses.
Because it traps toxins in its molecular structure and carries them out of the body as it is easily eliminated within 6 hours or so, it detoxifies without overloading the detoxification system in your body. It takes a strain off the liver and kidneys.
As toxins are an underlying cause of almost all cancers, taking zeolite on a regular basis is an excellent cancer preventative. Especially as it can kill any cancer cells that may develop.
Zeolite traps free radicals in its molecular structure so it acts as a free radical scavenger.
Zeolite will help normalize pH levels.
And boosts the immune system as it increases levels of CD4 immune system molecules.
One important additional benefit when the liver is functioning poorly...
Ammonia is a toxin that has no place in a healthy body. Thousands of people with liver and kidney disease die every year from too much ammonia in their blood. The average person can handle low levels of ammonia in their blood, but even a low level adds stress to the immune system, and compromises health.
Most ammonia forms in the body when protein is broken down by un-friendly bacteria in the intestines. It is also produced by parasites, yeasts and molds. These organisms produce ammonia both as a waste product, but also as a mechanism to keep their host (your body) in an unhealthy state. And as candida yeast is almost always overgrown and infecting the whole body of someone with cancer, you may well have high levels of ammonia in your body.
A healthy liver converts ammonia into urea, which is then eliminated in urine. A benefit of dietary zeolite is its ability to remove ammonia directly from your body, which means less stress on your liver and kidneys. A big bonus for your health if your liver is weak. Of course, reduced ammonia is also a bonus for healthy digestion, pathogens and parasites are weakened, and beneficial bacteria can better recolonize.
For this reason the use of dietary zeolite may be very helpful if your liver is not working properly. Ammonia that remains unprocessed because the liver is not working up to par can enter the bloodstream and invade the central nervous system, causing many dangerous effects. Even your brain can be affected. In advanced cases of liver disease, for example, the ammonia may cause at first a mild mental aberration which can progress to coma, and ultimately, death. Increased levels of ammonia in the blood are characteristic of liver failure.
Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ is a frequency enhanced liquid zeolite, that is, based on our energetic testing and a lot of feedback from users, the most effective zeolite supplement available. The best by a very large margin.
We could recommend any of the zeolite supplements, and originally recommended the Original Activated Liquid Zeolite as the best one. It was at the time. However, when we were introduced to Zeolite Enhanced, with the DHQ being added on a bit later, we switched our recommendation.
I have the luxury of having the freedom to, and in fact the desire to change my recommendations when I come across a supplement better than the supplement I am currently recommending. I have done so many times with many products. The outcome being that the recommended supplements on this site are much stronger cancer fighters than the recommended supplements were a couple of years ago. By a wide margin.
Manufacturers who make a particular flagship product can't change if someone else develops a better version. They have too much invested in their original product so they try to convince you theirs is better. Multi-level marketing distributors of the original activated liquid zeolite, aren't likely to change either because they have a downline earning them an income by selling the activated liquid zeolite, for example.
My vision is different. I'm always looking for the best products to help people with cancer or other illnesses for that matter. What this site recommended a few years ago is vastlydifferent from what we suggest now. When we find better and more effective supplements, we change. Though it makes a lot more work for us as we are always having to revise our recommendations.
It is not that the original zeolite wasn't helping people, it was. It's just that by every means by which we evaluate supplements, including feedback from users, Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ is significantly better. This means that it could help more people beat cancer. As I try on this site to give the best information I can to help people beat cancer, I change when something better comes along.
Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ became my recommendation for two main reasons. First, the energetic testing which we use to help determine what supplements have the best cancer fighting abilities, gives it the highest rating among the zeolites, by far. This energetic testing is an art though quantum physics does offer an explanation why it can work if you learn how to do it properly.
Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ is superior in three ways.
1. The patented manufacturing process designed to make the zeolite better able to be transported throughout the body.
2. The particular frequency enhancing that is done on it.
3. The addition of DHQ to the humic acid molecules holding the zeolite significantly enhances the ability of the zeolite to get transported throughout the body. Delivering more zeolite to cancer cells, and getting more of that zeolite actually into those cancer cells where it can kill them.
Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ is an excellent heavy metal chelator as this test shows.
Metal Study
Zeolite is only attracted to cancer cells after it has absorbed as many toxins as it can hold. When its cage is full. (That's when its ionic charge has changed enough to attract it to cancer cells.) So it will fill up sooner, and get attracted to cancerous cells sooner than zeolites with an empty cage.
Independent labs have tested Zeolite Enhanced for safety. Results show no bacterial load at normal usage levels. (<10 is as low as it can get.)
Zeolite DHQ Lab Report
The humic acid in Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ is a pathogen killer. And in addition ,the DHQ added to Zeolite Enhanced has a large body of science behind it proving that it is an excellent food preservative. So effective, safe and healthy for you, in fact, it may eventually replace all the toxic food preservatives in the food you eat. You get double protection with Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ.
The Frequency Enhancing Story
What actually first made Zeolite Enhanced better than all other zeolites, was that it had been energized or imbued with special vibrational frequencies 8 or 9 different ways. This creates three anti-cancer activities, all equally important.
1. The energetic frequencies enhance the zeolite's capability to be attracted to cancerous cells. So you get more zeolite to those cells. Making Zeolite Enhanced more effective.
2. These special frequencies improve the ability of the zeolite to enter cancer cells. And that's the name of the game when you are fighting cancer with zeolite. You see, these special vibrational frequencies send messages to cells, influencing what they do. They communicate with your cells. The frequencies in Zeolite Enhanced influence cancer cells to take the zeolite into the cell.
3. Finally, the specific frequencies that energize Zeolite Enhanced are able to kill cancer cells on their own. Cancer cells have a low vibrational frequency but they naturally must try to match or entrain to the high frequencies in Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ when you get these frequencies into your body. This ends up killing the cancer cell because they don’t operate at those frequencies. The same frequencies make your healthy cells stronger.
Zeolite Enhanced has homoeopathically activated natural paramagnetic and diamagnetic substances enclosed in the humic molecules along with the zeolite. These supply additional healing energies to the liquid.
The interesting thing about the value of frequency enhancing, or at least the extensive frequency enhancing that Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ has, is how big a difference it made in its potency - according to our energetic testing. Zeolite manufacturers and distributors naturally try to sell you the product they have and sell. So they tout their cleaned cage, or how they have the real original process, or their nano processing and how they have so much zeolite in their liquid, a little falls out if you let it sit, or their ability to put the process the zeolite with the humic acid, etc. Yet in my energetic testing, all these zeolites, except the cheap one that sells just on price, though they claim they are the best, were about the same potency.
The original liquid zeolite, NCD, with the cleaned out molecular structure, energetically tests at 320. There is a SuperZ liquid that comes in at 312, the one that comes from the manufacture that puts the zeolite inside a humic acid molecule is 328. A Trinity liquid is 315. 360 zeolite is 330. Every other one I test is right in the same ballpark, except the ultra liquid zeolite (enhanced with DHQ) from the liquid zeolite company that claims to be the one I recommend. It tests at 270. Their Nano Cellular Zeolite is better, testing at 340. ORME zeolite with monatomic minerals comes in at 320. Even Zeolite powder comes in at 300. The reason Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ is my top recommendation is because it tests at 1150. The difference is primarily from the proprietary frequency enhancing that is used to boost its effectiveness. DHQ helps a bit too.
How DHQ improves Zeolite Enhanced
DHQ is a powerful free radical scavenger, and your body’s principal fat-soluble antioxidant. Much of your body’s free radical damage occurs in fats, such as cholesterol, and in fatty membranes of cells - exactly where Dihydroquercetin protects the body. As a major chain-breaking antioxidant (free radical scavenger), Dihydroquercetin halts the cascade of free radical damage in cells. About 40% of DHQ’s direct action fighting cancer is its free radical scavenging ability.
Research on DHQ shows that it may be used to reduce metastasis of tumor cells from different malignancies, including carcinomas, lymphomas, and sarcomas. And in fact this cancer killing ability is about 60% of its benefit when it comes to fighting cancer.
However, neither of these actions would have significantly increased the potency of Zeolite Enhanced. DHQ does something else that makes the difference. It has an ability to condition blood cells, that is, to make red blood cells softer and more flexible. This significantly improves circulation as the softer and more flexible red blood cells can more easily flow through tiny capillaries. This increased circulation enables more zeolite to get to cancer cells. This is what gives the energetic testing such a big boost, not the fact that it is "just an antioxidant".
(Frequency enhancing helps the zeolite be more effective at penetrating the cancer cells once it gets there.) The ability to get zeolite into cancer cells is the key to fighting cancer. Look at what can happen when you greatly increase this ability.
Cancer Fighting Elixir Supercharges Cancer Killing Ability of Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ
When ESME is also being use, the cancer fighting power of Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ jumps up to 6600 in our testing. 

As a reminder: We recommend the energized Zeolite Enhanced with DH from Get Healthy Again, the supplier given in the resources section of this report. We do not recommend Liquid Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ from the Liquid Zeolite Company or any of its affiliates even though they advertise it heavily and claim it is authentic, whatever that means. At 270, it does not test near as strong.
Clearly, Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ is a remarkable product for fighting cancer. It's non-toxic, a great detoxifier, helps to improve pH levels, and the vibrational frequencies in it along with the DHQ increase the effectiveness of the zeolite at killing cancer cells. If the drug companies had drugs that would come anywhere close to this in effectiveness, they'd have every doctor prescribing them for cancer. There's no reason not to take this powerful cancer fighter.
"Hello my name is Robert and I have ordered Zeolite Enhanced in March for my mother and her cancer disappeared and totally dissolved. I might order again to keep following up, and to help other people . Thank you." Robert C.
It has been successfully used with chemotherapy and radiation - though you must stop it three days before any chemotherapy that uses a heavy metal such as platinum or lithium and wait 3 days after the chemotherapy so that it will not pull out the platinum or lithium. These include Cisplatin, Carboplatin, and Oxaliplatin for the platinum based therapies. Lithium may sometimes be given in conjunction with platinum chemotherapy.
For optimal results, using Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ to fight your cancer, use 3 bottles a month for an early stage cancer, and for an advanced stage cancer, use 6 bottles per month.Up to 9 bottles a month is suggested if you have a late stage cancer.
As with any cancer killing situation, supporting the liver, kidneys and lymph system is valuable as an aid in getting rid of dead cancer cells. Especially when using powerful cancer killers like Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ.

Other Cancer Killers
There is a cancer killing supplement on the internet that people ask about, a Miracle Mineral supplement great for malaria. Where the minerals may kill cancer cells too. Unfortunately, while it seems to work wonders for malaria, energetic testing puts this at a low 45 for cancer. It just doesn't work that well.
Cesium with some additional potassium and magnesium has been touted for fighting cancer. With some impressive results. It seems to be good but not great. Energetic testing puts it at 324 for fighting cancer. Take it while working with a doctor or naturopath as you can get your mineral levels messed up using it.
Artemisia has been touted by some as a cancer killer. There has been some concern about making sure you don't take too much of this herb. Though certainly it is much much safer than chemotherapy or any drug for that matter. Energetic testing puts its cancer fighting value at 230 when used in correct doses.
An extract from the Venus's Flytrap, is a highly touted cancer cell killer. It dissolves primitive cells including cancer cells but does not harm healthy cells. Energetic testing gives the high quality powder a healing power of 246. The liquid extract is better. It comes in at 327. Unfortunately it tends to be expensive and you need to use a lot of it.
Most chemotherapies, because of the damage they do to the body, and because of their low success rate, energetically test in a range from 30 to 40Radiation therapy, if properly applied and focused on a tumor, is a 60. If the radiation damages too much other body tissue, it drops to a 25 in our energetic testing.
There are many other excellent supplements that deal of the underlying causes of cancer. So let's take a look at the best supplements for another effective cancer fighting strategy, boosting the response of the immune system.
Cancer Strategy #5 - Strengthen the Immune System
A Weakened Immune System Leads To Cancer...
A Strong Immune System Seeks Out And Destroys Cancer Cells

For most of your life, your immune system successfully fought cancerous cells, killing them as they developed. That's its job. In fact, the only job Natural Killer cells have is to kill cancer cells and viruses. For cancer to develop, your immune system must either be worn out, ineffective, unable to kill cancer cells as fast as they normally develop, or you must be exposed to a mass of cancer causing toxins, radiation or some such thing, that increase the rate of development of cancer cells to an abnormally high level that your immune system can't handle.
Either way, it is vital to strengthen the immune system in your battle against cancer . Especially if you are getting medical treatments that wipe out your immune system.
Many natural supplements support the immune system. This is why so many of them are touted as being able to help you beat cancer. If someone has an immune system that is almost able to handle the cancer, even a poor immune system supplement can be enough to improve the immune system to the extent that it beats cancer.
Of course, for most folks with more seriously compromised immune system, this supplement or group of supplements would not work well because they are in worse shape. This is why it can get so confusing in deciding what to use. If a supplement or procedure has been used for years, especially if it is popular, you'll hear how it has beat cancer.
What you don't know is if it worked 2% of the time or 50% or more. Given the number of people who die from cancer, the success rate of most of these supplements is fairly low. In this report we try to find and recommend the supplements that work the best, so that you have the greatest likelihood of success. It is easy to squander money and more importantly time, on products that won't get the job done.
The other concern is to make sure you do enough to wipe out the cancer. Cancer is not something to pussyfoot around with. While it is always hopeful and fun to read about how someone took just one supplement and beat their cancer, and while that could happen to you, your odds of success are much higher if you take many different supplements in order to hit the cancer as hard as you can.
In order to determine which cancer fighting supplements are the most effective ones, we energetically test them for what we call their healing power. We have found this to be the most effective way of determining which supplements are likely to be the best to use. Our experience is that this works much better than taking a guess as what is good, and what isn't as good as it sounds.
When we started doing this we were surprised at how poorly the well known supplements and procedures tested. Many had been around for years and were popular, used by many patients and naturopaths, etc. But they actually weren't highly effective. Though they are good enough to help some people, and thus over time, produced plenty of testimonials, as you see in this report, we've been able to find many stronger products. Most of them new and thus unknown.
We hope you find these testing numbers useful. We retest new supplements after they have been used a while, to check how good they are proving to be after extended use. So numbers will change and emphasis too, based on real life results.
It is all too easy to waste money, or worse yet die, from taking supplements that are not as good as they seem. This testing and these recommendations will help you determine what is just okay to take, and what is very good to use. Given that many of the most well known cancer fighting supplements test in the range of 200 to 300, these new supplements are the strongest immune boosting and cancer killing supplements you can get. We will divide these supplement ratings and explanations up into different broad categories of similar products.
The immune system uses inflammation to get rid of killed cancer cells, whether they are killed by an herb or essential oil, by chemotherapy, or by the immune system. If you kill a lot of cancer cells fast, as you can with the top supplements in this section, the tumors these cells are in get inflamed. This is because the immune system is using inflammation to get rid of the dead cells and there are a whole lot of dead cancer cells in the tumor. This inflammation swells the tumors and could cause pain or dysfunction depending on where the tumor is. You don't want to swell a tumor in the brain or in the bones, or in the throat, for example, as that could cause problems.
We had been looking at cancer fighting supplements for almost a decade and hadn't come across this issue before. Which just goes to show that most products are not near as effective as the first group of immune boosting cancer killers covered in this section - the ones that brought this swelling issue to our attention.
Because these new, highest rated supplements work so much more strongly than ordinary supplements, the swelling was more dramatic, and it was evident what was happening.
So the supplements are divided into two groups. Supplements in the first group are the harder hitting, faster acting cancer killers and immune boosters that work by both killing cancer cells and stimulating the immune system to do so.
The second group of supplements in this section fight cancer mainly, but not entirely, by causing cancer cells to commit apoptosis, or natural cell death. They are the ones you must use if any swelling of a tumor would cause pain or dysfunction since these will not cause the inflammatory response by the immune system.
(Vortexia, PrugX, BLA, and CSE causes cancer cells to die a natural death -- and they do so rapidly. This makes them even faster acting than cancer killers, but they can be used when you need to avoid inflammation.)
Cancer Killing, Immune System Boosting Super Supplements
Addressing the immune system and cancer, these supplements will be listed in order of their energetic testing healing power. They are much more powerful than the standard immune system products like mushroom extracts. These supplements are made with, or are frequency enhanced with, a number of different technologies that concentrate and stabilize specific energetic frequencies in water. These deliver specific energetic messages to the immune system or the body that have proven to be extremely effective in dealing with cancer.
Especially when combined with other nutrients to support their action. The most important of these is a combination of a very special mineral formulation and a structured water that are supercharged with additional cancer fighting and healing instructions. It is called....
ESME version C
ESME is an Energized Super Mineral Elixir. The basis of it is a trace mineral formulation that took years to develop that is supercharged with billions of electrons. ESME optimizes cellular function and overall functioning of the body. When you have the right balance of minerals, then your body starts to work correctly and major dysfunctions of the body can reverse. At least, that is what practitioners using this mineral concentration noticed over the years as they gave this to their patients. There are several reasons that this happens.
First is that your body is an electrical system. It runs on electricity. Nerve cells, called neurons, use electrical impulses to communicate to other neurons. The neuron is a switch which is turned either on or off according to the right conditions. Typically, the frequency of the body's neuron electrical pulse transmission may range from 10 to 500 impulses per second. Even more astounding is the number of synapses, with estimates ranging between ten trillion to one hundred trillion synapses, or connections between nerve cells, in the body. Each one communicates via electrical impulses.
In order for all this electrical to work right, for your nerves to communicate properly, your body must have minerals and electrons. They are what makes this electrical system function. If you lack the right balance of minerals, or worse, are extremely low in a wide range of them, your nervous system won't be able to communicate properly. It would be like having a computer with a battery powered wireless keyboard whose battery went dead. The computer won't work. Replace the battery in the keyboard and the computer starts to work again. In the same way, the electrical system in your body needs minerals and electrons to function properly. When you don't have them, disease happens as the body malfunctions. Get the right minerals and billions of electrons back into the body, it starts working again and disease can be corrected. This is what ESME does.
The extra ordinary value of the mineral concentrate in ESME lies in the decade of study looking into what makes up the best balance of minerals -- in the best form. The right balance of minerals increases cellular hydration, improves oxygenation of cells, are required for proper functioning of enzymes (needed for every action in your body), and even for detoxification as glutathione must have these enzymes to detoxify properly. The minerals in ESME come from volcanic tubes deep below a series of protected Hungarian healing hot springs. Put in a special healing water, these minerals are structured and naturally charged with billions of electrons. Not only are these electrons vital for the proper functioning of your nerves, they enable a deep penetration of the minerals into your body and increase access to damaged tissues.
For this reason ESME should not be contacted with metal (spoons, cups, etc) as this will discharge the excess electrons it carries. You must also use purified or filtered water with ESME -- no chlorination or fluoridation -- as you don't want these or other toxins to be carried into your cells too.
With its dense crystalline structure and high mineral concentrate, ESME is a perfect medium to accept and carry information. A programming process provides information in the form of frequencies that have historically been developed to support recovery from 140 plus modern diseases.
On top of this combination of a healing structured and programmed water with billions of electrons, and a healing mineral concentrate -- both with a long history of improving health, ESME version C is additionally energized using the technology that is used to make PrugX, BLA and to enhance many of the other elixirs. This technology concentrates instructions into ESME version C that fine tune its capacity to directly kill cancer cells -- and to boost the ability of the immune system to attack cancer.
ESME version C kills cancer cells
One set of instructions enhances the ability of the minerals in ESME to kill cancer cells by disrupting the metabolism of cancer cells, causing them to die. Cancer cells cannot handle high energy because they can only produce a small amount of energy using lactic acid fermentation of sugar. ESME can increase the energy output of the cancer cells to such an extent that it overloads the cells, causing them to die. It disrupts the electricity in the cancer cells and interferes with their metabolism.
The frequency enhancing of ESME also tells your body to boost the immune system response against cancer cells -- enabling the immune system to do a much better job of killing cancer cells. This is the most significant action of ESME version C. Besides disrupting the metabolism of cancer cells, and getting the immune system to better kill them, three other actions take place when you use ESME version C. They are not as significant as these first two are, but are indeed valuable.
  1. Instructions are put into it to help the immune system to better identify cancer cells. One issue with fighting cancer is the ability of cancer cells to hide from the immune system. ESME version C works to prevent this.
  2. The additional energetic vibrations in ESME version C kill cancer cells by disrupting their energetic frequencies to such an extent that some cancer cells become sick and die.
  3. ESME supports the overall health of the body -- the organs, the immune system, all your cells will work better when using ESME.
ESME version C tests energetically at a very high 15.400 -- making it the top product to use to kill cancer cells. (If you need to avoid any swelling of a tumor, do not use ESME version C as it would kill too many cancer cells, and the immune system -- using inflammation to get rid of the killed cells -- would ultimately swell up the tumors with the inflammation.
Use 3 bottles a month of ESME version C when dealing with early stage cancers, 4 per month with advanced stage cancers, and 5 a month for very advanced cancers. In addition, ESME version C, because it supports overall health so well, may be the best overall cancer prevention supplement we have seen. Use 2 bottles a month for prevention or to get your body healthy after the cancer is gone.
One reason that cancer cells can survive in your body, given that the immune system has ways to destroy cancer cells, is that cancer cells have various mechanisms that enable them to hide from the immune system. This next elixir deals with this issue.
PrugX Immune Boost
Researchers have been discovering that cancer cells can use several mechanisms to hide out from the immune system, to cloak themselves so that the immune system cells that are supposed to kill the cancer cells -- can't identify them as cancer cells. These mechanisms are a major reason cancer is able to spread throughout the body and are not just destroyed by the immune system. There are numerous ways this happens.
  • Some cancer cells alter the DNA histone codes of chromatin proteins in such a way that it causes removal of the molecular tags on them so that the Natural Killer and other T cells are no longer able to recognize that they are cancer cells.
  • Sometimes cancer cells turn down the immune system response by encouraging the production of suppressor T cells such as cytokine TGF-B which suppress the activity of cytotoxic T cells such as macrophages and lymphocytes that attack cancer cells.
  • In response to chemotherapy, some cancer cells may migrate to and enter the thymus, the organ that produces immune system components. Once there they trick the thymus to coating them with chemicals that protect immature cells from toxins, thus helping to protect them from the chemotherapy.
  • Some tumors secret a protein that is normally present in healthy lymph nodes. A protein that attracts T cells and programs them to perform vital immune functions. By doing so the outer layer of the tumor appears to be lymphoid-like tissue. This outer layer then attracts and re-programs T cells to recognize the tumor as friend, not foe, resulting in a tumor that goes undetected by the immune system.
  • Researchers found that pancreatic tumors can express a protein called GM-CSF which recruits immature immune cells to the areas surrounding the tumor and causes them to mature into myeloid-derived immune system suppressor cells.
  • Researchers at the Kimmel Cancer Hospital discovered that another protein, IDO, is produced by pancreatic and other cancer cells that have gone to the lymph nodes. This helps them avoid detection as IDO shuts off tryptophan production in T-cell. This puts them in a resting state, and recruits a different type of immune cell called T-regulatory cells, which inhibit the immune system response against cancer cells.
  • Researchers at the London Regional Cancer Program describe the action of IDO somewhat differently. They say that IDO is like a shield cancer cells hide behind so the immune system can't see them and can't kill them. Dendritic cells command T-cells, and those directions become muddied so long as IDO is present. Problem is, dendritic cells produce IDO. “If you can stop cancer cells from making IDO, knocking the shields out of their hand, and if you can tell the dendritic cells to stop making IDO, they’ll shout more loudly to the immune system as to exactly what it is about the cancer cells they need to recognize and kill. So we’re trying to get rid of IDO,” says one of the lead researchers, James Koropatnick.
  • Stanford researchers found that a protein, CD47, can be highly expressed in leukemia stem cells. It protects them from macrophages by binding to a molecule on the macrophage's surface -- essentially telling them that the leukemia stem cells are friendly cells. Macrophages are immune system cells responsible for killing cancer cells.
  • Expression of molecules such as TAA, HLA class I molecules or antigen processing machinery components (APM) is often down-regulated or altered in tumor cells. This enables the tumors to hide from tumor-specific T cells.
  • Tumor caused down-regulation or mutation in the p53 protein and TAP1 and TAP2 proteins results in loss of recognition of tumors by tumor-specific T cells.
  • Immune suppressor cells such as CD4+CD25+ T cells have been found accumulate at tumor sites.
PrugX Immune Boost delivers instructions to your body that stop these mechanisms (and others)from working. It enables the immune system to identify and thus be able to kill cancer cells that would otherwise be hiding out from the immune system.
One additional set of instructions it provides enables your immune system to do an even better job of identifying cancer cells. Here's how.
PrugX is a frequency enhanced water covered in the Antioxidants for Cancer section of this site. It causes a buildup of hydrogen peroxide in the cancer cells which causes a lot of oxidative stress in those cells. Especially when PrugX Enhancer is also used as this reduces the amount of antioxidants cancer cells can produce to neutralize that build up. So when using PrugX and PrugX Enhancer, the cancer cells in your body will be exhibiting high levels of oxidative stress.
PrugX Immune Boost tells your immune system cells that deal with cancer, the T-cells and Natural Killer cells, to target cells that have oxidative stress. If PrugX and PrugX Enhancer are being used, cancer cells -- as they will be exhibiting a great deal of oxidative stress -- will attract these immune cells that are keyed in to going after cells with oxidative stress. This instruction significantly increases the ability of these cancer killing immune cells to do just that -- kill cancer cells.
It prevents cancer cells from hiding out from the immune system since their oxidative stress would be alerting the immune system cells to their presence.
To reiterate: PrugX Immune Boost delivers instructions into the body that work to nullify all the various ways cancer cells trick the immune system into ignoring them. It does this so well that on its own, without using PrugX too, it tests at a very high 13,800.
What supercharges PrugX Immune Boost is using it with PrugX and PrugX Enhancer. There are instructions in PrugX Immune Boost that tell the immune system to target cells with high oxidative stress. These will be cancer cells suffering from oxidative stress caused by the buildup of hydrogen peroxide in them. Caused by PrugX and by PrugX Enhanced. This additional way to enable the immune system to target cancer cells makes the combination of PrugX, PrugX Enhancer and PrugX Immune Boost a powerful cancer fighting combination -- testing at 43,700 in healing power for fighting cancer.
As with PrugX and PrugX Enhancer, use 3 bottles a month for early stage cancer, 4 for advanced and as much as 6 bottles a month for aggressive, very advanced cancers

YewImmune5 and M-Inhibitor
YewImmune5 is an all natural supplement made from the needles of the Pacific Yew tree. These chlorophyll laden needles have additional nutrient benefits over the bark alone. The number 5 in YewImmune5 represents the five different body systems this nutritional powerhouse supports;
1. Endocrine - the master system
2. Cardiovascular - Blood flow
3. Respiratory - Oxygenation
4. Digestive - Absorption and elimination
5. Immune - Protection and Recovery
Yew has been used for centuries as natural source for healing to treat many different ailments and has a long history of medicinal use. North Americans referred to the Pacific Yew as “Chief of the Forest” because of its incredible and miraculous healing powers when utilized for strength and endurance. Salves made from the Pacific Yew needles were used to treat skin tumor and diseases and even bronchitis and respiratory problems. The pioneers caught on to the properties of the Pacific Yew and began brewing the needles and bark to relieve colds, fevers, headaches, stomach, kidney and lung problems as well as sore swollen joints from arthritis and rheumatism.

Today, thousands of health practitioners have discovered the Pacific Yew to be an indispensable addition to the world of dietary supplements. Users have noticed its ability to strengthen the immune system and ward of illness far surpasses any other herb or supplements that have used before. YewImmune5 quickly and powerfully supports the body’s ability to fight cold and flu symptoms such as stuffy nose, blocked sinuses, sneezing and watery, itching eyes, as well as aches and pains.

Is YewImmune5 proven to work? Absolutely. Government research done on the Pacific Yew tree showed that it contains many health promoting substances. Most notable were the anti-cancer phytochemicals present in the Pacific Yew. The unique anti-cancer constituents of the Pacific Yew were discovered for the first time in the 1960’s and are called taxanes (inspiring the brand name Taxol). Pacific Yew taxanes are incredibly powerful plant chemicals that exert the strongest natural anti-cancer properties ever seen in cancer research and treatment.

How do taxanes work? Taxanes fight cancer by preventing cancer cells from dividing. Cancer cells reproduce when the parent cell grows small tentacle-like tubes called microtubules. New cancer cells grow at the ends of the tubules and when they mature, the tubules disintegrate so that the new cells are freed from the parent cell and can reproduce and function on their own. Pacific Yew taxanes, unlike any other anti-cancer drug or substance, actually prevent the disintegration of tubules, so the new cancer cells cannot separate from the parent cells. This paralyzes cell division and the cancer cells eventually die.

Not only does Pacific Yew contain anti-cancer taxanes, it also provides a wide range of other plant chemicals such as glycosides, flavonoids, lignans, benzenoids and enzymes, all of which have been shown to have powerful natural anti-inflammatory and immune boosting properties that work to help your resistance to illness. Its anti-inflammatory substances help alleviate symptoms related to inflammation such as stuffy nose and sinuses, fever, as well as aches in the muscles and joints.

The Pacific Yew fights illness you already have. Plus it is a great product to take as prevention against future illnesses. One of its most extraordinary benefits is its ability to keep your body’s natural defenses high.
Pacific Yew has been used in clinical testing not only for treating, but also preventing cancer and immune system weaknesses as well.

Many satisfied customers have voiced their praise of YewImmune5. One customer (G. C. from New Jersey) says “I’ve never seen or used anything like YewImmune5 for preventing colds and flu. My family consistently drink YewImmune5 tea and we had no flu in out family last winter even though everyone around us was sick”. But YewImmune5 is not just for the flu, one customer (D. E. from Montana) proclaims “I drink the tea and use the salve to treat common skin cancers. I have had definite improvement in skin cancer within a week”. It even works to fight aching joints as stated by a thankful customer (B. R. from Idaho) “I suffered from swollen, aching knees of arthritis, and was considering surgery to maintain my health and job. I took Yew tincture and by the fourth day was experiencing substantial relief. I maintained my job and take the tincture regularly”.

Not just customers sing the praises of YewImmune5. Dr. Elias Gutierrez, M.D. and Mildred Nelson, R.N. from the BioMedical Center in Mexico state about YewImmune5 “Over 20,000 of our cancer patients have included Pacific Yew tea, capsules and salves to their treatments.. Patients are advised to continue Yew in their diets for one year after we can no longer detect cancer in their systems and periodically thereafter for preventative care..The immuno-stimulant, anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, anti-parasitic and detoxification properties of Pacific Yew are also extremely beneficial…”

Even the media has taken notice of the amazing benefits experienced from the use of Pacific Yew. In an article in The Washington Post on May 31, 1998, it states “Discovered more than 30 years ago in the bark of the slow-growing Pacific Yew tree, Taxol has been shown aggressively attack a wide range of cancers in a way that other drugs have goes after cancer cells like no other drug before it…” After reading these testimonials, one can see that Pacific Yew has wide ranging benefits that can help many people, and has the proof to back it up.
While YewImmune5 is very good at fighting cancer on its own, when combined with the M-Inhibitor elixir that tells your body to stop cancer cell replication, the combo works great, testing at 9300 in healing power. And of course, if you are also using a mitotic inhibitor chemotherapy like Taxol, the healing power goes sky high.
Use 3 bottles of each for early stage cancers, 4 bottles a month for advanced or aggressive cancers.
We don't recommend supplements that are somewhat similar to something we are already recommending unless they test as being even stronger. Zaomor is one such supplement, testing at 8600 in healing power.
Zaomor is an energized water and essential oil elixir that has been frequency enhanced with energies that are closely associated with divinity. Two unique and proprietary technologies are used to imprint specific healing energies from historic spiritual texts and sacred writings into the water in Zaomor. The combination of specially processed essential oils that work synergistically with the specific vibrational energies imprinted in Zaomor -- plus additional instructions that enhance immune system response -- make Zaomor the most powerful immune system boosting cancer killer we have tested.
It contains the following essential oils: Cedarwood Oil, Birch Oil, Black Spruce Oil, Douglas Fir Needle Oil, Pine Oil, and Thuga Oil. These are processed using a patent pending method to greatly enhance their absorption and effectiveness. Because of this processing, on their own they are powerful cancer killers.
Research has shown that every written and spoken word has its own subtle energetic vibration. For example, water that has been exposed to the word God or love makes exquisite crystals when frozen. Water that has been exposed to a word like hate makes ugly, incomplete crystals when frozen. The powerful technologies used to make Zaomor concentrate, amplify, and stabilize in its water subtle energies that focus on enhancing the performance of the immune system.
Use 3 bottles a month for early stage cancer, 4 per month for advanced stage cancers, and 6 bottles a month for very advanced cancer. Because Zaomor uses completely different essential oils and energies than does Corvix, it works synergistically with Corvix. Our energetic testing on the cancer fighting power of Zaomor and Corvix when used in the suggested quantities is 13,700
Corvix is made with three specially processed essential oils of Clary Sage, Chamomile and Angelica Root, in water that is energized with proprietary energizing techniques. This combination gives Corvix the energetic rating of 7200 in healing power.
Corvix works to boost the immune system's response to cancer. It greatly improves the ability of the immune system cells to target cancer cells, so that they can better kill the cancer. Using Corvix enables more of them to be able to attach to cancer cells so they can destroy them.
Corvix also significantly increases the ability of the immune cells to identify your own cells, so that the immune system does not attack those cells. This dual ability may enable Corvix to very significantly improve the ability of the immune system to eliminate cancer cells, while at the same time reducing inflammatory response the immune system uses to get rid of those dead cancer cells.
In addition, the energies in Corvix greatly increase the ability of every cell in your body to produce more energy. This enables them to function more effectively, to detoxify better, and helps to prevent them from turning into rouge non-functional cells because of low energy production. This wide range of support at very effective levels is why the healing power of Corvix is so high and why it has proven to be such an effective cancer fighter.
Like all these elixirs, Corvix comes in a two ounce dropper bottle. For an early stage cancer use 1 bottle per month. Use 2 per month for advanced cancers, and 3 per month for very advanced cancers.
There is a report showing that using intravenous alpha lipoic acid a couple of times a week with low dose Naltrexone 4.5 mg had eliminated advanced pancreatic cancers in some patients. An impressive feat. I energetically tested this combination as being very good, 850. About as high as I've tested for something alternative practitioners are doing. The report explained that Naltrexone is a narcotic antagonist. When you take low doses ( 4.5 mg at bedtime), it blocks production of endorphins (your own self-made narcotics). When it wears off, your brain makes an explosion of endorphins to compensate for the low levels caused by the Naltrexone. This explosion of production creates many more endorphins then there were before.
This is important because endorphins directly talk with your immune cells. This explosion of endorphins causes your brain and immune system to become part of a greater unified organ and enable it to overcome the defenses cancer puts up to immune cell activity. And for some reason, this, combined with the antioxidant activity of alpha lipoic acid worked very well to eliminate very tough cancers.
Quzu is an elixir that tells your body to take this action, and more. It tests in our energetic testing at 7000.
It transferees energies that tell your body to create a flood of endorphin production. It tells the body to increase cellular glutathione levels and glutathione production. This increases free radical scavenging much better than ALA does. Glutathione is the body's #1 toxin neutralizer and #2 anti-oxidant. Thus you get increased detoxification and liver support too.
Quzu also causes an increase in the vibrations per minute of the cellular energy in your body to the optimal levels to deal with the cancer or any health issue. This significantly boosts the life force energy in the body and boosts the immune system response. According to Dr. Bryon Gentry, optimal vibrations per minute for health are 108,000. But to improve health, much higher vibrations are needed. The energies in Quzu cause an increase up to 400,000 vpm. The optimal vpm you need is instructed to be created.
Use 3 bottles monthly of Quzu for an early stage cancer, 4 for an advanced or very advanced cancer.
While this does have nutrients that help you cope with stress, it primarily supports the immune system, and cancer killing. When QVF technology energies are applied to this "hard" liquid supplement full of essential oils, mushroom extracts and healthy nutrients, the energetic testing results rise to 6300. Making an excellent immune booster great. In fact, due to the many different nutrients in StressDefense, it is the best immune booster to use if you want to build up your immune system to better prevent your cancer from coming back. Use for 3 to 6 months to rebuild your immune system.
The formulators of StressDefense brought together experts from three distinct areas of “nutritional technology”. These industry leaders each have 25 to 45 years of experience in the production of nutraceuticals grade ingredients for the dietary supplement industry. Their areas of expertise are:
Organic medicinal mushroom extractions
Organic hand-crafted food grade essential oils (copals)
Organic natural nutrient delivery and chelation systems.
StressDefense is the outcome of their collaboration. It delivers therapeutic levels of twelve highly researched wellness boosting ingredients. These include full-spectrum extracts of 5 organic medicinal mushrooms, 7 organic essential oils with 6 synergistic cofactors all infused into a Humic and Fulvic acid solubilizer which increases absorption and bioavailability.
As its name indicates, StressDefense provides your body with an array of nutrients that are known to boost strength and defenses especially when you most need it. This can be vitally important when your body systems are depleted or working overtime on the repair and recovery process.
It also works to balance and help normalize emotions. Users report feeling “dark clouds” lifting from their outlook within moments of use. This effect can be tracked to the high purity essential oil component, which brings with it the nurturing focus of tens of thousands of medicinal flowers.
StressDefense functions as an exceptional detoxification support and helps create an internal environment that’s inhospitable to parasites, yeasts, molds and other pathogens. Daily use helps keep your system clear of unfriendly visitors and will help make your body your temple again. More importantly of course, it is very effective in fighting cancer.
Medicinal Mushrooms and Herbal Co-factors:
A proprietary extraction process is used, which has been used for the past 11 years to create custom extracts for practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine. The process starts with fresh (not dried) complete mushrooms bodies with mycelia. This ensures highest active ingredient levels. The multi-stage extraction captures all the hot water and fat soluble micronutrients from the five medicinal mushrooms chosen for StressDefense. These include Chaga, Agaricus, Ganodera (Horned Reishi), Cordyceps and Maitake. The formulation also includes full extractions of four ingredients that work to make these mushrooms work even better: Ginger Root, Pau d'Arco, Gentian and Chicory Root.
The Essential Oil Component
Essential oils concentrate the therapeutic properties of flowers and plants and can provide therapeutic benefits in very small amounts. Most have anti-bacterial and anti-pathogenic and have historically been used for stimulation, relaxation, pain-relief and healing. They are highly concentrated; it normally takes a few hundred kilos and sometimes a few tons of flowers to obtain a liter of essential oil. Thus pure organic and wildcrafted oils, undiluted, as ours are, can be very expensive and of course very effective.
Another way to appreciate and understand the potency of essential oils is to look into their frequency. Everything in the universe vibrates at a frequency. Living creatures, plants, objects, everything has a frequency, even disease.
In 1992, Bruce Tainio of Tainio Technology, an independent division of Eastern State University in Cheny, Washington, built the first frequency monitor in the world. Tainio's monitor determined that the average frequency of the healthy human body in the daytime is in the range of 62 to 72 Hz. When the frequency drops, the immune system is jeopardized. If it drops to 58 Hz, cold and flu symptoms start appearing, 55 Hz trigger diseases like Candida and at 52 Hz, it's Epstein Bar. Cancer is at 42 Hz and below.
The study of frequencies raises crucial questions regarding the frequency of substances we ingest or absorb on a daily basis. Many pollutants lower our body frequency. Processed or canned foods have a frequency of zero. Fresh produce has up to 15 Hz, dried herbs from 12 to 22 Hz, and fresh herbs from 20 to 27 Hz.
Pure essential oils start at a frequency of 52 Hz and can go up as high as 320 Hz. Clinical research shows that essential oils have the highest frequency of any natural substance known to man. They create a condition where bacteria, virus, fungus and disease simply cannot survive.
The essential oils in StressDefense were selected by the essential oil expert as being the best combination for boosting the immune system response against cancer and infections. The information given about each one below is general and does not mention any dreaded diseases. (GRAS stands for Generally Regarded As Safe) The oils are:
 Organic Black Cumin Oil
(Nigella sativa) – GRAS - The Prophet Mohammed declared : "Black cumin heals every disease except for death.” It has been used as a digestive aid, an effective medicine for colds, headaches, toothaches, and infections. Because of its complex chemical structure (more than one hundred active ingredients) it has positive effects on the respiratory, circulatory, digestive, immune, and urinary systems. Recent research has verified claims that it strengthens and stabilizes the immune system and is effective in the treatment of asthma, allergies, and other immune disorders as well as numerous skin conditions ranging from acne and Rosacea to psoriasis. Black cumin has helped with bronchial spasm, spasmodic coughs, muscle pain, osteo & rheumatoid arthritis, the  accumulation of fluids or toxins, poor circulation, lymphatic congestion, mumps, glandular swelling, colic, dyspepsia, flatulence, colitis, colic, indigestion, constipation, frigidity, debility, migraine, tiredness, nervous exhaustion, insOmnia, lethargy. May be useful in hepatitis, hypothyroidism, normalizing menstrual cycles, and testicular inflammation.
Organic Clary Sage Oil
(Salvia sclarea) Has been known to be beneficial in regulating cells, hormonal imbalance, menopause problems, PMS, menstrual cramps (minimizes the pain), itching and irritation of herpes. Also candida outbreaks, infections, exhaustion, nerves, mental strain, hostility, strengthening the immune system, sore throat, bronchitis, cholesterol, debility, hemorrhoids, frigidity, last stages of labor (may intensify contractions), seborrhea, hair loss, scalp massage and acne (may be extremely good for skin). Also blood pressure, childbirth (may get contractions going), antispasmodic (may soothe asthma attacks), sedative, claustrophobia, hyperactivity, nightmares. In mid-life crisis it may exert a balancing influence. Use in times of personal challenges or change, especially external stress and pressure.
Aromatic Influence: Very calming, may enhance the dream state and bring about a feeling of euphoria.
Wild Frankincense Oil
GRAS - Frankincense is beneficial for anti-catarrhal, anti-tumor, anti-depressant, tension, tuberculosis, an incredible immune system builder, digestive disorders, asthma, bronchitis, lymph congestion, skin ulcers, blemishes, dry and mature complexions, scars, smoothes out wrinkles, antiseptic tonic to all skin, and balances oily skin.  Assists laryngitis, colds, flu, fevers, anxiety, nightmares, fear of the future, nervous tension and stress-related conditions, infections and inflammations, leprosy, reproductive and urinary difficulties.  Also tone uterus and relieve uterine hemorrhaging and heavy menstrual flow, ease labor pains, and decrease postnatal depression. A diluted blend of this oil rubbed into the abdomen regularly during pregnancy may prevent stretch marks.  May fortify the mind, assist indecision and eliminating blocked personal growth.  Contains sesquiterpenes, which enable it to go beyond the blood brain barrier to assist in increasing oxygen around the pineal and pituitary glands.
Aromatic Influences:  Recognized for increasing spiritual awareness and meditation.  May heal emotional wounds, stabilize and centers the emotions and focuses energy.  Slows breathing, producing calm, soothing, elevated mental state, bringing peace, strengthens beliefs, eternal divine connection, cleans aura and psychic planes.
Organic Ginger Root Oil
(Zingiber officinale) – GRAS - Beneficial for bruises, sores, carbuncles, regulates moisture, catarrh, chronic bronchitis, congestion, cough, sinusitis, sore throat, tonsillitis, swollen glands and dries excess mucus. It also may reduce the drainage of a runny nose and ease respiratory infection.    Assists with memory, digestion, arthritis, muscular aches and pains, fatigue, poor circulation, rheumatism, sprains, strains, diarrhea, sinusitis, cramps, colic, loss of appetite, gas, nausea, motion sickness, morning sickness, chills, colds, flu, fever, infectious and contagious disease, nervous exhaustion, tiredness, broken bones, and alcoholism.   Stimulating but grounding, warms cold flat emotions, sharpens senses (psychic sponge) use for over sensitivity, and protection.
Aromatic Influences:  Enhance physical energy, money and courage. It sharpens the senses, improve memory and assists in recall.
Wild Juniper Berry Oil
(Juniperus communis) – GRAS - Has helped in detoxifying and cleaning, dermatitis, psoriasis (any kind of skin inflammation), skin ulcers, oily complexions, skin toner, acne, eczema, antiseptic, hair loss, hemorrhoids, obesity, liver, kidney, urinary infections, and bladder problems. It has been burned in many parts of the world to fight the spread of plagues, epidemics, and contagious disease. Benefits ulcers, respiratory problems, arthritis, bruises, infections, coughs, diuretic, and cellulite, obesity, regulating menstrual cycle, cramps and rheumatism. A local stimulant makes it a good oil to use in a massage. Used for anxiety, stress, nervous tension, clearing mental clutter and confusion, revives exhausted emotions, neutralizing negative emotions and imparting a feeling of emotional cleanliness and purity.
Aromatic Influences:  Health, love, and peace. Clears negative energy from the room and good to use before meditation.
Organic Lemon Oil
(Citrus limonum) – GRAS – The pressed peel always contains more therapeutic properties but it has a short shelf life of about three years.  Aids digestive problems, cleansing of the lymphatic system, mouth ulcers, herpes, stimulating to the brain, clears thought, aids concentration, fever reduction, infectious diseases, colds, throat infection, asthma, anemia, heart-burn, varicose veins, tightens blood vessels, gout, rheumatism, uterine infections and intestinal parasites.  Beneficial for an air disinfectant, the immune system (may stimulate red and white blood cell formation), acne, brittle nails, boils, corns, gland stimulation and purification, warts, arthritis, cellulitis, nervous conditions, high blood pressure, nosebleeds (stops bleeding), obesity (congestion), poor circulation, rheumatism, gallstones, bronchitis, dyspepsia and flu.  Also debility, anxiety, astringent, antiseptic, anti-infectious, antibacterial, blood thinner, emotional clarity, apathy, awareness, bringing joy, relieving touchiness, grudges, resentment, concentration and focus.
Aromatic Influences:  Are health, healing, physical energy and purification.  Promotes spiritual and psychic awareness, promotes connection between spirit (consciousness) and soul, use for conflict in thoughts and intellect.  Excellent made into an herb tea sweetened with Stevia or Honey.
Organic Peppermint Oil
GRAS - Benefits the respiratory system, opens the sensory system, for stimulation, strengthening, shock, fever, headache, migraine, antiseptic, throat infection, colds and flu.  Beneficial for asthma, bronchitis, itchy skin, anti-spasmodic, inflammation, swelling, sinuses, anti-bacterial, jet lag, chronic fatigue syndrome, colic, cramp, fatigue, nervous stress, vertigo, toothache, acne, ringworm, heartburn, diarrhea, indigestion, motion sickness, nausea, halitosis, varicose veins, arthritis, menstrual regularity, hot flashes, liver problems, dispels pride, inferiority.  It mixes well with almost all oils.
Aromatic Influences:  Purification and the conscious mind, energize and relieves mental fatigue, increases alertness, improves concentration, reduces fevers.
Immune Boosting Mushroom Extracts used in StressDefense
Agaricus Blazei (Hime matsutake),
In Japan, Agaricus Blazei was found to eliminate all cancerous tumors in 90% of the experimental mice. Additionally, when the mice were fed Agaricus Blazei as a preventative and then injected with a very powerful cancer causing agent (Sarcoma 180), 99.4% of them showed no tumor growth.
Agaricus Blazei - Immune Stimulant
1- Anti-tumor effect: Polysaccharides including beta and protein glucan decrease and control cancerous cell proliferation.
2- Cancer inhibition effect: Steroids, nucleic acids, lipids and lectins restrain cancerous cell multiplication.
3- Anti-cancer and metastasis inhibition effect: Agaricus blazei prevents normal cells from becoming cancerous cells. The mushroom shows a remarkable cancer prevention rate of 99.4%.
4- Reducing blood sugar: The mushroom is effective in fighting diabetes.
5- Controlling blood pressure: It lowers cholesterol level and eases arteriosclerosis.
Tsi-Agha (Chaga)
Tsi-Ahga is a Native American Sacramental Medicine derived from Conks that grow on certain cone-bearing trees. The 3-beta-D-glucans which make up part of the cellular structure of these Conks cause a pan-systemic modulation of T-Cells, Macrophages and Neutrophil White Blood Cells, when ingested. In fact, it has been established that the number and viability of these particular cells is increased by as much as 4000% within 20 hours after taking Tsi-Ahga! Macrophages and Neutrophils are the two cells upon which all other Immune Cells depend. You can have many viable B-Cells and T-Cells, but they will not be effective without the programming provided by these “Communicator” cells. Tsi-Ahga also contains bitter triterpene compounds that support the thymus and spleen (essential to insuring that immune cells are properly programmed), anti-tumor polysaccharides, blood pressure-reducing angiotensin re-uptake inhibitors, and perhaps the highest source of germanium in nature. Germanium is an oxygen catalyst and one of the most powerful free-radical scavengers found in nature.
Cordyceps Sinensis:
Cordyceps sinensis, known to the Chinese as “DongChongXiaCao” and to the Japanese as “Tochukaso” has been used in medicine for a very long time. The first known written record of this herbal medicine was in the Ben-Cao-Cong-Xin (New Compilation of Materia Medica) by the author Wu-Yiluo. Written around the year 1757 AD during the Qing Dynasty, this early medical text lists the traditional usage of Cordyceps as going to the Lung and Kidney meridian and being useful as a “Lung Protectorate”, for “Kidney Improvement” and as a “Yin/Yang double invigorant”. Cordyceps in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) was and usually still is prepared by cooking the whole fruit body combination in chicken or duck soup. It has been used this way for the treatment of many conditions, such as respiratory diseases, renal dysfunction, hyperlipidemia and hyperglycemia.( Zhou, Halpern and Jones, 1998 [2] )
Ganoderma Lucidum (Reishi)
Reishi mushrooms have a history dating back over 4000 years when they were considered to be a 'superior herb that improved health, resistance, longevity, energy and memory. Asian rulers would sent out envoys to seek out old plum trees and there, growing out of the trunk on three out of every ten thousand trees, was the ganoderma lucidum, the reishi mushroom. The Japanese gave it the name Reishi or Mannetake meaning '10,000 year mushroom' and in China and Korea it is known as Ling Chu or Ling Zhi, the 'mushrooms of immortality' and 'the resurrection plant'(3). Many cultures embraced Reishi's benefits; the Romans considered mushrooms to be 'the food of the Gods', the Egyptians believed them to be 'a gift from Osiris' and the Chinese thought of them as 'the elixir of life'.
The benefits of Reishi mushrooms have been recorded throughout time, appearing in written documents as far back as the Han Dynasty (206B.C. - 8 A.D.). In these documents Reishi was associated with happiness, a good future, good health, longevity and living among the immortals. Reishi was so entrenched as a panacea in ancient Chinese culture that it is the focus of a Chinese fairy tale, "The White Snake." In this fairy tale the heroine, in an attempt to save her lover's life, tries to steal a Reishi plant from the Gods.(4)
The scientific community did not start to investigate the therapeutic properties of mushrooms until the late 1960s. One of the fundamental problems with Reishi research was that before the Japanese initiated commercial cultivation of the mushroom in the early 1970's, there was not enough standardized Reishi to conduct experimental evaluation of the properties. Fortunately, scientific research has discovered plentiful health benefits that corroborate the centuries of intrigue by ancient Asian royalty.
(1) Samorini G. New data on the ethnomycology of psychoactive mushrooms. International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms. 2001; 3, 257-278.
(2) Hobbs C. Medicinal mushrooms: an exploitation of traditional healing and culture. Santa Cruz. Botanica Press. 1995.
(3) Shiao M S, Lee K R, Lin L J and Wang C T. Natural products and biological activities of the Chinese medical fungus, Ganoderma lucidum. In Ho C T, Osawa T, Huang M T and Rosen R T. Food phytochemicals for cancer prevention II: Teas, spices and herbs. American Chemical Society. Washington, D.C. 1994; p.342-354.
(4) Sing W S. Red Reishi. World Health Publishing Inc. Vancouver. 2003; p12.
Grifola frondosa (Maitake)
Prof. Dr. Hiroaki Nanba (professor in the Department of Microbial Chemistry of Kobe Pharmaceutical University in Kobe, Japan, in answering the question - Which diseases can be alleviated with the help of Maitake says: "Maitake can not only prevent the development of cancer, but also be used in the treatment of cancer and other serious diseases, such as AIDS and hepatitis. Maitake stimulates the immune system and therefore it is also able to reduce several side-effects of chemotherapy. There exists an astonishing synergistic effect between chemo and Maitake. The mushroom is as effective in the treatment of high blood pressure and diabetes."
Its antiviral effects against the HIV (AIDS) have been confirmed by the US National Cancer Institute. Research studies – for example by the National Health Department of Japan - have shown that by using Maitake D-fraction the killing of helper-T cells by the HIV could be prevented up to 97% in vitro. According to this, one could assume that the development from HIV infection to AIDS could be either prevented completely or at least be slowed down considerably.
In a clinical trial with 165 patients at the age of 25-65 years with different advanced cancer diseases either a tumor regression or significant symptomatic improvements could be achieved with Maitake d-fraction in 73% of patients with breast cancer, 67% of patients with lung cancer and 47% of patients with liver cancer. In those cases in which Maitake extract was used in combination with chemotherapy the effects improved by 12%-28%. In cases of breast, prostate, lung and liver cancer significant effectiveness was evident; whereas in terms of bones and gastric cancer as well as of leukemia the extracts were not that effective.
Herbs used in StressDefense
Wildcrafted Pau d'Arco (Dried)
Pau d'Arco is a natural herb retrieved from the inner bark of the Tabebuia Avellanedae or Tabebuia Impetiginosa, known as taheebo. The taheebo tree is grown predominantly in Central and South America, but may also be cultivated in southern Florida. Pau d'Arco, also known as ipe roxo or sometimes lapacho (its derivative), has been used for centuries by the indio tribes of South America, as well as the ancient Incas and Aztecs.
Pau d'Arco tea or tincture concoctions have had beneficial effects for the immune system and cancer victims, anywhere from alleviation of chemotherapy symptoms to complete remission of tumors. An article published by Dr. Daniel B. Mowrey on Pau d'Arco stated that "who Lapacho has produced clinical anti-cancer effects without side effects." This taheebo tea has been helpful to many.
Candida Albicans, a fungus which causes yeast infections, has also been treated by the Pau d'Arco herb. Clinical studies also showed strong in vitro activity against various other bacteria, fungi and yeast, including: Aspergillus, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus, Helicobacter pylori (common cause of stomach ulcers), Bucella, tuberculosis, pneumonia, and dysentery.
Antiviral properties have been displayed in vitro by Pau d'Arco against viruses such as: herpes I and II, influenza, polio virus and vesicular stomatitis virus.
Pau d'Arco is also confirmed as being an anti parasitic against various parasites, including: malaria, schistosoma, and trypanosoma. Additionally, the herb has even demonstrated usefulness as an anti-inflammatory.
Pau d'Arco bark has active principles, mainly lapachol, quercetin and other flavonoids. Once the Pau d'Arco inner bark is dried and shredded it can be made into a tea which has a slight bitter or sour taste, and is brownish-colored. This herbal tea is used by many during the cold and flu season, and is a remedy for smoker's cough.
Another medicinal use of Pau d'Arco is as an expectorant: to promote "coughing up" by the lungs to free deeply embedded mucus and contaminates.
Ginger (Fresh Extract and oil)
There is a wide range of benefits of ginger such as helping with nausea, digestive problems, circulation and arthritis. Nausea caused during pregnancy or by traveling is one of the benefits of ginger root. Ginger is also known to have the ability to calm an upset stomach and to promote the flow of bile. Stomach cramps can be eased and circulation can also be improved. Ginger supports a healthy cardiovascular system by making platelets less sticky, which in turn reduces circulatory problems.
Ginger oil used for massage can help relieve painful arthritis due to its anti-inflammatory properties. Ginger is often included in many herbal decongestants and can help to minimize the symptoms of respiratory conditions, colds and allergies.
Chicory Root (Roasted)
Some of the benefits you will find in chicory root includes its ability to decrease the levels of serum LDL cholesterol in the blood. It also contains vitamin C, one of the most powerful antioxidants. Chicory root also helps promote optimal blood sugar levels and increases stool bulk and consistency. It provides soluble fiber, which helps improve digestion. Another benefit is the ability to build your body's resistance to gallstones and liver stones. By increasing the flow of bile, it assists the body in digesting foods and liquids. The extra bile also helps break down fats in the body.
Chicory Root has diuretic properties that provide protection for the urinary tract system and kidneys. Toxins are removed and the cleansing of the body is stimulated because of an increase in urine flow. Other benefits include indigestion relief, and relief from diarrhea and gastritis.
Gentian Root (Dried)
Gentian is used as a liver tonic, to treat loss of appetite, digestive problems, flatulence and insufficient production of gastric juices and saliva. It stimulates the taste buds and promotes the flow of saliva, gastric juices and bile as a reflex via the nervus vagus. Furthermore it can be used in cases of anorexia and is also an ingredient of homeopathic medicine. It is used in the making of liquors and schnapps and is a key ingredient of Angostura bitters.
StressDefense is much more than the sum of its ingredients. Energetic testing was used to determine what the most effective combination of all the essential oils, medicinal mushrooms and herbs to produce the strongest supplement possible for supporting the immune system and killing cancer cells and pathogens. It is a remarkable product and is often suggested as one to be used for maintenance and prevention. It comes in a 4 ounce dropper bottle. Use 1 to 3 bottles a month. Squeeze the dropper into the mouth and hold for a minute before swallowing. Best taken at mealtime or with food, but can be taken anytime if needed.
Omni Elixir Version 2
Only once in a while does a supplement come along that is so good it produces remarkable testimonies almost immediately. Omni Essential Oil Elixir is that rare product. In its first week of use for cancer and immune system support, it produced a remarkable testimony.
D. had a tumor in his throat constricting his breathing, and another in his lungs. He had been using for about a month some of the elixirs and a very small amount of a couple of other products. Not enough to cause what happened next. He ordered the Omni Elixir and started on it. The first day he only took 5 drops of Omni. (Normal dosage is 30 drops to 90 drops a day.) The second day 10 drops. The third day he took 30 drops - the full dosage when using a bottle a month. Shortly after taking the 30 drops he started coughing, and coughed up a tumor and then 2 or 3 mouthfuls of blood.
His breathing immediately improved, which indicates that the tumor constricting his throat was probably what he coughed up. In addition his chest was very sore and stayed that way for a day or two, which means that it was working on the tumor in his lungs too. Knowing what we know now, we don't suggest using Omni in this case. D. got lucky. The tumor broke up and he was able to cough it up. However if it had not broke up, the tumor would have swollen and potentially blocked his throat.
Omni Elixir Version 2 is almost the same as Omni Essential Oil Elixir. It contains the same ingredients, but has a different ratio of the essential oils in it. Ingredients: Spring Water, Pure Radiance Elixir, Vegetable Oil (one or more of almond, sesame or grape seed). Essential Oils of Cedar, Pine and Vervain, 30C Homeopathic Zinc, Manganese, Tin, Copper and Cobalt. (These minerals are homeopathic, that is vibratory, and are not toxic in any way.) In a 2 ounce dropper bottle.
Omni Essential Oil Elixir is better for fighting pathogens, but Omni Elixir Version 2 tests significantly better for dealing with cancer, coming in at 6300. Both Omni and its sister product, Blue Tonic, listed below, are powerful cancer killers. In addition they seem to dramatically boost energy and your immune system response.
All the supplements in this section work synergistically together to become even more powerful and effective cancer killers. The two most closely related are Omni Elixir Version 2 and Blue tonic. In fact results are best when you take these two together, holding them in your mouth at the same time.
Blue Tonic
On its own, Blue Tonic is not as powerful as Omni Elixir Version 2. However, they work especially well together. It works in a similar way to Omni Version 2, and comes in at 5600in healing power.
As with Omni and Azovin, what makes Blue Tonic so powerful is the patent pending extraction process for the essential oils which greatly enhances their ability to work in your body. Pure essential oil supplements made without this patent pending extraction process energetically test in the 200 range. Ingredients: Spring Water, Pure Radiance Elixir, Vegetable Oil (one or more of almond, sesame or grape seed). Essential Oils of Angelica and Cedar. 30C Homeopathic Zinc, Manganese, Tin, Copper and Cobalt. (These minerals are homeopathic, that is vibratory, and are not toxic in any way.) Use one bottle per month of these for early stage cancer, 2 of each for advanced and 3 of each for very advanced cancers.
Lowell had the first success story with the combination of Omni, Blue Tonic, along with StressDefense.. In mid-December he visited a naturopath to try to learn why his prostate had shut off urine flow. She analyzed him with her Quantum Bio Feedback diagnostic machine. And told him he had cancer in numerous organs including the prostate. For two months he took daily a high dose of bloodroot tablets. And then went in for another checkup. The analysis came back that the cancer was still there and had actually spread to another organ. It was at this point that he found out about and ordered Omni Elixir Version 2, Blue Tonic and StressDefense. Two weeks later he had another analysis by the naturopath. No cancer was found in his body. These three supplements had cleaned it up in just a couple of weeks.
This is unusually fast, in our opinion. Expect cancer elimination to take longer no matter what you are using.
Creation Elixir
Creation Elixir works to stop the pathological sequence of all disease. It stops the negative reciprocating cycle of inflammation and cell destruction that leads to chronic ill health. All disease is based on these negative reciprocating cycles that build on themselves. This causes the body to be trapped in disease cycles that our body's innate mechanisms cannot stop without some sort of input. The frequency vibrations instilled in Creation Elixir are able to halt these negative disease causing inflammation and cellular destruction cycles that destroy health in a very effective manner.
The other factor that is absolutely essential in healing the body is cellular regeneration. Without regeneration, the impact of stopping the negative cycle of inflammation and cell destruction will not make a lot of difference. The reason why Creation Elixir is so effective is that it is also able to bring about cellular regeneration which must be related to dramatically increasing stem cell production in the body and super organizing the genetic structure behind cell replication. The energies that Creation Elixir inputs into the body vigorously stimulate cellular regeneration.
The energies in Creation Elixir disrupt and kill cancer cells. In addition they stimulate the immune system's cancer response. Better still, Creation Elixir energies have an anti-inflammatory effect also so it can be used in some situations where you need to keep inflammation reduced. This can include liver and pancreatic cancer, and also brain or bone cancers where there is currently no pain or dysfunction from the tumors. 5300

People who had been using some these supplements for a month, in the appropriate amount for their cancer, were testing as having a decrease ranging from 25% to 45% in the amount of live cancer cells in their body. (We've tested higher but this is the more general and realistic range.)
Supplements That Avoid Inflammation and Swelling
In this section we cover the best immune system supplements for fighting cancer when the cancer is in a place where the inflammation and swelling (caused when a supplement, medicine, or the immune system kills cancer cells) must be avoided. This includes
  • all brain cancers,
  • bone cancers (or when cancer has metastasized to the bones)
  • tumors that may block a pathway if they swell, like throat and esophageal cancers,
  • any cancer where the oncologist may need to put in a splint to keep a passage open
  • cancers that are pressing up against a nerve or blood vessel.
So in general, use the supplements in this section when dealing any tumor that would cause problems if it swells.
Avoid the immune boosting, cancer killing supplements in the section above. (Creation Elixir is one of the more powerful supplements to use if there is no current pain or dysfunction and you want to avoid swelling, as is Zormus, but stay away from them if there is pain or dysfunction.)
Many of the supplements in this section work by stimulating the cancerous cells to start functioning normally again. By repairing the cell's ability to produce energy aerobically using oxygen, the cancer cell obtains enough energy to function as a normal cell. All cancer cells have lived too long. It's the nature of cancer cells to keep on living and replicating, rather then dying at the appropriate time. So the first thing a cancer cell does once it is able to function normally, is to tell itself to die. Its internal clock sees that it has lived too long and sends out instructions telling the cell to die.
This natural cell death, called apoptosis, where cancer cells tell themselves to die, does not cause an inflammatory response of the immune system to get rid of the dead cell. The cell is recycled and disposed of just like every other normally functioning cell in the body is disposed of. No inflammation, and thus no swelling, occurs.
ESME version NS, PrugX, PrugX Enhancer, PrugX Immune Boost, BLA, and BLA Enhancer are the top supplements to use when you need to avoid inflammation and swelling of a tumor or bone. They are powerful cancer fighters that cause natural cell death.
ESME version NS
This is the no swelling version of ESME version C. Instead of being potentized with energies that work on killing cancer cells, it is potentized with instructions that work to cause cancer cells to die a natural death. This happens either by disrupting the cancer cells so that they die naturally, or by causing cancer cells to function normally again. When this happens they realize they have lived to long, and tell themselves to die. Like with version C, the healing power of ESME version NS is extremely high, 13,200 in our testing.
It is a combination of a healing water, a structured and programmed water with billions of electrons, and a healing mineral concentrate -- both with a long history of improving health, ESME version NS is energized using the technology that is used to make PrugX, BLA and to enhance many of the other elixirs. This technology concentrates instructions into ESME version NS that fine tune its capacity to cause cancer cells to die a natural death.
It disrupts cancer cells metabolism just like version C does, however ESME version NS does it in a way that causes the cancer cells to die naturally, like by making them sick. Like version C, it also works to overload the energetics of the cancer cells, but does so in a way that will result in them dying naturally, not being killed.
Use 3 bottles a month of ESME version NS when dealing with early stage cancers, 4 per month with advanced stage cancers, and 5 a month for very advanced cancers. Use version C for cancer prevention.
PrugX Immune Boost
While PrugX Immune Boost helps the immune system to better kill cancer cells, something that can lead to an inflammatory response and swelling, if you use it in just a two bottle a month dosage, it is one of the top products to use for fighting cancer when you need to avoid swelling. It is working to prevent the cancer cells from employing various strategies to hide from the immune system, and helps the immune system target cancer cells when using PrugX and PrugX Enhancer. Keep usage at the two bottle a month dosage, not three or four bottles a month that would be best if you do not need to avoid swelling and the immune system can hit the cancer as hard as possible.
Next in importance, in these immune system products, is a powerful honokiol extract called....
HonoKare is an herbal extract focused on supplying honokiol from the bark of the magnolia officianalis tree along with other synergistic nutrients in a highly absorbable, liquid solution that is frequency enhanced to make it even more powerful. It's energetic test comes in at 12,600. It fights cancer in several ways that do not cause an inflammatory response of the immune system's dead cancer cell removal.
HonoKare first came to my attention in an article by Michele Cagan describing some of the research that has been done on honokiol. She wrote:
"When it comes to cancer, there’s more than one way to beat it, so honokiol doesn’t stop at one. Instead, it attacks cancer on multiple fronts, fighting tumors head-on.
It starts by making sure the tumors can’t supply themselves with the nutrients they need to thrive. You see, like all other cells, cancer cells need food and oxygen (among other things) to stay alive. They get their supplies by creating their own blood vessel networks, a process called angiogenesis.
But honokiol simply doesn’t let that happen. An early in vitro study found that honokiol could prevent that angiogenesis, 1 and more. This research also uncovered another anti-cancer power in honokiol’s arsenal: the ability to prevent tumor growth (formally known as antiproliferative activity) in mice with angiosarcoma, an extremely malignant and aggressive cancer that usually grows and spreads alarmingly fast.
Another in vitro study 2 discovered one of the key ways that honokiol helps conquer many types of cancer. It prevents a cancer-sustaining enzyme called PLD (phospholipase D) from doing its job. Left unchecked, PLD keeps cancer cells from dying off (a process known as apoptosis). So when honokiol blocks it, cancer cells die.
Increased PLD activity has been linked to several cancers (breast, kidney and colon, for example) and cancer cell lines (lung, pancreatic, and prostate, to name a few). So honokiol’s ability to rein in this disease-promoting enzyme can have a remarkable effect on any cancer that relies on PLD to survive.
Fight colon cancer without making yourself sicker
Colorectal cancer strikes hundreds of thousands of people every year—often affecting people over 60 years old. And while this form of cancer can be treated successfully using mainstream methods (like surgery and chemotherapy), the treatments themselves can be painful and debilitating.
Honokiol fights and kills many forms of cancer—but studies have shown that it does this without harming healthy cells (unlike many forms of chemotherapy). So researchers investigated honokiol’s effect on one of the most common cancers—colorectal cancer.
One group of researchers studied mice with human colon cancer. They injected the mice with honokiol every other day, and the results were stunning. The honokiol blocked tumor growth without a toxic effect on the mice. In fact, this powerful natural treatment prolonged their lives. 3
Prostate cancer can be complicated, but the real solution is very simple
Prostate cancer takes more than one form, but most mainstream treatments only work on a single, specific form. Honokiol, it turns out, just may be able to treat prostate cancer regardless of the form: androgen status, for example, or p53 status. (Androgen status refers to hormone levels, and p53 is a gene that is sometimes altered in men with prostate cancer.)
An in vitro study found that honokiol effectively caused apoptosis in several kinds of prostate cancer cells, both androgen dependent and independent, as well as cells with varying p53 status.
Bolstered by that success, they progressed their research to an animal study. There, the scientists found that treating mice with honokiol three times a week halted prostate tumor growth. The researchers also found a higher rate of cancer cell death. And more prostate cancer cell death combined with less tumor growth is exactly what you want when fighting this disease.
And unlike the mainstream options—surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, and hormone therapy—honokiol did not cause weight loss or any other side effects. 4
Honokiol takes on even ‘incurable’ cancers
B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia (B-CLL) is one of the toughest cancers to treat and beat. According to the mainstream medical community, it remains incurable.
But some very insightful researchers refused to accept that. And based on honokiol’s success against other cancer cell lines, they decided to see how well it would work fighting B-CLL cells. Their intuition paid off.
Their in vitro study 5 found that honokiol sets off the death cycle of these cancer cells, and that the extract was more toxic toward the B-CLL cells than healthy cells. On top of that, honokiol also improved the anti-cancer effects of chemotherapy drugs (fludarabine, cladribine, and chlorambucil).
And that’s not the only difficult cancer that honokiol helps conquer.
According to the National Cancer Institute, “For most patients with non-small cell lung cancer, current treatments do not cure the cancer.” And squamous lung cancer fits right into that category. While current mainstream therapies remain largely ineffective, honokiol (at least in lab tests) appears to have a very deadly impact on these cancer cells.
When researchers tested honokiol against squamous lung cancer cells in an in vitro study, their work paid off. The honokiol treatment set off a chain reaction that led to apoptosis, cancer cell death. 6"
1 Bai, X., et al. Honokiol, a small molecular weight natural product, inhibits angiogenesis in vitro and tumor growth in vivo. J Biol Chem. 2003.
2 Garcia, A., et. al. Honokiol suppresses survival signals mediated by Ras-dependent phospholipase D activity in human cancer cells. Clin Cancer Res. 2008; 14(13)
3 Chen, F., et al. Honokiol: a potent chemotherapy candidate for human colorectal carcinoma. World J Gastroenterol. 10(23):3459-3463, 2004.
4 Hahm, E., et. al. Honokiol, a constituent of oriental medicinal herb magnolia officinalis, inhibits growth of PC-3 xenografts in vivo in association with apoptosis induction. Clin Cancer Res. 14(4), 2008.
5 Battle, T. E., et al. The natural product Honokiol induces caspase-dependent apoptosis in B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia (B-CLL) cells. Blood. 2005.
6 Yang, S. E., et al. Down-modulation of Bcl-XL, release of cytochrome c and sequential activation of caspases during honokiol-induced apoptosis in human squamous lung cancer CH27 cells. Biochem Pharmacol. 63(9):1641-1651, 2002.
Honokare is a full spectrum, supercritical extract of five organic and wild crafted roots and barks, six organic essential oils with synergistic cofactors all infused into a Humic and Fulvic acid solubilized solution (which increases absorption and bioavailability).

Current medical research focuses on the anti-cancer properties of many of the extracts within Honokare. These include Honokiol, Magnolol, Astragaloside, Gingerols, methoxyisoflavones, beta-lapachone, lapachol, taraxacin, saponins among others.
It also works to balance and help keep stress response and stress chemicals in check. This can be a great assistance when worry blocks relaxation and even sleep. This effect can free up a lot of healing energy. Users report feeling “dark clouds” lifting from their outlook within moments of use. This effect can be tracked not only to the magnolia extracts but also to the high purity essential oil component, which brings with it the nurturing focus of tens of thousands of medicinal flowers.
Medicinal Roots and Barks
A proprietary extraction process is used to create these extracts. The process starts with whole roots and barks. This ensures complete active ingredient levels. The multi-stage extraction captures all the hot water and fat-soluble micronutrients from the five roots and barks chosen for Honokare. The focus is on Magnolia and Astragulus but includes a supportive complement of Dandelion root, Pao D'Arco bark and Ginger root.
Magnolia Bark Extracts Are Safe, Fight Anxiety - Brain Booster - Powerful Anti-oxidant
While magnolia bark has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for over 2000 years, only recently have researchers explored its components. Human, animal, and in vitro studies are confirming what traditional herbalists have already known about its safety and efficacy. Honokiol avoids immediate break-down by the liver - and crosses blood barriers that often exclude other compounds. Recent studies have found validation for honokiol as a treatment option for anxiety, cancer, periodontal disease, stroke, inflammation, and even weight loss.

Magnolia bark is generally used as an anti-stress and anti-anxiety agent. Medical research on two of its bi phenol compounds (magnolol and honokiol), indicates that magnolia’s anti-stress benefits are linked to its ability to control levels of the body’s primary stress hormone, cortisol. Myriad health benefits are associated with normal cortisol levels versus elevated cortisol. Elevated cortisol levels are associated with conditions including obesity, diabetes, osteoporosis, memory problems and suppressed immune function.

Research indicates that honokiol also selectively modulates GABA receptors. GABA (gamma Aminobutyric acid) is the major inhibitory neurotransmitter for nervous tissue. Many sedatives work by targeting and attaching to GABA receptors in the brain. Honokiol has shown anti-anxiety effects while avoiding the side effects of many sedatives.
Research has shown both magnolol and honokiol to possess powerful ”brain-health” benefits via their actions in modulating the activity of various neurotransmitters and related enzymes in the brain (increased choline acetyltransferase activity, increased acetylcholine release and inhibition of acetylcholinesterase). Japanese researchers have determined that the magnolol and honokiol components of Magnolia officinalis can be up to one thousand times more potent than alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E) in their antioxidant activity, thereby offering a potential heart-health benefit and added free radical protection.

Astragulus Root

Astragulus root is one of the 50 fundamental Chinese medicinal herbs. It helps modulate the immune system and strengthens several organs while lowering blood pressure and blood sugar levels.

Astragalus is an adaptogen, antipyretic, diuretic, tonic, uterine stimulant and vasodilator. Astragalus as an adjuvant therapy has been used in the treatment of cancer, prolapse of the uterus or anus, abscesses and chronic ulcers, chronic nephritis with edema and proteinuria. Recent research has shown that the root can increase the production of interferon and macrophages and thus support normal immune function in cancer patients.

Chinese studies show that patients undergoing chemotherapy or radiotherapy recover faster and live longer when given Astragulus root extract as an adjuvant therapy. The roots of 4 year old plants is harvested in the autumn and dried for use in the extraction process. Astragulus extracts are bactericidal, hypoglycaemic, hypotensive, cardiotonic and vasodilatory.

Dandelion Root
Dandelion root works by decongesting and restoring the liver. It does this by stimulating the flow of bile. Recent scientific investigation shows that dandelion root improves the body’s ability to eliminate cancer cells. Studies show possible anti-tumor activity and antioxidant action.

Wildcrafted Pau D’Arco Extract
Pau d’Arco is a natural herb retrieved from the inner bark of the Tabebuia Avellanedae or Tabebuia Impetiginosa, known as taheebo. The taheebo tree is grown predominantly in Central and South America, but may also be cultivated in southern Florida. Pau d’Arco, also known as ipe roxo or sometimes lapacho, has been used for centuries by the Indio tribes of South America, as well as the ancient Incas and Aztecs.

Pau D’Arco tea or tinctures have had beneficial effects for the immune system and cancer victims, anywhere from alleviation of chemotherapy symptoms to complete remission of tumors. An article published by Dr. Daniel B. Mowrey on Pau D’Arco stated that “Lapacho has produced clinical anti-cancer effects without side effects.”

Ginger Root Extract

Ginger can help with nausea, digestive problems, circulation and arthritis. Relief of nausea caused during pregnancy or by motion is one of the benefits of ginger root. Ginger is also known to have the ability to calm an upset stomach and to promote the flow of bile. Stomach cramps can be eased and circulation can also be improved. Ginger supports a healthy cardiovascular system by making platelets less sticky, which in turn reduces circulatory problems. Ginger is often included in many herbal decongestants and can help to minimize the symptoms of respiratory conditions, colds and allergies.

The Extraction Process used to make HonoKare

This 12:1 extract involves a multi-stage extraction and concentration process using a time honored Traditional Chinese Medicine approach to give you the benefits of a standardized extract but with the added benefit of the coexisting compounds that may greatly enhance absorption and proper use in your body and provide your cells with balanced nutrition.

“Supercritical” extraction means Super Purity, Super Potency, Broad Spectrum, and No Chemical Solvents. There are no synthesized additives or processing agents. In fact, the supercritical process is the gentlest way to extract these delicate plant compounds to best preserve their potency and stability. Our supercritical extraction process ensures that neither you nor the environment have to contend with chemical solvents.

The Essential Oil component
Essential oils concentrate the therapeutic properties of flowers and plants and can provide therapeutic benefits in very small amounts. Most have anti-bacterial and anti-pathogenic properties and have historically been used for stimulation, relaxation, pain-relief and healing.

These are highly concentrated; it normally takes a few hundred kilos and sometimes a few tons of flowers to obtain a liter of essential oil. Thus pure organic and wildcrafted oils, undiluted, as these are, can be very expensive and of course very effective.
Another way to appreciate and understand the potency of essential oils is to look into their frequency. Everything in the universe vibrates at a specific frequency. Living creatures, plants, objects, everything has its own frequency, even disease. In 1992, Bruce Tainio of Tainio Technology, an independent division of Eastern State University in Cheney, Washington, built the first frequency monitor to determine the average frequency of the healthy human body. This was found to be is in the range of 62 to 72 Hz.
He discovered that when body frequency drops, the immune system is jeopardized. If it drops to 58 Hz, cold and flu symptoms start appearing, 55 Hz trigger diseases like Candida, and at 52 Hz, it’s Epstein Bar. Cancer is at 42 Hz and below.

The study of frequencies raises questions regarding the substances we ingest or absorb on a daily basis. Many pollutants lower our body frequency. Processed or canned foods can have a frequency of close to zero. Fresh produce has up to 15 Hz, dried herbs from 12 to 22 Hz, and fresh herbs from 20 to 27 Hz. Pure essential oils start at a frequency of 52 Hz and can go up as high as 320 Hz. Clinical research shows that essential oils have the highest frequency of any natural substance known to man. They create a condition where bacteria, virus, fungus and disease simply cannot survive.

Organic Black Cumin Oil - Recent research has verified claims that it strengthens and stabilizes the immune system and is effective in the treatment of asthma, allergies, and other immune disorders as well as numerous skin conditions ranging from acne and Rosacea to psoriasis. Black cumin has helped with bronchial spasm, spasmodic coughs, muscle pain, osteo and rheumatoid arthritis, the accumulation of fluids or toxins, poor circulation, lymphatic congestion, mumps, glandular swelling, colic, dyspepsia, flatulence, colitis, colic, indigestion, constipation, frigidity, debility, migraine, tiredness, nervous exhaustion, insomnia and lethargy.

Organic Cinnamon Oil – Now it is being used all over the world for treating a variety of health disorders including respiratory problems, skin infections, blood impurity, menstruation problems, heart disorders, etc. The most widely used part of cinnamon is its bark.
The health benefits of cinnamon can be attributed to its antibacterial, antifungal, anti microbial, astringent and anti clotting properties. Cinnamon is rich in essential minerals such as manganese, iron and calcium. It is also rich in fiber.

Organic Lemon Oil – Lemon oil is calming in nature and therefore helps in removing mental fatigue, exhaustion, dizziness, anxiety, nervousness and nervous tension.

Organic Lime Oil – Lime is so famous as a cure for scurvy, the disease which is caused due to deficiency of vitamin-C and characterized by frequent infections with cough and cold; cracked lips and lip corners; ulcers in tongue and mouth; spongy, swollen and bleeding gums etc.

Organic Orange Oil – Orange oil is being studied as a possible antibacterial agent to fight against drug-resistant bacteria. The oil has been found to have anti microbial activity against Helicobacter pylori, gram-negative bacteria that live in your stomach mucous.

Organic Peppermint Oil 
– Peppermint oil comprises vitamins A and C, omega-3 fatty acids, and minerals including potassium, manganese, iron, magnesium, calcium, and copper. The numerous health benefits of peppermint oil include its ability to treat several health problems. Peppermint oil benefits the respiratory system.

Humic and Fulvic Acid Enhance absorption of HonoKare's Nutrients
Humic acid, a complex plant-derived energy rich molecule, provides many nutritional benefits. It’s a foundational carbon complex with thousands of negatively charged ion exchange points. Think of it as a train with many cars. These cars are loaded with bio-available minerals and other plant-derived nutrients (and in this case it carries many of the minerals and active components from the roots and herbs) which are made available to the cells. Upon reaching the cell, the nutrients in the cars are selected as needed, and then, with numerous negatively charged cars empty, it loads itself with metallic, non-digestible minerals, and other toxins which it takes out to the trash.

Fulvic acid molecules, also derived from plants, are known to condition the cell wall increasing its permeability. This automatically boosts nutrient absorption and cellular hydration. Whenever minerals come into contact with Fulvic acid, in a water medium, they are naturally dissolved into an ionic form. Once the minerals meld into the Fulvic acid complex they become bioactive and bioavailable. Unlike Humic acids, whose molecules are large and complex, Fulvic acid is composed of very small molecules which can access tiny deposits of toxicity that the Humic and Zeolite alone cannot reach.
HonoKare works on all types of cancers. It does not directly kill cancer cells, but promotes their natural death through shutting off blood supply to cancer cells and prevent the PDL enzyme from extending cancer cell life. Thus it can be used where swelling of a tumor from inflammation would be a problem. It can also be used when you can directly kill cancer cells but as it wouldn't work as fast as the top cancer killers work, it is not featured in the swelling is ok section above.
With its energetic testing rating of 7,600, Honokare is one of the best cancer fighters we have tested. Use 4, 6 or 8 of this 2 ounce dropper bottle per month. It is closely followed in importance by an essential oil and mineral frequency enhanced elixir called....
Klivina Trem
Klivina Trem tests very strong - 6,800 in healing power for supporting the immune system and fighting cancer. This frequency enhanced elixir uses a patent pending processing technique which combines essential oils and trace amounts of minerals, with what its developer describes as golden mean spiral energetic frequencies, to boost the health of the body. It works in two ways.
The combination of these energies, essential oil extracts and trace amounts of minerals modulates and improves immune system and cancer fighting response. By modulate, which means that it brings the immune system into the correct balance, and thus reduces the inflammatory response of the immune system. By improving the function of the immune system, Klivina Trem enables the body to better identify cancer cells. As does HonoKare, it also helps to reduce blood supply to cancer cells to stop their growth.
Equally important, Klivina Trem helps every cell in the body function at a higher level because it improves cellular energy production and optimizes overall cellular function. As energy production increases to the point that the cancer cell can function as a normal cell, (because it has enough energy to do so) it then tells itself to die because it realizes it has lived too long. Klivina Trem works synergistically with the next most important supplement to use when avoiding inflammation and swelling, Q RME, in this regard.
Klivina Trem increases the effectiveness of BLA by telling the cancer cells to make more energy - thus causing it to to produce more lactic acid. The faster the lactic acid builds up, the faster the cancer cells die. (This is why you can greatly speed up cancer cell death when using BLA by feeding the cancer cells glucose - preferably something healthy like honey or organic whole sugar or fruit juices. The more sugar the cancer cells metabolize, the more lactic acid is created, and when BLA has Blocked the Lactic Acid Pumps of the cancer cells so they can't eliminate the lactic acid, that lactic acid poisons and kills the cancer cell when it builds up to a sufficient level.)
Klivina Trem's a frequency enhanced water with a proprietary blend of special essential oil extracts of Angelica Root, Camphor, Cedar wood, Cumin, Fir, Pine Needle, Red Cedar, Black Spruce and Western Red Cedar, and a proprietary trace mineral blend.Use 1, 2 or 3 of this 2 ounce dropper bottle per month.
PrugX, BLA, CSE, HonoKare and Klivina Trem are by far the top individual supplements to use when swelling of tumors or bones must be avoided.
The Quadrant Variant Field technology used to make Q RME is inputting energies into the body - when you take small amounts of the frequency enhanced water - to Repair the Mitochondrial Enzymes in cells. If you remember from reading the Oxygenation section, cancer cells have damaged mitochondrial enzymes. These are the enzymes that do the work in the mitochondria of all cells to produce energy aerobically - with oxygen.
The buildup of toxins in cells inhibits the ability of the cells to take in oxygen. Low oxygen levels in the cells will then damage the mitochondrial enzymes. If the cell becomes unable to produce energy aerobically because these enzymes have become damaged, the the cell can turn cancerous. It becomes non-functional because all its energy production happens via sugar fermentation, and not enough energy can be produced anaerobically on an ongoing basis to keep a cell functional. So given the right conditions, it turns cancerous. The only thing it does is to replicate, uncontrollably.
The energies in Q RME turn on the repair of these mitochondrial enzymes. If enough of them start to function again, then the cell may be able to produce enough energy aerobically so that it begins to function normally again. At which point it realizes it has lived too long, and tells itself to die.
Q RME energetically test at 4600 for dealing with cancer. Even though this is a higher score than many of the supplements in the section above, it would be a slower acting process than killing cancer cells, so we do not include it in the above section. Use 1 to 4 of these 2 ounce bottles a month.
Q RME when used along with the Life Force Elixir and Ge-ProCoQ10-Max in a Mitochondria Repair Combination tests at 8500.
   Matrix Factor
Because of its ability to influence every cell in your body to make the best choice possible in each and every action it makes, Matrix Factor has a profound healing effect on the body. Energetic testing puts its healing power 2500. This comes from the function of the quantum energies that are captured in it - energies that work at creating perfect cellular chemistry.

Scientists are understanding more and more about the inner workings of the universe. Matrix Factor is able to, better than any other product, take advantage of the deeper understanding of what is going on at a fundamental level in nature. Thus it has the ability to turn around severe health conditions and restore the body to a level of health whereby a person can truly enjoy every day of their life.

Ever since the scientific community came up with quantum physics as a way to understand the deeper mechanisms of molecular chemistry, it has become clear that these molecular chemicals are at the mercy of deeper forces. At the deepest level of matter and energy, vibration, not chemistry, provides the most important guidance in terms of how molecules structure themselves.

The all important role vibration plays in chemistry is also true in the human body. At the deepest level of how things work in terms of the endless cascades of chemical sequences, the way in which these chemical cascades take place may surprise many people.

There is a matrix of frequencies that are smaller than the size of electrons, photons and quarks. Most people have heard about these basic quantum units, which are so small they can only be proven to exist indirectly. It is impossible to actually see these basic units of energy and matter with an electron microscope. As a matter of fact, only some of the molecules and atoms that are the building blocks for all chemical structures in the universe have been able to be seen with high powered electron microscopes. Most are too small to be seen.

The role that quantum units play for all the things we take for granted in the world, including the human body, is to program the outcome for molecular structures. The interplay between different quantum units creates the infinite variety of chemical structures, and all the elements that make up everything that exists.

Matrix Factor uses water as a programmable base so that a channeled outcome of foundational frequencies can be tapped into, which encourages the right kind of chemical cascades in the body to fight death and disease of the cells. This makes Matrix Factor a powerful healing supplement. It works with foundational frequencies that turn on the organizing power in each cell to make the best possible choices at the quantum level.

With each chemical reaction in the body, there are an infinite number of possibilities for the next chemical reaction that is the outcome of the current one. Matrix Factor works to guide frequencies from the Matrix of possibilities to insure that the ongoing chemical cascade the goes from one to the other are focused on healthy outcomes. Over time, this results in the fine tuning of the chemistry of the cells. This works to promote a more powerful immune system and every other system in your body. All your cells will be working better.

Matrix Factor has an immune modulation effect. This is an anti-inflammatory action. Happens because inflammation is not the best possible choice for your body. Its actions on cells cause cells to begin to function better, making the best possible choices. So cancerous cells begin to function better and at the point that they function normally, they tell themselves to die a natural cell death.
Pain Relief
Penuva is a frequency enhanced water elixir that works on pain relief in a number of ways. It is easily the strongest pain relief natural supplement we have tested, coming in at 1600 for its ability to relieve pain. Penuva instructs the body to reduce pain, to increase tolerance of pain, to not over-respond to pain, and more. Use 1 to 4 bottles a month -- depending on the amount of pain.
Additional help for pain includes:
The Tachyon Quartz and Tachyon Healing Cloth work externally to introduce tachyon energies into your body. They are either a quartz stone or silk cloth square that have been tachyonized. They test energetically at 620 for dealing with pain. We have heard from users that they can make you feel calmer and more centered. And of course provide cancer fighting tachyon energy to your body all the time.
One user of the Tachyon Minerals told us how it helped her stop excruciating knee pain that nothing was helping. She squeezed some of the Tachyon Minerals into a handkerchief and placed it on her knee. The pain went away almost immediately. If cancer is causing bad pain, this is definitely worth a try. To make it work even better, get the Tachyon Healing Cloth and squeeze the Tachyon Minerals onto the cloth. We suggest using 3 squeezes on either a handkerchief or the Healing Cloth.
Clear Circuit Pendant - This pendant is a small hard plastic disk encoded with the 2200 energetic circuits. It emits as a subtle vibrations energies that enhance cellular communication. Wear it around your neck, keep it in a pocket, put in under your pillow, tape it over your cancer. The pendant comes in at 325 in the energetic testing for, for pain relief. It works in a different way then the Tachyon Quartz or Healing Cloth. Use both for maximum pain relief.
Topical use: We have heard numerous reports of Azovin, Corvix, Matrix Factor and Tachyon Minerals being used topically to dramatically help heal radiation burns, surgery wounds, and cancerous lesions. Try them for any of these conditions, or anything else you may have.
Nymsar is a frequency enhanced elixir that does not cause cancer cells to die, but it is quite important to use if your cancer is causing pain and or dysfunction. Its function is to tell the immune system to stop its inflammatory actions. It turns down the TH-2 side of the immune system - the inflammation producing side. This enables the Th-1 side that fights cancer to becomes stronger as these two sides of the immune system balance each other out.
Also important, Nymsar has energies that support the liver. In fact, if you have pain or dysfunction from your cancer, Nymsar is the best liver support supplement to use. Energetic testing puts Nymsar at 2200 in healing power.
This completes the section with the highest rated supplements that fight cancer without causing swelling and inflammation, or at least very little.
There are other supplements that are useful when avoiding inflammation. We will put an * by those in this section that you can also use to fight cancer without causing inflammation.
Enhancing Cell Communication - Aloe Vera Glyconutrients and more
First let's go over why this type of supplement is valuable for fighting cancer. Cancer cells are viewed by the immune system as non-self. As are viruses and other pathogens in our body. By increasing the ability of the cells to communicate with each other and with the immune system, the immune system may be better able to identify what is non-self, and get rid it.
One type of product that has proved to be so effective at helping the immune system do this, a new science has developed around it. The science of Glycobiology, which deals with the role of essential long chain carbohydrates in cellular communication.
To maintain a healthy body, cells must "talk" to each other. Their language is one of touch, written in saccharides (or simple sugars) on the cell surfaces. Like thousands of different "keys" projecting from the cell surface, they either unlock the required functions of the adjoining cell or not. If the right keys are available, the body functions smoothly. If not, it doesn't.
In March, 2001, Science Magazine dedicated virtually the entire magazine to the science of Glycobiology and the essential saccharides that make up these cellular communication keys.
The University of California, San Diego, announced the establishment of a Center for the further research and development of the Science of Glycobiology. And the President of the Royal Academy of Medicine in London, Dr. John Asford, said that "Sugars are going to be the molecules of the next decade."
Eclipse Magazine reviewed the results in Uganda where they are using these glyconutrients on AIDS and cancer patients and seeing remarkable results, and the child with Projeria (fast aging disease) who is experiencing reversal in his aging process once on glyconutrients.
The best source for these special, long chain carbohydrate molecules has proven to be properly processed aloe vera. One of the top researchers in the field, Dr. Danhof, gives some details on what it does. (These are Dr. Danhof's words based on his and other research.)
"The Aloe Vera MPS is a long chain sugar molecule composed of individual sugar molecules connected together in long linear chains. There is wide range in the size of the MPS molecule. The varying sizes determine their healing properties.
"1. Anti-inflammatory and Blood Sugar Normalization ­ Small size molecules.
MPS reduces inflammation which is involved in such diseases as ulcerative colitis, arthritis, and gastric reflux. Also helps with the reduction of blood sugar with both type I and II diabetes.
"2. Free Radical Scavenger ­ Medium size molecules.
Whereas vitamins and minerals can only function outside the cells, MPS are effective intracellular antioxidant and free radical scavengers - very important in preventing and treating arteriosclerosis, heart disease and Parkinson's disease. With the ever-increasing chemical pollution all over the planet and loss of nutrients in the soil, the increase in free radicals and loss of cellular oxygen will only become worse with time.
"3. Anti-Pathogenic ­ Large size molecules.
Has a direct antibacterial, anti-viral, anti-yeast/fungus and anti-amoeba effect. This is important with all the new infectious diseases cropping up, and the older ones becoming more virulent and mutating from long term use of antibiotics.
"4. Immune System Enhancement ­ Very large size molecules.The very large molecules are immune modulating, which has a powerful healing effect on AIDS, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, other chronic infections, multiple chemical exposure, cancer, heart disease, auto-immune diseases and many other immune system disorders. MPS is important with the ever-increasing number of infectious diseases that are gradually becoming resistant to antibiotics.
"The MPS molecule activates the Macrophage directly and through the liver to produce a cascade of healing effects: increases phagocytosis by the macrophage to engulf anddestroy infected cells and damaged cells (the garbage eater in the body); increases interleukin and interferon levels in the body, which then increases the number and response of T-Cells and Monocytes; wound healing via fibroblast activity as well as dramatically increasing the growth of new cells and the anti-pathogenic response with viruses, bacteria, yeast fungus and amoebas.
"MPS also causes the body to produce tumor necrosis factor that destroys tumors by shutting off their blood supply."Dr. Danhof
Several small pharmaceutical companies are developing drugs using these long chain polysaccharides to fight cancer. Between them and the general research showing many cancer fighting benefits to taking aloe, there is a good amount of research on the use of aloe vera extract for fighting cancer.
What makes a difference in the effectiveness of various aloe products is a combination of how many of the more potent molecules or essential sugars are in the aloe or glyconutrient supplement, and how much of the supplement is comprised of not as useful molecules. This primarily has to do with the kind of processing used to extract and preserve all the active ingredients. The stabilized muco polysaccharides.
When an aloe vera leaf is cut, the mineral salts and enzymes immediately starts breaking down the MPS molecules in it which reduces their effectiveness. If something is not done to prevent this action, the molecules are broken down into small sizes and are primarily valuable for inflammation. The better the extraction process, the better the MPS molecules will be able to assist in the improvement of cellular communication and the fight against cancer.
Aloe vera gels, pills and juices that you find in your local health food store or section, don't use a special extraction process that protects the molecules. Consequently while they may be good for inflammation and constipation and more, energetic testing for the ability to help with cancer comes in a poor range of around 35.
The next step up comes with the higher quality glyconutrients from an mlm company and a few of the aloe powders with the polysaccharides, like Nutri.., that compete with it. Energetic testing on them comes in at the 120 to 135 range. Okay to do and useful, but not great.
The next step up in energy testing is...
Glyco Ultra*
This Aloe Vera gel in a dried powder form provides galactomannans with a unique blend of plant sources not available elsewhere.
The proprietary extraction process used in making this involves freeze drying the gel into a powder which eliminates the enzymes and mineral salts to prevent their destructive action. You tend to get a bit more of the most powerful long chain molecules. Even the filler, larch tree powder, is beneficial. It acts as a pre-biotic nutrient feeding your friendly intestinal bacteria. And is an immune system enhancer too with independent research showing it is good for fighting cancer. Glyco Ultra contains the complete MPS molecule intact. The dalton weight for some of the molecules goes up to over two million. These higher dalton weights, over one million, are necessary for effective immune system healing, bolstering and balancing the immune system cells, and for producing tumor necrosis factor.
GLyco Ultra is taken as a loose powder mixed with water on an empty stomach in the morning. For health maintenance a quarter to half a measuring teaspoon a day is used, with an ounce lasting 4 to 8 months. For serious health concerns, usually 2 measuring teaspoons or scoops a day are used, with the large size container lasting a month. For advanced cancers three times this amount is suggested, 3 bottles a month.
It is easily mixed with water or juice. Galacomannans are the most important components in the body to support recognition and defense mechanisms in the immune system, and for the brain to function at the highest level of coherence.
Larch Tree powder extract provides prebiotic factors to support the growth of symbiotic bacteria as well as a healthy source of plant fiber. This results in the gut being able to absorb the high molecular weight form of galactomannas from Aloe Vera gel.
Rice bran soluble powder contains well over 100 ingredients, including B vitamins, fatty acids and many different types of phytonutrients. All of these natural nutrients further support the† immune system and healthy cell chemistry. This is an important upgrade to the aloe vera immune supplements with a combination of aloe powders and other glyconutrients to make it the most potent glyconutrient supplement we have yet found.
These changes make it considerably more potent than any of the other glyconutrients and aloe powders we have checked. After Glyco Ultra has been frequency enhanced, our energetic testing comes in at 760. Much better than other aloe vera powders and supplements we have tested. Use 1 large bottle a month for early stage cancer, 2 a month for advanced stage cancers.
There are two products discussed later in this report that also work on enhancing cellular communication. The primary activity of the glyconutrients and aloe powders. These are an energized or frequency enhanced elixir, Clear Circuit Elixir and an organic herbal formula designed to work with the elixir to further enhanced cellular communication. Clear Circuit Herbal Formula. They work synergistically with Glyco Ultra, and because they work on the same thing in such a completely different manner, using all three products together is especially effective.
When taken in the suggested quantities, 1 bottle of each for early stage cancer, 3 bottles of Glyco Ultra, 2 bottles of Clear Circuit Elixir and 2 bottles monthly of Clear Circuit Herbal Formula for advanced stage cancer, energetic testing put the ability of this combo to fight cancer at 1180.
Mushroom, Beta Glucan and Similar Immune Support Supplements
Some of the better known cancer fighting supplements are found in this section. A surprising number are not that good. Some are good, and we'll cover a few of those. None are great- at least not that we've checked on so far. Mushroom based supplements help to increase Natural Killer Cell activity. Beta Glucans which also come from mushrooms also work on increasing the number of T cells. All valuable things to happen when fighting cancer.
The AHCC mushroom extracts have been around for years with a good deal of research behind it. I've spoken with mushroom product formulators who say that it is a bit out of date and not that good. They may be right. Energetic testing on this comes in at 44. Not what you'd like to see in a product if you're taking it to beat cancer. It is sold under various names.
A number of the individual mushroom supplements came in at around 100 in energetic testing. These include good Maitake and Shitake supplements. UltraCeps, a cordycep mushroom formulation comes in at 120 for fighting cancer. (We suggested it previously for improving the ability of the blood to carry oxygen and for helping to heal the liver.) As does aReishi Complex, one of the better ganoderma supplements we found.
Beta Glucans have long been touted for their immune boosting ability. The very best one, with a lot of testing showing it is better than other similar products, however, energetically tests at only 150 for cancer. I suspect that in general products that are isolates just don't work as well as you would like - in the body.
There are a few companies producing Rice Bran Arabinoxylan Compound (RBAC) immune boosting products. MGN... being the most well known. It and Peak Immun... both energetically test good. At 200. Some other off brands, so to speak were much less, around 130.
There is one mushroom supplement that tests much better than these - when used in extra high doses. In fact, in these high doses it is one of the most potent cancer fighters based on our energetic testing. It is....
UltraImmune9 specifically targets and nutritionally supports optimum anti-cancer performance. It is based on a little known Chinese Medicine anti-cancer formulation, giving you a high concentration of nine established immune boosting mushrooms. These nine mushrooms have both historical and modern track records of proven performance, and provide a broad base of nutritional support for a hard working immune system. Energetic testing puts the cancer fighting power of the newly reformulated UltraImmune9 at 630.
Below is a summary of the medicinal and anti-cancer properties of each mushroom in it.
1) Trametes Versicolor or the Turkey Tail mushroom.
This mushroom has long been treasured in the East; in Japan it is known as kawaratake (mushroom by the river bank), and in China it is called Yun Zhi or Cloud Fungus. In Japan around 1965 a chemical engineer investigated this mushroom for its anticancer constituents after observing his neighbor's life-threatening cancer was cured after taking Cloud Fungus. This led to the discovery of PSK and later it's closely-related PSP (Polysaccharide-Peptide).
Decades of clinical experience indicate PSK is very gentle on cancer patients and works well for cancers. PSK significantly extended survival at five years or beyond in cancers of the stomach, colon-rectum, esophagus, nasopharynx, and lung (non-small cell types), and in a HLA B40-positive breast cancer subset. It's sister, PSP, in double-blind trials, significantly extended five-year survival in esophageal cancer. PSP significantly improved quality of life, provided pain relief, and enhanced immune status in 70-97 percent of patients with cancers of the stomach, esophagus, lung, ovary, and cervix.
PSK and PSP boosted immune cell production, ameliorated chemotherapy symptoms, and enhanced tumor infiltration by immune system cells.
2) Agaricus Blazei
With a high beta glucan content this mushroom assists in the production of interferon and interleukin which are potent in fighting cancer, especially in the uterus. Anti-tumor effects come from a range of polysaccharides including "beta/ alpha/ xylo/ galacto/ and protein glucan. And its steroids, nucleic acids, lipids and lectin have cancer inhibition properties. In Japan, intensive research done with guinea pigs showed that Agaricus Blazei blocks cancer development 99.4% and reverses growth in 90.0%.
3) Grifola Frondosus or Maitake Mushrooms
Along with Ganoderma lucidum (Reishi) and Lentinula Edodes (Shitake), this is one of the most thoroughly studied of the medicinal mushrooms. It is an extremely rich source of polysaccharides which stimulate the immune system in diverse ways including boosting T-cells and NK-cells. Extensive studies also verify its liver support efficacy.
4) Ganoderma Lucidum or Reishi Mushroom
Ganoderma lucidum is one of the most thoroughly documented mushrooms with extensive human trials verifying its highly effective pharmacological characteristics which include Anti-cancer tumor inhibition, Histamine inhibition, Antioxidant, anti-inflammation, anti-allergy activity. Research indicates that the polysaccharide beta-1, 3-D-glucan in Reishi boosts the immune system by raising the amount of macrophages T-cells. This has major implications for people suffering from AIDS and other immune system disorders. Nutritional support to boost immunity, fight cancer and heart disease, calm your nerves, and relieve allergies.
5) Cordyceps Sinensis
Cordyceps Sinensis is one of the most versatile multi-purpose medicinal mushrooms, with quite extensive modern human and animal studies confirming its effectiveness. One study demonstrated that Cordyceps added significant enhancement of NK cell activity in normal individuals as well as in leukemia stricken individuals. Natural Cordyceps enhanced the NK cell activity of normal patients by 74% and increased the NK activity of leukemia patients by 400%. Similar improvements of NK cell activities was found in big melanoma cancer.
6) Lentinula Edodes or Shitake Mushroom
The shitake has been used since the Ming Dynasty to cure respiratory illnesses, liver trouble, exhaustion, and poor blood circulation. This mushroom has also shown potential for successful treatment of heart disease, cancer, and AIDS. Its two polysaccharide derivatives, Lentinen and LEM, have been extensively studied in Japan, and are officially approved as cancer therapy adjuncts by the Ministry of Health.
7) Polyporous Umbrellatus
Like many of the other of the medicinal mushrooms listed, it fights bacteria, inflammation, viruses, and benefits the immune system, the liver, and the respiratory system. It is renowned for its urinary tract benefits in particular, and is used for treatment of lung, gastric, cyst and cervical cancers.
8) Flammulina Velutipes or Winter Mushroom
The health benefits of Winter Mushroom include supporting liver and ulcer repair. Its anti-tumor activity is suggested in many studies including effects on proliferation, apoptosis and colony inhibition in human breast cancer cells.
9) Hericium Erinaceus or Lion's Mane
Lion's Mane has been traditionally used in both Japan and China for centuries. Recently, Japanese researchers have isolated a NGSF (Nerve Growth Stimulant Factor) from the mushroom that causes brain neurons to re-grow. This has important implications for helping to cure senility, neurological degradation, and increasing intelligence. It has been proven to help the digestive system and is used as a tonic for the nerves.
Studies in China proved that it is effective on "ulcers, inflammations, and tumors of the alimentary canal. Ingestion of this mushroom is said to have a remarkable effect in extending the life of cancer ridden patients. Ying (1987) reports that pills of this mushroom are used in the treatment of gastric and esophageal carcinoma."
There are other nutrients in UltraImmune9 designed to help it better fight cancer. These include the powerful cancer fighting Choke berry extract, NAC, Quercetin, Cranberry powder and ProCoQ10.
You need to use a lot of UltraImmune9 to get an energetic rating of 630. Use 6 bottles a month for early stage cancer. Nine bottles a month for advanced stage cancers, and 12 a month for very advanced cancers. That would be 18, 27 or 36 capsules a day.
Defense uses a Tsi-Ahga mushroom conk combined with some herbal anti-cancer ingredients. It is excellent for knocking out tumors. For instance, within three days of taking just 1/4th of a capsule twice daily, the cat's tumor started making dramatic changes. Then on the fifth day, more changes -- the tumor began disintegrating. It turns out that the tumor actually liquidized and leaked out onto the driveway where the cat was lying in the sun. This was after 2 years of using Graviola and other natural supplements that had not been successful in stopping the cancer.
Energetic testing for its cancer fighting ability puts Defense at 378.
The four main ingredients in “ Defense are Black Cumin, Muscadine Grape Seed, the Native American Sacred herb “Tsi-Ahga” and Allicin-Release Product (ARP) from garlic.  Each one is demonstrated in scientific research to strengthen, support and modulate the immune response in different ways. 
Garlic extracts have been used for thousands of years successfully to aid in a wide variety of conditions. Allicin is the natural defense mechanism of the garlic plant that science has proven to be effective as a defense for us as well.  Some research-supported actions of Allicin are:  reduces blood pressure, kills microscopic organisms, poisonous bacteria, parasites and fungal infections, aids in preventing neoplasm, reduces high blood cholesterol, removes heavy metals and other toxins, scavenges and removes free radicals, repairs immune system cells by providing high sulfur compounds, and increases blood circulation.
Even though Allicin was discovered in 1944, its volatility means that most garlic based products contain hardly any Allicin. Using a patented process, Defense has pure allicin in it that is stabilized and effective. The amount found in two capsules of “Defense” is equivalent to eating 45 bulbs of garlic!
Black Cumin has impressive scientific research behind it that shows it stimulates the bone marrow to produce immune cells, increases interferon production, protects the body against viruses and inhibits infection.  Black Cumin has also been proven effective against the development of cancer. 
The Cancer Immuno-Biology Laboratory of South Carolina ran a series of experiments in which mice were infected with tumor cells.  Two thirds of the animals treated with Black Cumin oil were still alive thirty days after being infected.  In contrast, ALL of the mice that did not receive Black Cumin treatment died within thirty days.
The makers of Defense use a patented process to turn the black cumin oil into a powder without losing any of the essential phytonutrients found in the oil. In its capsule form it is much easier to take than the oil. It is the highest quality cumin, organically grown in Egypt.
Tsi-Ahga is a Native American Medicine derived from conks that grow on certain cone-bearing trees.  The Beta-3D-glucans which make up part of the cellular structure of these Conks cause a modulation of T-Cells, Macrophages and Neutrophil White Blood Cells, when ingested.  In fact, it has been established that the number and viability of these particular cells is increased by as much as 4000% within 20 hours after taking Tsi-Ahga!  
Macrophages and Neutrophils are the two cells upon which all other immune cells depend.  You can have many viable B-Cells and T-Cells, but they will not be effective without the programming provided by these macrophage and neutrophil “Communicator” cells. Tsi-Ahga also contains bitter triterpene compounds that support the thymus and spleen (essential to insuring that immune cells are properly programmed), anti-tumor polysaccharides, blood pressure-reducing angiotensin re-uptake inhibitors, and perhaps the highest source of germanium in nature.  Germanium is an oxygen catalyst, and one of the most powerful free-radical scavengers found in nature.
Muscadine Grape Seed contains higher levels of antioxidants than blackberries, black raspberries, blueberries, cranberries, red raspberries, and strawberries.  This finding was established in the early 1990s by Mississippi State University, as well as by the National Institutes of Health.  Because it is so much higher in antioxidants, Muscadine Grape Seed protects and restores immune function resulting in a wide variety of protection throughout the body.
Defense is a good cancer fighter. Relatively inexpensive too. Use four capsules a day for early stage cancersto six capsules a day, 2 or 3 bottles a month.
Herbs (and more)That Fight Cancer
I've had too many people tell me what nutritional supplements they were taking for their cancer. Where the supplements they mention, to my consternation, just weren't strong enough to vigorously fight cancer. A lot of those supplements were herbs, vitamins and minerals. Some juices. We'll start out this section by giving you the Energetic Testing results for a lot them. So you'll have a better idea what may work better, and what isn't so effective.
Some good quality herbs known to boost the immune system response do not test all that strong individually for cancer. In the 30 to 40 range of the energetic testing were Golden Seal, Pau d'Arco or Teehebo, Echinacea, Green Tea and Green Tea Extract. Cat's Claw comes in just a hair better at 55. Still nothing to get excited about.
PawPaw comes in at 110Graviola used therapeutically at 120Gerson protocol at 120Hoxley tonic at 132Essaic teas varied in quality from 120 to 320. The best Chinese herbs for fighting cancer, if you are fortunate enough to run across someone who knows what they are doing, energetically test at 324 for fighting cancer. The highly touted fermented wheat germ product is also good, a 321.
Ellagic Acid Formula with Graviola*
A few years ago an acquaintance told me story after story of people with cancer experiencing quick and dramatic improvement in their condition using Ellagic Acid. Such as a woman with stage 4 breast cancer virtually going into remission in two weeks. Now I don't know why the breast cancer disappeared that fast, but there is research showing that Ellagic acid has potent anti-cancer properties.
The Hollings Cancer Center has conducted extensive research on Ellagic acid. Their past nine years of study have shown that ellagic acid in the test tube, is causing G-arrest within 48 hours (inhibiting and stopping mitosis-cancer cell division), and apoptosis (normal cell death) within 72 hours, for breast, pancreas, esophageal, skin, colon and prostate cancer cells.
Clinical tests show that ellagic acid prevents the destruction of the p53 gene by cancer cells. Additional studies suggest that one of the mechanisms by which ellagic acid inhibits mutagenesis and carcinogenesis is by forming adducts with DNA, thus hiding binding sites on the DNA from the mutagen or carcinogen.
Dr. Daniel Nixon, MUSC, began studying ellagic acid in 1993. His recently published results show:
* Cervical cancer cells - HPV (human papilloma virus) exposed to ellagic acid experienced apoptosis (normal cell death).
* Ellagic acid leads to G1 arrest of cancer cells, thus inhibiting and stopping mitosis (cancer cell division).
* Ellagic acid prevents destruction of the P53 gene by cancer cells. P53 is regarded as the safeguard of mutagenic activity in cervical cells.
* Tests reveal similar results for breast, pancreas, esophageal, skin, colon and prostate cancer cells.
Ellagic acid has also been shown to inhibit the initiation of tumors in many types of cancer. It acts as a scavenger, and binds to cancer causing chemicals to make them inactive. It even prevents their binding to DNA and thus has been shown to reduce the incidence of cancer in human cells exposed to carcinogens.
Ellagic Formula with Graviola has high amounts of Ellagic acid and several other antioxidants with proven anti-cancer properties. While individually on there own these anti-oxidants are not that valuable, as a group they do provide some benefit. These are:
OPC's from grapes seed extract and Resveratrol from the grape skin both have been shown to be quite potent. Resveratrol in particular has been heavily researched. Not only does it inhibit the growth of cancer cells, but it can cause cancerous cells to revert back to normal, and helps prevent them from turning cancerous in the first place.
Green tea extract, which has long been known to fight cancer and heart disease. In addition the formula contains recommended amounts of most of the major antioxidant vitamins including Selenium and Vitamin E which protect against cancer and heart disease.
How well does this formula work?
One health food store owner says she has never seen anything work better against cancer. She tells of the story of a 90 year old man with prostate cancer which had spread to thebones. On his own he started taking 21 capsules a day. In a few months his cancer was gone. He was alive and in good health 3 years later. Not bad for a 90 year old man.
To make this formula even better, an extract from a rainforest tree is included. Graviola. There is a very interesting story behind Graviola. In 1976 a billion dollar drug company started investigating Graviola's cancer fighting properties. They found 2 phytochemicals in it that were:  
  • 10,000 times more toxic to colon cancer cells than a common chemo drug
  • Lethal to 12 different kinds of malignant cells, including lung, prostate, and breast cancers
  • Extremely safe as it protects healthy cells instead of killing them
  • Something that doesn't cause extreme nausea or hair loss
  • A treatment that doesn't make cancer patients drop huge amounts of weight, get weak, or compromise their immune systems
Of course, this is just in test tube research.
Does the drug company tell the world? Nope. Instead, the company sends researchers into the lab to isolate the natural chemicals so they can crank out a patented, prescription version of the drug.  They do this for seven years before they finally give up... the synthesized version just wasn't working. (And you can't patent natural compounds -- it's against the law.)
So what do they do next? Instead of publishing their findings, they box up the research and put it away to collect dust. However, research on Graviola did continue, though it took a couple of decades for it to do so. Purdue University, funded by the NCI and NIH, has done a good deal of it. In 1997 they reported that the Amonaceous acetogenins found in Graviola: "not only are effective in killing tumors that have proven resistant to anti-cancer agents, but also seem to have a special affinity for such resistant cells."
These cells resist drugs by developing a pump that pushes the drug out the cell before it can kill it. Graviola inhibits the production of ATP so that cells cannot produce as much energy. While this may does not cause a problem in normal cells, it wrecks havoc on the cancer cells with pumps because of their high energy requirements.
What I like best about energetically testing supplements for their cancer fighting ability, is that this can help separate out the poor quality supplements from the good supplements. And let you know what might be just good, though it sounds great. Ellagic acid with Graviola formulation tests good, at 384 when used in the therapeutic amounts. One bottle contains 180 capsules and a high therapeutic amount would be using 18 to 24 capsules daily, 3 to 4 bottles monthly.
Seasonal Rescue
Seasonal Rescue supports and enhances the ability of the liver, kidneys and lymph system to detoxify. More importantly, at the same time it boosts the immune system to fight infections and cancer. It works better than most of your typical supplements as it tests at 380 for fighting cancer in our energetic testing. An added advantage is its ability to support detoxification too.
Use 3 bottles a month for early stage cancers, 4 per month for advanced cancers and 5 per month for very advanced cancers.
Ingredients: Schizandra, Lavender Flower, Jamaican Dogwood, Lime Flower, Astragalus, Anise Seed, Suma, Cats Claw, Zinc Citrate, Caraway Seed, Myrrh, Cinnamon Bark, Nutmeg, Vitamin C, Echinacea, Golden Seal, Hyssop, Turmeric, Wasabi Japonica, and Cayenne. One bottle supplies 180 tablets.
Whole Food Based Immune System Support
Bovine colostrum supplements have been touted for years as excellent immune system booster. As usual there is a range of quality and effectiveness. Energetic testing puts the lesser quality colostrum supplements at around 40. The good quality ones are significantly better at 120. Better still are the transfer factor colostrum supplements. These come in close to 200in healing power. Below are a couple of colostrum supplements with the highest energetic testing we could find. Significantly stronger. The combination of using both is so powerful, they become one of the top things to take to fight cancer.
Vitamin D3 Plus
Getting enough Vitamin D is vital for fighting cancer. In fact, a lack of it may contribute to cancer. There is more cancer (and MS) in the higher latitudes of the North because weaker sunlight produces less vitamin D. Vitamin D has been used to treat breast, prostate and other cancers. Vitamin D is really not a vitamin. In fact, it is a steroid hormone, with a wide array of bioactive properties.
Vitamin D’s link to certain cancers have been tested and confirmed in more than 200 epidemiological studies, and understanding of its physiological basis stems from more than 2,500 laboratory studies, according to epidemiologist Cedric Garland, professor of family and preventive medicine at the UC San Diego School of Medicine.
Dr. Garland is regarded as the top epidemiologist on vitamin D and its relation to health. He led one of the latest studies on vitamin D for cancer prevention and his results, which were published in the Annals of Epidemiology, were nothing short of astonishing. Garland wrote:
“It is projected that raising the minimum year-around serum 25(OH)D [vitamin D] level to 40-60 ng/ml would prevent approximately 58,000 new cases of breast cancer and 49,000 new cases of colorectal cancer each year, and three quarters of deaths from these diseases, in the US and Canada.”
He proposed a new model of cancer development -- dubbed DINOMIT -- that is centered on a loss of cancer cells' ability to stick together. According to Dr. Garland:

"The first event in cancer is loss of communication among cells due to, among other things, low vitamin D and calcium levels. In this new model, we propose that this loss may play a key role in cancer by disrupting the communication between cells that is essential to healthy cell turnover, allowing more aggressive cancer cells to take over."
• Some 600,000 cases of breast and colorectal cancers could be prevented each year if vitamin D levels among populations worldwide were increased, according to previous research by Dr. Garland and colleagues.

• Optimizing your vitamin D levels could help you to prevent at least 16 different types of cancer including pancreatic, lung, ovarian, prostate, and skin cancers.

• A large-scale, randomized, placebo-controlled study on vitamin D and cancer showed that vitamin D can cut overall cancer risk by as much as 60 percent! This was such groundbreaking news that the Canadian Cancer Society has actually begun endorsing the vitamin as a cancer-prevention therapy.

• Light-skinned women who had high amounts of long-term sun exposure had half the risk of developing advanced breast cancer (cancer that spreads beyond your breast) as women with lower amounts of regular sun exposure, according to a study in the American Journal of Epidemiology.

• A study by Dr. William Grant, Ph.D., internationally recognized research scientist and vitamin D expert, found that about 30 percent of cancer deaths -- which amounts to 2 million worldwide and 200,000 in the United States -- could be prevented each year with higher levels of vitamin D.

Some health practitioners recommend 4000 to as much as 10,000 units a day on an ongoing basis. And some recommend 50,000 units a day for short periods of time like when your are fighting cancer.. Most people don't get enough vitamin D from the sun, even in the south. Vitamin D Emulsified Forte is the best source for a supplement because of its increased absorption and assimilation. Also, it is very easy to take. One drop supplies 2000 IU.
Energetic Testing puts Vitamin D3 Plus --an emulsified vitamin D3 for better absorption that uses organic oils and a stable coconut oil so that it doesn't go rancid -- at 440 for its cancer fighting abilities when used at 10,000 units every day. This would be 5 drops and each bottle supplies about 520 drops so a bottle lasts months. Because it is very inexpensive, and because it can benefit virtually everyone, everyone fighting cancer should be using this.
These products comprise some of the top tier of the immune supporting cancer fighting supplements.
Cancer Strategy #6: Kill Candida Yeast Infections
The two best supplements that fight Candida and cancer are CandElim and CandiClear5. CandiClear5 is particularly good for Colon Cancers.
CandElim is based on two types of proven candida (and cancer) fighters.
  1. Small amounts of essential oils specially processed, supercharged and combined with additional energies.
  2. An energetic frequency enhanced water elixir that disrupted and killed candida without causing much die off.
For several years some of the top pathogen and cancer fighters -- killing bad bacteria, viruses, mycoplasma, candida or other fungal infections, and cancer, were essential oil elixirs such as Azovin, and Zernix . They use a combination of specially processed essential oils made using unique patent pending methods that greatly enhance their effectiveness in the body. So much so that only small amounts are used. These are combined with specific energetic vibrational frequencies that on their own disrupt and kill candida. These work synergistically with the essential oils to increase their effectiveness. They also boost the immune system response so that it will more effectively fight candida.
Not only were all the energies in the second supplement, Custom Elixir Y, used to make CandElim, but many more vibrational frequencies were added to it. And then a much more potent laser technology was used to concentrate and stabilize the frequencies in the water.
Deactivate Candida Spores.
The reason candida is so hard to get rid of is that when you've had chronic candida your body is loaded with candida spores. Spores are released by candida as part of their reproductive cycle. They grow into new candida when the time is right. You can kill all your active candida, but as soon as conditions again become optimal for candida, those spores activate, and back comes your candida.
CandElim stops this process. Once it deactivates the candida spores, they won't be creating more candida in your body at the first chance. CandElim stops this process. Once it deactivates the candida spores, they won't be creating more candida in your body at the first chance. At long last, you may be able to get rid of your candida -- and keep it gone.

CandElim attacks candida everywhere in the body, preventing the yeast from going dormant, where they hide out from the immune system and candida-killing herbs.
Once you've wiped out the active candida overgrowth, killed the dormant candida in your body, deactivated the candida spores, and replenished the intestinal flora -- it becomes MUCH harder for candida to overgrow and wreck havoc in your body.
The main ingredient in CandiClear5 is a special organic fossilized freshwater Phytoplankton that shreds up any parasites and candida that come in contact with it. It does a superb job of killing candida and is excellent for cancer. Plus, its porous structure absorbs toxins and waste debris to help reduce die-off symptoms from the candida kill-off. You get a large amount, 10 grams, of phytoplankton per 20 gram serving. The other main ingredient in CandiClear5 is Zeolite powder with 4.6 grams per serving. Zeolite attracts and absorbs mercury and other heavy metals, helps absorb other toxins, and increases pH levels - which inhibits the growth of candida. And of course it kills cancer cells.
400 mg per serving Vitamin C which helps keep disease-fighting white blood cells up and running so that the body is better able to stave off candida infections.
60 mg Vitamin B6 with P5P. Candida tends to obstruct Vitamin B6 absorption so increased B6 in the diet is important to help maintain mental and physical health
It also includes a proprietary blend of 5400 mg per serving of 14 other ingredients with immune boosting, candida killing and anti-inflammatory properties including:
Xylitol, a sweetener that does not feed candida, but actually has proven ability to kill it.
Organic Burdock RootOrganic CinnamonBarley Grass concentrate 10:1, Broccoli Sprout concentrate, Parsley concentrate 4:1, Astragalus 5:1, the very important Russian Alagan 10% DHQ that is fights candida, Polycil humic and fulvic acid formula. All of these boost the immune system response against candida, or directly kill candida. Aulterra powder is added to increase the absorption of these ingredients in your body. Apple Cider Vinegar powder is a new addition that makes it even more effective. It's pH balancing action is valuable for cancer too.
It is NOT FOR DOGS as they should not eat xylitol. Xylitol is a sweetener that does not feed cancer.
The zeolite powder and fossilized marine phytoplankton in CandiClear5 both kill cancer cells and aid the detoxification process. For fighting cancer, CandiClear5 energetically tests at 863. It is especially valuable for colon, stomach and rectal cancers where more of the fossilized phytoplankton and zeolite powder will be working on the cancer.
Even the baking soda and water will help, though not as well orally as the pH Balancer 8.0. Here's a bit more on that story.
One Italian doctor, Dr. Tullio Simoncini, has a theory that all cancer is caused by candida. The candida fungus forms a vital role in cancer's ability to survive. Candida makes toxins that impair the apoptosis process, which allows cells to become cancerous. And they intertwine with tumors, protecting them with a positively charged acid glue that holds candida (and the tumors) together.
His original solution, drink a teaspoon of baking soda (bicarbonate of soda) in a glass of water half an hour before every meal. It pulls acids out of the cancer cells, and neutralizes the acid glue holding the candida together. Without the candida to protect the cancer, cancers self-destruct.
This is simple and cheap. As we mentioned before, it comes in at 142 for fighting cancer in our energetic testing. He reported many remissions using this procedure. Now a few doctors in Italy inject pharmaceutical grade bicarbonate of soda into tumors - with better results. Tumors can disappear within days or weeks. His breast cancer protocol call for surrounding a breast tumor with up to 120 cc of 5% sodium bicarbonate solution daily if tolerated. After several sessions most local cancers are gone. A lot better than surgery! Energetic testing puts this procedure at a very good 431.
For distant cancers use IV's to get it into the body. 500 cc of a 5% bicarbonate solution over about one hour. Best if it is in an artery leading to the tumor. Unfortunately, you're not likely to be able to get your oncologist to try either of these.
If you aren't taking the more potent pH Balancer 8.0, make sure you are taking a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water about half an hour before each meal.
If you have no money at all, you can increase the potency by using 2 teaspoons of baking soda in a quart of water. Drink 5 quarts a day of this mixture. 230. (And make sure you are eating about a cup of freshly ground up flax seeds daily blended in an equal amount or more of cottage cheese or yogurt.) 201 in our energetic testing.
So you may not need to take any additional supplements for candida if you are taking the OxyDHQ and pH Balancer 8.0 or doing the baking soda regime. However, candida overgrowth and chemotherapy both kill off your friendly bacteria. Lack of friendly bacteria allows the candida to quickly and easily regrow. Friendly bacteria may be involved in as much as 70% to 80% of your immune system response. Getting these friendly bacteria back into your system right away, or at the very least a bit later on, is important to do. The probiotic we like the best for this is...
This probiotic, unlike most probiotics, is able to kill Candida, and does an excellent job of recolonizing the intestinal tract with 15 billion friendly bacteria per capsule. Even in the presence of candida. There are estimated to be one hundred trillion bacteria living inside the human intestine including 500 different species. This number amounts to more than TEN TIMES the number of cells you have in your whole body. These bacteria together weigh two to three pounds and could be considered your first organ of defense against disease.
Most of these bacteria are referred to as "good" but others provide little or no benefit. The ideal balance between them is 85% good and 15% "other". If the "others" numbers grow too large, you're not going to feel great and candida yeast or other harmful bacteria will overgrow and cause all types of health issues. This is why it is so important to help the “good” numbers stay high.
TotalFlora15 brings together two of the most widely accepted groups of probiotics - the Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium species. They work together to maintain a balance of "good" bacteria within your digestive tract.
Also added to this combination is the Streptococcus Thermophilus, a highly versatile fast acting strain of friendly bacteria that also acts as a free radical scavenger. This additional strain works hand in hand with the 10 strains of Lactobacillus and four from the Bifidobacterium family to kick start a good bacteria bloom that promotes healthy intestinal function, and works with your immune system to inhibit candida overgrowth.
For maintenance use 2 capsules daily from this 60 capsule bottle. To fight candida double the amount to 4 capsules daily. Energetic testing puts TotalFlora15 at 324 for its ability to deal with cancer and 643for its ability to deal with candida.
Cancer Strategy #7 - Reduce Toxicity & Support Detox Organs
Toxicity is certainly one of main underlying causes of cancer. If fact, if you have cancer, your body is toxic. Dead cancer cells are highly toxic. To protect your health, ease detoxification symptoms, and to better fight cancer, you need to detoxify and to support your detoxification organs so they don't get overwhelmed.
As with the candida strategy above, a couple of the top cancer fighters in this report happen to be two of the best detoxifiers you can get. That would be the OxyDHQ and zeolite, both Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ and Zeolite Powder. OxyDHQ creates oxygen which is a powerful detoxifier. In fact it's detoxification power is the main reason you need to start taking OxyDHQ in smaller doses and gradually increase dosage size till you get to the full dosage.
And the very core of what zeolite does is that it first absorbs toxins, including the hard to get rid of heavy metals. It grabs hold of them and carries them out of the body without your liver having to handle them. As OxyDHQ an Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ are two of the most important supplements to use for fighting cancer, this section is going to focus more on detoxification organ support, helping your body deal with the dead cancer cells, which are highly toxic, and the toxic overload from chemotherapy.
Let's start by suggesting a supplement for cleaning out the colon. This is especially important for colon cancer. It was first mentioned in the Oxygenation Strategy. O3Right. Not only does it create oxygen in the colon which can help with the fight against colon or rectal cancer, but it softens any crud on the intestinal wall so that the magnesium in it can move it out of the body. Use a bottle a month. For cleaning out the colon, energetic testing comes in at 439 for O3Right.
PapayaPro, covered in the enzyme section, is actually the best product to use to help the body deal with dead cancer cells. It helps to digest these dead cells so that the liver, kidneys, and lymph system do not have to do so. In addition, it will help to bring down tumor size more quickly as it digests the dead cells in the tumors. (It digests live cells too.) So it is most important when tumors are causing dysfunction or pain. In these cases use 4 containers a month. Normally 1 to 3 bottles a month are suggested, depending on how much detoxification support the body needs. Energetic testing for PapayaPro is 1640 for its detoxification action of digesting dead cancer cells, the highest detoxification score we have tested..
UltraLiver12, Liver Balance Plus, Kidney Rescue and Custom Elixir LS
UltraLIver12 is the best herbal support for the liver we have tested. It builds upon the established antioxidant combination of alpha-lipoid acid, silymarin and selenium originally developed by Burt Berkson M.D. for the highly successful treatment of hepatitis C and acute liver degeneration.  It brings together therapeutic levels of these 3 much researched hepato-protective nutrients, in their most effective and absorbable forms, with the addition of 5 other liver protective antioxidants including a patented CoQ10 from Germany.
In addition to antioxidants, UltraLiver12 provides cell membrane stabilizing agents, bile secretion enhancing compounds and nutrients that prevent depletion of endogenous antioxidants such as glutathione.None of the ingredients in UltraLiver12 are used in Liver Balance Plus so these two products form a good combo for liver detoxification support. Best results come from using 3 bottles of UltraLIver12 per month, that's 9 capsules a day. As with all herbs, best to take with meals, but can be done anytime. UltraLive12 is the herb formulation of preference to use when there is cancer in the liver.
UltraLiver12 does kill cancer cells as it contains Reishi Mushroom which boosts the immune system response against cancer. So if you need to prevent the inflammation that occurs when your immune system kills cancer cells, use Nymsar instead. (And also Liver Balance Plus.)
Liver Balance Plus and Kidney Rescue are herbal formulas that are designed to work together to support the function of these two organs. If you are embarking on a cancer fighting program which will detoxify your body, taking both the Liver Balance Plus and the Kidney Rescue will help you avoid some of the detoxification symptoms. Best results come from using 3 to 4 bottles of Liver Balance Plus per month, 24 to 32 tablets a day, and 2 to 3 bottles of Kidney Rescue a month, 12 to 18 tablets a day. Less can be used. Liver Balance Plus is usually suggested when there is no cancer in the liver, but when additional liver support is needed. Kidney Rescue is usually needed when there is a problem with the kidneys, or cancer in the kidneys.
For very poor functioning kidneys, Kidney Rescue along with the EC-15 elixir combo work very well together to improve kidney function.
Custom Elixir LS comes in 2 ounce dropper bottles which supply energetic frequencies which signal your body to improve and balance the flow of your lymph system. But it does more. It delivers energies to your body that improve the efficiency of the lymph system. That increase its ability to detoxify, and to get rid of more toxins. Use 2 to 3 bottles a month for best results.
Energetic testing puts the value each has for supporting detoxification and helping the body deal with dead cancer cells and the toxins from chemotherapy at: Liver Balance Plus - 394UltraLiver12 - 670,Kidney Rescue - 329, and Custom Elixir LS is 465 when your cancer is not in the lymph system - 620 when cancer is in your lymph system.
The energetic vibrational frequencies concentrated in Nymsar, using the same unique and proprietary technology used to make PrugX, deliver instructions to your body that support the liver and reduce inflammation too. Originally developed to help reduce candida die off and allergic responses, it is proving to be one of the most important supplements to be using when you are fighting cancer -- especially when you must avoid inflammation so that a tumor does not swell up more. In this case, you would use Nymsar rather than UltraLiver12. It could be used along with UltraLiver12 too, if needed.
The energies in Nymsar support the liver so that it can function better. In addition, they also improve cellular detoxification. Thanks to the new technology being used to make it, Nymsar is considerably stronger than previous elixirs that supported detoxification, Custom Elixir DOS and the Detox Elixir. And with its additional ability to reduce inflammation, it is particularly good to use when cancer is in the liver. Energetic testing on Nymsar puts it at 2200 in healing power.
Next let's introduce you to two supplements that replenish your body's main cellular detoxifier and anti-oxidant -- glutathione. Your liver also uses a great deal of glutathione to neutralize toxins.
Glutathione Specialist
When you have a build-up of toxins in your body, as you do with cancer - and especially if you have had or are receiving chemotherapy, the glutathione levels in your cells (and liver) become depleted, and toxins build up in your body. This is because glutathione is your body's primary cellular detoxifier and antioxidant. Your liver uses it too. Depleted levels always occur with chronic ill health situations like cancer.
Glutathione is an amino acid, and thus is available in vitamins. Unfortunately, especially for something this important, free glutathione as a supplement is not absorbed by your cells. Whether you take it in pill form or via injections, almost none gets into your cells or the liver. For years health practitioners have tried to come up with a way to get glutathione into cells. The only solution available before liposomal Glutathione, was to consume undenatured whey protein like ImmunoPro or RenewPro. The amino acids in this type of whey can be used by the body to make glutathione. However, this process works slowly and requires that you be able to properly digest the proteins.
Liposomal Glutathione has changed all this.The glutathione is hidden inside healthy fat molecules that the cells love to consume. Consequently, glutathione gets pulled inside the cells without being broken down, where it can do its work of neutralizing toxins. I consider it a real breakthrough in detoxification, for any situation where toxins must be eliminated from the cells like autism, Parkinson's, MS, and other autoimmune diseases. Using Liposomal Glutathione, you can more rapidly and effectively detoxify your cells then you can with any other product.
Using Glutathione is probably most important if you are suffering from nausea and other side effects of chemotherapy. While Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ is known to have helped with this issue, Glutathione Specialist can make a real difference with this. It has been frequency enhanced to make the glutathione even more effective. Energetic testing puts it's ability to help deal with the side effects of chemotherapy at 880.
The more you use, the faster the results. If someone is vomiting constantly from chemotherapy, then using 9 bottles over a 3 week period is appropriate to use to more rapidly take the chemo toxins out of the body.
Along with immune boosting action, Quzu tells your body to produce more glutathione. And to get it into your cells. Fundamentally, this is a much stronger action than taking a supplement that supplies glutathione, like Glutathione Specialist. However, it is not as fast acting. You read about this elixir in the Immune section. If you have nausea and vomiting from chemo toxins, you need something fast acting so use Liposomal Glutathione. Otherwise, Quzu is the better way to go. And in addition, the additional energies in Quzu make it one of the strongest cancer fighters there is.
Supporting the liver and kidneys will help to minimize detoxification side effects and be a significant help in detoxifying your body. The kidneys flush waste toxins from the body. Every muscle, organ, bone and tissue you have depends on the kidneys to keep them free from corrosive salts and chemicals. The liver filters and cleans the blood, breaks down toxic substances including dead cancer cells, and tries to deal with the overwhelming amount of chemicals and toxins we are exposed to when battling cancer.
Next we take a look at free radical scavengers which will include a unique elixir that is testing as the one of the most important cancer fighter there is.

Cancer Strategy #8 - Free Radical Scavengers
Free radical damage from toxins plays such a fundamental role in the development of cancer, it is no wonder some of the first supplements people think of taking for fighting cancer are free radical scavenging vitamins. Unfortunately, most of them are just okay at best.
Energetic testing comes in at 43 for high dose vitamin C supplementation. Super high doses where you take as much as bowel tolerance allows come in a bit better at 64. A course of intravenous vitamin C sessions at much higher doses does better, 245. Good, but not near as good as many of the supplements covered in this report. By the way, another popular vitamin treatment for cancer vitamin B17 or Laetrile energetically tests very close to this, at 247, when used in the correct dosages. Eating optimal amounts of apricot pits comes in at 127.
When used in therapeutic doses, Vitamin E energetically tests at 30 for its value in fighting cancer. Vitamin A - 40. The commonly sold grape seed extract is around 40 also. Alpha Lipoic Acid - 60. Resveratrol - 120Selenium, which acts both as a free radical scavenger, and as a mineral that helps prevent cells from turning cancerous is considerably stronger at 200. Many of these vitamins are inEllagic Formula with Graviola covered in the immune supplements.
There is a well known cancer supplement whose claim to fame is its high anti-oxidant value. Again unfortunately, energetic testing puts Proto... or Can... at a good but not great level of 249. High qualitypycnogenol energetically tests much higher, 421. Which is why we've heard reports of it knocking out cancers on its own. A slightly better version is the European sourced Health First Grape Seed Extract. It comes in at 489 when used in high therapeutic doses.
However, the top supplements for fighting cancer works in a different way than antioxidants for cancer and free radical fighting -- even stronger than their sister elixirs BLA and BLA Enhancer -- are elixirs that stop cancer cells from causing free radical damage to nearby friendly cells. They are called...
PrugX and PrugX Enhancer
Research done by Michael Lisanti MD at the Kimmel Cancer Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania found that cancer cells produce and release a lot of hydrogen peroxide, which damage nearby healthy cells in the tissues called fibroblasts. Hydrogen peroxide causes free radical damage which destroys their vital mitochondria enzymes so they can no longer produce energy using oxygen and must switch to using glycolysis or fermentation of sugars to produce energy.
Cells are known to produce hydrogen peroxide, for example, to signal the immune system to heal wounds. However cancer cells keep producing hydrogen peroxide and don't turn off.
When Dr. Lisanti and his team cultured breast cancer cells alongside fibroblasts for five days, they spotted the cancer cells releasing hydrogen peroxide on day 2. By day 5, most free radicals generated by the hydrogen peroxide were found inside the fibroblasts. After that, the team found there was a reduction in mitochondrial activity in those fibroblasts, and an increase in glucose uptake by the fibroblasts – a sign of glycolysis.
While there are several theories as to the reason why cancer cells produce and release this hydrogen peroxide, the simplest explanation is that the cancer cells are using hydrogen peroxide to cause healthy cells to become cancerous. This may be one way that cancer spreads. At the very least, these damaged fibroblasts would be producing more lactic acid so that the micro-environment around cancer cells is more favorable to the development of cancer. Another way to look at it is that cancer cells are seeds that need the correct micro-environment in which to grow. “What we’re now saying is that the hydrogen peroxide is the fertilizer,” says Lisanti.
PrugX was developed to take advantage of this hydrogen peroxide production and release that Dr. Lisanti observed. Just as the energies in BLA are able to tell cancer cells to stop the elimination of lactic acid, the energies in PrugX tell the cancer cells not to release the hydrogen peroxide they produce. This causes the hydrogen peroxide to build up in the cancer cells. And as it builds up, it kills them. PrugX on its own tests as one of the highest rated cancer fighter -- coming in at 12,500. Use 3, 4 or 6 bottles per month.
PrugX Enhancer
The fundamental action caused by PrugX is a buildup of free radical oxides in cancer cells which would sooner or later kill those cancer cells unless the cancer cell is able to neutralize this buildup of free radicals by producing antioxidants -- which they are able to do.
In fact research has shown that one reason cancer cells may become resistant to chemotherapy is that they begin to produce more antioxidants. This tends to happen more with cancer cells as they metastasize and become stage 4 cancers. Some types of cancer, like pancreatic cancer, naturally produce more antioxidants which is quite likely the reason that pancreatic cancer is is difficult to defeat.
One possible conclusion of this research is that taking antioxidants is likely to be protective of cancer cells, especially in advanced cancers. Antioxidants, of course, also help protect your normal cells from the chemo toxins.
Traditional thinking is that antioxidants prevent damage to DNA from oxygen radicals and that this is good -- which of course it is in normal cells. But, argues Nobel prize winning geneticist James Watson, we want oxygen radicals in cancer cells because this can cause the cancer cells to die. Taking antioxidants might be preventing cancer drugs from destroying cancer cells. Instead, he recommends patients combine anti-antioxidants with cancer drugs. In other words, take something that destroys antioxidants or prevents their creation.
This is even more important an issue in advanced cancers. Watson writes, “In light of the recent data strongly hinting that much of late-stage cancer’s untreatability may arise from its possession of too many antioxidants, the time has come to seriously ask whether antioxidant use much more likely causes than prevents cancer.”
I am not to saying to refrain from taking antioxidants when you don’t have cancer. These include Beta carotene, Vitamins C, A, E and Selenium. They may indeed be needed for their cancer preventative, anti-aging health promoting capabilities. But when you have an advanced cancer, and especially when you are using a supplement like PrugX that causes free radical oxide damage to cancer cells, it is best to stay away from taking antioxidants.
What is naturally in your diet will not be a problem when using PrugX. Supplements are. Because oral vitamin C is an antioxidant , you should avoid taking it. Intravenous vitamin C therapy is not a problem. It is a pro-oxidant drug that helps produce hydrogen peroxide, which targets neoplastic cells while leaving normal cells unharmed. It is not powerful enough to be able to stop advanced cancers, but will work synergistically with PrugX.
An alternative way to prevent chemotherapy from damaging healthy cells would be to support the liver so that it can get rid of the chemo toxins as it is supposed to do. It is primarily when chemo toxins are not eliminated by the liver and build up in cells that they harm the cells. So strong liver support is very important when chemotherapy is being used.
It is a little more complex than this -- as often liver support supplements contain antioxidants as the primary support mechanisms. UltraLiver12 is one such supplement. While it currently is the very best liver support supplement we have seen, and we have recommended it for use with cancers when swelling is not an issue, because it is high in antioxidants as we update this site we will no longer be recommending it when cancer is present. This is especially the case when PrugX is also being used as it works by causing free radical oxide damage to cancer cells. . Liver Balance Plus is the better liver support product to use as it very low in antioxidants.
So... the reason PrugX doesn’t knock out cancer cells quickly and powerfully in all cases is that cancer cells are able to neutralize the buildup of hydrogen peroxide in them -- to the degree that they are able to produce antioxidants. Or to the extent that someone is taking antioxidants as these would be helping the cancer cells neutralize the free radical oxides Prugx causes.
Enter PrugX Enhancer. This frequency enhanced water elixir delivers messages to the body that reduce the ability of cancer cells to produce antioxidants.
This action greatly increases the ability of the hydrogen peroxide to damage cancer cells because there will be fewer antioxidants in cancer cells neutralizing the oxides. This action is very significant. The cancer fighting power of using both PrugX and PrugX Enhancer is double what it is for PrugX alone, jumping up to 25,600 in our testing.
PrugX Enhancer does more than turning off the ability of cancer cells to produce antioxidants. It also contains instructions directing the free radical oxides in hydrogen peroxide to enter the nucleus of the cancer cell so that it can better destroy it.
In addition, there are instructions to damage all energy production capabilities in the cancer cells. This would work to starve the cancer cells of energy, causing them to die.
Because of this action, Prugx Enhancer prevents or reduces the likelihood of cancer cells metastasizing. Turns out that most cancer cells that move away from the original tumor starve to death. They are not able to produce enough energy to survive on their own. The cells that are able to produce enough energy to survive are the ones that spread the cancer throughout the body.
Because of the instructions in PrugX Enhancer focusing the hydrogen peroxide on damaging the energy producing capability of cancer cells, it is less likely that a cancer would be able to metastasize.
Use 3 bottles a month of both Prugx and PrugX Enhancer for early stage cancers, 4 bottles a month of both for advanced cancers, and 6 bottles a month of each for very advanced cancers.
In almost all cases, except where there is a very slow growing cancer such as a prostate cancer that is not aggressive and has not spread, (as slow growing cells would not be producing a significant amount of hydrogen peroxide) PrugX and PrugX Enhancer are testing as the top two products in effectiveness. Followed by BLA and BLA Enhance. Then PrugX Immune Boost and ESME version C when swelling is not an issue, or ESME version NS when it is.
When PrugX and PrugX Enhancer are used with BLA and BLA Enhancer, cancer cells are poisoning themselves through auto-toxification in two ways -- by the buildup of both lactic acid and hydrogen peroxide. And will die that much faster.
Finally, while PrugX Immune Boost is covered in the Immune System Section, it deserves mention here with the other PrugX products as it works better with PrugX even though it is a top product for fighting cancer without the use of PrugX. The survival of cancer cells in large part lies with their ability to hide from the immune system, or to deregulate the immune system so that it doesn't attack them. Researchers have discovered several ways that cancer cells are able to do just this. PrugX Immune Boost delivers instructions into the body that work to nullify all the various ways cancer cells trick the immune system into ignoring them. It does this so well that on its own, without using PrugX too, it tests at a very high 13,300.
What supercharges PrugX Immune Boost is using it with PrugX and PrugX Enhancer. There are instructions in PrugX Immune Boost that tell the immune system to target cells with high oxidative stress. These will be cancer cells suffering from oxidative stress caused by the buildup of hydrogen peroxide in them. Caused by PrugX and by PrugX Enhanced. This additional way to enable the immune system to target cancer cells makes the combination of PrugX, PrugX Enhancer and PrugX Immune Boost a powerful cancer fighting combination -- testing at 43,400 in healing power for fighting cancer.
As with PrugX and PrugX Enhancer, use 3 bottles a month for early stage cancer, 4 for advanced and as much as 6 bottles a month for aggressive, very advanced cancers.
Health First Grape Seed Extract
At providing antioxidants for cancer, this grape seed extract is 40 to 50 times more potent than the typical grape seed extract sold everywhere. This is because it is made using Masqueleir's third and final patent which utilizes expensive vacuum and low temperature processing to protect the anti-oxidant capabilities of the grape seed. Masqueleir was the researcher who discovered the OPC's in grape seed extract, and researched the many health benefits they provide.
It is highly anti-inflammatory, great for pain relief, the cardiovascular system and cancer. OPC's have a history of being powerful cancer fighters as they protect cells from free radical damage and boost immune response. As reported in PubMed, the conclusion of one study on OPC's and colorectal cancer is: "These data indicate that OPC caused cell death by apoptosis through caspase pathways on human colorectal cancer cell line, SNU-C4."
Most people don't get powerful results using grape seed extract because the extract they use has not been processed correctly so it is largely impotent. And they don't use enough. Even with the highly potent Health First Grape Seed Extract, you have to use a lot when fighting cancer. Use about 12 capsules daily for an early stage cancer, 18 a day for an advanced stage cancer. That's 6 to 9 bottles a month.
Next we are going to take a look at how enzymes could help you beat cancer.
Cancer Strategy #9 - Enzymes & Catabolic Wasting Protocol
Taking a good quality enzyme supplement with meals, one that has high levels of protease to digest protein, lipase to digest fat, and amylase to digest carbohydrates helps break down food in the upper stomach. So that the pancreas doesn't have to produce extra enzymes. Food is better digested. The one we suggest as having the most enzymes for the value is
 P-A-L Plus Digestive Enzymes
A bottle will last 2 months.Also, it is important to take enzymes on an empty stomach. A stack of research shows that enzymes, when taken in this manner, will go into the bloodstream and clean it up. And in the process digest and kill cancer cells. Take both a plant based digestive enzyme along with pancreatic enzymes high in Trypsin and Chymotrypsin for the best results. Take both with meals for improved digestion, and on an empty stomach to get into the body.
This will also unstick clumpy red blood cells. Sticky, clumped up red blood cell clusters clog up capillaries and reduce circulation. So that cells cannot oxygenate properly. Which as you have gathered by now, contributes to cancer.
Cancer tumors produce a thick fibrin protein to help protect them from the immune system. This also helps to stick the cancer tumor to wherever it is.
Enzymes in the bloodstream can digest and dissolve the fibrin coating. Large amounts of enzymes would need to be taken, and they would need to be enzymes high in protease or nattokinase to break down the fibrin.
The pancreatic enzyme protocols for treating cancer make use of large amounts of pancreatic enzymes. They are taken on an empty stomach so they can go into the body to digest cancerous cells. And are taken with meals so that your pancreas doesn't have to produce as many enzymes to digest your food. This allows the pancreas to produce more enzymes to send into the body to fight cancer. The enzymes naturally produced by the body will be more effective than any enzyme supplement. Thus the protocols tend to use more enzymes with meals than taken on on empty stomach.
A bit more potent than the pancreatic enzyme formulations though, with the best one we have found coming in at 298, is a formulation of mature green papaya powder with additional support nutrients. The product is:
The pancreatic enzyme protocols for treating cancer make use of large amounts of pancreatic enzymes. They are taken on an empty stomach so they can go into the body to digest cancerous cells. And are taken with meals so that your pancreas doesn't have to produce as many enzymes to digest your food. This allows the pancreas to produce more enzymes to send into the body to fight cancer. The enzymes naturally produced by the body will be more effective than any enzyme supplement. Thus the protocols tend to use more enzymes with meals than taken on on empty stomach.
In the past we suggested using pancreatic enzymes along with the digestive PhytoBio Enzymes. A bit more potent than the pancreatic enzyme formulations though, with the best one we have found coming in at 298, is a formulation of mature green papaya powder with additional support nutrients. The product is:
The main ingredient in this formula is mature green papaya powder. Papain is the principal and most active enzyme in this powder. Papain possesses a very powerful digestive action superior to pancreatin, or pancreatic enzymes. Changes in intestinal alkalinity or acidity do not interfere with the unique digestive activity of papain. Taken on an empty stomach, it will work more aggressively than even the pancreatic enzymes in attacking and destroying cancer cells.
Taken with a meal, it will also help digestion. Papain, one of the most powerful plant proteolytic enzymes, will aid in protein digestion in an acid, alkaline or neutral medium. This is of vital importance if you are enzyme deficient or have low hydrochloric acid output in the stomach. The pepsin produced in the stomach for protein digestion is activated only in an acid medium. This requires a healthy output of hydrochloric acid which is insufficient in most people. Due to the powerful proteolytic action of papain, a more active digestant than pepsin, a major digestive problem for most people will be helped by the daily ingestion of mature green papaya powder.
The second major cancer fighting ingredient in PapayaPro is Citrus Pectin. It has the potential to prevent metastasis, or the spread of cancer. Modified citrus pectin’s small molecules enter the bloodstream and act as decoys for lectins (cancer cell surface proteins), which are seeking the sugar galactose in cells. When lectins encounter the pectin, which also contains galactose, they attach to it as they would to a cell. Once bound to the pectin, lectins are unable to attach to other sites in the body and start new cancer colonies. Thousands of research studies have demonstrated citris pectin's cancer fighting abilities.
PapayaPro also contains other immune boosting and cancer fighting ingredients such as mangosteen powder that act synergistically with the papaya powder. Use one to two of the 300 gram containers monthly on an empty stomach to fight cancer. Get an extra container if your digestion is poor and you want help breaking down protein. Energetic testing puts PapayaPro at 830 for its healing power for cancer. Its papaya enzymes will, on an empty stomach, get into the bloodstream and work to clean it up. Most importantly, it will digest dead cancer cells that the other cancer supplements are killing. This will take a big load off the detoxification system and help to reduce detox symptoms and inflammation of the tumors. This will also help to reduce tumor size faster.
Their extremely high levels of protease will also help to break down the fibrin coating all cancerous tumors so that the immune system can better attack those tumors. In addition it will digest the live and dead cancer cells inside the tumors, helping to bring down tumor size faster. Use 1 to 3 containers a month for helping to support the detoxification process by digesting dead cancer cells. Use 4 to 6 bottles a month if you have tumors or bone cancer that are causing a great deal of pain or dysfunction. This quantity will work faster to reduce tumor size, and does a better job of helping to bring down tumor size than just about anything. It still won't be fast, but it will be faster than it would have been.
Here is what you need to use if you are suffering from muscle mass loss caused by catabolic wasting.
Catabolic Wasting Protocol
Catabolic wasting can occur in the end stages of cancer, aids and other serious illnesses. It is a major cause of death in cancer. No matter how much someone eats, how much nutrition they get, they lose weight and muscle mass. They are not able to metabolize or make protein. Recently scientists have figured out why this happens.
Dr. Chojkier and Martina Buck, Ph.D., of VA, UCSD and the Salk Institute for Biological Studies, described the steps by which tumor necrosis factor (TNF) alpha, an immune-system protein, prevents the production of albumin. Low levels of albumin, a critical protein made in the liver, is a keynote of wasting.
Drs. Buck and Chojkier showed that TNF alpha causes oxidative stress in the liver cell and also causes the addition of a phosphorous molecule to a protein called C/EBP beta, which normally joins together DNA in the nucleus of the cell to make other proteins, such as albumin.
This extra phosphorous causes the C/EBP beta protein to leave the nucleus and go into the cytoplasm, where it can no longer make the albumin."We found that this phosphorylation makes the C/EBP beta exit the nuclear area and go into the cytosol, where there is no DNA for it to bind with. This means it can no longer produce the protein," said Dr. Chojkier. And this inability to produce albumin leads to the muscle wasting and weight loss.

The researchers found several ways of stopping the downward spiral caused by TNF- alpha. One way was to use antioxidants, especially ones that focus on the liver. This blocked the chain of events leading to the export of C/EBP beta from the nucleus of the liver cells. "If we block oxidative stress, we normalize everything," explained Dr. Chojkier. "C/EBP beta remains in the nucleus, it contacts the DNA, and proteins are produced.
As you can see, protecting the liver and normalizing liver function is vital to reversing or stopping wasting. If you don't stop wasting, you won't make it. You'll basically end up being killed by the wasting before the cancer kills you.
Fortunately, there is a protocol to stop catabolic wasting. You can notice improvement in a couple of weeks. Follow this protocol for at least two months to completely stop the wasting. Continue to take other anti-cancer supplements in advanced stage dosages while using this protocol. There are two products in this protocol.
Endocar Elixir
Three bottles of this frequency enhanced water elixir is a month's supply. It stimulates cells to repair themselves, and more as it supports the body several ways. Endocar is a supercharged Regenerative Elixir that has been energy infused with instructions to support the body when it is in extremely poor health -- at the end stages of life.
These instruct the body to optimize function of all detoxification organs, to stop catabolic wasting, to increase nutrient absorption, to fight infections more effectively, to increase cellular life force energy and more. It's base of Regenerative Elixir stimulates regeneration of cells and organs.
When someone is in catabolic wasting, the fundamental action to get out of it is to repair the liver so that it can start processing proteins again. Endocar turns on this repair process with its Regenerative Elixir base carries specific energetic vibrational frequencies that signal or turn on the regeneration and repair process in your body. In addition, Endocar supports the overall health of the body and help the prevent some of the other causes of death that happen in end stage cancer. When using 3 bottles a month of Endocar, you will take4 squeezes of the dropper bulb in the morning and 3.5 squeezes in the evening. One its own, this quantity of Endocar tests at 470 for helping stop catabolic wasting.
This is the second and most important supplement you need to use to reverse catabolic wasting and to start gaining some weight. In fact, in is one of the most important products to use whenever to liver is poorly functioning. And whenever the cancer is so bad that you are essentially starving to death. The predigested protein it supplies is usable by the body without the liver having to convert amino acids to protein. And the regenerative factors in it help to stimulate repair. As the liver is so vital to health, if the liver is poorly functioning, the body uses the nutrients in Fulvitea to repair the liver. It does an excellent job. We have heard consistently successful reports of it stopping catabolic wasting and improving liver function - even with cirrhosis. In a life and death situation, be sure and use Regenerative Elixir to more rapidly improve liver function.
Fulvitea has two basic functions. First it is a source of pre-digested protein that your body doesn't have to process to use. So you can actually start making muscle again. In addition it contains RNA and DNA repair factors to stimulate repair of the liver and also of cancer cells. It helps to normalize cancer cell function so the cancer cells die a normal death, apoptosis.
This 1 pound container of powder contains Hydrolyzed Marine Collagen from wild fish which is  95% pure protein in a hydrolyzed (broken down) amino-acid form. In addition it has Fulvic Acid powder which intensifies the metabolism of proteins, increases DNA content in cells and increases the rate of RNA synthesis. The Green Tea Extract in it helps to drive the nutrients into the body. And does have anti-cancer benefit.
It contains freshwater Diatomaceous Earth which will aid the detoxification process and fight cancer. Whole Colostrum powder (Grade A Bovine) supports the regeneration process and boosts immune system response against cancer. Small amounts of Vitamin C, Zinc, ProCoQ10, Manganese, Vitamin B6, Niacinamide, Selenium, Molybdenum, Chromium, and Vitamin E a blend of herbs that also support the regeneration process.
Fulvitea also contains NutraFlora - a short-chain Fructooligosaccharide assisting in the absorption and utilization of minerals and amino acids. It passes, intact, through the stomach and small intestine to the colon, where it is fermented by beneficial bacteria into short-chain fatty acids. These lower intestinal pH to an optimal level for keeping calcium, minerals and amino acids in solution for a longer period of time, making them much more absorbable. Absorption is further enhanced by Aulterra magnetic powder from an ancient seabed mineral deposit. Aulterra supports the utilization and effectiveness of nutraceuticals and herbs in the diet. And Pascalite - a rare, calcium bentonite/montomorillonite, non-swelling clay, which has a long history of health uses.  Pascalite provides trace minerals in oxide form, so they are easily assimilated.
Use 2 containers a month if you are not in too bad a shape, and 3 to 6 containers a month for more serious nutrient support and liver repair., its energetic testing for helping stop catabolic wasting is 1030. Fulvitea is the most important supplement to take for catabolic wasting.
We find it works best to shake or blend the powder into a smoothie or some sort of drink -- but not a protein drink as it is best absorbed on an empty stomach without other proteins.
There is a well known product that has been fighting cancer and used for wasting for years. It is a fermented soybean protein drink. For wasting and advanced cancers you need to drink a bottle a day of this bad tasting drink. Quite expensive too at $50 a bottle. For fighting cancer, energetic testing puts it at 321. Respectable, but not near as powerful as Fulvitea which comes in at 460 for its ability to fight cancer. For catabolic wasting this fermented soy drink comes in at 353, again much less than Fulvitea's 1030.
Use Endocar and Fulvitea for catabolic wasting. You should see results quickly, and be able to successfully stop catabolic wasting in its tracks. As a combination, Fulvitea and Endocar work together so well that, when used in these quantities as a Wasting Combo, they test at 4300 for stopping catabolic wasting.
One of the more common recommendations for catabolic wasting is t the drug hydrazine sulfate. There is some evidence that it can help cancer patients gain weight and improve the cachectic state. The drug is by prescription and should be given by a physician familiar with its use, as it can be toxic. Do not use narcotic painkillers or benzodiazepine anxiety-reducing agents at the same time. In our energetic testing, hydrazine sulfate tests at 550 for helping with catabolic wasting. It can be used along with Endocar and Fulvitea, and helps them be a bit more effective. Energetic testing on using all three tests at 4500, 200 higher than Endocar and Fulvitea on their own.
Being toxic, hydrazine sulfate puts more stress on the liver which is fundamentally not the right action as the liver is already too stressed to work properly. Testing not quite so strongly for helping with catabolic wasting -- but working better in combination with Fulvitea and Endocar is UltraLiver12.
UltraLiver12 is the best liver support supplement we have tested and is covered in the detoxification section of this site. On its own when used at the three bottle a month dosage, it tests at 410 for helping stop catabolic wasting. When combined with Endocar and Fulvitea, their ability to stop catabolic wasting is 4600.
Next we will take a look at how bad energy can lead to cancer, and good energy can help you beat cancer.
Cancer Strategy #10:  Energetically Fight Cancer
When we started writing this report years ago, work on energetically enhancing your body's ability to fight cancer and improve health was in its infancy. As a consequence, fighting cancer energetically seemed something useful to do, but not vital. Though it made sense. Quantum physics had proved that everything was essentially energy so why not deal with the basics. Visionary health professionals talked about how in the future energetic medicine would be the strongest form of healing. Now this vision is coming true.
At that time we recommended products like an energized water pitcher that increased the vibratory energy of the water you drink. As cancer cells have very low vibration, the high energies could disrupt the cancer cells. These products were good, but not great, and when we test them energetically now, they come in at 200. The granddaddy of energetic devices, a Rife Machine, tests energetically for fighting cancer at 120. Better is the Vibe Machine which comes in at 233. Some Indian Healing Stones with low dose radiation test even better at 310.
With the development and release of a series of powerful frequency enhanced elixirs starting in May of 2008, using energetic frequencies to fight cancer is now possible. The Elixirs we are going to tell you about are proving to be powerful healing supplements and cancer fighters.
The principle they work on is simple. Research has shown that water will vibrate at the energetic frequencies they have been exposed to. The developer of these elixirs has been able to concentrate and stabilize these frequencies so that when you take a little of these elixirs, the fluid in your cells also picks up this vibration and respond to it. The elixir is essentially delivering a message to your cells. Depending on the vibrations being delivered, the cells will be stimulated and influenced to respond in a variety of ways. This is essentially what homeopathy does. The difference lies in how the elixirs are energized, and in the fact that the energies use have great ability to stimulate healing in the body.
Before vitamins, minerals, and enzymes, before tissue pH, before any molecular component can play a role in facilitating human health, your cells are reliant on electricity. The human body generates 3 volts of electricity. This energy is used by the brain to send signals, by the heart to respond to stimuli, and is used by every cell to communicate with each other in order to facilitate cellular change. A drop in electrical activity is most noticeable in terminal patients that are "wasting away".
These Energy Elixirs enhance and energize your body's electrical activity with the energetic frequencies that they transfer to your body when you take them. They literally send messages to your cells, telling the immune system to turn on, or elicit some response in your body. Plus these energies can disrupt and kill cancer cells and other pathogens.
The Top Rated Supplements For Fighting Cancer Are Energetic In Nature
Until recently these frequency enhanced elixirs were not the top rated cancer fighters. However, this has all changed as there has been continued improvement in the energizing technologies. Now... the best testing cancer fighters are energetic in nature. They deliver messages to your body that tell your cells what to do, or influence the water in your body, which influences the actions of your cells.
Elixirs you have read about earlier that are strictly energetic include PrugX, PrugX Enhancer, BLA, BLA Enhancer and PrugX Immune Boost.
Other elixirs are proving to also be most useful to use.
Detoxification:Two other elixirs are often used to support detoxification. One is Detox Elixir. It stimulates and improves the function of the liver, kidneys and other detoxification organs. Excess toxins are an underlying major cause of cancer. You may have been further poisoned by chemotherapy. Your body needs to get rid of those toxins and your liver needs support. Dead cancer cells are toxic and the liver can easily get overwhelmed. In fact, an overwhelmed liver leaving a large amount of toxins in the body can lead to death. Use 3 to 6 bottles a month of this Elixir. Do not use while taking BLA as it would tend to reduce the effects of BLA. Instead, use Nymsar below.
Nymsar is the other major detoxification elixir that supports the liver. However, it does much more than supporting the liver. It has energies that reduce the inflammatory response of the immune system. These two actions make Nymsar one of the most important supplements to use when inflammation needs to be reduced, especially when there is cancer in the liver. It's healing power if significant. 5400. It is covered in the Detoxify section of this report. Use 2, 3 or 4 bottles a month for best results.
A few important elixirs for specific cancers include:
Custom Elixir pH
Custom Elixir pH is a frequency enhanced water, supplying vibrational energies that when taken in small amounts, instructs your body to increase pH levels in your body. This doesn't replace OCMP or an herbal formula like pH Balancer nor alkaline foods or baking soda that can be used to increase alkalinity. What it does is provide energies which instruct your body to better utilize those nutrients to balance pH levels. It also facilitates the elimination of acids from cells by turning on the detox organs to better get rid of those acids. Custom Elixir pH works synergistically with pH Balancer and BLA to help reduce ascites fluid buildup.
Sayunt is replacing FemBalance for helping to deal with hormonal cancers in females. This elixir acts as an aromatase inhibitor, reducing the production of estrogen. And does an excellent job of doing so, testing at 3600. When dealing with a hormonal cancer like estrogen receptive breast cancer, use 2 bottles of Sayunt per month to make and keep the estrogen levels low. Sayunt works synergistically with hormonal cancer therapies to help them work more effectively, and to help protect your body from some of their side effects. When used with hormonal chemotherapies, it tests energetically at 18,000. One of the more important supplements to use in this case.
Quantum X
For fighting cancer Quantum X comes in at 9600 -- now that it is being energized with more powerful technology. Besides working to boost immune system response to cancer, its primary benefit is its ability to stimulate healing of the liver. So if your liver is compromised, Quantum X is one of the better elixirs to be using to both fight cancer and help that liver.
The healing force and life energy they all supply to the body is most important for people with end stage cancers. That's because the energy in these elixirs is so powerful and works in such a profound manner, taking these elixirs may be enough to keep someone alive long enough for them to literally beat cancer. At least it gives someone a better shot. They supply a huge amount of life force energies to the body and support all aspects of health - physical, mental, spiritual and emotional.
All these elixirs use the ancient model of healing based on subtle vibration and energy to discharge patterns of disease. Energy healing has been used for thousands of years in many cultures throughout the world via a wide spectrum of modalities from breathing and movement techniques, to meditation, acupuncture and natural herbal remedies. What brings about dramatic healing from the above-mentioned energy modalities is the transfer of subtle energy to the cells guided by vibration. The importance of vibration can not be overstated in terms of how subtle energy communicates with our cells, enabling them to change their structure and function. Vibration encodes how the energies are used by the cells.
Quantum X encourages cells to release their toxins and establish a new pattern of repair. This supports wellness at all levels; physical mental and emotional. The energies in Quantum X work on the quantum level of basic matter and energy units. They influence the chemical structure of the cells and intra-cellular constituents to be rebuilt to a new model of health.
If someone is doing very poorly....
Get the EC-15. It is an elixir combo of 15 elixirs does a great deal to support the body. This is one of the most important products to use when someone is in very bad shape. This combo energetically tests at875. Again, this is not rated high because it is a great cancer killer, but because it provides great support for your body.
These elixirs are most important for people with cancer who are not in good health. Who need as much support as possible. Whether it is liver and kidneys not functioning well or low life force and lack of energy, these are most important when you are really fighting for your life. If you are in good shape, even though you may have advanced cancer, these are not as important.
The following elixirs are the 15 Energized Elixirs that make up the EC-15.
ARC Elixir
The energies that make up this elixir are based on the ancient geometry of the golden mean rectangle, the golden mean spiral and their three dimensional organization with ARC of the Covenant geometry. Years ago the developer of these elixirs learned how to use of the energies these geometric shapes subtly produce for healing purposes. Then he figured out how to capture, stabilize and intensify these energies - making the elixirs possible. The technology created with the Arc of the Covenant geometry creates a golden spiral effect to enliven water molecules with sacred geometry structural changes. Giving the elixir a unique and strong healing power.
Amrita Nadi Elixir
The Amrita Nadi Elixir works on descending and ascending energies in the spine and chakras. More importantly, it influences a special channel that travels between the sino atrial node of the heart and the crown of the head. From the sino atrial node on the right side of the heart, the opening of the Amrita Nadi vibrates into every cell. More electrical life force energy is produced in this one small part of the heart than the nervous system and all other cells combined.
Amrita Nadi translates as the Immortal Current of Bliss Energy. The elixir will open this energy channel and radiate bio electric and life force energy into every cell. This elixir is amplified by technology that is connected to sacred energy sites around the planet. Not only could this elixir create healing miracles by opening the Amrita Nadi from the bio electric heart center, but may also help a person to relax into, and abide in, an effortless state of consciousness.
Grail Elixir
The energies that make up this elixir come from the sacred geometries associated with the Holy Grail that are found in many traditions. A high level of light energy is connected to the body when taking this elixir, which is said to bring about the transmutation of denser energies into that of clear light of very high purity. It increases the ability of the immune system to fight cancer.
Love Elixir
The Shweta (white) Matsya Shaligram Shila healing stone used to make Love Elixir is said to give out the energy of unconditional love. Love Elixir's healing capability has its foundation in the expression of unconditional love on a cellular level. Books have been written the healing power of love. This elixir may provide, at the cellular level, just a bit of that love. Adding this elixir to the over all combination of elixirs will give some of the healing powers of unconditional love to the user. 100% of its benefit is boosting the healing powers of the body with the energy of unconditional love. What is missing in most people’s lives, especially when in ill health, is Unconditional Love. The Love Elixir connects a person with this.
Custom Elixir HS
This elixir supplies energies that turn on and support the Hormonal System. Your hormonal system is needed to direct and control your immune system response. And to get you back to better health. This elixirs balances out the system, turning down over-responding system and tuning up under-responding systems.
Custom Elixir LS
This elixir supports the ability of the Lymph System to detoxify you body.
Trinity Elixir
Trinity Elixir is energized with the healing energies of three rare Salagrama Sila healing stones each working in slightly different ways. One is focused on absolute Purity, one on absolute Tranquility and the other on Infinity. Or so they were described by the Vedic experts who used them. These are three of most powerful Salagrams in the world, as acknowledged by the Vedic and Ayurvedic experts in India who have used them. The Trinity Elixir may literally eat up disease, producing results much faster, and giving the individual using it greater life force and healing power. 40% of its benefit is boosting the healing Life Force in the body. 60% comes from its ability to energetically disrupt cancer cells.
Cosmic Elixir
This elixir is made by using Tantric methods on a Shaligram Shilas healing stone, enhanced by a sacred meteorite that focuses energy. Tantrik implies relationship, and thus the Cosmic Elixir helps create a resonance between cells, and between a person and the environment. This is necessary to bring about complete healing.
The meteorite and Salagrams have been used by Tantric practitioners for eons. When you consume Cosmic Elixir, its effects can be described as attracting the forces of nature to bring about immediate and direct change on all levels - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. 40% of its effect is psychological, subtly getting someone into a better state of mind to fight cancer. 60% is physical as it enhances the immune systems ability to fight cancer cells.
Rainbow Elixir
The Rainbow Elixir is made with a totally white Shaligram Shila that brings all the colors of the rainbow to the cells of the body. This corrects imbalances in the aura (electromagnetic field) around the body. This elixir creates a better environment for light energy to function on a cellular level. As light is used by cells to communicate, Rainbow Elixir improves cellular communication.
Immortality Elixir
In Tibetan medicine there exists a special stone that was activated through secret methods over two thousand years old. This activation method creates stones that connect the human body to the organizing power of life force energy. 70% of its activity when fighting cancer is to prevent cells from becoming cancerous. 30% of its activity is making cancer cells normal so they can die a natural cell death.
InLightener is made with a very powerful Maha Laxmi Shaligram in order to amplify light energy in the cells. This has important implications for improving immune system response. The immune system can be perceived as a very complex and vast communication system, and on the most fundamental level, the immune system cells exchange information via light impulses. The light energy in InLightEner greatly enhances the cells communicate via light (photons).
The vibrational information in InLightEner allows light energy to create faster and more coherent cell to cell communication to defeat disease, and to defend against disease before it can get started. The US Navy did research on how the cells communicate via light, and found that increasing the speed and efficiency of cellular communication has a profound effect on reversing mutation tendencies in DNA mechanisms. InLightEner also has an influence on the speed and response of the nervous system. This increased efficiency helps fight and prevent cancer of all kinds as well as many other diseases. 40% of its benefit comes from its ability to improve the immune system by enhancing cellular communication. 40% is its ability to enhance the Life Force in the body. 20% of its benefit comes from its ability to disrupt cancer cells.
Dream Time Elixir
This energized elixir is based on Australian Aboriginal healing methods, which involve a sacred stone used by Shamans that is a major source of their power. It is made with a very rare Tektite (even rarer than the Shaligram Shilas), which was used by Aboriginal Shamans in Australia for healing and other supernatural purposes. Dream Time is the primordial cause of everything in Australian Aboriginal Tradition, which is accessible through the Elixir created with this special Tektite. Dream Time Elixir works on our belief systems, helping to change them from a system that leads to poor health to one that creates vibrant health in the body.
Salagram Elixir

Salagram Elixir captures the healing energies of a powerful salagrama sila healing stone from India. A stone noted as being so strong the Indian experts who have used this stone say it heals better than all the herbs and supplements put together. Salagram healing stones have frequencies and energies that help to create health by virtue of their power to connect a person to the universal life force of the infinite. About 50% of the benefit this elixir provides for cancer fighting is its ability to disrupt cancer cells. The remaining 50% is its ability to greatly enhance the energy and healing power of the body, enabling it to heal itself. It is made with a Laxmi Narsimha Shaligram Shila.
Vortex Elixir
Vortex Elixir captures vortexing energy created in a small, contained water supply which are supportive of living chemistry at a cellular level. Taking it enhances all the vortexing energy in your body. This comprises all your acupuncture points, the energy chakras, and even the energy traveling up the spine. Thus, it accelerates and enhances the flow of life force energy in your body. Taking Vortex Elixir every day will produce quick and dramatic healing changes on every level: physical, mental and emotional.
Made with a very rare type of geode found only in Oregon, United States, this Elixir formula causes life energy flow in the body to become amplified and integrated based on the power of the vortex. The body itself is surrounded by a vortex, each cell is surrounded by a vortex and energy moves through channels and centers in the body based on the power of the vortex. In Chinese Medicine each acupuncture point is regulated by a vortex to allow life energy to reach the cells. 50% of its energies enhance Life Force. 50% improves the flow of energy in your body.
Tachyon Minerals
These energized elixirs come in 2 ounce dropper bottles. They can be taken all at the same time, by putting them first into a glass, or one right after the other. Hold each or all of the dropper squeezes in your mouth for one minute before swallowing. Wait at least 20 minutes after ingesting any drink or food and wait at least 20 minutes after taking them to eat or drink.
Next we will tell you about an energized water that is anti-inflammatory and stimulates cellular regeneration.

Energies To Avoid

It is also important to avoid energies that disrupt the natural energies in your body. That have been shown to lead to cancer.
Electromagnetic Fields (EMF's) do so. You are exposed to them by electronic appliances. Cell phones, computer screens and microwaves are among the biggest offenders, but even the clock radio by the side of your bed is putting out unhealthy levels of EMF's for a foot or two. Your car puts out quite a bit of it.
Radiation from cell phones can literally eat holes in your blood brain barrier, which functions to prevent toxins from entering the brain. When it is full of holes, toxins get into brain, causing much damage. A Swedish study has found that heavy users of cell phones had a 240 percent increase in brain tumors on the side of their head that the phone was used on. The study defined 'heavy' use as more than 2,000 total hours, or approximately one hour of use per workday for 10 years.
There are two ways you can deal with EMF's You can try to avoid exposure to them, or you can wear or use an energized product that counters the effect of that radiation to your body's energy field. For example, you can choose to not use a cell phone or any portable phone. But if that is not possible, put a cell phone tab on the phone to neutralize the radiation.
Geopathic stress has been implicated by many alternative health practitioners in Europe as a cause of cancer. Simply put, geopathic stress is unhealthy energy coming from the earth. One cause is underground streams that creates friction that produces the wrong type of energy. Two developers of energized products both had cancer that would not resolve until they were told to check and see if they slept over geopathic stress. They did, changed their sleeping arrangements, and then were able to get well.
A study in England noted that gypsies, even though their diets and smoking habits were poor, were not near as likely to get cancer because they were always moving so were not likely to have been sleeping in an area of geopathic stress for years at a time.

Healing Energies That Will Help You In Your Fight With Cancer

Cell Phone Tabs
The best thing to do regarding Cell Phones is to stay away from them. But if you must use them, get three Cell Phone Tabs to put on each cell phone. This may give as much as 97% protection, according to our energetic testing, from harmful electromagnetic radiation.
Even casual use of a cellular phone can damage the DNA in your brain. A study conducted by Dr. Henry Lai of the University of Washington showed that at low levels, exposure to electromagnetic fields and radio frequencies caused DNA damage to brain cells of rats resulting in loss of short and long-term memory and slower learning. He noted that DNA damage in cells is cumulative.
A study done at Penn State University concluded that EMF exposure produced no effect for the “first few minutes . . . then a cascade of microbial destruction occurs." The levels at which damage occurs have been shown to be as low as .024-.0024 W/kg -- much lower than any cellular phone. Some well known alternative health doctors claim that over time, the wide use of cell phones is going to lead to an epidemic of brain cancers. Dr. Mercola feels they are contributing to the continued epidemic of autism among our children.
Using an earpiece will not keep you out of danger from EMF exposure. Earpieces can act almost like conduits to funnel as much as three times the harmful radiation to your brain. And it turns out the portable phones and their bases can actually produce more EMF's than cell phones.
Put one to three Cell Phone Tabs on each cell phone and cordless phone you have and on the cordless phone base. Stick one or two on your computer and screen or any other electrical device you may be exposed to over a period of time such as a clock by your bed. The tab is a tiny ceramic button. Put them close to the antenna if possible.
According to our latest energetic re-evaluation of the Tabs, using one Tab gives 35% protection from cell phone radiation. Putting two on your phone gives 80% protection, and a maximum of 3 Tabs on your phone provides 97% protection from the harmful effects of cell phones. Energetic testing puts the value of using Cell Phone Tabs, 3 on a phone, at 529. They won't cure a cancer, but may well help prevent you from getting a brain tumor. Use of these tabs is especially valuable for children who are more harmed by the EMF's. Their skulls are much thinner and do not provide as much protection to the brain.
Quantum Touch Hands On Healing and also Long Distance Healing
The Quantum Touch classes, or their DVD Workshop and Book, teaches anyone how to do hands on healing quickly and easily. Everyone can do it. You learn techniques that have been used and refined for several decades to do hands on healing or even distant healing. You can literally be doing it within an hour or less.
On the first DVD you will hear stories of doctors seeing a white glow around a tumor while Quantum Touch was being done on it. Tumors have been known to literally disappear through the use of this technique. Doing Quantum Touch helps put you in charge of the healing process. Using Quantum Touch or getting it done for you, comes it at a 397 on our energetic testing.
Healing Sessions with Jenny Mannion
The highest rated energetic healing we've tested so far is with Jenny Mannion. You can work with her long distance or in person. It is different from the more traditional energetic healing, and according to our testing, more powerful. Her sessions can also increase the efficiency of the supplements you are using to fight your cancer, depending on the effectiveness of what you are using. Include them in your session.
She uses a form of healing that reconnects you to your original blueprint. It corrects misinformation in the energy fields around the body.  As we go through life often we do not process emotions properly and "life happens". Imprints get put on the energy fields surrounding our body. With these imprints in place, energy does not flow easily through the organs and dis-ease manifests. Her healing restores the energy fields so energy and information can correctly flow again. It works quickly and returns your body to its fullest functioning state. It reconnects you to your original blueprint, your inner self (soul), your intuition and the Universe as a whole. While most of the time the healing that occurs is the one you are expecting, sometimes you receive a different healing than you expect. Jenny has worked with clients from all over the world - distance is not an issue. It is recommended you have between 1-3 sessions. You can schedule one at a time or all 3 - it is recommended you have a few days or a week between each session as the healing continues and unfolds after the session.
Long Distance Healing
If you would like a traditional long distance healer to send you strong healing energy, contact Michael Limacher. He found as a child he had the gift of healing and has been using this gift all his life. Here are a couple of testimonies.
"I practiced an eclectic mix of body and energy work for many years. I have trained, and interacted with, many top level practitioners of these arts. I must say, Michael operates in a rarified zone of energy work that few practitioners inhabit. He has been practicing for more than 40 years and there is no doubt that he is a master of his art."
"I can't really explain his technique because it is rooted somewhere between this world and the higher worlds. I find his work to be remarkably healing. I highly recommend Michael's services."
Dr. Bruce Berkowsky, N.M.D., M.H., HMC, President Joseph Ben Hil-Meyer Research, Inc.
"Dear Mr Limacher,
"... I'm very happy to know that you are helping me. My cancer is in remission. I never before could imagine that through a different approach of medicine the cancer can go in remission... For now, this is all I can tell you, but it is a little difficult to write in English, I try my best. "Muchas gracias. Buenos dias. Saludos."
Thais F.

You will find information on how to contact Jenny or Michael in the Resources section of this site. Next we are going to cover that other important but hard to pin down issue that effects your ability to beat cancer, the psychological factor.
Cancer Strategy #11 - Get A Handle On Stress
Stress wipes out the immune system, and as Dr. Hamer has so clearly discovered, undealt with emotional issues may well lead to cancer. In fact he claims that some undealt with issue is always involved in the development of cancer. These could be a loss of a child, close family member, or spouse, loss of a job, divorce, moving, retirement. And more. If you or any person with cancer has experienced any of these events, then you should seriously consider the following course of action. If Dr. Hamer is right and all cancers have this emotional content, then everyone with cancer should consider it.
Dr. Hamer recommended psychotherapy for his patients. However, there are now ways of dealing with, and releasing, events and problems that cause stress which work much faster and more effectively than traditional psychotherapy.
SoundTherapy CD
The SoundTherapy CD is recommended as one of the most important cancer fighting products in the Immune section when used along with Custom Elixir EE. It also relieves stress, helps you sleep, and more. It's healing power on its own, according to our energetic testing, is 1240.
Here is the essence of its healing process. When you listen to it, you are listening to the vibrations from the harmonics and overtones of the Perfect 5th (P5) interval (the difference between two frequencies), and the Major 7h Chord (M7), composed of two P5s. These vibrations cause a sympathetic resonance in the areas of the brain that release endorphins. Endorphins are among the brain chemicals known as Neurotransmitters (chemicals that carry signals from one neuron to another), which reduce stress, anxiety and enhance the immune response.
The vibrations also stimulate the higher brain centers, such as the pituitary, pineal, hypothalamus, thalamus and amygdala, which scans incoming sound for emotional content. Subsequently, this stimulates the brain stem, which includes the medulla oblongata, pons and mid-brain limbic region, the transition point between the body and the brain. These areas of the brain regulate no only our physical body, but our perceptions as well. The Perfect 5h creates a vibrational ratio of 3/2 known as “the Golden Ratio.” The precise mathematical proportions are known as Pythagorean tunings and create an archetypal resonance within the inner ear by stimulating the cochlea and the semi-circular canals. Harmonics and overtones are produced simultaneously as a direct result of the fundamental (first) note. The first harmonics and overtones (the “partial”), vibrates exactly twice as fast as the first note, the second three times as fast as the first, and so on.
When two tuning forks vibrate together, this creates a pattern containing two vibrational frequencies. The brain hears not only the two frequencies, but also a third frequency – the actual difference between the two frequencies, plus all of the resulting harmonics and overtones. This results in a complex “sound bath”, helping to synchronize both hemispheres of the brain. Rhythm is processed by the left hemisphere, while harmony and intonation are processed by the right hemisphere. The convergent zones, which function in the prefrontal lobes, control attention span, judgment, impulse control and motivation. This is where the inter connectivity of the two hemisphere takes place, arousing coordinated thought patterns.
Cancer Neuroliminal Training (NT) CD
The best way to beat stress that we have found is with the Cancer NT CD. In fact, in general for cancer, energetic testing puts its healing power for helping to beat cancer at 1110, especially valuable for someone who knows that stress or loss played a role in their cancer, or at least if you know that you had loss and or a lot of stress before you developed your cancer. This one time purchase is much more cost effective than multiple sessions with therapists. And it will work to make sure the supplements you take to beat your cancer aren't being negated by unresolved stress and loss issues.

The Fight or Flight response is intended to give us a fighting chance in desperate situations where we are (or think we are) in danger. Obvious examples are if we are being chased by a wild animal or go out of control in a fast moving car. Less obvious examples are wherever we interpret that we are going to lose something – for example, we hear that our company is laying-off employees, or someone close to us gets sick or leaves our life.

In these situations something called the HPA axis kicks in. The hypothalamus (H) tells the pituitary (P) that we are in danger. The pituitary notifies the adrenals (A) to go on danger mode and the adrenals flood the body with stress hormones including adrenaline and cortisol.

This immediately causes 3 physical responses that over time, even a short time, can have disastrous consequences.
1. The immune system is shut off. (In fact patients receiving organ transplants are given stress hormones specifically to block their immune system from rejecting the new organ).
2. Blood vessels to the digestive system and organs are restricted – blood is diverted to the limbs and major muscles.
3. Blood to the forebrain (intelligence) is shut off in favor of the hindbrain (reflex reaction).

1. It is widely acknowledged that each of us is exposed to almost every kind of pathogen almost all the time. Cancer cells, viruses, bacteria and yeasts are everywhere; outside of us, on our skin and in our bodies. These “bad guys” are kept at bay by normal immune response and only grow when an opportunity arises. For that reason they are called opportunistic pathogens. Thus when the immune response simply goes away, these organisms can move-in, throw a party and leave our body in a mess.

2. When blood to the gut is restricted, normal repair and replacement of cells cannot continue. Hundreds of thousands of cells naturally die every minute and need to be replaced. As this replacement process slows down, important tissues such as the gut lining becomes more and more vulnerable to attack from both parasites and bacteria. Further, with less blood, less nutrients are available to make important agents like stomach acid and mucous – two major protective factors in proper function and defense of the gut. And of course as this process continues less and less nutrients are available anyway. Normal processes such as peristalsis are impaired and toxicity builds up in the system.

3. In this process rational thought and long term planning goes out the window and we become more reactive and impulsive. Sticking with a plan or eating program, even one we know to work, becomes very difficult. We find ourselves easily distracted and tend to interpret events around us as threats which keep this viscous cycle in place.

4. As the stress response continues, the waste products from muscles (on high alert) build up because the digestive and immune system are not functioning well enough to break these down and eliminate them. This leads to inflammation and pain throughout the body, with chronic spasms in overworked muscles - often showing up as neck and back pain and/or headaches.

How to break this viscous cycle.

It's easy to see how this situation is a lose-lose scenario. Internally you are growing weaker, you are less protected from infections and diseases of every type AND you are literally less intelligent. On top of that you feel bad - though to many people under chronic stress - all this may feel normal.

Breaking out and back to real health and growth is not easy. It is a process of release and retraining - that without the right support and tools unfortunately won't happen. We have a quest to find tools that would support our nutritional supplement recommendations - and enable a higher degree of success for everyone with cancer.

Pretty soon we understood that the transformation/repair had to happen on the same level, or a deeper level, than the problem originated on.

We found a series of tools that reaches these layers in Dr. Phil Bate's Neuroliminal Training CD's. These nighttime audio tracks retrain brainwave patterns and trigger the deep release of stress from the past. Phil is a veteran of hypnosis and EEG/neuro feedback training - and he understands nutrition as well.

Here's a quote from Veronica, who's in cancer recovery, after one month of use:
"In terms of my overall well being – I am definitely being affected positively by the disk. I feel less angry with myself and the world and feel that I am experiencing significant stress relief."    V.W. Virginia

Dr. Bate has had extensive experience with Allergy research and treatment. In fact he considers the reduction and elimination of hidden allergies to be essential to several healing processes - including cancer. In Cancer N. T., Dr Bates incorporates the therapeutic approach of Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer (New German Medicine), and engages the subconscious mind in addressing and releasing any underlying emotional stressors or shock that may block recovery.

It also engages the subconscious mind in a cooperative venture supporting the action of the immune system in reducing cancer growth and toxicity. Further, the subconscious is primed to release underlying emotional stressors or blocks that may undermine the body’s innate recovery process.  It also works to align the mind with wellness beyond existing health conditions. Cancer NT encourages deep and peaceful sleep. It also incorporates parts of Weight Loss NT (healthy eating) and Allergy NT as Dr. Bate considers hidden allergies to be an unrecognized epidemic of stress and a major contributing factor in many health problems.

We highly recommend that our customers add the Cancer NT protocol to their recovery plan. It's so simple and fosters ongoing changes. Get the Cancer NT CD and play it in the background, throughout the night, every night. Everyone within earshot benefits - and sleeps better.

Here's a report from Kitty: "For the first time in maybe four years, I woke up and looked out the window and just thought, oh, looks like a nice day. What? No anxiety thoughts. I don’t even remember not waking up without a huge agenda going for the day, including negative stuff. This is fascinating." K.S. Oregon

The changes may take time - some come in 30 days or less, some much later - but according to Dr. Bate improvements are cumulative and lasting. Either way - the soundtrack is relaxing - all you'll hear is ocean waves - Dr Bate has 5 to 7 layers underneath that elicit a specific modification in SMR brain wave patterns. (Among other benefits, increasing SMR brain waves results in a more relaxed focus and improved attentive abilities.) These layers directly address the subconscious mind to unhook allergic triggers and gradually release years of unresolved trauma and stress – freeing energy that your system can now use for your benefit.

After one month Peter reported: "It seems to me that I just feel more peaceful and relaxed during the day, since I’ve been listening to the disk in my sleep for the past week. Did I expect that this would all happen? I was pretty doubtful about the possibilities, but so far the results have been quite amazing and really enjoyable. I’m very pleasantly surprised."  P.V. Texas
Something else well worth considering is....
NeuroModulation Technique (NMT)
Practitioners of NeuroModulation Technique have found that nearly any illness can be improved, and many completely resolved with NMT treatments. By correcting faults in the body's regulatory systems, NMT restores the body's innate capacity to heal. Your nervous system is separated into conscious/voluntary, and autonomic/unconscious control systems. We aren't aware of the Autonomic Control System (ACS) that functions in the background of our nervous system – otherwise our conscious mind would be so distracted by body processes that we could not do anything.
NMT uses Muscle Response Testing (MRT) to communicate with the ACS, to find the faults in ACS function that are responsible for an illness. Then it uses a system of questions and statements to push the control systems of the body towards normal function. Questions are used to find control system errors, as shown by the muscle testing. Then the NMT practitioner uses specific corrective statements to train the ACS toward normal function – the first step in the return to wellness. A brief tapping and breathing pattern is done after each statement to set the ACS function.
A NMT treatment can be performed long distance via the phone, or one on one. It has proven to be very effective for everything from autoimmune diseases to allergies to pain relief. Many users have reported success with cancer too. Now, the NMT practitioner is not treating cancer. He or she is merely correctly the faults in the autonomic nervous system so that the immune system can better handle whatever happens to be wrong with you. It would make sense that Dr. Hamer’s stressing events, that he has identified as leading to the development of cancers, have caused faults in the ACS.
NMT also deals with faults or errors in the sensitivity setting of sensors that tell the nervous system what is happening in the body, and in the processing of information from these sensors. They have found that NMT often provides quick and powerful pain relief by correcting these errors. NMT can also help the body to recognize external toxins and chemicals. NMT treatment gets the body to purge these harmful substances from the tissues, and eliminate them.
For people with cancer who have been under high stress, have suffered loss of family members, job loss, or other issues which cause this type of high stress, energetic testing puts the value of using NMT, at a very strong 798.
Usherite Tetrajacks
This is a set of 5 tetrajacks made of usherite. These are a geometric shape composed of tetrahedrons stacked together surface to surface. It turns out that the sum total of the angles on the surface of this shape is 888 degrees, which just happens to be the number associated by some with Universal or Christ consciousness. So essentially, these shapes emit a subtle vibratory energy that helps align whatever is around it with the basic energy underlying the universe, which might be how quantum physics would describe it.
At any rate, when you keep these tetrajacks close to your person, their energy will subtly reduce your stress at the cellular level. Nothing dramatic. This reduction in stress will accelerate your healing, will increase your ability to fight cancer because stress disrupts the immune system response. They can help your body heal better, and as they are inexpensive, these tetrajacks are probably worth a try. Energetic testing puts their value for helping deal with cancer at 200.
This covers a whole lot of what can be done to fight cancer, and hopefully has educated you on what's worth doing and what's not. Next let's go over some other things to consider when fighting cancer. And then review the highest rated supplements.
Even one cancer fighting supplement could get the job done, but more is better.
When you or a loved one is battling cancer, you need access to every single weapon available. 11 Natural Strategies To Defeat Your Cancer is the most comprehensive and up-to-date information on natural supplements for fighting this terrible disease. Below you will find a quick, easy-to-read review of the supplements suggested.

Cancer can be beaten. Never doubt that. We hear from people who have succeeded all the time. Soon your story could read like these…

One man wrote in saying his mother had been taken off chemo three weeks before because it wasn't working. Doctors told him there was nothing else they could do and to look into hospice solutions for her as she was in bed all the time and didn't have long to live. Shortly before that, she had started taking Oxy E. A week later her energy had improved so much she was up and active all day long, going out shopping and feeling good. Hospice was not needed.

A nutritionist reported that she had put someone on Ellagic Formula with Graviola a couple of months before. After going through 7 bottles, the tumors in one lung and in the lymph nodes were gone. The main tumor in the other lung was still there, but the doctors said it was dead at its center.
More is better when it comes to fighting advanced cancer. 
You can only do too little... not too much.
All of the products mentioned in the report are valuable. Some are more potent than others, and you certainly want to concentrate on using those top products in order to most effectively fight the cancer. Every person’s chemistry is different, so the required products and amounts will vary.  You shouldn’t feel afraid to try multiple natural supplements, they can only help the healing process.
Oncologist Charles Simone, MD has written several books and scientific papers about the hundreds of studies involving thousands of patients that show that a broad range of nutritional supplementation, including antioxidants, protects you from the ravages of chemotherapy and radiation therapy. That in fact, as we tell you in this report, they do much more, as the studies show that use of nutritional supplements is consistently associated with improved outcomes. If your oncologist is telling you that antioxidants and other nutritional supplements shouldn't be taken with chemo or radiation therapy, or that they are a waste of money, he or she is dead wrong. The research shows otherwise.
We received great news from our oncologist yesterday after viewing Nikki's CT scan. Yes, she is responding very well to the treatments and yes, her remaining tumors are shrinking.
Compared to the CT scans done three months ago, they have shrunk by at least 80%. As such, Jenny and I have agreed to her continuing four more treatments. But it is my firm belief that our holistic approach is working and I must thank you all for contributing in one way or other to her recovery.
It will take another three months before the chemo regime finishes. Another CT scan will be held after that. Hopefully, by then, nothing is left of whatever tumors in her lungs and liver. Of course, we shall be ever so careful not to fall back on previous 'lifestyles' but to continue the new one into the future with fine tuning along the way. D. K.
You may very well be thinking…
"I'm completely overwhelmed. There are so many products that sound good, what should I be taking?"
Remember, you don't have to make an either/or choice about whether to take chemo or radiation, or go with an alternative approach to cancer. These products have all been successfully used while undergoing chemotherapy and radiation -- in fact they even help chemotherapy or radiation be more effective. You will have better results because the supplements attack cancer in ways that chemotherapy and radiation can’t. They will also help you deal with the side effects of chemotherapy.

These supplements are effective cancer fighters even on their own, without chemotherapy.  They are natural and safe, and you can take high therapeutic amounts with no side harmful side effects. (With some you do have to start with small amounts and work up, or you may experience detoxification or healing reactions as described above.)

Even if chemo and radiation alone are initially successful, far too often cancer comes back within two months to two years. Chemo puts quite a strain on the body, and does nothing to improve the internal environment to make the body healthier. So the cancer can and often does come back quickly unless you take action to improve the internal environment of your body. Cancer is usually worse and tougher to beat the second or third time. This doesn't have to happen.

Supporting your body with supplements before, during and after chemotherapy will help you reverse the underlying causes of cancer, and strengthen your immune system to keep you cancer-free for good.
Using chemotherapy or radiation therapy or even getting surgery, without also using supplements is like fighting someone trying to kill you with one hand tied behind your back.
It doesn't make sense. They can do no harm, and have been shown again and again, in study after study, to produce better results than doing chemotherapy or radiation therapy alone. Plus, side effects are greatly reduced.

A healthful diet gives your body the healing tools it needs.

Diet is a crucial weapon in your cancer-fighting arsenal. You should eat organic whole foods whenever possible to reduce toxins. Increase your intake of essential fatty acids from organic cold-pressed flax oil (take two tablespoons with cottage cheese as the Europeans do to fight cancer) or fish oil.

Cancer thrives on sugar and refined grains. Cut them out as much as possible, and don't use artificial sweeteners as they are not healthy. Recently, new healthy sweeteners such as stevia, xylitol, and Laknato have become widely available.

Research indicates eating too much animal protein, more than your body can utilize in a day, may be one of the causes of cancer. One study injected mice with aflatoxin, one of the strongest carcinogens there is (it’s a mold often found in peanut butter). Some were given low doses of aflatoxin, some high doses. At the same time, their diet included a range of a milk protein.

Researchers found it didn't matter how much of the aflatoxin the mice were injected with. Mice whose diet included over 12% milk protein (more then their daily dietary needs) got cancer. Mice whose diet included less protein did not. Even the mice given high doses of aflatoxin did not develop cancer if the amount of protein was low.

The study suggests too much animal protein acts as a cancer promoter.
 Cancer promoters are substances in our diets that can trigger the growth of cells that have been damaged by carcinogens and are present in the body. Without these promoters, those cells which have mutated will likely remain inactive. So it is a good idea to reduce amounts of animal protein (meat, milk products and eggs) and eat more vegetable protein like nuts, beans, etc.

The right multi-vitamin can be beneficial.
Synthetic vitamins are not good for you. You may have taken multi-vitamins for years figuring that they wouldn't hurt you. Unfortunately, research shows that taking these manufactured “fake” vitamins is actually worse than not taking anything.
  • In 1941, research done by Dr. Agnes Faye Morgan at the University of California found that animals fed synthetic vitamins had toxic reactions or died more quickly of degenerative diseases compared to those fed whole foods. She stated that the enrichment of processed foods with synthetic vitamins may "precipitate conditions worse than the original deficiency."
  • A study of 29,000 Finnish smokers proved that synthetic vitamins increased death rates significantly enough to stop a 10-year study prematurely. The risk of cancer increased by 16% and there were more heart attacks, more strokes, and an 8% higher increase in the overall death rate.
  • A Harvard study of 22,000 physicians reported no health benefits from synthetic vitamins. Other studies report toxicity and serious side effects. In one case, synthetic beta carotene blocked antioxidant activity and anti-cancer activity of 50 antioxidants in the diet.
  • In a Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center study, 18,000 American men and women at risk of lung cancer took a either a placebo or supplements of synthetic vitamin A. The researchers lead by Dr. Gilbert Omenn stopped the study in January 1996 because the group on supplements had a 28% higher incidence of lung cancer.
Most of the multi-vitamins and many of the individual vitamins on the market are made with synthetic vitamins. The profit margin is huge compared to whole food vitamins. But as you can see, they not only don’t work, but they actually harm your health.
Fortunately, there are a few multi-vitamins that do not contain synthetic vitamins. An excellent one is Life Essence, created by the man who virtually started the whole food vitamin field. Vitamins are not that important for beating cancer, but for long term support of your body, get a natural source one.
Eliminate environmental toxins to give your body a fighting chance.
Cancer is not some mysterious disease that just happens to you. It has definite causes, and when you correct those causes, you get well. Natural treatments work remarkably well.

If the powers that be were to work on prevention of cancer by reducing our exposure to the huge number of toxins and other cancer causing environmental issues like electro-magnetic fields (EMF's,) we would win the fight against cancer. Unfortunately, cancer is very big business, with huge profits, and preventing cancer is not profitable. So you will continue to see more toxins in our environment, more genetically modified organisms (GMO's), and more cancer.

Eliminating environmental toxins from your diet (by eating organically grown foods and avoiding chlorinated/fluoridated water) and your surroundings (by using non-toxic, natural cleansers, cosmetics, furniture, building materials, and clothing) will go a long way toward eliminating cancer from your life.
There has recently been more research pointing to the fact that cancer is indeed man made. The Daily Mail in summarizing this study reports:"Tumors were rare until recent times when pollution and poor diet became issues, the review of mummies, fossils and classical literature found... Despite slivers of tissue from hundreds of Egyptian mummies being rehydrated and placed under the microscope, only one case of cancer has been confirmed. Dismissing the argument that the ancient Egyptians didn't live long enough to develop cancer, the researchers pointed out that other age-related disease such as hardening of the arteries and brittle bones did occur.
" Fossil evidence of cancer is also sparse, with scientific literature providing a few dozen, mostly disputed, examples in animal fossils... Even the study of thousands of Neanderthal bones has provided only one example of a possible cancer."
Professor Rosalie David, a co-author of this recently published study stated: 'There is nothing in the natural environment that can cause cancer. So it has to be a man-made disease, down to pollution and changes to our diet and lifestyle."
Read the book Cancer-Gate by Dr. Samuel Epstein for a full understanding of this. He explains how the National Cancer Institute and the American Cancer Society have betrayed us, spending tens of billions of dollars of taxpayers and charity money primarily targeting silver-bullet drugs while ignoring strategies for preventing cancer in the first place.
Lifestyle change is one of the easiest and most effective cancer-fighting strategies there is.
With this advanced understanding of how cancer works, you do not need to fall victim to cancer. You can take action to prevent cancer or to beat cancer, even in the later stages of the disease. A comprehensive approach, doing as much as possible, is best.

The only reason not to use a multiple supplement approach is cost. Some of the best products are expensive, but there are plenty of relatively inexpensive ones among the top tier products. The more angles you attack from, the better, so in making a decision as to what to get, choose a variety of the top products, if possible.
One of the best ways to learn about using diet to fight cancer is to read up on the Gerson Diet. It has been used for decades to fight cancer. It incorporates organic foods, a vegetarian diet, raw juices, and organic coffee enemas. Can be used with the supplements suggested in this report if you want to be more vigorous in supporting your body and fighting cancer through diet.

Simple lifestyle changes to help you win the fight:
  • Eliminate refined sugars, oils and carbohydrates
  • Eat more fruits and vegetables. (While a grape diet has eliminated cancer in some people, you typically want to stay away from eating a lot of fruit, as sugar feeds cancer cells -- unless you are using BLA where all that sugar will help the cancer cells poison themselves with lactic acid.)
  • Eat organic whenever possible.
  • Make sure you are getting enough essential fatty acids, especially Omega 3 and Omega 6 in the right ratio.
  • Spend some time out in the sun to get vitamin D or take supplemental D.
  • Stay away from chlorinated drinking water and chlorinated water in showers.
Natural Cancer-Fighting Strategies: Product Overview
You can't do too much when you're fighting cancer, only too little. The more you're doing, the more ways you're attacking cancer, the greater your odds of success.

Even if you are taking a supplement that has helped many people, it may not be all you need because you have other issues that supplement doesn't address. A broad, wide-ranging approach to supporting your health and fighting cancer always works best.

Continuing your natural treatments for up to a year after you are cancer-free will give your body the time and energy it needs to fully recover. Consider getting some NMT treatments to clear up unresolved stress that disrupts your immune response and could prevent you from beating cancer.
INSIDE TIP:  Even if you are taking a number of supplements in moderate doses, you need to use high therapeutic amounts of at least one or two of the top-tier cancer fighting products discussed in this report.
All of the products can be used with each other, and don't have negative interactions with medications you may be on - other than zeolite. Zeolite pulls platinum out of three chemotherapy treatments that use platinum. Cisplatin, Carboplatin, and Oxaliplatin. You must stop zeolite supplements 3 days before chemo treatments with these three and wait 3 days afterwards. If using zeolite and CANcore-1, take them at least 30 minutes apart so the zeolite doesn't capture the minerals in CANcore-1.
If you use supplements in addition to what your doctor recommends, you will amplify the benefits of the chemotherapy.

Remember, the more ways you attack cancer, the better your chances are of beating it. The best alternative cancer clinics in the world use multiple supplements and holistic treatments. They don't do just one thing. If possible, do the same yourself.
These cancer fighting strategies do work. We hear reports all the time of people getting over tough cancers using these strategies and supplements. Hit cancer as hard as possible with a variety of cancer fighting products and diet improvements. It makes no sense to do less.
What To Do? Where To Start?
We have covered a large number of supplements in this online ebook. As this can be a bit overwhelming, we are going to summarize them so that you can better make a decision as to what to do, if you want to do anything.
We will do so by grouping the supplements according to their energetic testing results. Following the logic that the higher potency supplements, with the higher numbers, are more powerful cancer fighters. And the more of these you use, the better. This is born out in practice.
Then we will give you some further tips about the product combinations. But before that, here is a summary of some things to do if you feel you can't afford to purchase supplements. These suggestions have more value than many expensive supplements being used to fight cancer.
Low Or No Cost Suggestions
For starters, stop eating processed, refined, sugarized foods. Eat simple. Whole grains, lots of vegetables. Cut down on animal protein -- though a little is okay. Try to make at least any animal protein organic. All organic is best of course. Cut out all sugars, cookies, chips, etc. unless you are on BLA. Now of course, you may not want to change your habits. In that case make sure you are using BLA as the more you feed the cancer cells, the more lactic acid they produce and the faster they will die.
Do a modification of the Budwig flax seed protocol. Grind or blend up organic flax seeds fresh every day as they are much less expensive than flax oil. To get Omega 6 EFA's grind up raw organic sesame seeds too. Use at least 3 tablespoons ground up flax seed and 5 tablespoons sesame seed. If using oils instead, make those teaspoons instead of tablespoons.
Grind up and eat fresh, or store ground up mixture in the refrigerator. Blend in with cottage cheese or yogurt to enhance absorption. You can make a smoothie with this if you want. Berries are good to use as they are not as sweet as other fruits. This combination tests at 300.
Get the Vitamin D3 Plus with a 970 rating when using 25 drops a day, 50,000 units. You would need a bit over a bottle a month. You can use this much for about 3 months.
Follow the basic tenants of the Gerson Diet focusing on lots of raw juices, a vegan diet, and organic coffee enemas. This could end up being more expensive than eating your normal diet, but as it is replacing your normal diet, it may not cost much if you already have a juicer or can borrow one. Tests stronger than most usual supplements and treatments, at 800.
Something the person with cancer can and should do is the Louise Hay healing affirmation for cancer. People have beat cancer using this affirmation.
"I lovingly forgive and release all of the past. I choose to fill my world with joy. I love and approve of myself."
Say this affirmation 10 times a day, in one session is fine. Energetic testing puts this affirmation, when done correctly, at 310.
Another affirmation Dr. Whittaker recommends all his patients use is the classic,
"Every day in every way, I am getting better and better."
He gets a lot of positive feedback from his patients on the benefits of this affirmation. You don't have to believe an affirmation to get benefit from saying it. Say either, or both of these affirmations10 times a day and you will have benefit.
"Low Budget" Suggestions
If you are on a limited budget, but can afford to get a few supplements, the most important one to take for an early stage cancer, stages 0 to 3 -- if you can do only one thing -- is:
ESME version C -- 2 to 3 bottles per month.
Or if you prefer to use a supplement that is not primarily energized, frequency enhanced water, go with:
Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ -- 3 bottles per month
For a low budget advanced stage cancer strategy, increase ESME version C to 4 bottles per month. If you can do a bit more, add on 4 bottles a month of PrugX.
What To Do To Save Someone With Very Advanced End Stage Cancer
When someone's body is breaking down, with significant problems, they are in a process that is leading to death, and are said to be in an end stage of their cancer. This is not necessarily the end. Many people will still be able to reverse this process if they take the right actions. That action must be significant, and the sooner it can be started the better.
Fundamentally, you do not try to kill a lot of cancer when someone is in very bad shape. Their body would not be able to handle the work or eliminating dead cancer cells. You must focus on getting the body healthier so that it can survive. This may take a couple of months. Then you can start to hit the cancer more vigorously.
Listed in order of importance, here are the best supplements to use or actions to take. The more that can be done, the better.
UltraLiver12 -- three bottles a month. Most often a poorly functioning liver, whether it is functioning poorly because it has been overloaded by rounds of chemotherapy, or has cancer in it, or both. When the liver isn't working well, toxins build up in the body, poisoning it. Quite often the main reason someone is in the end stage is because chemo toxins are poisoning them to such an extent that they are dying. Supporting the liver is fundamental when it comes to increasing the chances of survival in end stage cancers.
Ronuv and OxyDHQ are next in importance. Like PrugX and BLA, use these at a reduced amount so that not too many cancer cells are killed. Use 2 bottles of each per month. At this level, this is the best infection fighting duo we know of. Ronuv is especially powerful at targeting pathogens, and OxyDHQ helps it work even better. As infections are a major cause of death in very advanced cancers, this infection fighting ability is important.
In addition Ronuv and OxyDHQ are flooding the body with additional cellular oxygen -- vital for preventing cells from turning cancerous, and helping poorly functioning cells to work better. They will also help detoxify the body by oxidizing toxins.
Fulvitea supplies predigested protein peptides and contains other regenerative ingredients that support healing. One of the common characteristics of a body in distress is that the energy required to recover is no longer available. Fulvitea provides energy without taxing your system - making it the perfect choice for recuperation. It's an all-natural essential protein food supplement that is fully absorbable.
Typically your body will use the protein peptides in Fulvitea to repair the liver as the liver is the most important organ to fix. Especially for catabolic wasting. In catabolic wasting, the liver is not functioning properly and cannot make protein. The body will use the predigested protein peptides in Fulvitea to repair liver function.
Typically using 2 containers a month of Fulvitea along with the Endocar will typically reverse catabolic wasting in two months. If the body is in a very depleted state, with a great deal of muscle loss, then using more Fulvitea will support the body more completely. Depending on how poor your health is, you may need to use as much as 6 containers a month for a few months. The worse off you are, the more you need.
Endocar is a frequency enhanced water elixir delivering energies to the body that are designed to support someone with very advanced end stage cancer, fighting death. The energies in Endocar support the detoxification organs, increase nutrient absorption, help stop catabolic wasting by stimulating liver regeneration, fight infections, increase cellular life force energy and more. Endocar works on issues that often are the actual cause of death in end stage cancers. Use 4 bottles a month.
CSE also helps support the body. It micro clusters fluid in the body which enables more toxins to be eliminated from cells, and more nutrients to enter cells. It's ability to enhance nutrient absorption is what makes it so important to use when dealing with end stage cancer. Use 4 bottles a month. Of course, it will also be fighting cancer too.
Detox Elixir provides support for the liver, kidneys and for cellular detoxification. It is our most powerful elixir for supporting detoxification. We don't suggest using Detox Elixir while using BLA as it does too good a job of pulling toxins from cells. But for the first two months of getting someone strong enough to be able to fight the cancer vigorously, when BLA would not be used, Detox elixir is excellent to do. The more support for the liver, kidneys and detoxification in general, the better.
Organic coffee enemas are also quite valuable to do. There are directions on how to do them online. Enemas in general help pull toxins out of the colon, always valuable to do. Organic coffee enemas are even better because the coffee is picked up and carried to the liver. Several ingredients in the coffee will stimulate production of glutathione in the liver, which enables the liver to neutralize toxins. Then the enema pulls the toxic bile full of these toxins out of the body so that these toxins are not reabsorbed.
Users report feeling better. It is common to notice a significant reduction in pain. When doing these on your own, it is probably best to do these every other day.
Three special situations that require extra help...
1. If someone is in very bad shape, in the process of dying, they need to use the EC-15 elixir set of 15 different healing frequency enhanced water elixirs. These elixirs supply a wide range of healing energies that support the body in a wide variety of ways. The two situations where the EC-15 is most important are when the kidneys are functioning very poorly as these energies are proving to be particularly good at supporting kidney function -- and when someone is near death. Using the EC-15 elixirs gives enough life force energies and healing energies to the body to keep it going longer. Hopefully, long enough for other supplements to also kick in and start to turn the tide in this battle.
Usually one set per month is enough. However, if someone is in particularly bad shape, they may need to use 2 sets a month. EC-15 is typically used 2 or 3 months. After that it won't be needed in most cases.
2. Vomiting and Nausea. When you have had enough chemotherapy to completely overload your liver's ability to get rid of the chemo toxins, those toxins build up in the cells in your body. Depending on the toxicity of the chemotherapy, on the shape your liver was in before chemo was started, and whether cancer in the liver is interfering with the ability of liver to function, this can happen right away or after several rounds of chemo.
The best course of action would have been to support the liver before and during the chemo with supplements like UltraLiver12, Liver Balance Plus, or Nymsar. However if you are at the stage where you are experiencing vomiting and or nausea, then more drastic action needs to take place. What happens is that toxins get stored in cells in the stomach wall, among other places, and irritate the wall -- causing nausea and vomiting.
Smoking marajuana is said to help with this, and it seems to help a bit as it tests at 230 for this. The very best and fastest way to deal with this issue is to use Glutathione Specialist. Glutathione Specialist is an energy infused liposomal glutathione. Glutathione is the single best cellular toxin neutralizer in the body. It is very poorly absorbed into cells except when taken in a liposomal delivery system where it is hidden inside phospholipids. The additional energies in Glutathione Specialist help it work better. The idea is to as quickly as possible neutralize and eliminate the chemo toxins that are stuck in cells to such an extent that they are causing nausea and vomiting.
You need to use a lot of it. Up to 9 or more bottles over the course of about 3 weeks. The more you do, the faster the toxins are neutralized, and the faster the chemo induced vomiting and nausea will stop. It tests at 730 for helping with vomiting and nausea.
3. Catabolic Wasting -- If you are not in an end stage, but are losing muscle mass even though you are eating well, most likely your liver is not converting amino acids to protein because it is functioning poorly. As mentioned above, Fulvitea is the most important product for rebuilding the liver so that it can start making protein again. It provides predigested protein peptides and other renewal factors to turn on healing. Use 2 bottles a month. Next in importance is to use UltraLiver12 to also rebuild and support the liver. Use 3 bottles a month. Add on Endocar if possible to further accelerate liver regeneration. Two bottles a month. It will take two months, most likely, to get your liver producing protein again.
General Protocols To Help You Decide What To Get
You can click on the name of the cancer that you are dealing with to see a protocol suggested for that type of cancer.
The Best Cancer Fighters -- When Swelling Is Okay
(When cancer is in, or has spread to the brain, bones, spine, throat, or someplace where there would be pain or dysfunction if a tumor were to swell up, such as inside a kidney, you must avoid supplements that kill cancer cells or boost your immune system to better kill cancer cells. You need to avoid these because the immune system uses inflammation to get rid of killed cancer cells. The cancer killers below kill cancer so quickly tumors swell up from this inflammation as there are so many dead cancer cells in the tumors.
If you need to avoid swelling, skip to the list below this one that covers supplements that fight cancer by causing the cancer cells to die a natural death -- which doesn't result in an inflammatory response by the immune system.)
PrugX, PrugX Enhancer, BLA, and BLA Enhancer are top rated cancer fighters in both cases, whether you need to avoid swelling or not. They cause natural cell death so can be used when you need to avoid swelling too.
Other top cancer fighters in this list kill cancer cells, or help boost your immune system to kill cancer cells. And because the immune system uses inflammation to get rid of KILLED cancer cells, they will cause your tumors to inflame and swell as it is getting rid of the killed cancer cells.
This inflammation is normal and is not a problem except when the tumor is in a place where it could cause pain or dysfunction if it swells. If you can see your tumor, you will notice when using these powerful cancer killers that it will become inflamed and bigger for a while as you kill the cancer cells in it.
Don't let this worry you. It is a sign the cancer is being killed. You can more quickly bring down the size of the tumor by adding on Blood Root Extract to what you are using. It will help to break up the tumor and to more quickly eliminate the dead cells. Use Red Root Extract to keep the lymph system flowing better and to reduce the size of lymph nodes as they will swell up with dead cancer cells.
In the suggested use quantities given in the list below, the first and lowest number is for early stage cancer, the second number is for advanced cancers, and the third number, if there is one, is the number of bottles to use per month for very advanced cancers.
PrugX and PrugX Enhancer test as the strongest cancer fighters, coming in at 25,600. They cause a buildup of hydrogen peroxide in cancer cells. Use 3, 4 or 6 bottles of each a month. Anti-oxidants section
PrugX Immune Boost on its own tests at 13,800. However, use it with PrugX and PrugX Enhancer and all three test at 43,700. Use 3, 4 or 6 bottles of each a month. Immune System and Cancer section
BLA and BLA Enhancer test at 23,700. Use 3, 4 or 6 bottles a month of each of these 2 ounce dropper bottles. They are designed to block lactic acid elimination from cancer cells so the cells die a natural death. pH Levels section
ESME version C is the single strongest product to use, testing at 15,400. Use 3, 4 or 5 bottles a month. PrugX, BLA and CSE works synergistically with it. Immune System and Cancer section
YewImmune5 and M-Inhibitor together test at 9300. They work together to stop cancer cell replication. Use 3, 4 or 5 bottles a month of each. Immune System and Cancer section
CSE tests at 8600. Use 3, 4, or 5 bottles a month of this elixir. It replaces MC². It micro clusters the fluids in your body. In addition, it causes cancer cells to die a natural death because of it's low hertz levels. CSE works synergistically with ESME and BLA. pH and Cancer section
Zaomor is an immune system boosting, cancer killing essential oil elixir testing at 8600 when used in the suggested quantities of 3, 4 or 5 bottles a month. Immune System and Cancer section
Zormus comes in at 7800 for killing cancer cells. It is anti-inflammatory -- but kills to many cancer cells to be used when inflammation must be entirely avoided. Use 3, 4 or 6 one ounce spray bottles monthly.  Cancer Killers
Corvix is an essential oil immune system boosting, cancer killing elixir and tests at 7200. 1, 2 or 3 bottles a month. Gets the immune system to better fight cancer and kills cancer cells directly. Immune System section
Ronuv tests at 7000 and is combination of many different elixirs mixed into low deuterium water, supercharged with additional energies in a unique subtle energy transmitting laser technology, give Ronuv a targeted oxygenation capability that focuses on cancer cells and viruses. When OxyDHQ and Custom Elixir Oxy are also used in conjunction withRonuv, this combination tests at 8700 in healing power for fighting cancer when used in the appropriate quantities. Use 3, 4 or 5 bottles of each one. Oxygenation section
Quzu tests at 7000 when using 3 or 4 bottles per month. The energies in it tell your body to create an explosion of endorphin production so the brain can better control the immune system, tell the body to product more glutathione to enhance detoxification, and they boost the cellular life force vibrations per minute to enable your immune system to function even better. Immune System
Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ is 6600 when used with ESMEUse 3, 6 or 9 one ounce bottles a month. Because it works uniquely, it is usually one of the more recommended supplements in the protocols. Remember, as with all other supplements, Zeolite can be used with all chemotherapies - except you must stop taking zeolite 3 days before platinum based chemotherapies and wait 3 days after to restart. Cancer Killers
StressDefense is also being supercharged with the laser technology, comes in at 6300. Use 1, 2 or 3 bottles per month. Because of its broad range of nutrient support to the body, it is the most important immune system booster to use for cancer prevention. Immune System
Creation Elixir comes in at 5300 for fighting cancer and supporting the body when using 3, 4 or 6 bottles monthly. Has an anti-inflammatory action also It works synergistically with Vortexia, making it one of the most important supplements to use if also using Vortexia.. Immune System
Omni Elixir Version 2 tests at 5100. Use along with Blue Tonic 4500. This combination works synergistically together. Use 1, 2 or 3 bottles each of Omni and Blue Tonic per month. These are powerful cancer killers that also boost your energy.  Immune System
Nymsar tests at 2200. It is an elixir made with QVF technology that both strongly supports the liver and also decreases inflammation significantly to help with pain. Use 3 or 4 bottles a month. Detoxify section
OxyDHQ works especially well in combination with Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ and pH Balancer 8.0. It you want to focus on hard supplements that are not primarily energetic in nature, these three are excellent. With them you are thoroughly covering alkalinity, oxygenation, detoxification and just plain killing cancer cells. This combination, when each supplement is taken in the appropriate quantities for the stage of cancer, comes in at 3340.
Super PEO tests at 1900 when using 2 bottles a month. One of the top supplements for cancer prevention.
Sayunt tests at 2600 for females with hormonal cancers. BioVibe tests at 2200 for males with prostate cancer. Much stronger when used in addition to traditional hormonal chemotherapies. Chemotherapies and Cancer
OCMP comes in at 1280 for fighting cancer. You cannot use it when using BLA as it will neutralize the buildup of acid in cancer cells that BLA causes. However, it is quite valuable for cancer prevention pH section
Neuroliminal Training Cancer NT CD comes in at 1110 in general for cancer and is especially important if you know stress or loss may have led to the cancer. A one time purchase, you put the CD on repeat and listen to it while you sleep, or during the day, at a barely audible level. In the Psychological section because it works to resolve any possible psychological issues that may have lead to your cancer.
OxyDHQ comes in at 1080 when used in the suggested quantities of 3, 4, or 5 four ounce bottles a month. Along with CSE and OCMP, is one of the best all around cancer prevention supplements too. Start with low doses and gradually increase to full dosage.   Oxygenation
Fulvitea is 1030. Use 3, 4 or 6 containers a month. Fights cancer, but most important for dealing with catabolic wasting as it helps to repair the liver, and for end stage cancers where its predigested protein and regenerative factors are a source of easy to use nutrient support for the body. Regenerative Elixir and Fulvitea used together for catabolic wasting, test very strong at 3260. Enzymes
Custom Elixir pH tests at 890 when taking 2, 3 or 4 per month. Use much more to deal with ascites.
EC-15 is 875. Use one set a month unless in very very bad shape, then use 2. The healing elixirs in EC-15 are most important when people are in bad shape and need as much support as possible to keep them alive. Usually just for the first month or two. Energetics
PapayaPro tests energetically at 830 for its ability to get rid of dead cancer cells by digesting them. This takes a major load off the immune system and the detoxification system and enables you to attack the cancer more vigorously. PapayaPro will, as it digests the dead cells in tumors, works to reduce tumor size. This is especially important if you have bone cancer or brain tumors, or any type of tumor in a place where it is causing pain or dysfunction. Using PapayaPro in very high doses, 4 containers a month, which is 8 scoops a day in water on an empty stomach, is called for in this situation. For not as vital getting rid of dead cancer cell support, use 1 to 3 bottles a month. Detoxify section
Life Support tests at 750 when 8 bottles a month of this herbal circulation enhancer are used. It increases the effectiveness of whatever else you are using by driving it further throughout your body. Oxygenation
Custom Elixir LS tests at 620 in healing power for people with cancer in their lymph system. It is always a valuable product if you have cancer in your lymph system, and useful even if you don't. With the super powerful cancer cell killers we now recommend, users are finding that their lymph system is becoming clogged up with cancer cells that have been killed and that their lymph nodes are swelling. Using PapayaPro and Custom Elixir LS will help deal with this issue. Use 2 or 3 bottles a month of Custom Elixir LS. Energetics
UltraImmune9, when used in high therapeutic dosages of 6, 9 or 12  90 capsule bottles a month, comes in at 630. That would be using 18, 27 or 36 capsules a day. Much stronger than AHCC and other mushroom products we tested.  Immune System
CandiClear5 energetically tests at 610. It is especially valuable for colon, stomach and rectal cancers where more of the fossilized phytoplankton and zeolite powder will be working on the cancer. Fungus section
Vitamin D3 Plus is 440. Use 10 drops every day when dealing with cancer. Inexpensive and powerful, everyone should be using this one.  Immune System
pH Balancer 8.0 is a 499. Use 3, 4 or 5 of these 90 tablet bottles per month. Because this potentizes many of the top rated supplements, it is much more valuable than its rating suggests. It is also anti-inflammatory.  pH section
Liver Balance Plus is 394 for its ability to turn on and support the liver. Significantly better than most liver support products. It is most often called for when there is no cancer in the liver but the user needs a lot of liver support. Use 2, 3 or 4 bottles a month. Detoxify
For most cancers you can use the energetic testing numbers above to help you decide what to get. The higher the number the more vigorous its action. Try to spread out the action. If you have a couple of the top immune system supplements, and can only get one or two more supplements, consider dropping down further in the list and picking up OCMP and maybe something like Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ to hit the cancer in different way.
If you have any cancer in your liver, or if chemo is wiping you out, a sure sign of a poorly functioning liver, add on UltraLiver12 and Nymsar.
If you have any cancer in your kidneys, or if they have been damaged by chemo, give your kidney's additional support with Kidney Rescue and Custom Elixir KID
When we energetically test people who have been using some or all of the highest rated supplements, we are finding huge decreases in the amount of cancer cells. Our energetic testing is picking up as much as a 25% to 50% decrease in live cancer cells within a month, depending on how many of these products are used, even with advanced cancers (when taking the advanced cancer dosages).
The Best Supplements When You Can't Risk Inflammation and Tumor Swelling
PrugX and PrugX Enhancer test as the strongest cancer fighters, coming in at 25,600. They cause a buildup of hydrogen peroxide in cancer cells. Use 3, 4 or 6 bottles of each a month. Anti-oxidants section
PrugX Immune Boost, when used at the two bottle a month dosage only, is next in importance. Keeps cancer cells from hiding from the immune system. Immune System and Cancer section
BLA and BLA Enhancer test at 23,700. Use 3, 4 or 6 bottles a month of each of these 2 ounce dropper bottles. They are designed to block lactic acid elimination from cancer cells so the cells die a natural death. pH Levels section
ESME version NS is the single strongest product to use when needing to avoid swelling, testing at 13,200. Use 3, 4 or 5 bottles a month. PrugX, BLA and CSE works synergistically with it. Immune System and Cancer section
CSE tests at 8600. Use 3, 4, or 5 bottles a month of this elixir.It replaces MC². It micro clusters the fluids in your body. In addition, it causes cancer cells to die a natural death because of it's low hertz levels. CSE works synergistically with ESME and BLA. pH and Cancer section
Q RME energetically tests at 4600. The energies this elixir supplies instruct your body to Repair damaged Mitochondrial Enzymes. QVF technology is used to make this. When Q RME is used in combination with Ge-ProCoQ10, which transports oxygen in the mitochondria so that it can be used to make energy, and with the Life Force Elixir, which also improves the function of the mitochondria, this Mito Repair Combo tests at 8500. Use 3 or 4 bottles a month each of Q RME and Live Force Elixir, and 6, 7 or 8 bottles a month of Ge-ProCoQ10. Oxygenation
Honokare is a supercharges with QVF energies liquid herbal extract full of powerful well-research herbs that cause cancer cells to die a natural death. It tests at 7600. Use 4, 6 or 8 bottles a month. Like the other elixirs, it comes in a 2 ounce dropper bottle. Immune System
Klivina Trem elixir uses essential oils and energies to increase cellular energy. This enables cancer cells to normalize energy production which causes apoptosis. Also causes cellular detoxification. It tests at 6800. Use 1, 2 or 3 bottles a month. Immune System
Matrix Factor comes in 2500. Immune System section It is one of the most important supplement when cancer is in the brain and bone. It causes cancer cells to normalize and when a cancer cell becomes a normal cell, it realizes that it has lived too long and tells itself to die - which does not cause inflammation. Use 1, 2 or 3 bottles a month.
Sayunt tests at 2600 for females with hormonal cancers. BioVibe tests at 2200 for males with prostate cancer. Much stronger when used in addition to traditional hormonal chemotherapies. Chemotherapies and Cancer
Nymsar tests at 2200. It is an elixir made with QVF technology that both strongly supports the liver and also decreases inflammation significantly to help with pain. Use 3 or 4 bottles a month.
Super PEO tests at 1900 when using 2 bottles a month. One of the top supplements for cancer prevention.
Neuroliminal Training Cancer NT CD comes in at 1110 in general for cancer and is especially important if you know stress or loss may have led to the cancer. A one time purchase, you put the CD on repeat and listen to it while you sleep, or during the day, at a barely audible level. In the Psychological section because it works to resolve any possible psychological issues that may have lead to your cancer.
Fulvitea is 1030. Use 3, 4 or 6 containers a month. Fights cancer in a way that does not cause swelling, but most important for dealing with catabolic wasting as it helps to repair the liver, and for end stage cancers where its predigested protein and regenerative factors are a source of easy to use nutrient support for the body. Regenerative Elixir and Fulviteaused together for catabolic wasting, test very strong at 3260. Enzymes
Custom Elixir pH tests at 890 when taking 4, 6 or 8 per month. Use to help with ascites. pH Levels
EC-15 is 875. Use one set a month unless in very very bad shape, then use 2. The healing elixirs in EC-15 are most important when people are in bad shape and need as much support as possible to keep them alive. Usually just for the first month or two. Energetics
PapayaPro tests energetically at 830 for its ability to get rid of dead cancer cells by digesting them. This takes a major load off the immune system and the detoxification system and enables you to attack the cancer more vigorously. PapayaPro will, as it digests the dead cells in tumors, works to reduce tumor size. This is especially important if you have bone cancer or brain tumors, or any type of tumor in a place where it is causing pain or dysfunction. Using PapayaPro in very high doses, 4 containers a month, which is 8 scoops a day in water on an empty stomach, is called for in this situation. For not as vital getting rid of dead cancer cell support, use 1 to 3 bottles a month. Detoxify section
Life Support tests at 750 when 8 bottles a month of this herbal circulation enhancer are used. It increases the effectiveness of whatever else you are using by driving it further throughout your body. Oxygenation
Glyco Ultra comes in at 720. Use 1 or 3 containers These get the immune system to communicate more effectively.  Immune System
Tachyon Quartz or Tachyon Healing Cloth come in at 620Immune System section. These supply a constant source of tachyon energy to the body. Tachyon energies are known for helping with pain when used topically as these would be.
Custom Elixir LS tests at 620 in healing power for people with cancer in their lymph system. It is always a valuable product if you have cancer in your lymph system, and useful even if you don't. With the super powerful cancer cell killers we now recommend, users are finding that their lymph system is becoming clogged up with cancer cells that have been killed and that their lymph nodes are swelling. Using PapayaPro and Custom Elixir LS will help deal with this issue. Use 3 to 6 bottles a month of Custom Elixir LS. Energetics
pH Balancer 8.0 is a 499. Use 3, 4 or 5 of these 90 tablet bottles per month. Because this potentizes many of the top rated supplements, it is much more valuable than its rating suggests. It is also anti-inflammatory.  pH section
Liver Balance Plus is 394 for its ability to turn on and support the liver. Significantly better than most liver support products. It is most often called for when there is no cancer in the liver but the user needs a lot of liver support. Use 2, 3 or 4 bottles a month. Detoxify
Clear Circuit Pendant is 325 for pain relief. Consider this as something additional to use when dealing with pain. Helps fight cancer too. Energetics
For most cancers you can use the energetic testing numbers above to help you decide what to get. The higher the number the more vigorous its action.
If you have any cancer in your liver, add on Nymsar and Liver Balance Plus.
If you have any cancer in your kidneys, give them additional support with Kidney Rescue and Custom Elixir KID
Top Suggestions for Cancer Prevention
ESME version C -- use two bottles a month for 6 months, and then 1 bottle a month after that for at least 6 months is the most important supplement to take for cancer prevention.
PrugX Immune Boost -- use two bottles a month for 6 months.
CSE -- Not only do the vibrations in CSE disrupt and kill cancer cells, the fundamental long term action of using CSE is to micro cluster the fluid in your body. This enables cells to detoxify better, a fundamental action for cancer prevention. Clean cells don't turn cancerous. OCMP could also be used, but CSE works synergistically with ESME version C so is a bit stronger choice. Use 2 bottles a month. After 6 months go down to using one bottle a month of CSE at least another 6 months to continue cleaning your cells.
StressDefense -- Use 1 bottle a month of for 3 to 6 months, to get the immune system back in good shape so it can handle cancer cells that develop. StressDefense will also kill cancer cells, pathogens, and boost the overall health of the body. The immune system was not working strongly if you developed cancer. StressDefense is a very strong immune system supplement.

Don't Give Up Hope
By the way, don't give up hope if your oncologist tells you that your cancer is terminal, that there is nothing they can do. If you are not dying right then, if they tell you that you have months or even weeks to live, these products can beat your cancer - if you use them. Because the doctors do not have effective drugs to battle cancer, you would indeed be bound to die according to what they know and do. So to them, you are terminal. But from my way of looking at things, that's not likely to be the case. These products are much more effective than what the doctors are using or used to seeing used.
Remember: You don't have to use everything in the suggested therapeutic amounts. However, using several supplements in therapeutic quantities is important in order to get enough to make a difference. (Of course, we have heard many stories where just one supplement knocked out a cancer. More is better though.)

Because these products are natural, they can be used with whatever else you may be doing. If there are any issues at all, like with zeolite and platinum based chemotherapy, we mention it.

You can undergo chemotherapy or radiation and still take these supplements. You can be on heart medication and take them. And so on. The more advanced a cancer is, the better it is to do more. A multi-angle attack will increase your odds of success.
  • These strategies have worked for many many people. The sooner you start using them, the greater your chances of success. Some health practitioners say that your chances are almost nil if you don't use natural supplements that promote health along with doing whatever your doctor has you do. 
  • (Don't worry too much about the side effects of chemotherapy if you are using several of these products. They help reduce or eliminate the side effects of chemotherapy. And help the chemo work more effectively.
  • These supplements are so powerful, it doesn't make sense to lose organs or parts of your body when a strong natural approach such as featured in this report will most often get rid of cancer on its own if you hit it hard enough.)

    If you have time on your side, chances are very high that employing these strategies will stop and even reverse your cancer because they correct the underlying conditions that allowed the cancer to develop in the first place.
  • Even if your cancer is quite advanced, you can beat cancer if you have enough time to give the supplements an opportunity to do what they do. And if you take enough to get the job done. The more cancer there is, the more you need to do. You want your army to be killing the cancer faster than it can replicate.
  • Plan on continuing a cancer fighting regimen for at least a year. Even if the cancer is gone in a few months, you need to support the body to help it recover so that the cancer doesn't come back later. Just reduce dosages and the number of supplements as you become healthier.
  • These strategies won't help you if you don't use them.
  • The recommended supplements are safe and natural; they won't hurt you in any way. They only do good in your body. Use them in addition to what your doctor has you do, or use them on their own.
Good luck with your battle against cancer. Here is your....

5 Step Game Plan

1.Take your time and read over this information, more than once if necessary. If you are not sure what to use,you might want to take advantage of the Live Chat link on the top left of each page.
2. Purchase the products you have decided to use.
3. Start taking these products faithfully and in the suggested dosage as discussed above. Be aware that you can feel more tired at first as your body is working harder to fight the cancer - now that it has some nutritional support. If you get too tired, or feel a bit sick (from your body not being able to detoxify all the dead cancer cells and from the increased detoxification of your body which may overwhelm your detox organs), reduce dosage temporarily and get more support for your detox organs. Unlike chemotherapy, these products do not harm your body. They can only do more than your body can handle. They will also help alleviate the toxic side effects of chemotherapy.
4. If you see positive results, great.  Continue on till the cancer is gone. By the way, most cancer blood marker tests and PSA tests measure dead cancer cells as part of the score. So numbers will rise at first if you are taking supplements that are killing cancer cells. So don't be alarmed if scores rise at first. It's just what happens. And tumors enlarge when you are killing the cancer cells in them as the immune system uses inflammation to get rid of those cells. We here many stories of tumors being removed that were completely dead because of the supplements that were taken.

If you are not getting on top of the cancer and improving, your cancer is probably growing faster than you are killing it off. In this case, your best bet is to increase the number of products and or increase the dosage of what you are taking. You can always beat early stage cancers and most advanced cancers just by making sure you are taking enough supplements to kill the cancer faster than it is growing.
If you have a lot of cancer in your body, you likely will need to take more supplements to beat the cancer. If you have time, you can always start with just a few supplements to see if they get the job done. If that doesn't seem to be working, know that for your body and what you are dealing with, you need to do more.
Of course, people with end stage cancers whose bodies are breaking down have less chance of success. You need to support their immune system, organs and detoxification system more, and not be as aggressive at killing off the cancer until they become stronger. The End Stage supplements and suggestions in this report give someone with end stage cancer their best chance at beating cancer, but it can be too late. You can only try.
5. Once your cancer is gone, and for most of you it will be if you follow the suggestions in this report, don't stop using the supplements immediately, or go back on a bad diet. Reduce dosages and possibly the number of supplements you take gradually. Continue to take some for about a year for best results. And consider staying on a bottle a month of OCMP as a preventative.

11 Resources To Help Your Fight Against Cancer

Only a few of the best supplements you'll need to beat cancer and win are widely available.  Most are hard to find.  Below is a source where you can stock up on these special supplements - the ammunition you need - to overcome your cancer.  Plus links to other information you might find to be of interest.
1)  GetHealthyAgain is an excellent and helpful online store specializing in effective immune support supplements.  It carries all these supplements, and more.  They can answer questions you may have about the supplements, and can help you figure out how to use whatever products you get. Call them at: 800-832-9755 or 907-235-5556
CLICK HERE to visit their order page -

  The sign up above is for their occasional free newsletter.
2)The Sedona Method teaches you, and has taught for 3 decades, how to release and let go of stress, problems, and more. Most appropriate to learn when dealing with cancer or loved ones with cancer.
3) If you have digestive problems, or want a solid dietary approach to cancer, a good place to learn about this is the Great Taste No Pain information on food combining. It has helped people deal with an astounding variety of digestive issues. We learned about this from a woman who use it along with a number of products we recommend to beat her cancer.
4) Jenny Mannion is an energetic healer that rates strong in our testing. She will use several different healing methods to work with you. She can look into and help correct any blocks that may be preventing your healing. Go to or give her a call at 607-437-7867. This is done long distance, and the person being worked on does not have to be on the phone. She gives a substantial discount to people who mention this site as being the way they found out about her.
5) With a tough case of cancer, it never hurts to get a traditional energetic healer to work on you. A good healer like Michael Limacher can help, and with some of the people he has worked on, long distance or in person, their cancers just disappeared. If you have an interest in him working with you long distance, give Michael a call at: 907-299-1852. Throughout his 58 years of helping others, Michael has often donated his time helping the poor in need. However, for those who can afford to support his work, it's greatly appreciated. His website is P.O. Box 3001 Homer, AK 99603. Suggested donation is $195.
6) NeuroModulation Technique or NMT is an excellent healing technique that eliminates malfunctions caused by emotions, stress, thoughts and even accidents that may have led to the development of your cancer. gives more information. NMT can be done long distance, or if you go to a local practitioner, in person. Les Feinberg developed NMT and works with people long distance. 541-567-0200.
Many cancer clinics and alternative dentists feel that teeth cavitations are often an underlying cause of cancer. Dealing with these cavitations if expensive to say the least. NMT practitioners have helped lots of people with cavitations - necrosis in the jawbones - usually due to extracted or root canalled teeth. Anaerobic bacteria colonize in the jaw bones, proliferate, and release toxins 1000 times more toxic than botulism toxins. This can wreak havoc when the toxins get into the blood stream and go to other parts of the body. NMT can help with cavitations. Dr. Feinberg published a study on the healing of cavitations in the Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Feb. 09. NMT is also excellent for pain relief and would help with nausea too.
7) The Institute for Responsible Technology will teach you more about the dangers of Genetically Modified foods -- and why you want to avoid them. They will cause many cancers if their use becomes more widespread. Read about the two year rat study where all rats feed only genetically modified food developed tumors, huge tumors.
8) EFT, the Emotional Freedom Technique, does a lot more than help relieve stress and emotional issues, and it does a good job at that. It works on physical issues, including helping to fight cancer, and is known to be excellent for pain and anxiety reduction too. It is easy to learn, and you can use it on yourself or on someone else. ETF Universe has the best website on EFT. There is a lot of free information on the basics of how to do it, and more comprehensive material to optimize your ability to use this tool.
8) A diagnosis of cancer produces a great deal of anxiety. For you and your loved ones. This anxiety makes your immune system much less effective. Just what you don't need. Click here to learn about a technique that will help you vaporize your anxiety.
9) Hate to give up your coffee, but it's just too acidic in your body when you're trying to fight cancer? Which it is. Get a Medicinal Mushroom Gourmet Coffee that is good for you as the mushrooms reduce the acidity and provide healing benefits. Click Here.
10) As part of changing to an anti-cancer lifestyle, using non toxic shampoo and hair care products is valuable. Even shampoos labeled organic can contain toxins and chemicals. An excellent source of high quality yet non toxic hair care products are the Morocco Method products. You won't find any chemicals listed in their list of ingredients. Low sudsing, and they work very very well. Click Here to learn more about these top of the line products, and to order if you like.
11) If you are taking MSM Powder and don't like the taste, or if food tastes awful because of chemotherapy, try Miracle Berry tablets. (Many Chemo treatments cause the mouth to get an awful, metallic taste in it and nothing seems to have much flavor). The Miracle Berry is a fruit which, when chewed slowly, causes anything that is eaten for about the next hour, to taste sweet. It will make a big difference in how the MSM tastes, or how your food tastes if that is the problem. Find out more, and order, at

Thanks for visiting:
Oxygenate Your Cancer | Kill Your Cancer | Fighting CancerDisclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The products and information contained herein are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases or, medical problems. It is not intended to replace your doctor's recommendations. The information is provided for educational purposes only. Nutritional benefits may vary from one person to another.


All 201 water utilities were polluted with THMs. A glass of water from your tap can contain any of 2,100 contaminants, including known and probable carcinogens, toxins that affect your endocrine and nervous systems, and chemicals that are known risks to babies in the womb.

Where does all the junk come from? How does it get into the water? How big are the risks it poses? And most important, what steps can you take to protect yourself and those you love? Let's take a look. . .

Continued below. . .

Video of the Week:
"Shocking Confessions of a Drug Company Insider"

    In this exposé, a top executive of a major pharmaceutical company spills the naked truth about the drugs you and your family take... which drugs heal, and which ones KILL... what doctors turn to when they don't know the cure... what they do when they themselves or their loved ones are stricken with disease or illness... what life-saving resource they insist should be in every home. Watch this must-see video nowbecause your life -- or the life of your loved ones -- may depend on it.

    Tap water contamination can come from many sources — pesticides, fertilizer, factory farms and regular factories, metals and chemicals leaching from pipes and storage tanks. And more…

    Water treatment plants in the path of Superstorm Sandy are still struggling to recover from the torrential rains that washed tens of millions of gallons of raw or partially treated sewage into the area's waterways.

The "disinfectant" that creates risky toxins

    And then there's the stuff they deliberately add to the water to "protect our health." You probably know that waterworks across the nation add chlorine as a disinfectant to fight disease-causing pathogens in dirty source water.
But chlorine reacts with rotting organic sewage, manure, dead animals and fallen leaves to form potentially harmful chemicals.
This unintended side effect of chlorinating water creates chemicals called trihalomethanes (THM). The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) nicknames them "disinfection byproducts". But let's call them what they really are — toxic trash.
Scientists believe that THMs in your drinking water may be responsible for thousands of bladder cancer cases every year — and they are also implicated in colon and rectal cancer, birth defects, low birth weight and miscarried babies. (NHDES2006).
The best known of the four-member THM family is chloroform. Years ago it was used as an anesthetic to render people unconscious during surgery. Now the U.S. government calls it a "probable" human carcinogen. California calls it a "known" carcinogen.
The Environmental Working Group (EWG) recently reviewed the latest water quality tests from 201 large water utilities, serving 100 million Americans. Their investigation found that all 201 water utilities were polluted with THMs.

The mounting evidence against trihalomethanes

    Growing evidence links THMs to cancer and other health problems including these:

  • Men exposed to more than 50 ppb had significantly increased risk of bladder cancer (Costet 2011).
  • People faced twice the risk of bladder cancer death if trihalomethanes were above 21 ppb. (2011 National Report on Carcinogens, a report of the National Toxicology Program). Of the water systems studied by EWG, 85 percent reported average THM contamination above 21 ppb.
  • The National Cancer Institute notes that 25% of people may have a genetic susceptibility toward increased bladder cancer risk from THMs (Cantor 2010).
  • In 2005, the EPA considered lowering the legal trihalomethane limit to 40 ppb — saying it could prevent 1,300 bladder cancer cases annually. But then it didn't take action.
  • Fourteen studies now link THM exposure to small birth weight infants, neural tube defects, and miscarriage. (The neural tube is the structure that develops into the brain and spinal cord.)

    I don't want to worry you unnecessarily. Bladder cancer is not up there with breast cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer and other big killers. It's a relatively small risk. The American Cancer Society estimates there will be about 72,000 new cases diagnosed in 2013 and about 15,000 deaths from bladder cancer.

    Having said that, I don't take the threat lightly myself. I don't drink chlorinated water. I also take the view that we're probably just seeing the tip of the iceberg. Most likely chlorine and its THM byproducts have other health effects that haven't been identified yet.

A few more thoughts about that iceberg. . .

    A report by the Ralph Nader Study Group‚ confirmed after sifting through 10‚000 documents acquired through the Freedom Of Information Act that, "U.S. drinking water contains more than 2,100 toxic chemicals that can cause cancer."
Some are created by the interaction of water treatment disinfectants and pollutants in source water. Most have never been studied in any depth and several are suspected carcinogens.
 But the Federal Safe Drinking Water Act only addresses 79 contaminants1.
 Municipal water treatment facilities do not remove SOCs (synthetic organic chemicals).
And for the most part, water treatment facilities are similar to what they were in the early 1900's. The norm was and is… filter out the visible particles, then add bleach! Euww!
As far as that goes, many of the water treatment plants (and most certainly the underground piping) was laid a hundred years ago or more in older communities. The way we guarantee safe drinking water is old, out-dated, broken and needs to be fixed.
 Water authority Dr. David Ozonoff of the Boston University of Public Health warned, "The risk of disease associated with public drinking water has passed from the theoretical to the real."
Illnesses that in the past couldn't be linked to any probable cause have now been linked to toxins in drinking water. "While levels of these carcinogens (synthetic organic chemicals) in drinking water are low, it is precisely these low levels that carcinogen specialists believe to be responsible for the majority of human cancers in the U.S.," the U.S. Council on Environmental Quality states.
In 1994 during EWG's first ever tap water study, 27 out of 29 major cities had traces of at least two weed killers in the drinking water. However, in Fort Wayne, Indiana the group found a shockingnine different pesticides in a single glass of tap water!
 As an alarming side note, they reported that in these 29 cities, 45,000 infants drank formula mixed with tap water containing weed killers and that "over half of these infants were swallowing 4 to 9 chemicals in every bottle."
And yet our water quality standards are set based on what is assumed safe for a 175-pound adult, drinking just one single chemical in their water…. Not two or more (let alone hundreds).
 In 1995 the Science Advisory Report to the EPA stated that "…when two or more of these contaminants combine in our water, the potency may be increased by as much as 1000 times."
 You should assume that there's NO acceptable SAFE level for pesticides, weed killers, chlorine, MTBE (a fuel additive), and so on, in your drinking water.

This controversial toxin is deliberately
added to your water

    Chemist and microbiologist Albert Schatz, Ph.D., declared a certain chemical, "…the greatest fraud that has ever been perpetrated on more people than any other fraud has."
The Delaney Congressional Investigation Committee, which monitors additives, says, "Fluoridation is mass medication without parallel in the history of medicine."

fluoride.gif 266x344    Dr. Robert Carton, former EPA scientist, has said, "Fluoride is somewhat less toxic than arsenic and more toxic than lead, and you wouldn't want either of them in your mouth."
Fluoride has been named an equivocal carcinogen by the National Cancer Institute Toxicological Program.2 There's also substantial evidence that it's a potent neurotoxin.3
 Fluoride is actually a by-product of the aluminum industry and is classified as a hazmat (hazardous material) for disposal purposes. That doesn't sound exactly benign to me.
Yet 70 percent of U.S. water systems force it on you… some of them at extremely high levels.

    To learn more about fluoride, go

And well water isn't problem-free either!

    Roughly 15 percent of Americans get their drinking water from private wells, which are not subject to EPA standards (for whatever that's worth!).

    Personally, I like having my own well and being able to exert some degree of control over my water. But having said that, please note that well water is not exempt from contamination. Watch out for these problems…

  • Microorganisms — bacteria, viruses, parasites, especially in shallow wells. Runoff after flooding can pose a special risk.
  • Radionuclides — radioactive elements such as uranium and radium, from underlying rocks and ground water.
  • Radon — is linked to lung cancer and can be inhaled when you run your water. Especially prevalent in New Jersey, New England, New York, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Arizona — though not limited to these areas.
  • Nitrates and nitrites — migrate quickly through soil and into waterways. Especially acute near heavy agricultural areas. Can lead to a serious bleeding condition.
  • Heavy Metals — Cadmium, chromium, lead, selenium, arsenic, etc. linked to underground rocks and soils. Chromium and selenium are beneficial in very tiny amounts but toxic in large doses. I recently found out my selenium levels were high enough to be dangerous. Not sure why, but I suspect it's my well water.

How groundwater contamination affects you
(Whether you live in the city or the country)

    The legacy of pollution and lax regulatory enforcement is perhaps unrivaled in our nation's factory farms, known by the Orwellian acronym CAFO (Confined Animal Feeding Operations).

    Farm runoff affects both city and well water, produces a lot of contaminants, and is a growing problem.

    California's Central Valley is now home to 1.6 million dairy cows that together produce almostfive times more waste than the entire human population of Los Angeles.4 And that doesn't even count calves or replacement stock, just adult cows.

    Other states with large numbers of CAFOs include Iowa, Minnesota, North Carolina, Wisconsin, and Kansas…

    Dairies produce four major contaminants: nitrates, bacteria (E. coli, etc.), antibiotics, and hormones. And unlike cities, dairies don't use treatment systems to remove them from wastewater.

    Worse, manure can (and does) spill from holding structures into nearby waterways when heavy rains lead to flooding. The spillage problem is compounded by poor construction or design.5

    How dangerous are these pollutants?

  • Nitrates. Manure converts to ammonia and then to nitrate. Exposure can lead to methemoglobinemia — a blood condition that hinders oxygen transport, and can be fatal in infants, where it is called "blue baby syndrome". Long-term nitrate exposure is also linked to cancer, miscarriage, premature birth, impaired fetal growth, and more.
  • Pathogens. Six of the 150 human pathogens in animal manure are responsible for 90 percent of all human food-and-water-borne diseases: Campylobacter, Salmonella, Listeria, E. coli, Cryptosporidium and Giardia.7 At least in theory, municipal water systems eliminate these pathogens before they reach you. Not so with private wells.
    Bacteria linked to CAFOs can be resistant to antibiotics, increasing risk to those who rely on well water.
  • Hormones are routinely injected into livestock to increase productivity. In 2007, over 40 percent of CAFO cows were injected with rBST (also called rBGH), a growth hormone. These physiologically active steroidal hormones find their way into your water.8
  • Exposure has been linked to an increase in hormone-related cancers and chronic illnesses, disruptions in fetal and child development, and feminization of male fish.
  • Antibiotics are used extensively through a cow's entire life, not to treat or prevent disease but mainly to promote growth and milk output. These drugs can persist more than one year in the environment, imposing a major health threat9
    When bacteria are repeatedly exposed to antibiotics, the drug-resistant bacteria survive while the rest die. Then the resistant ones breed and spread. Many doctors consider antibiotic-resistant germs to be one of today's biggest health challenges.

What to do about this invisible problem

    In the next issue you'll learn the best ways to deal with the problem of contaminated water. I'm not going to opine about what the politicians should do on a national or global level. For one thing, we may be dead before they take action. No, the focus is going to be on what you can do to avoid dirty, dangerous water at a personal and family level.

    We're often asked what are the best options for purifying or filtering a home's water supply. In the next issue, we'll answer that question as well as we can.

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Kindest regards,

Lee Euler, Publisher

Мир без рака. Что нужно знать об этом!
Active H-minus

The Problem
Parent Essential Oils start out in food, but by the time the food processors finish, these precious nutrients can be either converted to unhealthy transfats, removed, or deactivated. Food processing presents an insurmountable problem whose hazards may be minimized by supplementation. Chemical processing and high heat transform PEOs and other unsaturated oils into transfats. You may recently have heard on the news about the damage transfats do.
Your appetite can constantly stay "on" because your body is hoping you will give it these precious, essential oils.

Below are typical steps a food processor uses to make commercial cooking oils like those you buy at your local supermarket and eat at your favorite restaurants. Even though you may not want to consume them, it's nearly impossible to completely avoid them.
The Solution

Many of us are overdosing on harmful transfats and not getting enough of the unprocessed oils containing the precious Parent Essential Oils. YES™ Ultimate EFAs are cold-pressed and organically produced. You can rest assured there are no fishy oils that need to be masked with other flavors.

Fish have no oil glands so creating fish oil supplements basically means you get "juiced" fish. "Juiced" fish is the worst way to get your EFAs. This is one of the reasons we don't offer fish oil. Another reason is contaminated water supplies. Fish toxins, including mercury, may magnify into higher and higher levels in these concentrated fish oils. Even if fish oil supplements claim to have removed harmful toxins, the processing needed to do so may also alter the natural oils. You do NOT want this regardless of who is making the claims for concentrated fish oils. Furthermore, fish is high in derivative omega 3—not the required Parent Essential Oils nature intended us to get.

Instead of relying on fish oil containing mostly "derivative-based" omega 3 oils, we use healthy organic Evening Primrose oil, organic high linoleic Safflower oil a and sunflower oil, all excellent sources of "parent" omega 6, along with organic flax oil for "parent" omega 3, to obtain what we consider the ideal science-based “parent” omega 6/3 combination.

The proper Parent Essential Oil ratio based on science is another extremely important issue that needs to be addressed. There is a misconception among nutritionists that we already get plenty of omega 6 in our diets. The problem is that we get very little pure, unadulterated "parent" omega 6 oils because, to get long shelf-life, most will be turned by the food manufacturers into cancer-causing transfats or damaged in some way making them ineffective. Furthermore, and of extreme importance is the fact that you can easily "overdose" on excess omega 3, which can cause serious health problems. More than 97% of your body needs at least a 4/1 ratio in favor of unadulterated "parent" omega 6 over "parent" omega 3 because that is what your tissues and organs are made of.

Our unique Ultimate EFA formulation takes into consideration the good unadulterated "parent" omega 6 you may already be getting in your diet, as well as carefully balancing it with the proper ratio of "parent" omega 3. We are the leaders in EFA science with such a specifically calculated balance, using naturally produced seed oils instead of fish oil, and providing the parent oil, and not just the derivatives.

We bring you convenience without compromising quality or requiring refrigeration. How do we know that our formula is so great? Because thousands of people from around the world rave about it. We've personally been taking the supplement for years and we don't miss a day without them!

IMPORTANT: Be sure to take a minimum of 4 YES™ Ultimate EFAs daily for nutritional support and to help assist with appetite fulfillment. If you think you may forget, it is best to take all 4 at once, rather than to take just 2 on any given day. You may be pleasantly surprised with your new appetite.

"What makes YES™ Ultimate EFAs worth the price?"

Because they REALLY Work! Many of our customers refer to YES™ Ultimate EFAs as "liquid gold." Unlike most commercial oil supplements, YES™ Ultimate EFAs are produced in small, limited quantities. The oils have no pesticides and have organic certification. After low temperature pressing, we use special capsules with low oxygen permeability to protect the precious oils so no refrigeration is required. Since no fish oils are ever used, there is no "fishy" aftertaste or dangerous toxins. And you can rest assured that you receive "parent" oils, not the harmful overdoses of "derivatives," as found in so many commercial products. Don't settle for less than the very best!

Welcome to our "family." You will notice the YES™ difference, and please share your success with us!

The YES™ Family

Brian Peskin The 24 hour diet

The Missing Link: EFA “Oxygen Magnets”
Scientific Studies Show That EFAs Prevent Cancer
The great news, presented to the public in a cohesive manner for the
first time in this book, is that EFAs have been proven in numerous
studies to prevent cancers from forming in conditions and situations
where they were expected to form and would have formed had EFAs
not been administered. Some of these studies also show that EFAs
can inhibit the growth of cancer already present in the body. The
results of the most significant of these studies are discussed in detail
in Chapter 11.
However,the resultsofanewstudywe commissionedtodirectly
test the effects of the EFA ratios recommended in this plan were so
positive that we want to review them here.
A New EFA Cancer Experiment—Proof That EFAs
EFAs (transfats) encourage cancer growth. The Hidden Story of Cancer
For example, in 1997, it was shown that an EFA deficiency in
mice allowed cancerto grow faster. Here is their quote:
“It may be concluded that, when a tumor initiator injures
thebodyas awhole,EFAD[EssentialFattyAcidDeficiency],
achievede it her throug ha fat-free or anoleic-supplemented
fortumorigenesis [cancer].”This finding was published in an
article titled “Dietary deficiency or enrichment of essential
fatty acids modulates tumorigenesis in the whole body of
cobalt-60-irradiated mice.”

That study makes it clear that an EFA deficiency is a cancercausing problem. The question that had to be answered was would
a laboratory experiment under controlled conditions prove that a
diet sufficientinEFAs either stop or halt cancerin vivo (in the body)
and not merely in vitro (in a test tube). Too often tests conducted in
a test tube give a different result than a test in the body in a real-life
I could not find an experiment done on an animal that metabolized EFAs in a similar fashion to humans, such as mice, that were
given an EFA formulation comparable to the one suggested in this
book (greater parent omega-6 than parent omega-3).

Furthermore,I could not find any experimenter that used oils from organically
grown and organically processed sources—guaranteeing that no
was only one way to see ifthe EFAsuggestion in TheHidden Story of
laboratory specializing inoncological(cancer) studies. Furthermore,
a third-part statistical expert was employed to calculate the validity
of the results. You will see the undeniably powerful results of this
8 Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids, 1997 Mar;56(3):239-44.
9 Unfortunately,testsutilizingcellsgrowninatesttubeoftengivedifferentresults
for an experimenter to be as certain as possible of the outcome based on theoretical
number of mice (20) so as to obtain a statistically meaningful and valid result.
The Missing Link: EFA “Oxygen Magnets”

lives is nothing short of spectacular.
In 2004 we commissioned an experiment with mice at an independent laboratory experienced in oncological studies. The purpose
of the experiment was to show whether pretreatment with organic
raw parent EFA oils in the ratios and amounts comparable to our
human recommendations, prior to implantation of breast cancer
tumors in the mice, affected the growth of the cancer cells in any
way. A breast cancer strain was chosen because breast cancer is the
Number 1 worldwide cause of death by cancer in women. Mice were
used because they respond very similarly to humans regarding EFA
metabolism and because their shorter lifespan allows all effects and
results to occur more quickly.10
OnegroupofmicewaspretreatedwiththeEFAoils forfourweeks
priortotumorimplantation(Group2, showingthegreatestinhibition
of tumor growth at the bottom of the graph in Figure 1), followed by
a daily dose (five days a week) for 50 days after implantation of the
cancer tumors. A second group was pretreated with EFA oils for two
weeks prior to implantation (Group 1, showing less tumor growth at
the middle of the graph) and then given the daily dose for the rest of
the 50 days. The third group, the control group (Group 3, showing
or given any EFAs at all.
Tumors consisting of two million breast cancer cells each were
implanted in the mice and measurement began. The statistical
analysis focused on the period from day 26 to 50 to ensure that any
hormonal changes and other transitory effects that occurred after
implantationhadstabilized(as recommendedbyDr.Warburg).An
independent expert in statistical analysis calculated and reported the
The metabolism of n-6 and n-3 PUFAs in rats and mice are similar to humans.
(Lands, W.E.., et al., Lipids, Vol. 25(9), 1990, pages 505-516.) Therefore, studies in
mice would be predicted to be similar in humans. Regardless, one must be always
aware that mice are not humans. For this reason, many drugs do not work as well
in humans as in animals, if at all. Because this EFA formulation was designed
specifically for humans and their “parent” omega-6/3 tissue ratios, we would
therefore expect human results to be significantly better than results in mice.

The Hidden Story of Cancer
The following statistic alanalysis doesn’t suffer from mistakes that
often occur that you learned about on page 58. An F test, opposed to
multiple t tests, was used to determine the significance.11
The experiment showed that although the tumors continued to
growinallmice,therewasahighlysignificant24%smallertumor size
mice that receivednoEFAoilsat all. This result occurredconsistently
upon measurements at the day 26 endpoint, the final endpoint (day
50), and at every intermediate point. This same effect occurred with
the two-week pretreatment group, although to a lesser extent than
the four-week pretreatment group, as would be expected.
Additionally, in the last 10 days of the experiment, there was a
whopping42.8%lowergrowthvolumeofthetumors inthefour-week
pretreated mice than in the tumors in the untreated mice.
These results clearly show the EFAs’ value increases with longer
pretreatment. A logical conclusion from this result would be that the
EFA oils are modifying the cells’ internal structure, making them
more cancer resistant.
Afewadditionalkeypointsshouldbementioned:Theoilsweregiventothemiceonlyfiveoutof sevendayseachweek.The recommended schedule forhumans is sevendays a week.AlthoughmiceuseEFAs in
asimilarfashionashumans,thisplan’sEFA recommendations were arrived at by considering human tissue structure and human biochemistry.
Therefore,the results shouldbe even better in humans than in the mice
in the experiment.
Why Did the Cancer Cells Keep Growing?
Now, these results sound good, but you might be wondering why
the tumors inallgroupsofmice continuedtogrow, eventhoughthe
pretreated mice’s tumors grew significantly less. Does this negate
the positive results of the experiment?
11 Ftestmeans thevariationbetweenthemeans (averages)of allthegroupsdivided
by the variation within the groups. If the groups were the same (no difference) then
the F value would equal close to 1. In this case it was greater than 4 with 98%
were excluded for any reason. The bottom line; a very significant result. The Missing Link: EFA “Oxygen Magnets”

Figure 1:Tumor volumes between groups from 26 to 50 days
No, it doesn’t. To be able to complete this kind of experiment
within a reasonable time, a tumor of sufficient size to be easily
measurable had to be used. If we started the experiment with one
or very few cancer cells, we would have a great deal of difficulty
finding them, much less measuring them, and due to most cancers’
slow growth rates,the cellsmight not have beenmeasurable within
the mice’s usual lifespan.
Implanting a tumor consisting of 2 million cancer cells is an
overwhelming amount for a mouse’s system. We expected this
avalanche of cancer cells to continue to grow even in the presence
of EFAs because there is no safe way you can destroy all of it, no
matter what your defense is.
But by the same token, when we saw a significant lower tumor
growth in spite of the initial size of the tumors, it was a telling indicationthat somethinghadactedpowerfullyagainstthedevelopmentof
the cancer in the mice’s bodies: the EFA oils must have a significant
cellular modifying capability that made the mice more resistant to
developing cancer. This was made clear because both the 2-week
EFA doses—only the length of the pre treatment phase differed.

Inviewofthisapparent cellularmodifyingcapability,andthefact
that naturally occurring cancer begins to develop in the human body
very slowly, one cell at a time, we must pose this question: Given
adequate pretreatment with the correct EFAs, would cancer ever
exists that the answer is “no.”
The results of this experiment clearly demonstrate the cancerprotective properties gained by taking parent EFAs in the ratios
recommended in this book.
EFAs Provide Many More Health Benefits Above
and Beyond Cancer Protection
This book is about the anticancer solution. However, iit is important
that you understand that there are other areas EFAs benefit.
In addition to EFAs’ cancer-protective properties, EFAs make it
possible foryour cellmembranes tooperateoptimallyforamultitude
ofotherbiochemicalfunctions, suchashormonetransfer.This includes
effective insulin uptake. That’s why these critical EFAs help prevent
and control diabetes.
Not least of the benefits of adequate EFA supplementation and
its resulting increased cellular oxygenation is greatly increased energy. Lack of energy is one of Americans’ chief complaints. Proper
EFA supplementation as given in this book will provide you with a
marked improvement in your energy level.
EFAs are the building block of your sexual hormones. With
sufficient amounts of EFAs you won’t run short because the “raw
material” was in short supply. EFAs are also the building blocks of
the endocrine system. This system regulates your levels of anxiety,
your ability to concentrate and focus, too. Athletes will benefit from
increased endurance, increased performance, and better immunity
from fatigue.
On the next page is a table showing a sampling ofthe multitude
of additional areas helped with fully functional EFAs. The medical
textbooks andmedical journals haveunderstoodEFAs’ importance
foryearsbutthis informationtypicallyisnot coveredbythepopular

Липидные средства – открыли путь к лечению

самых сложных заболеваний

В методе Ревича заложена дифференцировка забо­леваний по ряду критериев. За счет использования ряда диагностических лабораторных исследований, неко­торые из которых разработаны им самим, он может определить, на каком иерархическом уровне развивается заболевание. Он может также сказать, с наруше­нием каких процессов — катаболических или анабо­лических — оно связано, нормализовать метаболизм, направив процесс в противоположную сторону.

Кроме того, бытующее в организованной меди­цине представление, что каждый тип заболевания вы­зывается отдельной причиной, не всегда соответствует истине.

Например, общеизвестно, что избыточный вес сопровождается и может быть причиной ряда про­блем со здоровьем, включая заболевание мочевого пузыря, сахарный диабет и болезни сердца. Д-р Ревич рассматривает липидную систему как одну из систем защиты. Подобно тому, как иммунная система защи­щает человека от вирусов и болезней, липидная система способна защитить нас от большого числа нару­шений здоровья.

Если врач поставит своей целью «починить» всю систему, а не бороться с каждым из заболеваний, ко­торое может быть следствием нарушений в системе, в отдельности, по всей вероятности, ему потребуется меньшее количество лекарств.

Метод Ревича заключа­ется в укреплении основных строительных кирпичи­ков жизни, поэтому не удивительно, что он может использоваться для лечения множества болезней.

Возвратимся к сравнению с домом. Дому без кры­ши грозит множество неприятностей: его может за­лить дождь, засыпать снег или град, в него могут забраться белки, залететь птицы, ветки упавшего де­рева могут оказаться внутри него. Можно попытать­ся защитить дом, взобравшись на верхний этаж с зонтиком и ружьем, чтобы отражать набеги животных и проявления стихии, как если бы белки или дождь были виноваты в отсутствии крыши. Другой способ защиты заключается в сооружении новой крыши — это будет единственным «лекарством» от множества напастей.

Липидная система организма — это щит, обеспе­чивающий контроль на разных уровнях. В системе липидной защиты каждый слой действует как главный охранник от вредного воздействия нижележащего слоя.

Если липиды играют роль в обеспечении множе­ства функций не каждом уровне биологической орга­низации человека выше субъядерного, то очень воз­можно, что они могут быть полезны в коррекции большого числа нарушений здоровья. Взяв на вооружение эти принципы, Ревич смог излечивать це­лый ряд заболеваний, казалось бы, абсолютно не связанных между собой.

В 1983 г., в возрасте 87 лет, Ревич подготовил краткое изложение своего труда «Иссле­дования и практика» («Research and Activity»), в ко­тором привел собственное понимание природы некоторых заболеваний, в лечении которых боль­шая роль может принадлежать липидам. В работе он упоминает ряд состояний, которые могут быть свя­заны с нарушением липидного баланса.

Например, Ревич обнаружил, что язва желудка, двенадцатиперстной кишки, воспаление подвздош­ной кишки и колит — заболевания, боли при кото­рых определяются выраженным сдвигом водородно­го показателя в кислую сторону.

Клинический опыт позволил Ревичу сделать вы­вод о том, что сердечная недостаточность появляется вследствие общего нарушения процессов катаболиз­ма, тогда как нерегулярные сердечные сокращения вызываются локальным нарушением анаболизма. Рецидивы герпеса связаны с нарушением анаболиз­ма, тогда как аллергии и астма хорошо реагируют на лечение средствами, корректирующими катаболизм.

В своей книге в качестве примера Ревич приводит историю болезни Александра Ландиса. Ландис в те­чение 5 лет страдал частыми приступами бронхиаль­ной астмы, «которые в последний год не давали ему возможности работать». После начала лечения при­ступа астмы не возобновлялись в течение 4 месяцев, после чего больной прекратил прием лекарств. Через 2 недели у него возник приступ астмы, повторив­шийся и на следующий день. «Возобновив лечение, пациент избавился от приступов более чем на год».

Мигрень оказалась связанной с нарушением ка­таболизма в оболочке, покрывающей головной и спинной мозг. Бернард Уэлт, д-р медицины, специ­алист по заболеваниям уха, носа и горла, провел исследование, одним из направлений которого были наблюдения за страдающими мигренью. Д-р Уэлт лечил 12 пациентов с мигренью по методу Ревича и его лекарствами, результаты были опубликованы в журнале «Отоларингология».

Улучшение наблюдалось во всех случаях. Последу­ющие рецидивы хорошо поддавались лечению пре­жними средствами. По результатам того же исследо­вания, облегчение наступало в 84% случаях сосудистых головных болей и в 75% случаев неврал­гических, связанных с нарушением липидного ба­ланса.
Очень давно, еще в 30-е годы, Ревич показал, что артрит связан с нарушениями анаболизма, а ревма­тоидный артрит чаще всего хорошо лечится препа­ратами, предназначенными для нормализации ката­болизма. Ревич обнаружил, что при всех типах артрита хорошие результаты даже в «наиболее упорных слу­чаях» дает лечение, выбранное с учетом показателей поверхностного натяжения мочи. О собственном ме­тоде лечения артрита Ревич писал:«Простота лечения, полное отсутствие нежелатель­ных побочных эффектов и длительный период улуч­шения, даже после короткого курса лечения, пока­зали, что метод заслуживает дальнейшего изучения».
Заслуживает внимания и история Ника Крамера. Он страдал тяжелым ревматоидным артритом и до начала лечения у Ревича в течение 6 месяцев был прикован к постели.
«Пациент был полностью обездвижен, не мог даже есть самостоятельно. Лечение различными препара­тами кортизона, кортикотропином, препаратами зо­лота и др. практически не принесло облегчения, боли оставались такими же сильными... После начла наше­го лечения пациент неслыханно быстро пошел на поправку. Через несколько дней он встал с кровати, не испытывая боли, его руки и ноги функциониро­вали нормально.
Продолжая лечиться, пациент вернулся к нормаль­ному образу жизни».
По Ревичу, высокое кровяное давление связано с нарушением анаболизма, а уплотнение артерий — состояние, развивающееся на органном уровне, в системе кровообращения, реагирующее на средства, нормализующие катаболизм. Для избыточности ана­болизма на клеточном уровне характерно повыше­ние содержания холестерина.
В обзорной работе 1983 г. Ревич писал, что липидные соединения селена дали особенно хорошие ре­зультаты при лечении болезни Альцгеймера. По ут­верждению доктора медицины Дуайта Мак-Ки, одно время работавшего с Ревичем. эти же препараты эф­фективны при нарушениях памяти.
Д-р Ревич успешно лечил с помощью липидных препаратов и однополярную, и биполярную деп­рессии. Он также добился успеха в лечении отстава­ния умственного развития у детей. Вот что писал д-р Мак-Ки:
«Его исследования отставания умственного раз­вития у детей показали недостаточность в организме необходимых для анаболизма веществ. Путем назна­чения неомыляюшихся фракций органов, особенно мозга, он добился заметных устойчивых положитель­ных изменений у многих детей».
«Соединения серы очень полезны в лечении ал­коголизма и курения», — отмечал также Ревич. Он использовал специальный препарат, который на­звал ASAT, оказавшийся прекрасным дополнитель­ным средством при отучении от курения. По свиде­тельству Елены Аврам, работавшей заведующей канцелярией Ревича в течение последних 25 лет, в ряде случаев он оказался очень полезным.
Ревич сообщал, что судороги, которые всегда свя­заны с анаболическими нарушениями, эффективно излечивались липидными соединениями серы и се­лена.
Помимо n-бутанола, о котором уже рассказыва­лось, залечивание ожогов, порезов и ран ускоря­лось при использовании некоторых стеролов.
Это только частичный перечень заболеваний, вос­приимчивых к липидным средствам. Невозможно предсказать, сколько еще существует заболеваний, избавиться от которых могли бы помочь открытия Ревича. Поскольку они носят фундаментальный ха­рактер, вполне вероятно, что в будущем исследова­тели обнаружат множество других заболеваний, в лечении которых нашли бы применение принципы иерархической организации и липиды д-ра Ревича.


Пищевой консервант может замедлить и даже остановить рост опухоли

Исследователи их Университета Мичигана обнаружили, что низин (пищевой консервант) может замедлить или остановить развитие плоскоклеточного рака ротовой полости и шеи.
Ивонн Капила, главный исследователь и профессор в Школе стоматологии Университета штата Мичиган, говорит, что особенно хорошей новостью является то, что Всемирная организация здравоохранения утвердила низкак безопасный для потребления человека консервант еще десятилетие назад.
Антибактериальные агенты, такие как низин, изменяют свойства бактерий, делая их безвредными. Однако только недавно ученые начали искать в антибактериальных агентах, таких как низин, способность изменять свойства других типов клеток, такие как раковые клетки или клетки в опухолях. Рак ротовой полости является ведущей причиной смерти во всем мире, и более чем 90 % случаев рак ротовой полости является плоскоклеточным раком. Исследователи говорят, что выживаемость при раке ротовой полости за последние десятилетия не улучшилась. Низкая выживаемость при раке полости рта подчеркивает необходимость поиска новых методов лечения. Использование таких антибактериальных средств, как низин, для лечения рака является новым подходом, который имеет большие перспективы. Низин является прекрасным примером этого потенциала, поскольку он безопасен и используется людьми в течение многих лет, а теперь лабораторные исследования поддерживают его противоопухолевый потенциал.
Исследования, изучающие использование противомикробных препаратов для борьбы с раковыми опухолями, предполагает, что низин замедляет пролиферацию клеток и вызывает гибель клеток путем активации белка CHAC1 в раковых клетках. Как известно, этот белок приводит к гибели раковых клеток.
Исследование является первым, которое показало новую роль белка CHAC1 в гибели раковых клеток при лечении низином. Результаты также показывают, что низин может работать, создавая поры в мембранах раковых клеток, которые позволяют проникать кальцию. Неясно, какую роль играет кальций в том, что  низин вызывает гибель раковых клеток, но хорошо известно, что кальций является ключевым регулятором в клеточной смерти и выживании. Кроме того, результаты исследования показывают, что низин замедляет или останавливает рост опухоли путем прерывания клеточного цикла «плохих» клеток, но не затрагивает «хорошие» клетки, таким образом, низин останавливает распространение раковых клеток, но не разрушает здоровые клетки.

Профилактика онкозаболеваний.

Этот фильм изменит Вашу жизнь

Хлеб, которым нас убивают

from Johns Hopkins
1. Every person has cancer cells in the body. These cancer cells do not show up in the standard tests until they have multiplied to a few billion. When doctors tell cancer patients that there are no more cancer cells in their bodies after treatment, it just means the tests are unable to detect the cancer cells because they have not reached the detectable size.
2. Cancer cells occur between 6 to more than 10 times in a person's lifetime.
3. When the person's immune system is strong the cancer cells will be destroyed and prevented from multiplying and forming tumors.
4. When a person has cancer it indicates the person has multiple nutritional deficiencies. These could be due to genetic, environmental, food and lifestyle factors.
5. To overcome the multiple nutritional deficiencies, changing diet and including supplements will strengthen the immune system.
6. Chemotherapy involves poisoning the rapidly-growing cancer cells and also destroys rapidly-growing healthy cells in the bone marrow, gastro-intestinal tract etc, and can cause organ damage, like liver, kidneys, heart, lungs etc.
7. Radiation while destroying cancer cells also burns, scars and damages healthy cells, tissues and organs.
8. Initial treatment with chemotherapy and radiation will often reduce tumor size. However prolonged use of chemotherapy and radiation do not result in more tumor destruction.
9. When the body has too much toxic burden from chemotherapy and radiation the immune system is either compromised or destroyed, hence the person can succumb to various kinds of infections and complications.
10. Chemotherapy and radiation can cause cancer cells to mutate and become resistant and difficult to destroy. Surgery can also cause cancer cells to spread to other sites.
11. An effective way to battle cancer is to STARVE the cancer cells by not feeding it with foods it needs to multiple.
What cancer cells feed on:
a. Sugar is a cancer-feeder. By cutting off sugar it cuts off one important food supply to the cancer cells. Note: Sugar substitutes like NutraSweet, Equal, Spoonful, etc are made with Aspartame and it is harmful. A better natural substitute would be Manuka honey or molasses but only in very small amounts. Table salt has a chemical added to make it white in colour. Better alternative is Bragg's aminos or sea salt.
b. Milk causes the body to produce mucus, especially in the gastro-intestinal tract. Cancer feeds on mucus. By cutting off milk and substituting with unsweetened soy milk, cancer cells will starved.
c. Cancer cells thrive in an acid environment. A meat-based diet is acidic and it is best to eat fish, and a little chicken rather than beef or pork. Meat also contains livestock antibiotics, growth hormones and parasites, which are all harmful, especially to people with cancer.
d. A diet made of 80% fresh vegetables and juice, whole grains, seeds, nuts and a little fruits help put the body into an alkaline environment. About 20% can be from cooked food including beans. Fresh vegetable juices provide live enzymes that are easily absorbed and reach down to cellular levels within 15 minutes t o nourish and enhance growth of healthy cells.
To obtain live enzymes for building healthy cells try and drink fresh vegetable juice (most vegetables including bean sprouts) and eat some raw vegetables 2 or 3 times a day. Enzymes are destroyed at temperatures of 104 degrees F (40 degrees C).
e. Avoid coffee, tea, and chocolate, which have high caffeine. Green tea is a better alternative and has cancer-fighting properties. Water--best to drink purified water, or filtered, to avoid known toxins and heavy metals in tap water. Distilled water is acidic, avoid it.
12. Meat protein is difficult to digest and requires a lot of digestive enzymes. Undigested meat remaining in the intestines will become putrified and leads to more toxic buildup.
13. Cancer cell walls have a tough protein covering. By refraining from or eating less meat it frees more enzymes to attack the protein walls of cancer cells and allows the body's killer cells to destroy the cancer cells.
14. Some supplements build up the immune system (IP6, Flor-ssence, Essiac, anti-oxidants, vitamins, minerals, EFAs etc.) to enable the body's own killer cells to destroy cancer cells. Other supplements like vitamin E are known to cause apoptosis, or programmed cell death, the body's normal method of disposing of damaged, unwanted, or unneeded cells.
15. Cancer is a disease of the mind, body, and spirit. A proactive and positive spirit will help the cancer warrior be a survivor.
Anger, unforgiving and bitterness put the body into a stressful and acidic environment. Learn to have a loving and forgiving spirit. Learn to relax and enjoy life.
16. Cancer cells cannot thrive in an oxygenated environment. Exercising daily, and deep breathing help to get more oxygen down to the cellular level. Oxygen therapy is another means employed to destroy cancer cells.

Израильские ученые выяснили, кто заражает людей РАКОМ!

Израильские исследователи пришли к выводу, что причиной примерно 40% раковых заболеваний являются вирусы, часть которых передается людям от грызунов и птиц. Ученые уверены, что в ближайшие десятилетия им удастся распознать этот "механизм".
Научная группа, включающая ведущих израильских и немецких специалистов в сфере лечения онкологических болезней, обнаружила, что вирусы способны вызвать раковые заболевания. Об этом сообщает российское информагентство ИТАР-ТАСС.
Согласно докладу научной группы, до 40% от общего количества заболеваний раком (а их около 200 видов) приходится на вирусы. Более того, часть вирусов передаются людям от грызунов и птиц. Обычно, попадая в организм человека, такие вирусы впадают в спячку, но в определенный момент неожиданно активизируются, вызывая тяжелые заболевания. Примером тому может служить дремлющий цитомегаловирус, поражающий до 75% жителей планеты, просыпается, когда "выявляет" раковые клетки. Этот вирус начинает ускорять рост таких клеток. Медики считают, что цитомегаловирус является причиной рака мозга, груди, простаты.
"Мы пока точно не знаем вирусный механизм происхождения раковых заболеваний, но я уверена, что в ближайшие несколько десятилетий эти вирусы будут обнаружены", - цитирует профессора Бар-Иланского университета Ронит Сарид сетевой ресурс "МедДэйли"...
По материалам сайта


  1. Oh my God, I'm so glad to tell everyone the real thing that happen to me...My name is EMILIANO BABARAH. If i refuse to share this testimony it means i am selfish to my self and to people i love so much whom might have similar problems, March 16th about something 7:23pm after taken our dinner my husband got crazy started calling a lady name Melisa I love you, i was so mad and started crying like a baby...then my husband left home for the idiot called Melisa, and never return back home then i believed when he uthen nderstand his self he will surly come back to apology, but instead he left me So i complained to my friend she told me she was having such problems in her marriage until she was introduce to DR ORIOMON who specializes in bringing back broken homes and broken marriages DR ORIOMON cast a spell for me in May 4th surprisingly my husband came home May 6th apologizing that i should forgive him that it will never happen again, i was so glad and gave the thanks to DR ORIOMON who save my marriage, if you are having similar problem you can contact him and His email address is ( you can still save your marriage if u really love your husband.



    1. I'm very happy for the great help that Doctor Okoh render to me .my name is Brittany Valladares, i live in Milwaukee Wisconsin.I have had lots of trouble with herpes type 1. I have had cold sores on/in my mouth area, on my chin, on my thumb, chicken pox, shingles… I have seen allots of blogs and articles where so many people speaking about how doctor okoh has cure the with his treatment and i was excited to contact this doctor(OKOH).
      Doctor okoh promise to help me with the cure and make me healthy again, he told me what to do and i went according to the instructions given by doctor okoh, after I'm done with it he told me to go and check myself in any of the hospital in my country and i did, only for me get there and after checking, i was confirm that the virus which has been my worries and trouble is no longer in my system, i have had about doctor okoh cure for any deadly disease and now I believe all the Testimonies about him on the internet, he is truly a great man.You can get to him if you also need help, his Telephone number; +2348153089532 and his E-mail:

    2. I appreciate Dr Okusu for curing my Breast cancer disease that i was diagnosed of since 8years, i went through a lot of bad pain all to regain my self from this terrible disease, it very surprising how i miraculously saw a blog talking tremendously about how Dr Okusu cured different people of their Breast cancer disease, and immediately i visit his websites and then i wrote to him and he accepted to help me be cured of my Breast cancer disease and after which he sent my herbal medicine which he prepared for me and when i received the herbal medicine,i was permanently confirm cured after 2weeks of my Breast cancer disease, contact his or visit his websites:ttps:// or his Mobile:+2349037835860

    3. I want use this opportunity to tell the world what has really happened to me for past few months, I have been married for two years without a child i was so worried, I have visited several hospitals and I was told i can't not conceive because i was having fibroid, I have been treated and even undergoes cloistral operation but still couldn't conceive until One day i came across Lillian Testimony on a guest book she was sharing the same problem exactly what is happening to me how Dr,,Miracle has cure his Fibroid, immediately i contacted him and told him about my Problem and he gave me hope that i should not be worried at all that he has cure more people already having same problem and said he can cure me under 8 weeks i was amaze. I Believe in him because he was the only hope and i followed him up he prepared me some herbs and send it to me in my state. I started using the herbs with his prescriptions, as i was taking the herbs i started noticing some changes in my body, to cut everything short i missed my period and today i have a child baby girl, My husband is so much happy and my mum too God. Thank you Dr,,Miracle I can't just keep this to my self i decided to share and post it here on-line for everyone to see that the work Of God In My Life True His Son Dr,,Miracle God Bless Doctor And More Grace To His Work, Email Him Call Or Whatsapp Him +2348071398555 ,,


      I can't express my gratitude to Doc Aku for his help on curing my HPV disease, i am so grateful that i am cured today from my HPV disease in just 2 weeks of usage, i was tested negative by my medical doctor, truly Doc Aku is a great herbal man, you can contact him, as i will recommend his herbs for everyone that is reading this article of mine, Doctor Aku has solution for other illness like HIV AIDS. HSV. CANCER. HEPATITIS B And more. contact him through What App/Call: +2348159415709 or Email:

  2. Hello everyone,
    i don't just know the reason why some people find it difficult to believe that there is a cure for HIV, well thanks be to God that i have find mine, i have been diagnose with HIV since last three years with my boyfriend, but today i am happy that i am cured from HIV with the help of an herbal medicine from Dr AZIBA the great healer.
    I was browsing the INTERNET searching for help when i came across a testimony shared by someone on how Dr AZIBA cured her HIV, i was so much in need of getting his treatment in which i applied for,
    So after all, Dr AZIBA brought a smile to my face with his herbal medicine. i am so much happy today that we have a great healer whom God has sent to save other peoples life. so my friends out there who are in need of his help in any way should kindly contact this great healer on his email address: please sir, keep your good work cause there are people out there whom are really in need of your healing medicine from someone like you, so my friends you can also get more info about him from me kindly cantact me through my mobile via +1 201 285 2983,or +1 360 637 3976. and you can also contact him directly on his mail : OR rather reach him on his help line +2348100368288....there is always a solution to all happy i found mine.

  3. Hi, I'm Anderson from UK,
    All this is a post about herbal medicine and spell casters and fake scammers are trying to raise money in the name of cure HIV and when you contact them, they will ask for your name, picture, country, phone number, occupation, and when you have given them all the information, they will ask for money. I was once suffering from HIV and I spent a lot of money going from one doctor to another grass, but they are all a scam and take my money until I came into contact with this powerful one called Dr. OSAS, who treated me with HIV its herbal medicines after doctor OSAS completed preparations for herbal medicine, he asked me to send him my address, so that he would send me a herbal medicine via DHL, so I did. 2days later, I received a herbal medicine and I had to follow the instructions he gave me about how I'm going to use it. 2weeks later, I went to the hospital for testing and in accordance with the test done by the doctor Frank She said that I was cured.
    So the audience to be wise and be careful of fake spell casters and fake herbal doctors, they are all over the internet trying to steal from the poor. I will drop you a letter, this powerful herbal doctor, just in case you want to contact them for help. or you can call him through his mobile phone number +2348112252378


  4. I'm very happy for the great help that Doctor Okoh render to me .my name is Brittany Valladares, i live in Milwaukee Wisconsin.I have had lots of trouble with herpes type 1. I have had cold sores on/in my mouth area, on my chin, on my thumb, chicken pox, shingles… I have seen allots of blogs and articles where so many people speaking about how doctor okoh has cure the with his treatment and i was excited to contact this doctor(OKOH).
    Doctor okoh promise to help me with the cure and make me healthy again, he told me what to do and i went according to the instructions given by doctor okoh, after I'm done with it he told me to go and check myself in any of the hospital in my country and i did, only for me get there and after checking, i was confirm that the virus which has been my worries and trouble is no longer in my system, i have had about doctor okoh cure for any deadly disease and now I believe all the Testimonies about him on the internet, he is truly a great man.You can get to him if you also need help, his Telephone number; +2348153089532 and his E-mail:

  5. Thanks to DR.ABEGBE the great man that save my life,some months again I was very sick and feel pain every-time, it was him that bring me out, am taylor lillian or email me for information am from USA I was once a herpes patient it was him that cured me, I want to say big thanks to him because he did very great in my life, before this man start with my cured he ask me to promise him one thing, that once am cured I should share his news to the world about how his going to help me and I was even happy that I found help I promise him that I will do that immediately the man told me that will should start with the cure and I inform him that he should go ahead because I want to see my self cure from that sickness this man ask me to give him time to work on my cure he email back and ask me to provide the curing things which I did the next-day of it he called that he have getting the things and his about working on the cure in less 1hours he called me that he is done that I should go for test, in my body everything heal automatically when I go for test I was negative a great thanks to he you can contact him now email:DR.ABEGBESPELLHOME@GMAIL.COM OR DR.ABEGBESPELLHOME@HOTMAIL.COM or call him on +2348167022540


  6. I'm here again to appreciate dr okoh. Dr Okoh God will always continue to bless you more abundantly, for the good works you did in my life, I will always keep on writing good and posting my testimonies about you on the Internet, I’m Susan Moore from San Juan, Puerto Rico. I was tested HIV positive, I saw a blog on how Dr Okoh cured people, i did not believe but i just decided to give him a try, I contacted him and also got my healing, i am so happy. If you have any problem or you are also infected with any disease, contact him now with his Email:

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  8. Hello My Name Is parry percy I Live in UK,
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  9. name is carol and I live in USA, My life is back again... After 5years of Broken marriage, my husband left me with kids .I felt like my life was about to end and I almost committed suicide, I was emotionally down for a very long time.Thanks to a spell caster called dr. ovia, which I meet online, On one faithful day, as I was browsing through the internet and I came across a lot of testimonies about this particular spell caster.Some people testified that he brought their Ex boyfriend back, some testified that he restores Womb,Cure Cancer and Herpes Virus and HIV Cure,diabitis hapatitis b, and other sickness, some testified that he can cast a spell to stop divorce and so on. I also come across one particular testimony and it was about a woman called jenni, she testified about how he brought back her Ex lover in less than 2 days and at the end of her testimony she dropped Dr. ovia email address: After reading all these,I decided to give it a try and I contacted him through his via email and explained my problem to him. In just 48 hours, my husband came back to me, and we solved our issues, we are even happier than before Dr. ovia is really a gifted man and I will not stop testifying him because he is a wonderful man and so powerful, If you have a problem and you are looking for a real and genuine spell caster to solve all your problems. contact him on this or call +2348135858735

  10. Привет всем моим viwer здесь, Меня зовут Карен THOMPSON.I нахожусь здесь, чтобы дать мое свидетельство о врача, который помог мне в моей жизнь.Я был заражен герпесом в 2014 году я пошел в многих больницах для лечения, но не было никакого решения, поэтому я думал, как я могу получить решение так, что мое тело не может быть okay.One день я был в стороне реки мышления, где я могу пойти, чтобы получить дама шел ко мне рассказывал мне, почему это я так грустно и я открыть все ей рассказать ей мою проблему, она сказала мне, что она может помочь мне, она меня познакомить с доктором Патриком, который использует его фитотерапии для лечения вируса простого герпеса и дал мне его по электронной почте, так что я почту him.He сказал мне все, что мне нужно делать, а также дать мне инструкции, чтобы принять, что я последовал за properly.Before я знал, что происходит после того, как четыре недели вирусом простого герпеса, который был в моем теле получил cured.he может вылечить любой рода заболеваний с его фитотерапии, как ВИЧ заболеваний, раковых заболеваний, вирусных diseases.Syphilis ВПЧ diseases.Zika, типы гепатитов рака, гонорея, НИЗКИЙ SPERM.quickly связался DR.Patrick так что если вы также сердце разбито, а также нужна помощь , вы можете также отправить его в или называть его +2347061824880 и Что-приложение

  11. I was diagnose with cancer when my dad died from cancer soon after I turned 5 years old. He was a physician and a wonderful man. He saved other people’s lives. He saved my best friend when she had spinal meningitis at the age of 4. We’ve been best friends ever since.
    Right before I found out I had breast cancer, I had just completed my Master of Education degree in Creative Arts at Carthage College in Kenosha, Wisconsin. It was May 2007. My life during that time was so busy. I was a single mom, teaching full time, and going to Carthage two nights a week. The news of cancer made my life come to an abrupt halt.
    I was diagnosed with stage II invasive ductal carcinoma breast cancer on August 11, 2007. I was alone, sitting in my living room with the phone, waiting. The doctor called around 9:15 a.m. I was devastated with the news. I remember feeling numb and wanting to deny the truth. I started to think of all of the reasons why I probably got cancer—blaming myself. I sobbed and prayed at the same time. I pleaded with God to not let me abandon my children from cancer like my daddy, who I still missed dearly.
    Then I decided to use my energy in a positive way and learn about breast cancer. I went online to do some research and it was thereafter i saw some comments about Dr Molemen and how he has been using his Herbal Medicine to cure Cancer Permanently, so i ordered from his medicine and started using them and within 2 weeks and some days my breast cancer was gone. These medicine`s are extremely good and amazing you all can purchase from it to treat and cure any disease,you can contact them via:( / or call them on +2347036013351).

  12. Great post with very useful information to all thanks for sharing with all of us. I like it very much.
    alternative cancer treatment

  13. Change your life. Yogic & Holistic Health, heal cancer naturally, Wellbeing workshops helping you to reestablish wellbeing, imperativeness, energy and happiness - have you endured enough?

  14. I'm Sicely Gipson and i was 5 years herpes (HSV-2) positive and do have 8 to 10 outbreak per year. I used Valtrex when i finished taking them more sores in my mouth Its Horrible. I am so tired of these outbreaks and i came in conclusion of going into the internet to search for help, Recently I read about a herbal doctor named Okoh that he can help to cure my herpes virus and i write to him through his email but I was afraid that it may not work but i had to double my faith. this herbal doctor wrote back to me and of a truth after reading his reply, he assured me that i'm going to also be a living witness that there is cure for herpes virus and i was full of hope again, he told me what to do and how to go about it, i went according to the instruction given to me by the doctor okoh and just has what he told he and the date given to me by him i went back to my doctor and 4 other doctors for confirmation and they all confirm that i'm free and there is no virus in me, i was very happy and i say to you if you or anyone around you is infected with herpes or other virus such as GENITAL WARTS(HPV) HERPES (HSV 1&2), CANCER, GONORRHEA, HIV/AIDS, SYPHILIS, and ANEMIA HEPATITIS B or any disease, be kind to yourself and get your cure too if you have infected with any disease, contact doctor okoh for a cure with telephone call: +2348153089532, send what app message to his number: +2348153089532 or send e-mail message to him directly:

  15. I'm Sicely Gipson and i was 5 years herpes (HSV-2) positive and do have 8 to 10 outbreak per year. I used Valtrex when i finished taking them more sores in my mouth Its Horrible. I am so tired of these outbreaks and i came in conclusion of going into the internet to search for help, Recently I read about a herbal doctor named Okoh that he can help to cure my herpes virus and i write to him through his email but I was afraid that it may not work but i had to double my faith. this herbal doctor wrote back to me and of a truth after reading his reply, he assured me that i'm going to also be a living witness that there is cure for herpes virus and i was full of hope again, he told me what to do and how to go about it, i went according to the instruction given to me by the doctor okoh and just has what he told he and the date given to me by him i went back to my doctor and 4 other doctors for confirmation and they all confirm that i'm free and there is no virus in me, i was very happy and i say to you if you or anyone around you is infected with herpes or other virus such as GENITAL WARTS(HPV) HERPES (HSV 1&2), CANCER, GONORRHEA, HIV/AIDS, SYPHILIS, and ANEMIA HEPATITIS B or any disease, be kind to yourself and get your cure too if you have infected with any disease, contact doctor okoh for a cure with telephone call: +2348153089532, send what app message to his number: +2348153089532 or send e-mail message to him directly:


  16. Great post! Thanks you so much for the share. With the assistance of an Ankeny licensed Lakeway massage therapist, you can feel better, enjoy a more peaceful presence and enjoy life a little more. look our site:

  17. Cured of TNBC!
    I want to take this time out as a cancer survivor to encourage women out there still suffering from this with my story on how i got a cure. The sad news about it is that i was diagnosed on my 36th birthday in 2008 and with stage 3 TNBC which after i made research was a very aggressive form of cancer at that point i decided and told myself i was going to die and that the end has finally come. All my life i never thought of having breast cancer because i was very active and i worked out at the gym several times every week and my diet was okay. In my search for a cure after 6 years of diagnosis and even after chemo which i did twice spending thousands of dollars but to no avail, until a church member told me all about Dr Aleta a herbal doctor that specializes in treating TNBC, who could help me with a permanent cure, i doubted this at first but i later gave it a try following her methods and instructions. It took 3 months and after it all i felt normal but still went for diagnosis and i was clean today i am proud to say i am a cancer survivor no nodes and i am totally free the new diagnosis confirmed it. Do not die in silence or ignorance because of breast cancer just simply reach her on and also for any related cancer illness don't be shy just speak to her today.

  18. Good day to you all friends, my name is FAVOUR EDDIE from United State, I have been suffering from (HERPES) disease for the last four years and had constant pain, especially in my knees. During the first year, I had faith in God that i would be healed someday.This disease started circulate all over my body and i have been taking treatment from my doctor few weeks ago i came on search on the internet if i could get any information concerning the prevention of this disease, on my search i saw a testimony of someone who has been healed from (Hepatitis B and Cancer) by this Man Dr Osas and she also gave the email address of this man and advise me to contact him for any sickness that he would be of help, so i wrote to Dr Osas telling him about my (HERPES Virus) he told me not to worry that i was going to be cured!! hmm i never believed it,, well after all the procedures and remedy given to me by this man, few weeks later i started experiencing changes all over me as Dr Osas assured me that i have cured, after some time i went to my doctor to confirmed if i have be finally healed behold it was TRUE, So friends my advise is if you have such sickness or any other at all you can email Dr Osas on : ( for easy comminication you can What-SAP him via his mobile number +2349035428122) sir i am indeed grateful for the help i will forever recommend you to my friends and to the world! 1. GETTING YOUR EX LOVER BACK. 2. WINNING LOTTERIES. 3. CHILD BEARING. 4. BREAKING OF GENERATION COURSE. 5. GETTING OF JOB. 6. JOB PROMOTION. 7. MONEY SPELL. 8. SPIRITUAL PROTECTION. 9 email

  19. I've had Herpes problem over 4 years. I tried everything, of course I went to the DR. about a hundred times, probably not that many, but it sure seems like it. It never did any good for long and caused all kinds of other issues having to do with taking too many antibiotics. Life wasn't easy for me until I stumbled upon this natural remedy online, which i requested for and it was sent to me here in my country, i was told on how to use them and miraculously just after 14 days that my life changed completely. I'm feeling so much better now and all of my symptoms are totally gone. I haven't had an outbreak for over a years now, All Thanks to Dr Mozambi the great traditional doctor, you can reach him on ( or you can call him on +2348166886752.

  20. still don’t know the right words to express my Gratitude to the Great Health Herbal Clinic After been diagnosed of hepatitis B in 2014, i was given so many health prescription and advice with no improvement, I totally lost hope, until i found testimonies of Health Herbal Clinic in an online research and on Facebook, Like anybody would be, I was very skeptical about contacting them, but i later did email them and they started the remedies for my health. Thank God, i was cured from hepatitis by the herbal medication I received from Health Clinic. I never thought that hepatitis can be cured, from the bottom of my heart I’m truly grateful,Contact Health Herbal Clinic, Email: or website on


  21. God bless Dr. sebi for his marvelous work in my life, I was diagnosed of HERPES/HIV since 2010 and I was taking my medications, I wasn't satisfied i needed to get the HERPES.HIV out of my system, I searched about some possible cure for HERPES/HIV i saw a comment about Dr. sebi, how he cured HERPES/HIV with his herbal medicine, I contacted him and he guided me. I asked for solutions, he started the remedy for my health, he sent me the medicine through UPS SPEED POST. I took the medicine as prescribed by him and 8 days later i was cured from HERPES/HIV,thank you Dr sebi ONCE AGAIN THANK YOU SIR
    dr sebi cure the flowing virus, add him on whatsapp +2348158836673

    1 cancer cure
    2 diabetes cure
    3 ringing ear
    4 herpes cure
    5 warts cure
    6 HPV cure
    7 Hiv
    7 get your ex back
    8 pregnancy herbal medicine
    9 prostate enlargement


  22. My Wife Stage IV breast cancer and MS has just been cured with the cannabis oil gotten from cannabis oil is great medication. To hell with the government and their insane policy, we have a medication that is hundred percent assured to cure cancer and you don't need to spend so much money on anymore on chemo, radiation or surgeries that wouldn’t work.
    Where to purchase, contact via > visit my website on or call +19147094469
    My family is now a brand new one, so stop your worries and go get your medication and set the family free of the deadly disease that hold no respect to family harmony.
    Make your health a better one by using cannabis oil in your everyday life.
    contact Dr olokum for all type of cancer

    thanks to jessica Alfred

  23. Hello everyone in this forum.i will keep sharing my experience with the great Dr Akuna of what he has done for me. He cured my girlfriend and myself HERPES VIRUS . we both has been suffering from HERPES VIRUS since we were in relationship one of us gave another for more than 3years until i got the email of this great herbal doctor from the internet and choose to give him a trial to see if he can really help me and my girlfriend. To my greatest surprise this man help me and my girlfriend with his herbal medicine and now my pains are all gone, we both visited the hospital to do some test and the result came out negative. finally we are both cured from HERPES VIRUS disease and i am very happy now, i will like you to email him if you are suffering from any STD or any kinds of disease contact his or his Mobile:+2348154625070 or his websites:

  24. I am really happy that i have been cured from (HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS) with the herbal medicine of Dr lucafo, i have been suffering from this disease for the past 2 years and 7 mouth without solution until i came across the email of this doctor who have cure so many people with his herbal medicine, i also choose to give him a chance to help me and my husband, he told me what to do and i kindly did it, and he gave us his herbal medicine and direct me on how to use it, i also follow his instructions for use and he ask us to go for a check up after 1 week and 4days which i did, to my greatest surprise our result came out as negative, we are really happy that there is someone like this doctor who is ready to help anytime any day. To all the readers and viewers that is doubting this testimony stop doubting it and contact this doctor if you really have one and see if he will not actually help you. i am not a stupid woman that i will come out to the public and start saying what someone have not done for me and i know that there are some people out there who are really suffering and hurting their family just because of these diseases so you can to mail him on or you can also whatsapp him on +2349038503545
    he also told me that he has cure for these diseases listed below
    . CANCER
    Thank you for your time bye.

  25. Hello everyone! Still don’t know the right words to express my Gratitude to the Great Dr.Ozolua! I want to share this wonderful testimony to the world should in case there is any body in this same situation, i was diagnosed with toilet infection and herpes virus and i feel pains when i urinatin and discharging yellowish pus, and outbreak. I was given so many health prescription and advice with no improvement, I totally lost hope, until i found many testimonies of Great Dr. Ozolua in online research on google, I was very skeptical about contacting him, but i later did and he opened up to me and told me is going to prepare a herbal medication and send it to me true DHL delivery to apply for three weeks, i gave him a try and Thank God now i am cured of these virus, i advice any one that is living with virus should Contact the Great Dr Ozolua today, because it has the cure to any problem Email him on or his whatsapp on+2348051421297

  26. Been diagnosed of herpes is just like been through hell but everything is posible. So amazing and i want to testify of the good work done by dr iniboku a very strong and powerful spell caster. dr iniboku has proved science and scientists wrong for believing and thinking that there is no cure for Herpes Virus but to be sincere this dr iniboku is so real and powerful. I never thought that this cure will work but this GREAT MAN has proved it to me and it has worked and still working perfectly. My Name is karl wilson and i was diagnosed of the deadly disease called Herpes April 2016 and i thought that, this will be the end and there will be no hope. Speaking to anyone was always a problem because i was so worried and always in the state of unrest in fact i thought it was over until one blessed day when i was searching for help here on the internet, i came across a testimony about dr iniboku on how he helped a lady who was also infected with Herpes Virus, how he has also helped many others to get their loved ones back, and how he has also help others to cure HIV. At first i thought it was all a lie but i decided to give it a try since there was no option and, when i contacted this MAN he laughed and told me that, that is too small for him to handle but i was still in doubt, and he gave me a form to fill which I did, then he called me and told me that his gods required some items in which he will use in preparing the cure for me. He bought the items and prepared a cure for me, and instructed me on what to do and i OBEYED him completely as he told me. Then he sent a parcel to me through the courier delivery service. it was a holy water and a pure holy oil as described by dr iniboku . I took the holy water and the holy oil and after taking it, he told me to go for check up but I was still in doubt and was so afraid to go for the test but i took a bold step and believed that it is well, and i believed all what he has done and all that he has told me. So i went to the hospital for the test it was so amazing, awesome and exciting what seems to be impossible became possible, the VIRUS disappeared completely from my system quickly I called him and told him what happened he congratulated me and today i am a happy person again the way things use to be. Don’t you think that this testimony is worth sharing? I promise to tell the world about him and i will keep sharing this testimony till the end because many people has died of herpes and i want many people who believed that it is over to know that EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE AND I WANT THEM TO GET HELP FROM THIS SPELL CASTER by contacting him on his email at
    or you can message him on his via whatsApp at +2347059186346

  27. It still unbelievable to believe that HERPES still has cure, me and my Husband has been suffering from HIV AIDS for so many years and we have search for help but we were unable to find one, i was told that there was no cure for HERPES but somehow i believe that there was someone out that has a cure, so that was how i went in search for s solution on how to get cured of HERPES and surprisingly i saw comment on daily news papers where lady testify of how Dr OMO herbal medicine cure her, i was so confused because first i thought that there was no cure but now seeing that someone outside has a cure, i thoughts of it as a scam but something told me to give it a try and when i did he reply me and assure me that me and my husband will be cured once we receive his herbal medicine, that was how he prepared it, and send my herbal medication that me and my husband used that cure me and my husband in Just 2 weeks and we were tested HERPES. All Thanks to the powerful Dr OMO for his help in my life. contact him on his email OBORSPELLHOME@GMAIL.COM
    whatssup him on +2348077309081,+2348105813057

  28. Hello I am Cynthia Gary,Am really happy that Me and my Husband are cured of (HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS) with the herbal medicine of Dr OFEMO, i have been suffering from this disease for the past FIVE(5)years with my husband without solution until i came across the websites of this doctors who have cure so many people with his herbal medicine, i also choose to give him a chance to help me and my husband,he told me what to do and i kindly did it, and he gave us his herbal medicine and direct us on how to use it, we also follows his instruction for use and he ask us to go for a check up,and which we did, to my greatest surprise our result came out as negative, we are really happy that there is someone like this Dr him now if you are also in need of his help via or Mobile number:+2348163387496 and his websites: he has cured for all kind of disease. HIV.HSV 1&2.DIABETES.HPV.BLOOD DISEASE.HEPATITIS B AND MANY him

  29. I am still shocked on how Dr OMO was able to cure my friend disease who has suffers from (STD) Such as HIV/AIDS AND CHLAMYDIA DISEASE since 6 YEARS AGO and i was a addicted smoker AND a sex addicts. and i also was confirmed positive on the same HIV/AIDS AND CHLAMYDIA DISEASE. after he gave me the report of how Dr OMO was able to cure him i was shocked and i quickly contacted him and he gave me the principles of how my herbal medicine can be prepared. which i followed accordingly. after he was done preparing my herbal medicine he sent me my herbal treatment which i used in only 7days and went back to my same doctor and my result was confirmed negatives. Dr OMO is a true life saver with him i know many lives will be saves worldwide . who has the powers to cure all kinds of (STD) HERPES.DIABETES.CANCER.DEPRESSION.HEP B AND A. and so on. contact him today on his or his WHATSUP Mobile:+2348077309081,+2348105813057

  30. Hey Dr Ekpiku is real and he's powerful herbal treatment..After been in pain and sorrow for over 6 years it was Dr Ekpiku that cured me from Herpes Simplex Virus, I got infected with Herpes Simplex Disease in 2011 and I have visited several herbalists, spiritualists and pastors for cure me but all was in avail, my world was gradually coming to an end until i saw a post in a health forum about a herbal medicine from Africa who have and herbal medicine to cure all kinds of deadly diseases including Walter,HIV AIDS, ALS, HPV, MND, Epilepsy, Leukemia, Asthma, Cancer, Gonorrhea,Hepatitis B etc, at first i doubted if it was real but decided to give it a try, when i contact this herbalist via his email, he prepared a herbal medicine portion and sent it to me via DHL Delivery when i received this herbal medicine portion, he gave me step by step instructions on how to apply it, when i applied it as instructed, i was cured of this deadly disease within 2 weeks, I am now Herpes Negative.his email: all thanks to Dr Ekpiku. Contact this great herbalist called Dr Ekpiku or or whatapps, call +2348073673757. or text me on +13103598621.

    This is real take it serious, who will believe that a herb can cure herpes, i never believe that this will work, i have spend a lot getting drugs from the hospital to keep me healthy, it got to a time that i was waiting for is death to come because i was broke, one day i hard about this great man called DR.EHIZUELE who is well know for Herpes, HIV, and Cancer cure, i decided to email him I didn't believe him that much, I just wanted to give him a try, he replied my mail and Needed some Information about me, then I sent them to him, he prepared a herbal medicine (CURE) and sent it through Online Courier Service for delivery, he gave my details to the Courier Office. they told me that 3-5 days I will receive the package and after receiving it, i took the medicine as prescribed by him at the end of the one week, he told me to go to the hospital for a check up, and i went, surprisingly after the test the doctor confirm me Herpes simplex virus negative, i thought it was a joke, i went to other hospital and was also negative, thank you for saving my life, I promise I will always testify of your good works. if you are herpes simplex virus patient, contact him and I am sure you will get cured, contact him via:
    . HERPES
    . HIV/AIDS
    . CANCER

    This is real take it serious, who will believe that a herb can cure herpes, i never believe that this will work, i have spend a lot getting drugs from the hospital to keep me healthy, it got to a time that i was waiting for is death to come because i was broke, one day i hard about this great man called DR.EHIZUELE who is well know for Herpes, HIV, and Cancer cure, i decided to email him I didn't believe him that much, I just wanted to give him a try, he replied my mail and Needed some Information about me, then I sent them to him, he prepared a herbal medicine (CURE) and sent it through Online Courier Service for delivery, he gave my details to the Courier Office. they told me that 3-5 days I will receive the package and after receiving it, i took the medicine as prescribed by him at the end of the one week, he told me to go to the hospital for a check up, and i went, surprisingly after the test the doctor confirm me Herpes simplex virus negative, i thought it was a joke, i went to other hospital and was also negative, thank you for saving my life, I promise I will always testify of your good works. if you are herpes simplex virus patient, contact him and I am sure you will get cured, contact him via:
    . HERPES
    . HIV/AIDS
    . CANCER

  33. Appreciation is the key to doing more that is why I have took some time out to thank some one who cured me of my 2 years HEPATITIS B problem. It became a major problem to me as it was affecting my marital life and I was no longer comfortable so I decided to look for a solution and I came across a post of Dr Ariba and how he has been helping people of the same problem I contacted him and told him all I have been facing in my life. He told me how to get his product and how to take it after every thing I find out that all was now okay with me and that my HEPATITIS B problem was gone that is why I have come out today to say thank you to him . if you need cure for HIV/AIDS, Herpes, cancer or diabetes of all types you can contact his email OR
    Whatsapp: +2348140439497

  34. Great Herbalist that found HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS CURED,am here to give my testimony about a specialist Doctor called Dr.SABU cure my herpes...I was heartbroken because i have herpes simplex virus, i have been in so many relationship, but was cut short from it because of my situation, i have used so many product which doctors prescribe for me, but none could offer me the help i searched for. i saw some few comments on the internet about this specialist herbal Dr called Dr.SABU who helped to save so many people life and i decided to email him on his email: after which i discussed with him on how his herbal medicine work. and he told me how and then,he gave me some comforting words with his herbal medicine for Herpes Cure, Within some day of using this herbs i began to feel some changes in my body then, i quickly visited the hospital, and the doctor tested me and found out that i am negative. i will forever be indebted to Dr.SABU for his amazing work on my life. dear viewers if you are going through this testimony and you desire the same help why not contact him right now.his whatsapp Mobile:+2347057624993 for more information visit his website:

  35. Моя жена страдает от рака щитовидной железы, которое было подтверждено четыре этапа, врач сказал мне, что он мало что мог сделать, так как она не отвечает на лечение, но мой друг пришел к нам на помощь, заказав это масло конопли от доктора принц, который сказал он оказывает помощь пациенту некоторую борьбу с раком различных типов, поэтому мы решили дать ему шанс, пока моя жена улучшается отлично очень хорошо, и в настоящее время она может ходить по дому все сама. Я чувствовал его необходимым я позволить другим, которые страдают от этого острого заболевания, что как только у вас есть хорошее масло конопли может действительно дать один звуковой второй шанс жизни. от
    шанс, если вам случится быть в этом нуждаются каннабисом масла вы можете связаться с доктором принца, который поставил я и моя жена с этим электронная почта: (DR.PRINCEARATAABRAHAM@GMAIL.COM~~HEAD=pobj) Вы также можете позвонить ему или WhatsApp его в (+2348163241499)

    ОН FIX следующие проблемы для всех
    По всему земному шару ON:
    1. Получение вашего любовника или мужа обратно
    2. Духовная пуленепробиваемым
    3. Обучение
    4. Деньги заклинание
    5. Длинная жизнь заклинания
    6. Процветание заклинание
    Заклинание 7. Защита
    8. Получить заклинание работу
    9. Стать менеджером орфографии
    10. Получить огромный кредит без уплаты каких-либо сборов заклинание
    11. Получение Вашего жульничества деньги обратно
    12. Ребенок заклинание
    13. Беременность заклинание
    Заклинание 14. Свобода
    15. приворота
    16, исчезающее заклинание
    17. Невидимый человек заклинание
    18. Успех или передача заклинания
    19. Брак заклинание
    20. карателя заклинание
    21. Популярность заклинания
    22. Смертельное заклинание
    Заклинание 23. Рак
    24. Сверхъестественное заклинание сила
    25. Безумие заклинание
    26. Свободный дом кредита заклинание
    27. Производство заклинание фильмов и кино
    28. ВИЧ / СПИД заклинание
    29. Туберкулез заклинание
    30. Свободный вес тела и заклинание
    свяжитесь с доктором принца сегодня в его адрес электронной почты в: (DR.PRINCEARATAABRAHAM@GMAIL.COM) А также на WhatsApp в (+2348163241499)

  36. My name is ALEX JENNY, and i want to thank Dr. Osagie for the herbal remedy he gave to me, i was suffering from HIV/ADS for so many years, but to God be the glory that i am healed with the herbal medicine that Dr. Osagie gave to me when i contacted him. i want to use this medium to tell everyone that the solution to our sickness has come, so i will like you to contact this great healer on his email address:( OR
    ) or whatsapp: +2347030465649, with him all your pains will be gone, i am really happy today that i am cured of HIV/ADS, i am now free from HIV/ADS VIRUS after the use of his herbal medicine. Once more i say a big thank you Dr. Osagie for healing me, i say may God continue to bless you abundantly and give you more power to keep helping those that want your help in their lives. contact him now on his email: ( OR
    ) or His Whatsapp number: +2347030465649... Dr osagie has also cured my friend Vivan from HERPES DISEASE, so if you are infected with HERPES DISEASE kindly contact Dr osagie right now..


  37. God bless Dr. Myron for his marvelous work in my life, I was diagnosed of HERPES/HIV since 2010 and I was taking my medications, I wasn't satisfied i needed to get the HERPES.HIV out of my system, I searched about some possible cure for HERPES/HIV i saw a comment about Dr. Myron, how he cured HERPES/HIV with his herbal medicine, I contacted him and he guided me. I asked for solutions, he started the remedy for my health, he sent me the medicine through UPS SPEED POST. I took the medicine as prescribed by him and 8 days later i was cured from HERPES/HIV,thank you Dr Myron ONCE AGAIN THANK YOU SIR
    Dr Myron cure the flowing virus, contact his United state branch +19147094469 add him on whatsapp +2348158836673

    1 cancer cure
    2 diabetes cure
    3 ringing ear
    4 herpes cure
    5 warts cure
    6 HPV cure
    7 Hiv
    7 get your ex back
    8 pregnancy herbal medicine
    9 prostate enlargement

  38. My Name is Abigail, and am really grateful and thankful for what Dr. ARIBA has done for me and my family. I Was having HIV/ AIDS for good three years with no solution, the diseases almost took my life and cause I was unable to work and I was also loosing lots of money for medication, but one faithful day when I went online, I met lots of testimonies about this great man so I decided to give it a try and to God be the glory he did it. he cured me of my diseases and am so happy and so pleased to Write about him today. if you need his help of you also want to get cured just the way I got mine, just email or,Whatsapp;+2348140439497 and get your healing. He has cure for other deadly diseases like Diabetes, Herpes, Hepatitis of all types and Cancer.


    YOU CAN ALSO CALL /WHATSAPP HIM ON +2{34}8105602898.:

  40. Been a CHRONIC HEPATITIS B patients is just like been through hell; My name is BELLA KRESH DORTMUND from Atlanta, Georgia USA, writing from a through life experience

    and story.,special thanks to God almighty for using Indian the greatest female spellcaster in curing my CHRONIC HEPATITIS B disease. I was diagnosed of this

    disease in the
    year 2012. Though, I have been taking my medications but I was not cured.Until last two weeks, when my friend came and told me that he saw many testimonies on how a

    female spell caster cured people of CHRONIC HEPATITIS B disease. Though, I never believe in spell, I said to myself "seen is believing" I took her name and searched it

    on GOOGLE, I saw many testimonies myself. Quickly, I copied her email address:, I emailed her, and i told her to get the listed

    items needed to prepare my cure because by then i have little faith in her, 24hours later she called me and said she is through preparing the cure. so she send it to

    me, and I got the parcel, it was herbal drugs as described by Indian. i administer the herbs and after a week and some days later, she told me to go for check

    up, I went to the hospital for a medical test,and i was cure of the disease. Quickly I called her and told her what happened she congratulated me. What more can I say

    rather than thanking her and spreading good works and good news all around the world through internet, and in otherwise, that is a promise i made to

    indian for curing me of CHRONIC HEPATITIS B desease.

    She also specialized on the cure of the following diseases..
    * ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease)
    * Hsv
    * leukemia
    * COV
    * Morgellons Disease
    * zika
    * HPV
    * HIV/AIDS
    * Herpes
    * hepatitis A,B/C
    * Meniere Desease
    * Arthritis
    * Diabetis
    * Hypertension
    * Stroke
    * Obesity
    * Cancer
    * Infertility
    * Skin desease
    * Fibroid Tumor
    * Ulcer

    * Gonorrhea
    * Cradle cap
    * Crohn syndrome
    * Bursitis
    * COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease)
    * Staphylococcus
    * Acute angle-closure Glaucoma
    * cyphily
    * Emphysema
    * Acute angle-closure Glaucomaetc....

    You can contact dr. Faith Indian via email : for help.

  41. Been a CHRONIC HEPATITIS B patients is just like been through hell; My name is BELLA KRESH DORTMUND from Atlanta, Georgia USA, writing from a through life experience

    and story.,special thanks to God almighty for using Indian the greatest female spellcaster in curing my CHRONIC HEPATITIS B disease. I was diagnosed of this

    disease in the
    year 2012. Though, I have been taking my medications but I was not cured.Until last two weeks, when my friend came and told me that he saw many testimonies on how a

    female spell caster cured people of CHRONIC HEPATITIS B disease. Though, I never believe in spell, I said to myself "seen is believing" I took her name and searched it

    on GOOGLE, I saw many testimonies myself. Quickly, I copied her email address:, I emailed her, and i told her to get the listed

    items needed to prepare my cure because by then i have little faith in her, 24hours later she called me and said she is through preparing the cure. so she send it to

    me, and I got the parcel, it was herbal drugs as described by Indian. i administer the herbs and after a week and some days later, she told me to go for check

    up, I went to the hospital for a medical test,and i was cure of the disease. Quickly I called her and told her what happened she congratulated me. What more can I say

    rather than thanking her and spreading good works and good news all around the world through internet, and in otherwise, that is a promise i made to

    indian for curing me of CHRONIC HEPATITIS B desease.

    She also specialized on the cure of the following diseases..
    * ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease)
    * Hsv
    * leukemia
    * COV
    * Morgellons Disease
    * zika
    * HPV
    * HIV/AIDS
    * Herpes
    * hepatitis A,B/C
    * Meniere Desease
    * Arthritis
    * Diabetis
    * Hypertension
    * Stroke
    * Obesity
    * Cancer
    * Infertility
    * Skin desease
    * Fibroid Tumor
    * Ulcer

    * Gonorrhea
    * Cradle cap
    * Crohn syndrome
    * Bursitis
    * COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease)
    * Staphylococcus
    * Acute angle-closure Glaucoma
    * cyphily
    * Emphysema
    * Acute angle-closure Glaucomaetc....

    You can contact dr. Faith Indian via email : for help...........


  42. God bless Dr. OFEMU for his marvelous work in my life, I was diagnosed of Hepatitis C and Diabetes since 2010 and I was taking my medications, I wasn't satisfied i needed to get the Hepatitis C. out of my system, I searched about some possible cure for Hepatitis C and Diabetes i saw a comment about Dr. OFEMU, how he cured Hepatitis C with his herbal medicine, I contacted him and he guided me. I asked for solutions, he started the remedy for my health, he sent me the medicine through UPS SPEED POST. I took the medicine as prescribed by him and 8 days later i was cured from Hepatitis C and Diabetes thank you Dr OFEMU ONCE AGAIN THANK YOU SIR
    dr OFEMU cure the flowing virus, add him on whatsapp or call him on +2348158836673

    1 cancer cure
    2 diabetes cure
    3 ringing ear
    4 herpes cure
    5 warts cure
    6 HPV cure
    7 Hiv
    7 get your ex back
    8 pregnancy herbal medicine
    9 prostate enlargement
    10 Hepatitis C


  43. God bless Dr. Myron for his marvelous work in my life, I was diagnosed of GENITAL HERPES/HEPATITIS B since 2010 and I was taking my medications, I wasn't satisfied i needed to get the GENITAL HERPES/HEPATITIS B. out of my system, I searched about some possible cure for GENITAL HERPES/HEPATITIS B i saw a comment about Dr. Myron, how he cured GENITAL HERPES with his herbal medicine, I contacted him and he guided me. I asked for solutions, he started the remedy for my health, he sent me the medicine through UPS SPEED POST. I took the medicine as prescribed by him and 8 days later i was cured from HEPATITIS B/HERPES,thank you Dr Myron ONCE AGAIN THANK YOU SIR
    Dr Myron cure the flowing virus, call him on +2348161554365 add him on whatsapp +2348158836673

    1 cancer cure
    2 diabetes cure
    3 ringing ear
    4 herpes cure
    5 warts cure
    6 HPV cure
    7 Hiv
    7 get your ex back
    8 pregnancy herbal medicine
    9 prostate enlargement
    10 Hepatitis B


  44. God bless Dr. Myron for his marvelous work in my life, I was diagnosed of GENITAL HERPES/HEPATITIS B since 2010 and I was taking my medications, I wasn't satisfied i needed to get the GENITAL HERPES/HEPATITIS B. out of my system, I searched about some possible cure for GENITAL HERPES/HEPATITIS B i saw a comment about Dr. Myron, how he cured GENITAL HERPES with his herbal medicine, I contacted him and he guided me. I asked for solutions, he started the remedy for my health, he sent me the medicine through UPS SPEED POST. I took the medicine as prescribed by him and 8 days later i was cured from HEPATITIS B/HERPES,thank you Dr Myron ONCE AGAIN THANK YOU SIR
    Dr Myron cure the flowing virus, call him on +2348161554365 add him on whatsapp +2348158836673

    1 cancer cure
    2 diabetes cure
    3 ringing ear
    4 herpes cure
    5 warts cure
    6 HPV cure
    7 Hiv
    7 get your ex back
    8 pregnancy herbal medicine
    9 prostate enlargement
    10 Hepatitis B

  45. how my wife was been save from fibroid.
    greetings from Leo my wife Emily have been suffering from fibroid for so many years now and we literally tried everything but nothing since to help,the pain she use to experience we keep her up all night she was debilitating.she have to take time off from work on many occasion i did no what to do to help i felt completely helpless.every doctor we went to only have pain med to wife have been taking med to alleviate the pain for a while now and have develop a tolerance to them. the doctor said that she we require an increase dose of the meds for them to have any measurable effect.the last thing we wanted was for her to become dependent of those darn drugs.i spent countless hours online researching natural way to treat fibroid but found no clear cut comprehensive guide on how to go exactly doing it,it wasn't until we found Dr Williams herbal medicine and have watched all the video that i think it started to make sense.i order for it online after my wife started using Dr Williams herbal medicine for a couple of weeks now she feeling a million time better she doesn't complain about the pain anymore and sleep through out the night.her energy level is rising every single day, and it only been a few weeks,fibroid is no longer an every day topics of discussion in the house and we both confident that her overall health we continue to improve,after taking Dr Williams herbal medicine she is now fibroid free,its a major relief for the both of us.we are so grateful for your treatment cant thank you enough you can email him for more information on how to get his medicine

  46. Finding out I was Genital herpes-HIV wasn’t easy But as time has passed, I have slowly come to terms with my Genital herpes-HIV, status and try to tackle it with a positive attitude. In mid-2012 I became quite ill. I developed persistent flu-like symptoms, headaches, a nagging cough and sores that wouldn’t heal. My skin felt as if it was crawling, my legs ached, I felt nauseous and lost weight. Then exhaustion hit. It was an indescribable tiredness and no matter how much I slept I never felt rested. In 2013 I was hospitalized when my CD4 count nosedived to 86 (Hepatitis B, Herpes-negative people have a CD4 count of between 700 and 1,000; a CD4 count of below 200 is considered dangerously low). It was a terrible time. There are lot to say about Dr ofemu but i can only mention few right now, this man is a very great, good and powerful Dr. ofemu, all thanks to him for given me a second chance, if you are out there passing through any problem, you can contact him today on his email via: (, and i know that he will help you also.
    Contact him for any kind of disease below like:
    1 Cancer
    2 Hiv
    3 Hepatitis C
    4 Barrenness
    5 Herpes
    6 Hpv
    7 Gonorrheal
    8 STI (sexually transmitted infection)
    9 STD (sexually transmitted disease)
    10 Stroke.
    Contact Him for any kind of Disease Via ( or whatsapp:+2348158836673 you can contact his united state number on +13602082427


  47. Good day viewers.. please just read this, some times we just need to give a try of herbal Medicine to see for our self. I am very happy today that i do not listen to what people say if not i would have been a dead man by now. I was infected with HIV-HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS in 2013, i went to many hospitals for cure but there was no solution, so I was thinking how can I get a solution out so that my body can be okay. One day I was in the river side thinking where I can go to get solution. so at that moment i was doing some research about remedy for herpes on my cell phone, so i came across an articles about a lady testifying on how she get cured by the help of a doctor , so i have to write down the email contact of the doctor that he recommended which is on a very good day i decide to write to this doctor and explain how this virus is killing me slowing, after introducing myself to this doctor after some time i got a reply back from him, and he told me the important of his herbal medicine also how he has cure HIV-HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS and all kinds of virus, He told me all the things I need to do and also give me instructions to take, which I followed properly. Before I knew what gradually my body was getting recovery and i was feeling so different than ever after two weeks the HIV-HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS that was in my body got vanished. so if you are also heart broken and also need a help, you can also contact him Via or whatsapp +2348158836673 and give a try i promise if you can stay in touch with Him through his contact email address stated here correctly you wont miss out okay here is the Email or whatsapp +2348158836673. contact his united state office on +17123277356 Beware of copyright to this authentication.

  48. I am from united states of america, I want to testify of how i got cured of HIV, I got infected with HIV disease in 2010, visited several herbalists, spiritualists and pastors for cure but all to no avail, my world was gradually coming to an end until,i searched google and read about possible cures to get cured of hiv. i saw a post in a health forum about a herbal spell home,ACHIEVERS HERBAL TEMPLE,A temple that cures all kinds of deadly diseases including HIV AIDS, ALS, MND, Epilepsy, Leukemia, Asthma, Cancer, Ghonorhea etc, at first i got shocked,but when i read the temple's name again i thought of giving them a try because i so much believe in achieving what you desire. when i contacted this herbal spell home via email,he prepared a herbal spell portion and sent it to me via courier service, when i received this herbal spell portion, he gave me step by step instructions on how to apply them, when i applied it as instructed, i was cured of this deadly disease within 7days, I am now HIV Negative (-) all thanks to Achievers temple . Contact this great herbal spell home, Email: or call 234 7059 0743 51


  49. Never give up on treating your cancer for there is a cure and my husband was once a cancer patient, am Roodmore Wesie living in Belgium. Two years ago my husband suffered from lungs cancer and the doctor told us that nothing could be done, I was so frustrated and the thought of loosing my husband was so unbearable that I lost all hope.

    One faithful day my daughter told me that she had found a cure for cancer and she found it on the internet. Although i didn’t believe her I watched it anyway just to please her and after watching it I discovered that it brought my hope back and i wanted to give it a try.

    I and my daughter started searching for legitimate source that could provide the hemp oil that would cure my husband. We read a lot of testimonies online of how a lot of doctors has helped a lot of patients cured their cancer with hemp oil and it was on one of this sites we found a sole distributor of RSH oil,olokum, we contacted him Via his Email: call or add him on whatsapp +2348158836673 contact his united state office on +17123277356 which we found in the testimony we read.

    RSH oil is the best ever, I followed his instruction and now my husband is healthy and I am so excited, he can also cure, Hiv, Hepatitis B, Herpes virus, and so many just contact him for help he will answer you better.

    Thanks to RSH oil for helping my husband cure his cancer with his and for also making life worth living once again. We all love you wesie.... God Bless

  50. I have large uterine fibroid and multiple fibroid all over my womb (womb measures 15cm). I had a uterine fibroid embolisation in April last year. Before this treatment my womb measured 23cm. I still suffer every month with period pain, large blood clots and heavy bleeding. I was wondering if i would ever be okay,i try medications on hospital,the fibriod stay remain the same,my husband how has been taking care of me before abandon me,because i was unable to get pregnant for him,i was praying to God to help me out,i was chatting on facebook i sure a link,of a testimony of a man,on how Dr Ebhota help him to cure her wife fibriod,with his herbal medication,for over 6 years,after dr Ebhota treatment her wife got conceive with in two months,that was how i make up my mind to contact him,when i contact him there was no respond for two days,i was waiting for his respond,the third day he respond to me,that was how i explain every thing to him,that was how we make am agreement on how to purchase the herb,the following week of it,he send the herb to me,he gave me instruction on how i am going to be drinking the herbal potion,for 21 day,after the herb got finish,i went to met my doctor in hospital,with the doctor report shows that the fibriod has finally reduces to 3cm,immediately i call Dr Ebhota with happiness and send the cope of the result test to him,after that he also send a fertility herb to me,i am so happy,i am 3 month pregnant now,for any one out there that is passing true this problem should call him,+2349035324155 or email ,,Dr Ebhota God we always empower you and bless you to do your good work to people

  51. Я хочу познакомить этого доктора, который вылечил меня и спас меня от болезни ВИЧ, с чудесными духовными способностями, лечебными целебными свойствами и травяными лекарствами из естественных растительных растений. Д.Р. INIBOKU является ведущим целителем-травником на всем африканском континенте. Я использую чистые природные травяные средства и его наследственные способности исцелять и решать все болезни, инфекции, а также решать все проблемы в природе человечества, я благословляю очень мощный дар, чтобы вылечить людей, я использую традиционную медицину и натуральный продукт для лечения ВИЧ и СПИД, рак, традиционные травяные лекарства часто используются в качестве первичного лечения для ВИЧ и для проблем, связанных со СПИДом, включая дерматологические расстройства, тошноту, депрессию, бессонницу и слабость. Травяные лекарственные средства часто используются в качестве основного лечения ВИЧ / СПИДа и проблем, связанных с диабетом. За дополнительной информацией обращайтесь к нему по телефону +2347059186346 или по электронной почте:

  52. Я хочу познакомить этого доктора, который вылечил меня и спас меня от болезни ВИЧ, с чудесными духовными способностями, лечебными целебными свойствами и травяными лекарствами из естественных растительных растений. Д.Р. INIBOKU является ведущим целителем-травником на всем африканском континенте. Я использую чистые природные травяные средства и его наследственные способности исцелять и решать все болезни, инфекции, а также решать все проблемы в природе человечества, я благословляю очень мощный дар, чтобы вылечить людей, я использую традиционную медицину и натуральный продукт для лечения ВИЧ и СПИД, рак, традиционные травяные лекарства часто используются в качестве первичного лечения для ВИЧ и для проблем, связанных со СПИДом, включая дерматологические расстройства, тошноту, депрессию, бессонницу и слабость. Травяные лекарственные средства часто используются в качестве основного лечения ВИЧ / СПИДа и проблем, связанных с диабетом. За дополнительной информацией обращайтесь к нему по телефону +2347059186346 или по электронной почте:

  53. I am Maria Diar from California USA. my son once had the problem of HIV/AID which affected his Education for years,i gave him different medication but there was no solution,i search the net and i found the contact of a doctor,who help me with his product on curing HIV/AIDS, CANCER< HERPES, HEP B, DIABITIES, HSV, MOUTH ODOUR, STD, VAGINAL DISEASE/ ITCHING, LIVER PROBLEM, CHRONIC HEPATITIS,GERNITAL WARTS, HPV, EPILEPSY problem and other deadly diseases,he also assured me that it is a permanent cure,my son took the medication for just 2 weeks and he was back to normal. for two years now he has been doing fine.I give all thanks to Dr Ude for helping me out of such problem now am the hapiest person on earth for seeing my son doing better can also contact him on, drudeherbalhome you can also call or whatsapp on +2348146240081 and get the product.

  54. Я Мария Диар из Калифорнии США. у моего сына когда-то была проблема ВИЧ / СПИДа, которая повлияла на его образование в течение многих лет, я дал ему разные лекарства, но не было решения, я искал сеть, и я нашел контакт с врачом, который помогает мне с его продуктом по лечению ВИЧ / СПИД, РАК, HEPPES, HEP B, ДИАБЕТЫ, ВПС, РИТОВОЙ ЗАПАХ, СТАНДАРТ, ВИГАНАЛЬНАЯ БОЛЕЗНЬ / ИСКЛЮЧЕНИЕ, ПРОБЛЕМА ПЕЧЕНИ, ХРОНИЧЕСКИЙ ГЕПАТИТ, ГЕРНЕТИЧЕСКИЕ ВОЙНЫ, ВПЧ, ЭПИЛЕПСИЯ и другие смертельные заболевания, он также заверил меня, что это постоянное лечение, мой сын принял лекарство всего на 2 недели, и он вернулся к норме. в течение двух лет он отлично справляется. Я благодарю доктора Удэ за то, что он помог мне справиться с такой проблемой, теперь самый настоящий человек на земле, чтобы увидеть, как мой сын снова поправляется. Вы также можете связаться с ним по , drudeherbalhome @ вы также можете позвонить или отправить по телефону +2348146240081 и получить продукт.


  55. I want to share my testimonies to the general public on how this great man called Dr Olokum cure my HEPATITIS B And HERPES. I have been a HEPATITIS B And HERPES patient for over 7 Months and i have been in pains until i came across this MAN when i traveled to Africa for Business trip who happen to once been a HEPATITIS B And HERPES patient, i explained every thing to her and she told me that there is this Great Dr that helped her to cure her HEPATITIS B And HERPES and she gave me his email address for me to contact and i did as she instructed. And the man Dr OLOKUM told me how much to buy the HEPATITIS B And HERPES herbal medication and how i will get it,which i did. And to my greatest surprise that i took the HEPATITIS B And HERPES herbal
    medicine for just one week and behold i went for a HEPATITIS B And HERPES test, for to my greatest surprise for the Doctor confirmed me to HEPATITIS B And HERPES free and said
    that i no longer have HEPATITIS B And HERPES in my system and till now i have never felt any pains nor HEPATITIS B And HERPES again, so i said i must testify the goodness
    of this man to the general public for if you are there surfing from this HEPATITIS B And HERPES problems or any deadly disease or other disease .I will advice you to contact him on his working email:( and i assure you that he will help you cure,what ever the disease or spell may be,just as he did for me okay he as help five people to cure there disease you can call/text on +12057193764 or Whatapps or call his Africa branch on him on +2348158836673 THESE ARE THE DISEASES AND SICKNESS Dr OLOKUM HAS SOLUTIONS FOR .

    1. Diarrheal Diseases


    3. Diabetes Mellitus



    6. Coronary Artery Disease

    7. Stroke

    8. Tuberculosis (TB)

    9. CANCER

    10. Preterm Birth Complications

    11. Menstruation problem

    12. Trachea, Bronchus, and Lung Cancers

    13. Motion sickness

    14. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

    15. Multiple sclerosis

    16. Lower Respiratory Infections

    16. He can as well cast and remove spell,.,

  56. I want use this opportunity to tell the world what has really happened to me for past few months, I have been married for two years without a child i was so worried, I have visited several hospitals and I was told i can't not conceive because i was having fibroid, I have been treated and even undergoes cloistral operation but still couldn't conceive until One day i came across Lillian Testimony on a guest book she was sharing the same problem exactly what is happening to me how Dr,,Miracle has cure his Fibroid, immediately i contacted him and told him about my Problem and he gave me hope that i should not be worried at all that he has cure more people already having same problem and said he can cure me under 8 weeks i was amaze. I Believe in him because he was the only hope and i followed him up he prepared me some herbs and send it to me in my state. I started using the herbs with his prescriptions, as i was taking the herbs i started noticing some changes in my body, to cut everything short i missed my period and today i have a child baby girl, My husband is so much happy and my mum too God. Thank you Dr,,Miracle I can't just keep this to my self i decided to share and post it here on-line for everyone to see that the work Of God In My Life True His Son Dr,,Miracle God Bless Doctor And More Grace To His Work, Email Him Call Or Whatsapp Him +2348071398555 ,,

  57. WHAT A GREAT MIRACLE THAT I HAVE EVER SEE IN MY LIFE. My names are MONICA HARRY I’m a citizen of United Kingdom, My younger sister was sick of breast cancer and her name is SHELLY HARRY I and my family have taking her to all kind of hospital in UK still yet no good result. I decided to go to the internet and search for cancer cure so that was how I find a lady called peter Lizzy she was testifies to the world about the goodness of a herbal man who has the root and half to cure all kind of disease and the herbal man email was there. So I decided to contact the herbal man for my younger sister help to cure her breast cancer. I contacted him and told him my problem he told me that I should not worry that my sister cancer will be cure, he told me that there is a medicine that he is going to give me that I will cook and prepared it and give it to my sister to drink for one week, so I ask how can I receive the cure that I am in UK, he told me that I will pay for the delivery service. The courier service can transport it to me so he told me the amount I will pay, so my dad paid for the delivery fee. two days later I receive the cure from the courier service so I used it as the herbal man instructed me to, before the week complete my sister cancer was healed and it was like a dream to me not knowing that it was physical I and my family were very happy about the miracle of Doctor so my dad wanted to pay him 5 million us dollars the herbal man did not accept the offer from my dad, but I don't know why he didn't accept the offer, he only say that I should tell the world about him and his miracle he perform so am now here to tell the world about him if you or your relative is having any kind of disease that you can't get cure from the hospital please contact or whatsapp him +2347036842735 for the cure, he will help you out with the problem.

  58. WHAT A GREAT MIRACLE THAT I HAVE EVER SEE IN MY LIFE. My names are MONICA HARRY I’m a citizen of United Kingdom, My younger sister was sick of breast cancer and her name is SHELLY HARRY I and my family have taking her to all kind of hospital in UK still yet no good result. I decided to go to the internet and search for cancer cure so that was how I find a lady called peter Lizzy she was testifies to the world about the goodness of a herbal man who has the root and half to cure all kind of disease and the herbal man email was there. So I decided to contact the herbal man for my younger sister help to cure her breast cancer. I contacted him and told him my problem he told me that I should not worry that my sister cancer will be cure, he told me that there is a medicine that he is going to give me that I will cook and prepared it and give it to my sister to drink for one week, so I ask how can I receive the cure that I am in UK, he told me that I will pay for the delivery service. The courier service can transport it to me so he told me the amount I will pay, so my dad paid for the delivery fee. two days later I receive the cure from the courier service so I used it as the herbal man instructed me to, before the week complete my sister cancer was healed and it was like a dream to me not knowing that it was physical I and my family were very happy about the miracle of Doctor so my dad wanted to pay him 5 million us dollars the herbal man did not accept the offer from my dad, but I don't know why he didn't accept the offer, he only say that I should tell the world about him and his miracle he perform so am now here to tell the world about him if you or your relative is having any kind of disease that you can't get cure from the hospital please contact or whatsapp him +2347036842735 for the cure, he will help you out with the problem.


  59. God bless Dr. Myron for his marvelous work in my life, I was diagnosed of HIV since 2010 and I was taking my medications, I wasn't satisfied i needed to get the HIV. out of my system, I searched about some possible cure for HIV i saw a comment about Dr. Myron, how he cured HIV with his herbal medicine, I contacted him and he guided me. I asked for solutions, he started the remedy for my health, he sent me the medicine through UPS SPEED POST. I took the medicine as prescribed by him and 8 days later i was cured from HIV/HERPES,thank you Dr Myron ONCE AGAIN THANK YOU SIR
    Dr Myron cure the flowing virus, contact his united state office on text/calls +1205 7193764 add his Africa branch on whatsapp and calls +2348158836673

    1 cancer cure
    2 diabetes cure
    3 ringing ear
    4 herpes cure
    5 warts cure
    6 HPV cure
    7 Hiv
    8 get your ex back
    9 pregnancy herbal medicine
    10 prostate enlargement
    11 Hepatitis B


  60. I am so grateful to Dr. Bernd for curing me off my HIV virus. I was diagnosed with HIV in 2014 and i was was dying slowly every day and gradually losing hope of life by the day, I had took a lot of drugs to cure it but all to no help my doctor gave up on me and i was dying. I did not loose hope, i sought the Internet and i read a lot of testimonies about Dr.Bernd and his herbs i took a bold step and made contact with him via email: and he prepared and delivered some medical Herbs i started treatment in MID 2015 and i had a test on the HIV and i was Cured totally within 3 weeks of usaging the meds i am so ecstatic at this moment. i am so grateful to you Dr Osuma you can contact him on email or Cell Phone: +27781598533 were i purchased from. He will also help you cure all other disease like CANCER, DIABETES HPV ETC..God Bless You Dr.Bernd.


  61. HIV is a serious and recurring disease which can't be cured through drugs or injections by the American doctors but the best way to deal with HIV is by taking natural herbs medicine for it and is only few American doctors that know about this herbal medicine from Doctor Benson. I have read about Dr Benson the great herbal doctor from African who can cure HIV with his powerful herbal medicine. for the people suffering from the following diseases HIV, Herpes, Cancer, ALS, Hepatitis, Diabetes, HPV, Infections ETC should contact him for his herbal medicine because i am a living testimony and i was cured of HIV. Although, i sent him what he requested and he sent me his medicine which i took for three weeks and today when i went for test i was tested HIV negative. you can reach him through his email on( you can also whats-app/call him through his number(+2348141972381)

  62. Am here to appreciate Dr Onokun for using his herbal medicine to cure my Herpes virus. since 3 years now I have been living with this virus and it has been giving me challenges, I was so perplexed cause i have been taking several drugs to be cured but all of my effort was in vain,one morning i was browsing through the internet then i saw several testimonies about Dr. Onokun curing people from Herpes virus and immediately i contacted Dr. Onokun on his email:, i told him about my troubles and he told me that i must be cured, gave me some instructions and which i rightly followed. so he prepared a herbal medicine for me and sent it to me which i used for 2 weeks and everything was like a dream to me and my Herpes virus was totally gone, why don't you contact him today and be free from your diseases because he is very good and honest Doctor. contact him via email; or whatsApp him on +2349064844957


  63. I am Danila from USA, i want to share a testimony of my life to every one. i was married to my husband john smith, i love him so much we have been married for 5 years now with two kids. when he went for a vacation to France he meant a lady, he told me that he is no longer interested in the marriage any more and said we should go for divorce. i was so confused and seeking for help, i don't know what to do until I met my friend miss Edwina who gave me the solution to my problem. she told me not to worry about it that she had a similar problem earlier and introduce me to a man called Dr OSUKO who cast a spell on her ex and bring him back to her after 24hrs.I contacted him to help me bring back my husband and he ask me not to worry about it that the gods of his fore-fathers will fight for me. He told me by 24hrs he will re-unite me and my husband together. After two day my husband called and told me he is coming back to sought out things with me, I was surprise when I saw him and he started crying for forgiveness. Right now I am the happiest woman on earth for what this great spell caster did for me and my husband, his contact adress . He is the best spell caster on the internet so far Thank you once again father, i will continue to share your good work as long as i live and i will advice everyone in similar situation to to try and address below

  64. WHAT A GREAT MIRACLE THAT I HAVE EVER SEE IN MY LIFE. My names are MONICA HARRY I’m a citizen of United Kingdom, My younger sister was sick of breast cancer and her name is SHELLY HARRY I and my family have taking her to all kind of hospital in UK still yet no good result. I decided to go to the internet and search for cancer cure so that was how I find a lady called peter Lizzy she was testifies to the world about the goodness of a herbal man who has the root and half to cure all kind of disease and the herbal man email was there. So I decided to contact the herbal man for my younger sister help to cure her breast cancer. I contacted him and told him my problem he told me that I should not worry that my sister cancer will be cure, he told me that there is a medicine that he is going to give me that I will cook and prepared it and give it to my sister to drink for one week, so I ask how can I receive the cure that I am in UK, he told me that I will pay for the delivery service. The courier service can transport it to me so he told me the amount I will pay, so my dad paid for the delivery fee. two days later I receive the cure from the courier service so I used it as the herbal man instructed me to, before the week complete my sister cancer was healed and it was like a dream to me not knowing that it was physical I and my family were very happy about the miracle of Doctor so my dad wanted to pay him 5 million us dollars the herbal man did not accept the offer from my dad, but I don't know why he didn't accept the offer, he only say that I should tell the world about him and his miracle he perform so am now here to tell the world about him if you or your relative is having any kind of disease that you can't get cure from the hospital please contact you can call him +2347036842735 or whatsApp him +2347036842735 for the cure, he will help you out with the problem.


  65. I can’t believe my HIV/Genital Herpes virus is really cured, i never thought and believed that one day i will live on earth cured of this disease.i have been suffering of this deadly disease HIV/Genital Herpes since 7years ago.Happiness is all i see now i never thought that i will live on earth before the year runs out this is a miracle A shot testimony on how i was cured for my HIV/Genital Herpes Virus diseases by Dr Sebi with his Herbal Root Herbs Medicine, Although this is almost too impossible to believe, but I am here to fulfill my promise to Dr sebi, I am a survivor, I am a living proof of this medication, at first it sounded so fake, but my mum encouraged me to continue with the medication, within 3 days I notice the sours in my genitals were all dried up and my tongue stopped paining me, so i stopped taking my ARVS and focused on the herbal medication. I felted my body coming back to life, my skin, my face, no more body weakness and my mum kept praying for me, she was really happy when i was tested negative. This unbelievable transformation have also brought me closer to God, and thanks to Dr Sebi for his regular checkups, calls, sms and chats. I am CURED, I am CURED and I repeat I AM CURED! I have been a slave of HIV for 3years but it took just 18 days for my cure! God Bless you Sir! contact him now for any kind of diseases problem on his mail (, contact or call/text him on +12057193764 contact +12057193764 or call or whatsapp his Africa branch on +2348158836673 he is a herbal remedy to all sickness i have copied and sent the link of your contacts to a few HIV/AIDS, genital Herpes, cancer, Hepatitis C, Prostate enlargement friends, please sir help them and God will increase you! thanks you again sir for putting a smile on my face again so i am posting to this forum saying if you are into similar situation or have any kind of disease problem you can as well contact him for help

  66. My names are HARRY MARY I’m a citizen of United Kingdom, My younger sister was sicking of breast cancer and her name is HARRY Sandra I and my family have taking her to all kind of hospital in UK still yet no good result. I decided to go to the internet and search for cancer cure so that was how I find a lady called peter Lizzy she was testifies to the world about the goodness of a herbal man who has the root and half to cure all kind of disease and the herbal man email was there. So I decided to contact the herbal man for my younger sister help to cure her breast cancer. I contacted him and told him my problem he told me that I should not worry that my sister cancer will be cure, he told me that there is a medicine that he is going to give me that I will cook it and give it to my sister to drink for one week, so I ask how can I receive the cure that I am in UK, he told me that I will pay for the delivery service. The courier service can transport it to me so he told me the amount I will pay, so my dad paid for the delivery fee. two days later I receive the cure from the courier service so I used it as the herbal man instructed me to, before the week complete my sister cancer was healed and it was like a dream to me not knowing that it was physical I and my family were very happy about the miracle of Doctor so my dad wanted to pay him 5 million us dollars the herbal man did not accept the offer from my dad, but I don't know why he didn't accept the offer, he only say that I should tell the world about him and his miracle he perform so am now here to tell the world about him if you or your relative is having any kind of disease that you can't get from the hospital please contact or call <+2348168259521> he will help you out with the problem.


  67. ODUGU HERBAL HEALING HOME is where you can get your healing from every diseases or infections. He specializes in the curing and healing of CANCER, DIABETES HPV, HIV. Email or call : +2348089135704


  68. My Wife Stage IV breast cancer and MS has just been cured with the cannabis oil gotten from cannabis oil is great medication. To hell with the government and their insane policy, we have a medication that is hundred percent assured to cure cancer and you don't need to spend so much money on anymore on chemo, radiation or surgeries that wouldn’t work.
    Where to purchase, contact via > visit my website on Call +12057193764 contact his Africa office on whatsapp or call +2348158836673
    My family is now a brand new one, so stop your worries and go get your medication and set the family free of the deadly disease that hold no respect to family harmony. he can also cure, Hiv-aids, Hepatitis B, Herpes,
    Make your health a better one by using cannabis oil in your everyday life.
    contact Dr olokum for all type of cancer

    thanks to Roodemore Jessica..


  69. My Wife Stage IV breast cancer and MS has just been cured with the cannabis oil gotten from cannabis oil is great medication. To hell with the government and their insane policy, we have a medication that is hundred percent assured to cure cancer and you don't need to spend so much money on anymore on chemo, radiation or surgeries that wouldn’t work.
    Where to purchase, contact via > visit my website on Call +12057193764 contact his Africa office on whatsapp or call +2348158836673
    My family is now a brand new one, so stop your worries and go get your medication and set the family free of the deadly disease that hold no respect to family harmony. he can also cure, Hiv-aids, Hepatitis B, Herpes,
    Make your health a better one by using cannabis oil in your everyday life.
    contact Dr olokum for all type of cancer

    thanks to Roodemore Jessica..

  70. Hello all viewer online HIV has cure but doctor said Hiv/Aids has no cure until i met Dr Benson who help me in my life. I was infected with HIV/AIDS in 2006, i went to many hospitals for cure but there was no solution, so I was thinking how can I get a solution, so that my body can be okay. until this faithful day as i was browsing the net I saw a testimony on how Dr.Benson helped people in curing HIV Disease, quickly I copied his Email which is so i contacted him for solution for my HIV, so Dr.Benson told me that his going to prepare herbal medicine for my health, then he prepared the medicine and luckily after three week my herpes was be cured. Dr Benson is well recognize as one of the best herbalist doctor in West Africa, you don't have to be sad anymore or share your tears anymore on this disease when the cure have already be found by Dr.Benson herbal medicine, he so cure HERPES,CANCER, ALS,HEPATITIS B, DIABETIC ,or his whats-app number: +2348141972381.

  71. Hi there, Dr.Sandy has really made me so much believe in him by getting me cure with his herbal treatment. i really appreciate you Dr.Sandy for bringing back happiness to my life again. thanks you so much friends that has join me to thank Dr.Sandy for what he has actually done for me i pray to you all for a good life and property, and most especially to you Dr.Sandy THANKS!!!

    I have had herpes for a little over 2 years now, and totally embarrassed when I have an outbreak. I refuse to go to classes and will make up an excuse not to go to work so people cant see what my face looks like. For treatment I use Oregano and Meleleuca essential oil in my water for internal use or dab a small amount with coconut oil on the affected area. I also rub oregano with coconut oil on the back of neck since the nerves that run into my face stem from my spinal cord. But in all this my herpes was not cured abut some days ago i was on Facebook then i see a post of someone who say abut the herbal medicine that he use to cure her herpes and this girl name is Khan Meriam. So i need the herbal medicine so i need to ask her abut the herbal cure and he told me the a man called DR.SANDY did the medicine for her wich she use to cure her herpes so i ask for the email and she gave me the email i email DR.SANDY and tell him everything abut my problem of getting this herpes from someone 2 years and ask if he can cure my body and my face well DR.SANDY told me that he will do a herbal medicine for me and send it with UPS OFFICE and once i get the medicine i will use it for 14 days i Sid okay and gave him what he ask form. in 5 days i get my herbal medicine and use it as he told me. well after all the procedures and remedy given to me by this man few weeks later i started experiencing changes all over me as the Dr assured me that i have cured,after some time i went to my doctor to confirmed if i have be finally healed behold it was TRUE, so friend if you have this illness i will ask you to email DR.SANDY and tell him abut your problem okay. Email. OR call Whats App Number +2349031726182 or facebook posg
    i do hope this helps someone suffering...I started practicing yoga one year ago and I can say that breathing exercises have helped wonders. Don't sweat the small stuff.
    Be strong!!!!!!!!!

    Clara I’m a citizen of United Kingdom, My younger sister was sicking of
    breast cancer and her name is David Sandra I and my family have taking her
    to all kind of hospital in UK still yet no good result. I decided to go to
    the internet and search for cancer cure so that was how I find a lady
    called peter Lizzy she was testifies to the world about the goodness of a
    herbal man who has the root and half to cure all kind of disease and the
    herbal man email was there. So I decided to contact the herbal man for my
    younger sister help to cure her breast cancer. I contacted him and told him
    my problem he told me that I should not worry that my sister cancer will be
    cure, he told me that there is a medicine that he is going to give me that
    I will cook it and give it to my sister to drink for one week, so I ask how
    can I receive the cure that I am in UK, he told me

    That I will pay for the delivery service. The courier service can
    transport it to me so he told me the amount I will pay, so my dad paid for
    the delivery fee. two days later I receive the cure from the courier
    service so I used it as the herbal man instructed me to, before the week
    complete my sister cancer was healed and it was like a dream to me not
    knowing that it was physical I and my family were very happy about the
    miracle of Doctor so my dad wanted to pay him 5 million us dollars the
    herbal man did not accept the offer from my dad, but I don't know why he
    didn't accept the offer, he only say that I should tell the world about him
    and his miracle he perform so am now here to tell the world about him if
    you or your relative is having any kind of disease that you can't get from
    the hospital please contact or whatsapp him
    +2348110114739 for the cure, he will help you out with the
    problem. And if you need more information about the doctor you can mail me or whatsApp me +1845-652-1151

  73. Hello Friends i am so glad to write this article today to tell the world how Dr Onokun cured my HPV virus that have been in body since five years ago, ever since then my life has been in complete,i have used so many drugs that was prescribed to me by several doctors,but it didn't cure my HPV VIRUS neither did it reduce the pain, i was checking for solution on the internet then miraculously came across Dr Onokun the powerful herbalist that cure HPV INFECTION,then i contacted his email, i explained everything to him and he prepared a herbal cure and send it to me that was how i got cured from HPV disease totally after receiving his herbal medicine, so my friends viewers why waiting and be suffering with this HPV virus when there is someone like Dr Onokun that can cure any disease HIV/ CANCER/ HEPATITIS B VIRUS,HERPES VIRUS,ALS VIRUS. you can contact his via: OR WHATSAPP HIM +2349064844957

    Clara I’m a citizen of USA, My younger sister was sicking of
    breast cancer and her name is David Sandra I and my family have taking her
    to all kind of hospital in USA still yet no good result. I decided to go to
    the internet and search for cancer cure so that was how I find a lady
    called peter Lizzy she was testifies to the world about the goodness of a
    herbal man who has the root and half to cure all kind of disease and the
    herbal man email was there. So I decided to contact the herbal man for my
    younger sister help to cure her breast cancer. I contacted him and told him
    my problem he told me that I should not worry that my sister cancer will be
    cure, he told me that there is a medicine that he is going to give me that
    I will cook it and give it to my sister to drink for one week, so I ask how
    can I receive the cure that I am in USA, he told me

    That I will pay for the delivery service. The courier service can
    transport it to me so he told me the amount I will pay, so my dad paid for
    the delivery fee. two days later I receive the cure from the courier
    service so I used it as the herbal man instructed me to, before the week
    complete my sister cancer was healed and it was like a dream to me not
    knowing that it was physical I and my family were very happy about the
    miracle of Doctor so my dad wanted to pay him 5 million us dollars the
    herbal man did not accept the offer from my dad, but I don't know why he
    didn't accept the offer, he only say that I should tell the world about him
    and his miracle he perform so am now here to tell the world about him if
    you or your relative is having any kind of disease that you can't get from
    the hospital please contact or whatsapp him
    +2348110114739 you can follow him up on instagram herbalist sakura for the cure, he will help you out with the
    problem. And if you need more information about the doctor you can mail me

  75. I am a 64-year-old lady. My HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS 2 (HSV) disease appeared at the age of 62, with no hope of a cure from the hospital i looked further for an alternative treatments, a friend of mine told me about Larry Herbal Medication in Lagos, Nigeria who sell herbal treatments for diseases including Hepatitis B disease, I contacted the herbal clinic via their website and purchased the Hsv herbal remedy. I received the herbal remedy through DHL couriers within 8 days and i immediately commenced usage as prescribed, i used the herbal remedy for about two weeks, my condition has greatly improved, all my symptoms including Abdominal pain, Nausea and vomiting, Loss of appetite, I am HSV free! contact Health Herbal Clinic via email or What-sap via +2349074400261
    please Hsv is not a death sentence, there is a cure!

  76. Are you Emotionally breakdown, you have given up on life, your sex life its over you no longer have sex with your partner because you have Herpes and you are Scared not to pass it on?
    I say worry yourself No more as Dr Olori its the answer with his powerful herbal medicine made with natural root and herbs. I was first effect with Herpes and i was emotionally, physically and spiritually devastated i lost my Happiness as i can no longer have sex with my partner because i don't want her to have it, this cost me my happiness as sex its one of the thing that make me happy. I became lively again until i came across a comments about Dr Olori so i decided to contact as there is no harm in trying behold he sent me his herbs, indeed it really works and I'm happy again, so i ought to share this so i can as well save lives.
    contact Dr Olori via Email

  77. WHAT A GREAT MIRACLE THAT I HAVE EVER SEE IN MY LIFE. My names are Clara David I’m a citizen of USA, My younger sister was sicking of
    breast cancer and her name is Sandra David I and my family have taking her
    to all kind of hospital in USA still yet no good result. I decided to go to
    the internet and search for cancer cure so that was how I find a lady
    called peter Lizzy she was testifies to the world about the goodness of a
    herbal man who has the root and half to cure all kind of disease and the
    herbal man email was there. So I decided to contact the herbal man for my
    younger sister help to cure her breast cancer. I contacted him and told him
    my problem he told me that I should not worry that my sister cancer will be
    cure, he told me that there is a medicine that he is going to give me that
    I will cook it and give it to my sister to drink for one week, so I ask how
    can I receive the cure that I am in USA, he told me

    That I will pay for the delivery service. The courier service can
    transport it to me so he told me the amount I will pay, so my dad paid for
    the delivery fee. two days later I receive the cure from the courier
    service so I used it as the herbal man instructed me to, before the week
    complete my sister cancer was healed and it was like a dream to me not
    knowing that it was physical I and my family were very happy about the
    miracle of Doctor so my dad wanted to pay him 5 million us dollars the
    herbal man did not accept the offer from my dad, but I don't know why he
    didn't accept the offer, he only say that I should tell the world about him
    and his miracle he perform so am now here to tell the world about him if
    you or your relative is having any kind of disease that you can't get from
    the hospital please contact or whats app him
    +2348110114739 you can follow him up on Instagram herbalist sakura for the cure, he will help you out with the
    problem. And if you need more information about the doctor you can mail me

  78. I was diagnose with hpv virus for 5years i broke up with my boyfriend because i contracted the virus from him, luckily i found a herbalist name Dr. onokun everyone testify good of his natural treatment i picked up his address and contacted him. he truly treated me with natural herbs in a week and i got cured. i share this post because ever since i got this treatment I'm perfectly ok with my health. i contacted him through this email..

  79. God be the glory
    Finally i am free from HIV through the help of Doctor Igudia who cured me from the virus with is Herb Medicine. This man is a genuine and reliable doctor there are so many testimonies of his good work all over the internet. If there is anyone who is suffering from this virus and any other diseases like Herpes, hepatitis B, Cancer any kind, High Blood Pressure, etc. You can get your order of his herb medicine where ever you are. You can call or WhatsApp this great doctor for help on +2348165873621, or email (

  80. Dr Ben herbal medication that cure HPV and HPV For any help whatsApp him on +905385050893

    its a pleurae for me to write this testimony about this wonderful thing that happened to me last month on how i got cured from HPV i have been reading so-many post of some people who were cured of HPV, but i never believed them, I was hurt and depressed so I was too curious and wanted to try Dr Ben then i contacted him on his email when i contact him, i never thought possible that Dr Ben can Really cure HPV i never really believed in Herbal medication but I played along with a little hope and faith and after everything but Dr Ben changed my life and made me a true believer and today i am living haply with my wife and kid you can contact him to get your HPV medication and live healthy again on
    WhatsApp +905385050893


    I can't express my gratitude to Doc Aku for his help on curing my HPV disease, i am so grateful that i am cured today from my HPV disease in just 2 weeks of usage, i was tested negative by my medical doctor, truly Doc Aku is a great herbal man, you can contact him, as i will recommend his herbs for everyone that is reading this article of mine, Doctor Aku has solution for other illness like HIV AIDS. HSV. CANCER. HEPATITIS B And more. contact him through What App/Call: +2348159415709 or Email:

  82. Positive site, where did u come up with the information on this posting?I have read a few of the articles on your website now, and I really like your style. Thanks a million and please keep up the effective work. cbd oil for sale

  83. I'm so exited to share my testimonies about the Good Work of Dr. Udebhu who get me cured from herpes simplex virus (HSV1&2) with his herbs, I never thought that I will live on earth before the year runs out. I have been suffering from herpes, I had spent a lot of money going from one Hospital to another looking for way to get rid of this disease, the hospital have been my home everyday residence. Constant checks up have been my hobby not until this faithful day, I was searching
     through the internet, I saw a testimony on how Dr.Udebhu helped someone in curing his herpes disease using his healing
     Herbs, quickly I copied his email just to give him a test I spoke to him, he told me that he is going to provide the herbal cure to me, which he
    did, after i receive his herbs and i take it as instructed i was cure permanently from herpes my herpes disease was gone. so I decided to share my testimony, that nothing is impossible with God, God use a man to healed me. No matter what you are passing through, no matter how deadly the sickness is and no matter what the situation is God that did mine is still going to do yours, people suffering from herpes, brain tumor, kidney disease, pcos, AIDS, ALS,copd, asthma, athritis,herpes, Cancer,Hpv, any kind of disease, you can rich him now via ? Gmail address: or whatsapp +2349051254152  

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  86. Treatment of cancer is available in various forms. But the type of treatment you will receive will
    depend on the type of cancer you have and on which stage it is.
    Some of the patients having cancer will have only one type of treatment. But most of them can
    have different forms of treatments, like chemotherapy with surgery or targeted therapy.
    But before getting any therapy for cancer, you need to think and learn a lot about them. Sounds
    overwhelming and confusing, but you can clear this confusion by talking to your doctor about
    the types of therapies you need to get to treat your cancer.
    Down below are the various types of treatments available of cancer:
    1. Chemotherapy: We all are familiar with this type of treatment, which uses medicines to
    kill the cancer cells. You can go and look for its side-effects, how it works, and how it can
    be given to patients with other forms of treatment.
    2. Radiotherapy: Commonly known as Radiation Therapy, is another type of treatment
    that uses high doses of radiation (its lower dosage is used in X-ray), which is targeted to
    kill the cancer cells and shrink tumours as well.
    3. Surgery: A procedure in which the surgeon removes cancer (tumour) from your body.
    But there are other ways to perform surgery that does not involve an incision. They are
    Cryosurgery, Lasers, Hyperthermia, and Photodynamic therapy.
    4. Immunotherapy: It is a biological therapy that helps a person’s immune system to fight
    cancer. It is made from the WBC (White Blood Cells), tissues, and organs of the
    lymphatic system.
    5. Targeted therapy: Another type of treatment that aims the changes in the cancer cells,
    which help them grow, divide, and spread in the body. It is also the foundation of
    precision medicine, as the more this area gets researched, the better drugs can be
    invented to cure cancer precisely.
    6. Precision Medicine: As we read above that this type of treatment foundation lies in
    targeted therapy. This treatment derives from the genetic understanding of the patients,
    which helps the doctor to select the procedure for the patients.
    7. Hormone therapy: This type of treatment is very effective for both breast and prostate
    cancer. This therapy brings a full stop or slows the growth of cancer that uses hormones
    to spread.
    8. Stem cell Transplants: This type is an approach that restores blood-forming stem cells
    in patients who have had theirs ruined by the high doses of chemotherapy or radiation
    therapy for the treatment of cancer.

  87. My name is Sara Johnson, I live in california U.S.A and i am a happy woman today? I told my self that any Loan lender that could change my Life and that of my family after been scammed severally by these online loan lenders, i will refer any person that is looking for loan to Them. he gave happiness to me and my family, although at first i found it hard to trust him because of my experiences with past loan lenders, i was in need of a loan of $300,000.00 to start my life all over as a single parents with 2 kids, I met this honest and GOD fearing loan lender online Dr. Dave Logan that helped me with a loan of $300,000.00 U.S. Dollars, he is indeed a GOD fearing man, working with a reputable loan company. If you are in need of loan and you are 100% sure to pay back the loan please contact him on ( and Call/Text: +1(501)800-0690 ) .. and inform them Sara Johnson directed you.. Thanks. Blessed Be.

  88. Good day everyone. I want to inform the public on how I get cured of Herpes by a Doctor called Alaho Olu. I visited different hospitals but they gave me a list of expensive drugs to treat the symptoms and never cured me. A closed friend of mine introduced me to a Herbal Doctor who cured her. I was scared to contact him but I found people online testifying about his goodness. When I contacted him I asked him a series of questions, I also asked him to show me his herbal certificate and license given to him by his Government. He gave all the information I needed that gave me hope. He sent Herbal medicine to me that I took and it seriously worked for me. I am now Herpes negative. God bless you for being a sincere and great man. Am so excited, you can contact him if you have any problem whats-app +2347064370626. Or contact him on email( His Website And he can also cure the following diseases HERPES, HPV, HEPATITIS, ALS, BLOOD CANCER.....


  90. I'm so happy because I am free from herpes. I have been suffering from herpes for the past two years, and I have passed through many different processes in getting cured from herpes but nothing was working out. A friend of mine introduced me to a man called Dr Ajayi who sent me a herbal medication which he prepared for me that I took, my life got transformed and everything is fine and okay with me. Till now I have been going for a check up and it is now going to four months and I am still in a negative contact with him via email visit his website https://ajayiherbalhome.weebly.comyou can also call or WhatsApp his mobile number+2348154724883.

  91. Nice blog, I will keep visiting this blog very often. shop

  92. In my early 19s I was diagnosed of HERPES VIRUS 2 and I was sadden by the situation and so I kept on searching for a way to rid the virus but all my effort was to no avail, I almost gave in to the no cure attitude but at that frustrated time, I stumbled on a post like this about a doctor who have cure for different STDs/STIs and his email was given so I decided to give him a try still on a broken heart but he assured me that my virus will be gone only if I key in to his instructions which I did diligently because I was tired of suffering, To my greatest amusement, I began to see no symptoms of the virus within two(2) weeks of using the herbal concoction that was given to me by this great man, After a month and two weeks of treatment I decided to go for check up and for God so kind, there was no trace of the virus as I was tested negative of the virus, I also went for virus STDs test and all came out negative, To me it was a miracle and so I choose to share his contact so that through him others suffering from similar problem will be free, here is his email:, or WhatsApp number +2348108264684 also has the cure for HPV,CANCER,HPV,HIV/AIDS Thanks for taking time to read to the end.

  93. I thought I was never going to get the cure for Herpes as I was told by my family doctor, Just last month I heard some person saying about Dr. Enato herbal home who use natural herbs to cure HSV and I emailed him for a question and he proved his cure to my satisfaction & more evidence. I asked for the cure and after taking it for 3 weeks i was free from herpes virus, definitely his natural herbs cured my HSV Thank you Dr. Enato Contact him via or call/WhatsApp +2348071351544

  94. I am completely cured of herpes!”
    You can also say this after using the natural organic products from Dr. Azu. Some may think that recovering from Herpes Simplex Virus type 1 and 2 is impossible, due to the fact that there is no treatment for this virus in modern western medicine. As a matter of fact, there is a natural supplement approach, and I am here telling you that recovering from Herpes (Herpes Genitalis and oral Herpes) is not impossible. Given that hundreds around the world have tried Dr. Azu's natural herbal supplements are now recovered. I had Herpes Genitalis for more than 6 years until I took Dr. Azu's natural supplement and now I'm free from Herpes Genitalis. Reach out to him today through email: OR whats App contact +2347087313747 .

  95. I still cant believe that my herpes is gone after two years of suffering,Thanks to Dr Ajayi who cured my herpes with his herbal medication I never thought I will ever be heal again, I was a herpes positive two years ago and I have try so many medication so I can be free of this dearly disease but nothing work out, so one day I go on a research on internet where I saw someone given testimony on how Dr Ajayi help him to cure his herpes virus with his herbal medication, so I said to myself it also the same problem am having so I have to also contact the herbal doctor Dr Ajayi on his email which the man recommended to anyone who might also need his help, Wholeheartedly am so grateful to this man as he help me with the cure and make me a happy man again. Anyone out there who might be facing same problem should kindly contact Dr Ajayi as is know he will help you with all your problems, contact his email call or WhatsApp him +2348119071237 or visit his website

  96. I got cured miraculously from HPV Virus using herbs by Dr. Guba who sent me some herbal medicines and I used them as instructed within two weeks. After before i know i was healed totally, I visited my doctor for medical examination behold, I am negative. I introduced this great doctor to couple of infected friends who also tried the medication and they were cured as well . Please if you have this virus and you have tried so many things or have been deceived severally, here is your final solution for you send him an email via: or WhatsApp: +234 816 238 8034
